HomeMy WebLinkAboutPH 2 USE PERMIT 84-23 11-19-84 PUBLIC HEARINGS .... NO, 2 DATE: . 9 TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT SUBJECT: APPEAL OF USE PERMIT NO. 84-23 HOME FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN DISCUSSION: The Planning Commission on October 22, 1984 approved the subject Use Permit authorizing construction of a freestanding building for Home Federal Savings and Loan within the Larwin Square Shopping Center. Home Federal is presently located within the center adjacent to the theme structure and would be moving adjacent to the primary Newport Avenue shopping center entrance. In 1983 a proposal was presented to the city and subsequently denied to construct a Home Federal Savings and Loan in the interior of the shopping center. The majority of Council concerns covered inadequate parking and hazardous traffic circulation patterns. In the current application, the shopping center owner has presented a traffic circulation study to address Council's concerns. Two alternatives were proposed by the owner's engineer: Alternative No. 1 would eliminate access from the Bryan at Newport Avenue entrance to the drive aisle in front of Von's supermarket while, Alternative No. 2 would permit exiting only from the drive aisle in front of Von's. At the Planning Commission level staff recommended Alternative No. 1 also marked Figure 4 in the Planning Commission staff report, which completely eliminates vehicular access from the Von's aisle to the Bryan Avenue entrance. Subsequent to the Planning Commission hearing Mr. Douglas Danielson of the Danielson Design Group appealed the Planning Commission action requesting an alternative to the approved alternative specified by the Planning Commission. Furthermore, the City Council at its meeting on Nov. 5, 1984, also appealed thi~ project. A third alternative similar to Alternative No. 2 has been proposed by the applicant and is included in the attached plans. The proposal dated November 2nd is more acceptable to Bob Ledendecker, Director of Public Works/City Engineer, who feels at a staff level the final design could be refined. Should the Council have questions or concerns, staff and the project applicant will be prepared to address them at the Council meeting. City Council Report November 19, 1984 page two RECOMMENDATION: Pleasure of the Council. DONALD D. LAMM, Director of Community Development DDL:do attachments: Project site plan and elevations Alternative No. 3 Planning Commission staff reports and minutes Letter from Doug Danielson, Oct. 30th Memo from Bob Ledendecker, Nov. 7th. Community Development Department October 30,198'¢ City Council City of Tustin 300 Centennial ~fay Tustin, QA 92680 Gentlemen; On October 22, 1954 the Tustin PIannin§ Commission approved Use Permit 24-23, subject to seventeen conditions contained in the sta~ report to the Commission. On behaJ~ of Larwin Square Ltd. we would like to appeal condition number one of Exhibit "A", Conditions of ApprovaJ, Use Permit 8~-23. The condition states: "That Alternative I outlined in the TraI~ic Study conducted by Basmaciyan Darnel1, Inc. be incorporated in the existing circulation system in Larwin Square." We would like to propose an alternative traffic circulation pattern that we feel to be more beneficial to all components concerned. Enclosed find the required $100.00 appeal fee. Thank you for your prompt consideration of this matter. Douglas A. Danielson, AIA ARCHITECTURE · PLANNING · INTEFRIOR [DESIGN SUEJ£CT: TO: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT ~0¥ ~ i~4 COMMUNI~D£¥£L~P~4£NT BOB LEDENDECKER, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS/CITY ENGINEER LARWIN SQUARE CIRCULATION PLAN - HOME FEDERAL DEVELOPMENT The site plan dated November 2, 1984 has been reviewed and found to be drafted inaccurately with respect to the Newport Avenue/Bryan Avenue/Larwin Square driveway. Consequently, it is difficult to evaluate the proposed intersection layout in detail. Conceptually, the plan is workable and eliminates many of the previous concerns staff had regarding congestion at the three-way intersection. The one-way aisle from the Vons market drive-aisle should be a minimum width of 16 feet for ease of maneuvering of vehicles. An accurately plotted plan should be submitted so that all existing/proposed striping can be evaluated to eliminate potential conflicts of opposing traffic. Additionally, if the traffic loops were plotted on the Larwin driveway leg it may eliminate the need to replace them resulting in a cost saving to the developer. Reference is made to City of Tustin Improvement Drawing Number R-998 for the existi'ng intersection/striping layout. Bob Ledendecker Director of Public Works/City E~gineer BL:jr J Plannin Commission ITEM NO. 5 DATE: October Z2, [984 SUBJECT: USE PEP~MIT 84-23 APPLICAnt MORREY FRIEDKAN ON BEHALF OF LARWIN SQUARE LTD. P. O. BOX 6221 ANAHEIM, CA. 92806 LOCATION: LARWIN SQUARE SHOPPING CENTER (SOU'Iq~WEST CORNER OF NEWPORT AND BRYAN AYENUE) ZONING: CENTRAL CO~ERCIAL (C-2) DIS-FRICT ENYIORNMENTAL STATUS: REQUEST: A NEGATIVE DECLARATION HAS BEEN APPLIED FOR IN CONFORMANCE WITH CEQA. " AffI'HORIZATION TO CONSTI~UCT A 2418 SQUARE FOOT SAVINGS AND LOAN IN THE LARWIN SQUARE SHOPPING C~NTER. BACKGROUND: On July 11, 1983, the Planning Commission approved Use Permit 83-13 authorizing the construction of a 2,400 square 'foot building to be occupied by Home Federal Savings & Loan. Subsequently, Use Permit 83-13 was appealed and the Planning Commission approval overturned by City Council. The Council action was without prejudice thereby allowing the applicant to meet Council concerns and reapply for substantially the same use at a later date. Specific concerns of the council were inadequate parking; the use of compact spaces to resolve parking problems; traffic circulation patterns; and pedestrian hazards. In an effort to meet concerns of Council, the applicant has submitted a revised plan relocating the proposed savings and loan to. the southwest corner of Newport and Bryan Avenue, and has conducted a traffic analysis for the center. As submitted, the new plan provides the proper number of parking spaces required by Use Permit 76-25 and meets the other requirements of the C-2 zone. Site Analysis The location of the new structure is generally the southwest corner of Bryan and Newport Avenues. This location was chosen in par% as a result of comments made at previous City Council hearings. , Community Development DeparTment Planning Commission Report October 22, 1984 page two The applicant submitted a traffic analysis with the revised site plan, describing potential traffic impacts and proposed two alternative circulation plans to reduce ~raffic congestion and increase pedestrian and vehicular safety. Since circulation and parkin~ were then major concerns expressed by Council, the discussion of these issues will be addressed in detail. Traffic Analysis As i~dicated in the traffic study, the new use should not generate an adverse impact in relation to existing traffic volumes for the center and on Newport Avenue. Concerning traffic circulation, two alternatives have been presented by the traffic engineer that would modify the center entrance at Newport and Bryan. Presently at this entrance there is the potential for several conflicting traffic movements. Alternative 1 as shown would eliminate all of these conflicting movements and increse pedestrian safety. However, the trade-offs for this safer configuration are that: 1} traffic Will be diverted into the center of the parking lot and required to make a difficult right turn in order to exit; and 2) the restricted flow may discourage customers from patronizing portions of the center. Alternative 2 on the other hand, would allow for exiting on Newport Avenue as it occurs presently. However, ingress movements would be directed into the main drive aisle eliminating one conflicting traffic movement. The applicant also intends to use traffic control devices such as "stop" and "right turn only" signs at this junction to reduce potential hazards. This second alternative has been incorporated into the site plan and is the applicant's preferred choice. When considering the need for improved safety in the center, and the city's traffic consultant's recommendation to use Alternative 1, staff considers Alternative 1 the better overall choice. To optimize safety, stop signs and lane markings throughout the lot should also be included in the design. If the project is approved, these modifications should be conditions of approval. As to the parking and circulation impacts of the free-standing automated teller, the proposed delineation of five parking stalls adjacent to the teller restricted for "teller use only" should resolve any problems. Also, with the teller located in an area that is not otherwise conducive for customer parking, the automated teller should not present traffic related problems. Community Devetoprnen~ Depa~rnen~ Planning Commission Report October 22, 1984 page three Parkin9 Analysis. As submitted, the center including, the proposed addition, has the number of parking spaces required by Use Permit approval in 1977. Zn fact, the number of spaces provided for the new savings and loan is in excess of that required by current code. The problems in the center associated with parking result from two factors. One is simply, the success of the center, and the other fS the remote location of 60 parking spaces along Centennial Way. The use of compact spaces on the site is minimal. Only 18 of the 798 requi~ed parking spaces are compact, with an Overall percentage of less than 4%. ~This minimal us-e of compact stalls should alleviate the Council's concern of over use of compact spaces. Based on information presented in the traffic analysis that the new building will generate a negligable increase in traffic, and since 10 parking spaces have been added to accommodate the savings and loan, a major modification/renovation of the existing lot at this time is not warranted. CONCLUSION: When the subject center was renovated in 1977 the ratio for determining parking spaces was 1:250 square feet of floor area. There was no delineation between office or retail space. As such, the center has fewer parking spaces than would be required under current code. However, as mentioned, it would not be appropriate to require a major site renovation to make up this deficiency. Instead, staff would simply encourage the improvement to existing circulation patterns. The relatively small size of the proposed addition will not overburden the center. However, the property owner should be notified that future additions to the center would require reassessment of the center's conditions of approval authorizing the 1977 remodeling. With regards to the subject project, if approved the attached conditions listed in Exhibit "A" should be included in the resolution of approval. RECO~ENDED ACTION: It is recommended that the Planning Commission approve Use Permit 84-23 subject to the conditions contained in Exhibit "A" attached. Assistant Planner JD:do attachments: Exhibit "A" - Conditions of Approval Exhibit "B" - Alternatives 1 and 2 of traffic study Site Plan/Elevations memo from Police Dept./Crime Prevention Community Development DeparTment EXHIBIT CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL USE PEPJ~IT 84-23 10. 12. That "Alternative 1" outlined in the Traffic Study conducted by Basmaciyan-Darnell, Inc. be incorporated into the existing circulation system in Larwin Square. That "stop" signs be placed at locations where minor drive aisles empty into the main drive aisle that traverses diagonally across the center. That the main drive aisle be delineated so that this two-way traffic is clearly indicated. That five (5) parking stalls immediately adjacent to the proposed automated teller be marked for "Automated Teller Parking Only". The final site plan shall be standardized and reflect all appropriate city standard drawing numbers. The developer shall construct all missing or damaged street improvements to said development per the City of Tustin "minimum Design Standards of Public Works" and "Street Improvement Standrds". This work shall consist of, but is not limited to: curbs and gutters, sidewalks, drive apron, street pavement, street trees and marbelite street lights with underground conduit. A grading plan will be required for review and approval prior to issuance of a grading permit. Orange County Sanitation District No. 7 connection fees in the amount of $50.00 per 1,O00 square feet of floor area will be required at the time a building permit is issued. Payment of East Orange County ~ater District fees will be required at the time a building permit is issued. Continuous 6" concrete curbs shall be provided along landscape planters adjacent to parking spaces and drive aisles. The developer shall comply with all construction requirements of the Orange County Fire 14arshal's office which includes installation of necessry fire extinguishers, on-site private fire hydrants and fire sprinkler system. A comprehensive signing plan shall be approved by the Community Development Department prior to installation of any building or free-standing monument signing. A landscape plan shall be submitted to the Community Development Department for review and approval prior to installation or modification of any landscape planter. Said plan shall include: a. location, size and species of all specimen trees, shrubs and vegetative ground cover; Community Deveiopmen~ Deparlrnen~ Exhibit "A" page ~o b. soil amendment specifications to insure proper plant growth. Wheelchair and handicap access shall be installed on-site and off-site in accordance with the State of California and City of Tustin Building Department standards. 14. On-site security lighting shall be arranged so that direct rays will not shine on adjacent properties or produce glare for street traffic. All roof-mounted equipment, such as heating and air conditioning u6its, shall be completed screened from public view by architecturally compatible screening material, subject to the approval of City staff. 15. The Automated Teller shall not have recessed doorways or chambers; shill be unobstructed by trees or shrubbery; and must be equipped with protected lighting. 16. That any future additions to the center shall require approval of a Conditional Use Permit, and a reassessment of the approval 'granted by Use Permit 76-25 will be conducted. 17. The building materials and colors for the proposed 2400 square foot building and the automated teller shall be reviewed and approved by the Community Development Department. Community Development Department Inter-Corn Martha Henson, Crime Prevention SWSJ£CT: Home Federal Savings Site Proposal I see no problems to address at this time regarding the proposed structure in Larwin Square for Home Federal Savings and Loan. However, the stipulation should be made that the Automated Teller Machine to be located in the center of the shopping center have no recessed doorways or chambers, be free from trees or shrubbery behind which an assailant might hide,~ and be equipped with protected flood lights. I request copies of the final elevation plans for approval. I1 home fedec:~i bldg. FIGURE 4 ALTERNATIVE 1 RECOMMENDED SITE CIRCULATION ALTERNATIVE 2 RECOMMENDED SITE CIRCULATION MINUTES llJS'TIN PLAXtIING COMMISSION REGUI. JkR ~ETI NG OCTOBER 8, 198z~ CALL TO ORDER: 7:30 p.m., City Council Chambers PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE/INVOCATION ,--' ROLL CALL: ~ . PUBLIC CONCERNS: White, Weil, McCarthy, Puckett, Sharp (Limited to 3 minutes per person for items not on the agenda) IF!YOU WISH TO SPEAK TO THE COMMISSION ON A SUBJECT, PLEASE FILL OUT ll~E CARDS LOCATED ON THE SPEAKER'S TABLE. ALSO, PLEASE GIVE YOUR FULL NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE RECORD. CONSE)~ CALENDS: (ALL MAI=FERS LISTED UNDER CONSENT CALENDAR ARE CONSIDERED ROUTINE AND WILL BE ENACTED BY ONE MOTION. THERE WILL BE NO SEPARATE DISCUSSION OF THESE ITEMS PRIOR TO THE TIME OF THE VOTING ON mE MOTION UNLESS MEMBERS OF THE COMMISSION, STAFF OR PUBLIC-REQUEST SPECIFIC ITEMS TO BE DISCUSSED AND/OR REMOVED Ft~OM ll~E CONSENT CALENDAR FOR SEPARATE ACTION.) Minutes of September 24, 1984. Resolution No. 2184, Use Permit 84-15 and Resolution No. 218S, Tentative Tract Map 12273, Kahn Resolution No. 2182, Use Permit 84-16 & Parcel Map 84-1027, Hospital. Resolution No. 2181~ Use Permit 84-18, Zappas. Resolution ~o. 2164, GPA 84-4d. Resolution ~o. 2165, GPA ~4-4c. 7. Resolution No. 2186, GPA 84-¢a. Commissioner Sharp moved, Puckett second to approve all Consent Calendar except Item 3. Motion carried B-O Commissioner Well questioned staff about the resolution for Parcel Map 84-1027. Ms. Chamberlain answered that the resolution for the map had been approved at the September 2¢, 1984 meeting. Well moved, Sharp second to approve Item 3. Motion carried 5-0. Planning Commission Mi~ October 8, 1984 ~age CONTINUED PUBLIC HF_J&RINGS 8. VARIANCE 84-1 Applicant: Location: Request: James R. Lindsey 653 South "B" Street Authorization to vary from Section 9495 of the Tustin City Code to permit one (1) sign in excess of the maximum area allowed, and to permit one (1) sign not otherwise allowed by Section 9495. '~ Presentation: Jeff Davis, Assistant Planner Commission discussion ensued conce~ni'ng the e~i'sting sign oriinance requirements-, Chairman White opened the public hearing at 7:40 p.m. The following people spoke in favor of larger signs and why their organization has a need for the larger signs: James Lindsey, James Bond, Yick Lindsey, Roger Roberts. Seeing no one further wishing to speak, Chairman White closed the ~blic hearing at 7:50 p.m. Commissioner Puckett moved, Sharp second to approve Variance 84-1. Motion carried 4-1 (Well opposed). PUBLIC HEARINGS 9. USE PERMIT 84-23 Applicant: Location: Request: Larwin Square Limited on behalf of Home Savings and Loan Corner of First Street and Newport Avenue Authorization to construct and operate a 2,418 square foot savings and loan facility in the Larwin Square shopping center. Presentation: Jeff Davis, Assistant Planner Commissioner White opened the public hearing at 7:58 p.m.. The following person spoke: Doug Danielsen, Danielsen Design Group (architects), stated they are in agreement with the four conditions staff placed on the project. They agree with the recommendations contained in th6-traff(c study. Commissioner Weil expressed concern that the 15 minute parking area reserved for the automatic teller would be difficult to enforce. Commissioner Weil moved, Sharp second per staff recommendation contained in Report to Planning Commission dated October 8, 1984 to continue the public hearing to October 22, 1984. Motion carried S-O MINUTES TUSTIN. Pi. ANXING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING OCTOBER 22, 1984 CALL ll~ ORDER: 7:30 p.m., City Council Chambers PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE/IXYOCATION ROLL CALL: PUBLIC CONCERNS: None. CONSEXT CALENDAR: White, Weil, ~cCarthy, Puckett, Sharp 2. 3. 4. Minutes from Planning Commission meeting October 8, 1984. Resolution No. 217¢, approving Variance 84-1, L{ndsey Resolution No. 2182, approving Y&riance 84-2, Drug Emporium Resolution No. 2191, Use Permit 84-25, Tustin Pre-school Commissioner Sharp moved, Weil second to approve all items on the Consent Calendar. Motion carried S-0. ',ONTINUE'D PUBLIC HE~d~IXGS $. USE PERMIT 84-23 Applicant: Loca ti on: Request: Larwin Square Limited on behalf of Home Savings and Loan Corner of Newport Avenue and First Street. Authorization to construct and operate a 2,¢18 square foot savings and loan in the Larwin Square shopping center. Presentation: Jeff Davis, Assistant Planner Chairman White opened the public hearing at 7:44 p.m. The following people spoke in favor of Use Permit 84-23: Doug Danielson, architect, and Morrey Friedman, Manager of Lam~in Square, supported Alternative 2. Seeing no one further wishing to speak Chairman White closed the public hearing at 7:55 p.m. Commission discussion ensued concerning the two Alternatives. Commissioner Well moved, Sharp second to approve Alternative 1 as recommended by staff. Motion carried 3-2 {McCarthy/Puckett opposed).