HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC 3 CLAIM #84-23 11-05-84CONSENT CALENDAR NO. 3 11-5-84 Inter -Corn ~~R~LE ' TO: MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL F~0M: JAMES G. ROURKE, CITY ATTORNEY SUBJI~CT: CLAIMANT: YOUNG, JAMES P.; D/L: 7/11/84; DATE FILED W/CITY: '10/8/84: CLAIM NO: 84- 23; CARL WARREN FILE NO: S 39730 GH After investigation and review it is recommended that the above- referenced claim be rejected and the City Clerk directed to give proper notice of the rejection to the claimant and to the claimant's attorney. JGR (F4. se) Enclosure: Copy of Claim cc: OCCRMA dLAIM AGAINST THE CIT~' TUSTIN ('For Damages to Persons or Personal Property) Received by ~(7%~ ~_ tJ via U.S. Mail K/ ~_ Inter-office Mail~ Over ~he Counter ~ The ia~ provides generally that a claXm must De ~iled witt% the City Clerk the City of Tustin within 100 days after which the inciden~ or event Be sure you= claim is a~ainst the City of Tustin, not another public entity- Where space is insufficient, please use additional paper and idenCiEy inEo~a- ~ion by paragraph n~ber. Completed claims must be mailed 0r delivered-to ~he ~ Clerk, The Cit~of Tustin, 300 Centennial W~ Tustin, California 92680 TO T~E aONO~LE ~OR ~D CITY CO~CIL, City of Tustin, California: The undersigned re~pectf.ully submits ~e following claim and info,etlon ~la- ~ive to damage ~o persons and/or personal prope~y: b. PHONE NO: ( ,~ x c. DATE OF ~IRTH: ~-~ ~ SOCI~ ~ . DRI~ d. SZ~RZ~ NO: ~ e. L~C~SZ NO: 2. Name, ~elephone and pos~ offic~ address to which claiman~ desires no,ices ~o be sen=, if other than above: This claim is submitted against: a. ~ The City of Tustin only. b. The following employee(s) of the City of Tustin only: The City of Tustin and the following employee(s) of the City of Tustin only: arLseS Occurrence or event from which the claim ' : a. DA=E: 7'11' b. c. PLACE (Exact and specific location): d. How and under what circumstances did damage or injury occur? Specify the particular occurrence, event, act or omission you claim caused the injury 9r damage (Use additional paper if necessary). What particular action by the City, or its employees, caused the alleged dame e or injury? "'w. Give a des=rip=ion of the'injury, proper=y damage or loss so far as is · known a= the =ime of ~his claim, if :here were no injuries, s%a=e "no injuries". 6. Give =he name(s) of the City employee(~) causing the damage or injury: 7. Name a~cl address of any other person injured: ~'~'6 8. Name and address of' =he owner of any damaged property: e Damages claimed: a. Amount claimed as of this da=e: ~ 50(; ~ D. Es=ima=ed amoun= of future cos=s: -- c. To:al amount claimed: .~Qoo ~ d. Basis for computation of amoun=s claimed (include copies o~ all Dills, invoices, esCima=es, e=c.: f~ z~/. 10. Names and addresses of all witnesses, hospi=als, doc=ors, eec.: 11. ~y additiona~ info~ation that might be help~l in considering ~is cla~rr/~ '~ WARNING: IT IS A CR/MINAL OFFENSE TO FILE A FALSE CLAI]{! (Penal. Code Sec=ion 72; Insurance Code Sec=ion 556.0) I have read ~he mac=ers and s=atemen=s made in the above claim and I know =he same =o be =rue of my own knowledge, excep= as =o ~hose mat=ers sCa=ed =o be upon info=ma=ion or belief and as =o such maC=ers I believe the same to be =rue. I cer=ify under penalty of perjury th'a= =he foregoing is TRUE AND CORRECt. ~ecuted =his ~23 day of OCTa~'A' , 19_~9= , ac Tus=in, California. Office of the City Clerk, Tus=in, California Revised 8/05/81 ~GR: se :R: 8/5/81 (A) This is a list of the expenses incurred aa a result cf the accident The Medical expenses as are: The replacement value of a restored 72 Datsun (see below) Other expenses directly resulting from accident: Including; Travel expenses to and from doctor, temporary vehicle expenses,towin~ and expences inccured seeking council. TOTAL CLAIM $325.00 $~5o0.oo . $17~.00 $5000.00 Replacment price of Datsun is based on a restored 1972 2~O-Z (The 1972 only,2~O-Z is a special intreat vehicle.) Recent parts include; ~ nitrogen ~as shocks (for Mac?herson struta).& instalatiOn Olutch and hydralic system rebuild ~omplete engine rebuild including balancing and machining Custom interior including padding and carpet Recbromed bumper including added trim Brake & hydralic system rebuild (including new lines) £xahst system · New hoses throughout car Battery Tires (Z radials) Sespenslon bushings (rack & pinion) Air conditioning compressor,drier & service The sutible replacment vehicles I have examined have all been in excess of $5000.00 however I have made some allowence as my car was in need of paint. My vehicle was not in need of body work only paint. 'i - ' ' ,,o~ TUSTIN-IRVINE MEDICAL GROUP. INC. James P. Young EXPLANATION OF CHARGES 12072 .2815 NO.. 6579' 8310 C£RRrros AVILNLJE t STANTON CAUFORNIA 90&RO,~ (7141X~g-RR65 UNIT OR O~. DE~CRI~ON MATERIAL AMOUNT MOTOR VEHICLE REPAIR ~IS.TT~AT]O N NO.. AUTO SERVICE CALIFORNIA 841057' 87'6,4/J ~ 96109 2/4/83 CUSTOMER COPY SERVICE BY EXJ'f, IITS TUSTIN' POLICE DEPARTMENT -'"RAFFlC COLLISION REPORT -- '"' '-/ ..... (::3~ - z~u~/' / . 'r-cT T ,'r ~,~,,,u ?.-,,~,~.- t · O ~ O i [] 0 I [] , '0 I 0.' 0 ' 0 ' O i~2