HomeMy WebLinkAboutPH 3 ZONE CHANGE 84-6 11-05-84PUBLIC NEARINGS NO. 3 11-5-84 Inter-Corn COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT SUBJECT: -ZONE CHANGE 84-6 APPLICANT/ OWNERS: LOCATION: ZONING: ENVIRONMENTAL STATUS: REQUEST: HARK S. FERGUSEN GILBERT AND ANITA FERGUSEN BRIAN J. HAWKINS DEVELOPERS, INC. 17432 AND 17442 MITCHELL AVENUE R-3 - 2,000 (MULTIPLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL) A NEGATIVE DECLARATION HAS BEEN APPLIED FOR TO CONFORM WITH THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALXTY ACT. TO CHANGE THE ZONING FROM MULTIPLE-FAMILY RESIOENTIAL (R-3 - 2,000) TO PLANNEO COI~UNII'Y MULTIPLE-FAMILY (PC-MF) ANO AZ)OPT A OEVELOPMENT PLAN PERMITING CONSTRUCTION ANO OPERATION OF A SENIOR CITIZEN COMPLEX. BACKGROUND: A change of zone has been requested for two properties on the south side of Mitchell Avenue between Newport Avenue and South "B" Street. These properties were annexed into the City in lg78 and pre-zoned {R-3 - 2,000) multiple-family residential. At this time the applicant is requesting zoning entitlement to speqtfically approve 20 units of apartments for senior housing only. The actual processing of this project requires the following actions by the Planning Commission and City Council: A. Rezoning of the property to (PC-MF) Planned Community Multiple Family. B. Adoption of a development plan with it's associated conditions as part of the zone change ordinance. DEVELOPMENT PLAN: The development plan submitted with this application proposes to construct 20 residential units for senior citizens, of which 12 units will be maintained at Fair Market Rates for Section 8 certificate holders for a period of at least five years. The remaining 8 units will be rented at Free Market Rates for seniors only. City Council Report Zone Change 84-6 page two The plans submitted which -include a site plan and' building elevations are the development plans necessary pursuant to the Planned Community Zone. For approval of a planned community project, the developer most specify building type, character, height of structure and its location to surrounding properties and adjoining streets. Since the plan would become part of this zone change ordinance, it is subject to both Planning Commission and Council approval and cannot be modified without an ~mendment to the ordinance. In addition, final development plans shall be recorded in the office of the County Recorder. SURROUNDZNG Ii, ND USES: The subject property is approximately 140 feet in width fronting on the southerly side of Mitchell Avenue with 164 feet of depth bounded by a_ single family one-story dwelling on the west and a self-service gasoline station and parkin$ lot ~o the east. Along the southerly property line are two-story apartment structures. SITE PLAN: The site plans indicate constructioo of an "E" shaped two-story building composed of residential dwelling units connected by two laundry rooms. With a total of 20 units, the applicant is proposing 24 on-site pa~king spaces. Since the multiple family provisions of the zoning ordinance would not apply in this requested zone, ihis project is not subject to typical parking or density standards. Therefore, with appproxtmately 1.2 parking spaces per dwelling unit the applicant is anticipating that some of the senior citizens will not own automobiles. In comparison to the Senior Board and Care Home recently approved on Bryan Avenue, that project had 24 spaces for 85 rooms while this project has 24 spaces for 20 apartments. With 12 units being held for Section 8 certificate holders, it is unlikely that any of those residents would own a car. The question'of density is as follows: Under the R-3 - 2,000 designation the applicant would be allowed to build eleven (11) units on this 22,960 square foot parcel. Under the new zoning classification, the applicant will be allowed to build 20 one {1) bedroom units of $00 square feet. The justification for the increased density is that this project will be a seniors only complex. ELEVATIONS: The elevations as proposed show a stucco finish with tile roof and wood trim. The rear {south) elevation faces another rear elevation of an existing apartment complex and thus will be out of view. However, the second story of the rear side elevations will be seen from Newport Avenue and "B" Street. It is suggested that a roof parapet be added for decorative effect. Since the building elevations presented are conceptual in nature, the precise design and colors utilized should be subject to future staff approval. Community Development Department City Council Report Zone Change 84-6 page three ANALYSIS: Staff has met with the project 'applicant Mr. Mark Fergusen on several occasions to review the project plans and discuss the "affordable" housing issue. Staff is supportive of this senior citizen housing since it is a residential land use compatible with the surrounding uses and it's accessibility to nearby shopping areas, bus service, and medical services. The Tustin Community Hospital and other medical offices are all within walking distance. The physical site design, setbacks, parking and other features appear reasonable to staff, if this project is specifically deed restricted to senior citizens. If not, the parking would not be adequate for a typical apartment project. On October 22, 1984, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on this zone change and development plan and recommended approval to the City Council by the adoption of Resolution No. 2188 with conditions of approval as listed in Exhibit "A". At that time, the Commission discussed the side elevations of the buildings and took an action that the applicant should add an additional roof parapet for decorative effect and screening of roof top equipment. RECOPBqENDATXON: Uphold the findings of the Planning Commission and conduct the first reading of Ordinance No. 922 by t~tle only; introduce Ordinance No. 922. Associa e~Planner MAC:do Attachments: Ordinance 922 Exhibits A, B Development Plans (site plan + elevations) Community Development Department City of Tustin 300 Centennial Way Tustin, Ca. 92680 28 Sep 84 SUBJECT: Senior Project at 17432 Mitchell Ave. Dear Mary Ann: Here is a written form Of our conversation concerning duration and implementation of Fair Market Rents to our proposed senior project. The 12 units on the ground level will be rented at Fair Market Rates according to the OCHA for a period of at least five Years.(Section 8 Certificates will be accepted). The.remaining 8 units will be rented at Free Market rates .so as to keep this project solvent and a viable plaCe'fo~ seniors to live. It is our wish~ that ail~'~ the apartments be rented strictly to elderly persons in order to keep this a senior community for Tustin. City of Tustin Centennial Way Tustin, CA 92680 Ma~_y Auu Chambers 29 October, 1984 Dear Mary A~: Here are the 2 changes we wanted to make in our project for the upcoming City Council meeting: 1. At the Planning Commission's meeting we asked that the City donate money for the water and sewage fees for this Senior Citizen's project. Instead~ we would like the City te donate the offsites for this project: A. curb and gutter Bo sidewalk C. drive apron --- D. street lights with underground conduit E. street trees F. sanitary sewer lateral G. domestic water supplies E. fire hydrant(s) This would mean less expense for the City, while at the same time, it would be a good donation to this project. 2. In regards to adding mansard roof additions to the east and West sides, I found this would cost us an additional $8,000.00. I would simply like to revert to the original elevations without the roof additions. I'm positive we can make these walls look very attractive without the additional costs. This would also result in lower individual rents. Let me know if you have any other ideas or communication for me. $incerely,~-~ Mark . Fergu ~ SHIRTS & OTHER SCREENED PRODUCTS P.O. BOX 1451, TUSTIN, CA 92680 (714) 731-0942 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2O 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 ORDINANCE NO. 922 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY'OF TUSTIN, APPROVING ZONE CHANGE84-6 FOR THE PROPERTY LOCATED AT 17432 + 17442 MITCHELL AVENUE, TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, FROM R-3 - 2,000 MULTIPLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL TO PC-MF PLANNED COMMUNITY MULTIPLE FAMILY The City Council of the City of Tustin does hereby ordain as follows: I. The City Council finds and determines: That a proper application has been filed by Mark Fergusen to rezone property from R-3 - 2,000 Multiple Family Residential to PC-MF Planned Community Multiple. Family as described in Exhibit "B" attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. That a development plan setting forth proposed land uses and standards of development has been included within the application for zone change to the planned community district and is attached hereto as Exhibit "C". That 'the development plan hereby establishes an apartment complex of 20 units for "Senior Citizens" of which 12 units shall be rented at Fair Market Rates according to the Orange County Housing Authority for a period of at least five years to accommodate Section 8 Certificate holders. That the zone change as applied for will not under the circumstances of this case be detrimental to the health, safety, morals and general welfare of the community and should be granted evidenced by the following findings: 1. The intent of the PC-MF zone is to allow diversification of land uses and accommodation of this unique housing Opportunity for senior citizens. 2. The project as proposed conforms with the provisions of both the City's general plan and zoning ordinance. The project may not be amended in any substantial fashion without approval by the City's Planning Commission and City Council. The City Council hereby approves the filing of a negative declaration of environmental impact for this zone change, in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2O 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Ordinance No. 922 page two II. The City Council hereby approves Zone Change 84-6 subject to the development plan as detailed in Exhibit "C" and conditions applicable to the development plan as detailed in E'xhibit "A" attached hereto. PASSED. AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Tustin City Council, held on the day of , 1984. URSULA E. KENNEDY, ATTEST: Mayor MARY E. WYNN, City Clerk EXHIBIT "A" CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL ZONE CHANGE 84-6 1. A final grading plan for the development shall be submitted for review and approval. 2. Street improvement plans for the Mitchell Avenue frontage adjacent to the parcels will be required. These street improvements may .include, but not be limited to the following items; e 11. a. Curb and gutter; b. Sidewalk; c. Drive apron; d. Street lights with underground conduit; e. Street trees; f. Sanitary sewer lateral; g. Domestic water services; The proposed development is comprised of two parcels. Either a parcel map must be filed to consolidate these two parcels into one, or the execution and recordation of a "Covenant and Agreement" to hold both parcels as one. Payment of East Orange County Water District fees at the time a building permit is issued in the amount of $500 per dwelling unit. Payment of Orange County Sanitation District' No. 7 sewer connection fees at the time a building permit is issued in the amount of $250 per dwelling unit. Dedication for street and utility purposes to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. Fire hydrants are required to be operational prior to combustible construction. Satisfy all code requirements of Chapter 12 of the 1979 Uniform Building Code. The second floor units will require two exits. Roof parapet shall be added to the east and west elevations for decorative effect. 6 foot 8 inch block wall where needed on the perimeter of the property. The final site plan and architectural building elevations including colors and materials of construction shall be subject to the approval of the Director of Community Development. ~xhi bi t "A" page two 13. 14. Covenants, conditions and restrictions shall be recorded on the subject property limiting occupancy to tenants 55 years of age or older. Also the CC & Rs shall prohibit conversion to any other form of occupancy without the review and approval of the City of Tustin. A landscape and irrigation plan shall be submitted for City staff approval, and landscaping installed prior to occupancy of the subject building. ~ll roof top mechanical equipment shall be screened from view. EXHIBIT "B' .-3 (~ooo) MITCHELL 'AVE. 70' TOY R-3 (2000) [2000) Z ZONE CHANGE MAP TUSTIN, CA. I'- I00' PC-MF,' PLANNED COMMUNITY MULTIFAMILY