HomeMy WebLinkAboutPH 2 GPA 84-4B 10-15-84 'PUBLIC HEARING  NO. 2 10-15-84 OATE: Oct0ber'lS, 19 4 l mter - Corn TO: HONORABLE )~AYOR AND CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS FROH: COFI4UNITY DEVELOPHEN~DEPARI'MENT SUBJECT: GPA 84-4b BACKGROUND: Section 65302 of the California Government Code states that a city's General Plan and zoning must be consistant. Recently, a property owner requested that the current zoning designation on his property be changed to reflect the existing land use designation. As a part of this request, the Council directed staff to review the city's land use map and identify any inconsistencies. Staff has reviewed the land use and zoning maps and presented a report to Council outlined each inconsistency. Council accepted this report and directed staff to advertise a public hearing before the Planning Commission. The Planning Commission considered these amendments in a public hearing on September 24, 1984. Staff recommended that the Planning Commission approve a resolution recommending that these amendments be adopted by the .City Council, and the Planning Commission accepted this recommendation. The resolution of approval has been enclosed for your review. In addition, the staff report from the September 24th meeting has also been included. DISCUSSION: The only purpose for these proposed land use element changes is to bring the land use and zoning maps into conformance. They will result in no change from the existing use or zoning with the exception of 165 N. Myrtle and 14851Yorba. In that case, both the zoning and land use must be changed to bring this property into conformance with the existing use of the land. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Staff recommends that the City Council accept the recommendation of the Planning Commission and adopt GPA 84-4b by the approval of Resolution No. 84-80. Associate Planner EMK/cas 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 13 14 I5 16 17 18 19 20 23 24 25 ~6 27 ~8 RESOLUTION NO. 84-80 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING THE LAND USE ELEMENT OF THE GENERAL PLAN FOR CERTAIN PROPERTIES AS SHOWN IN EXHIBITS A THROUGH F. The City Council of the City of Tustin does hereby resolve as follows: I. The City Council finds and determines as follows: A. Section 65356.1 of the Government .Code of the State of California provides that when it is deemed to be in the public interest, the legislative body may amend a part of the General Plan. B. That in accordance with Section 66356 of the Government Code of the-State of California, a public hearing was duly called, noticed, and held on the application of the' City of Tustin to reclassify the land use on certain properties as indicated herein and shown on Exhibits A through F, enclosed. 1. 16601 South "B" Street, from Multiple Family (MF) to Mobile Home (MH). 2. 1571, 1631, 1671 Laguna, 13862 Redhill Ave. from Multiple Family {MF) to Commercial (C). 3. 166 N. Myrtle, 14851 Yorba, from Professional (PR) to Public & Institutional (P&I). 4. 17011-17092 Whitby Circle, from Single Family (SF) to Multiple Family (MF). 6. 13701-13732 Charloma, 1281 San Juan from Public & Institutional (P&I) to Multiple Family (MF). 6. 1362-1372 Ntsson, 14012 Utt Drive, from Single Family (SF) to Multiple Family (MF). C. That a Negative Declaration has been prepared in accordance wit~ the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act and is hereby adopted. D. That a change in classification would be in the public interest and not detrimental to the welfare of the public or the surrounding property owners. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Resolution No. 84-80 Page two E. That the Planntng Commission adopted Resolution No. 2[80, recommending that the City Council adopt General Plan Amendment 84-4b. [[. The City Council hereby adopts General Plan Amendment 84-4b amendtng the Land Use Element for certain properties as shown in Exhibits A through F, enclosed. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Tustin City Council held on the day of , 1984. URSULA E. KENNEDY, Mayor MARY E. WYNN, City Clerk Planning Commission DATE: SUBJECT: September 24, 1984 A~ENDMENT TO THE LAND USE ELEMENT OF THE TOSTIN AREA GENERAL PLAN GPA 84-4b APPLICANT: CITY OF THSTIN BACKGROUND: Section 65302 of the California Government Code states that a city's General Plan and zoning must be consistent. Recently, a property owner requested that the current zoning designation on his property be changed to reflect the existing land use designation. As a part of this request, the Council directed staff to review the city's land use map an~ identify any inconsistencies. Staff has reviewed the land use and zoning maps and presented a report to Council outlined each inconsistency. Council accepted this report and directed staff to advertise a public hearing before the Planning Commission to consider these amendments. DISCUSSION: The only purpose for these proposed land use element chaqges is to bring the land use and zoning maps into conformance. They will result in' no change from the existing use or zoning, with the exception of 165 N. Myrtle and 14851 Yorba. In that case, both the zoning and land use must be changed to bring this property into conformance with the existing use of the land. Attached with this staff report is a map and description for each of the proposed land use amendments. RECOI~ENDATION: Staff recommends that the Planning Commission adopt Resolution No. 2180 which recommends that the City Council approve GPA 84-4b. Associate Planner EK:do attachment: Resolution No. 2180 Community Development Department 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2O 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 RESOLUTION NO. 2180 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY 'OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, RECOMMENDING THAT THE CITY COUNCIL AMEND THE LAND USE ELEMENT OF THE GENERAL FOR CERTAIN PROPERTIES AS SHOWN IN EXHIBITS A THROUGH F. The Planning Commission of the City of Tustln does hereby resolve as follows: I. The Planning Commission finds and determines as follows: A. Sectton 65356.1 of the Government Code of the State of California provldes that when It is deemed _to be in the publtc interest, the legislative body may amend a part of the General Plan. B. That in accordance wtth Section 65356 of the Government Code of the State of California, a public heartng was duly called, noticed, and held on the application of the City of Tustin to reclassify the land use on certain properties as Indicated heretn and shown on Exhtbtts A through F, enclosed. 1. 15601 South "B# Street, from Multiple Family (MF) to Mobtle Home (MH). 2. 1571, 1631, 1671 Laguna, 13852 Redhtll Ave. from.Multiple Family (MF) to-Commercial (C). 3. 165 N. Myrtle, 14851 Yorba, from Professional (PR) to Public & Institutional (P&I). 4. 17011-17092 Whttby Circle, from Single Family {SF) to Multiple Family (MF). 5. 13701-13732 Char~oma, 1281 San Juan from Public Institutional (P&I) to Multiple Family (MF). 6. 1362-1372 Nisson, 14012 Utt Drive, from Single Family (SF) to Multiple Family (MF). C. That a Negative Declaration has been prepared in accordance with th~ requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act and is hereby recommended for adoption. O. That a change in classification would be in the public interest and not detrimental to the welfare of the public or the surrounding property owners. 5 6 ? 9 10 11 12 14 1§ 16 18 19 20 23 2~ Resolution No..180 Page two II. The Planning Commission hereby recommends to the City Council that General Plan Amendment 84-¢b be adopted, amending the Land Use Element for certain properties as shown in Exhibits A through F, enclosed. PASSED AND ADOPTED ~t, a regular, mee:ting of the Tustin Commission held on the_~day of~.~ ~.,~, 1984. Recording Secretary Planning RONALD H. WHITE, Chairman SIXTH ORLA AVE 15601 South "B" Street From MultiPle Family (MF) to Mobile Home (MH). 7~O McFADOEN , ?~ ~1 ~?J 7Z/0 ST t), 'EXHIBIT "A" 1571, 1631, 1671Laguna & 13852 Redhill Avenue~ From Multiple Family (MF) to Commercial (C). v EXHIBIT "B" WISTERIA" · . 165 North ~rtle & From Professional.(PR) [ to Public and Institu- J tional (P & I). J SECOND --.., ~. .,,. ~ S1 S~XTH ~,' ,, B. UTT '-.. ...... / 15491 17011-17092 Whitby Cir. From Sin9TM Family (SF) to Multiple Family (MF). McFADDEN EXHIBIT "D" IS60 ,ST -- ItS2 I1~0 il&o WS C. C,. L&M BF. RT a&  13701-13732 Charl om f San Juan _J 2: From Public and Institu- tional (P & I) to Multi- I~.~V~F.W ,'~e~f ple Family (MF). LAGUN~ EXHIBIT "E" ~ 1362-1372 Nisson & 14012 Utt Drive From Sin§le Family (SF) to Multiple Family (MF). EXHIBIT "F" C LOCAT'ZOII: 15660 South "B" Street (new i~r}ection of "B" & Ni~nn. qn,,~h n~ I-5) ZONE: Mobil Home Park (MHP) ~F. II. PRAM: Multiple Family (MF) SIII~Y AIIALT$I$: The subject parcel is developed with a mobile home park, and has a zoning district of MHP, but the land use designation is Multiple Family. The. land use designation should be changed to Mobile Home to reflect the current use and zoning of the property. · P, ECOI~EliDED ACT"ZON: ZONE CHAliCE From: To: No Action AUGUST 1984 ~llO. 8 LOCATION: Albertsons' Shoppinq Center~Sg~thside Redhill Ave Betwemn Mitchmll & Laguna Road. ZONE: Retail Commercial (C-1)/C~ral Commercial (C-2) GEN. PI.AIl: Multiple Family (MF) SUI~t~Y ANALYSIS: The subject parcels were developed as a neighborhood shopping center and carpet store and have the applicable C-1 and C-2 zones. The land use designation for the sites are Multiple Family (MF) and should be chan~ed to Commercial in order to reflect the use and zoning. ?.J~COFN,~.NOE:]) ACTZON: 'om: ZONE C,~IANGE From: To: No Action AUGUST 1984 'E~. 10 -Pr LOC~I"[OII: CG CG PUD~ H1 Northerly Terminus of Myrtle Avenue and Yorba Multiple Family Residential CR-3) &Ell. PI. All: Professional Office (~R) SLeI~Y AIIALYSZ$: The subject parcel has a land use designation of Professional Office {PR) and a zoning designation of Multiple Family {R-3). The use of the property is a convalescent hospital,.and is licensed by the Sta~e of California. The state is quite precise in its terminology, and in order for the facility to be known as a "hospital" it must meet certain criteria, which it evidently does. The only zoning district that permits hospitals is the Publie& Institutional zone, so staff recommends that the land use and zoning be changed to the P & I designation. RECO.,dl~NDE~ ACTION: LAND ~ CflANGI~ ZO#E Ca~G[ From: To: R-3 P&I AUGUST 1984 MF LOCAT'IO#: All of Whitb~ Circle @ Pasadena AvQnuQ, ZO#£: Multiple Famil,y (R-3) G£N. PTA#: Single Family Residential SUI~ARY AMALYSZ$: The land use designation is Single Family, with-the area developed with ,dF apartment units in a Multiple Family (R-3) zone. The land use designation should be changed to reflect the zoning and use of the land. P.£C:OI,¥~NOF. I) ACl"ION: ZONE QIAIIGi~ From: To: No Action AUGUST 1984 SITE IlO. 13 LOCATION: 13701-13732 Charloma & 1281 Sin Juan ZONE: Suburban Residential GEN. PI. AN: Public & Institutigpal (P & SI~RY AKALYSX$: This area has a zoning district of R-4~ and was developed as Multiple Family Housing. The land use designation is Public & Institutional (P & I ) and should be changed to Multiple Family (MF) to reflect the use and zoning. REC/~B~:.]JDI~ ACTTON: ZONE OIANGF.., From: To: No Action AUGUST [g84 SITE NO. 14 ~F LOCATION: 1362, 1372 Nisson Road, 14012 Utt Drive ZONE: Duplex Residential (R-2) GEN. PLAN: Single Family SF SU)I4ARY ANALYSIS: This corner property has a zoning designation of R-2 and a small apartment complex developed on the parcel. The land use designation is Single Family and should be changed to Mulitple Family to reflect the use and zoning district. RECOI~ENDED ACTION: LANO USE CHANGE From: To: SF MF ZONE CHANGE From: To: AUGUST 1984