HomeMy WebLinkAboutMINUTES OF 09-11-84 MINU~S OF A REGULAR PEL'TI~ OF 'llt£ pi. MINING COPliISSION OF ~f CI~ ~ ~IN, ~IFORNIA September 11, 1984 The ~etlng was ca~led ~ order by Chatrman ~htte at 7:30 p.m. tn Counct~ Chamber, 300 Centennla~ Nay, Tusttn, California. ROLL CALL' the Commissioners Present: Ronald White, Chat'rman Kathy Well, Chairman Pro Tem Charles Puckett James Sharp John J. McCarthy Commissioners Absent: Also present: ~one - Donald D. Lamm, Director of Community Development Alan Warren, Senior Planner Mary Ann Cha~erlatn, Associate Planner Suzanne Atktns, Deputy City Attorney PLEDGE OF A;tFGXAN~J[/I#¥OC~TIO# The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Commissioner Sharp and the Invocation was given by Commissioner Puckett. MINUTES Moved b7 Chairman Wetl~ second b7 Sharp, to approve the minutes of the meeting of August 27, 1984. PUBLIC CONCER~. Steve Markl, Tusttn Meadows comment on Use Permit 84-20. Hearing section of the agenda. Homeowners Association, requested time to He was directed to speak during the Public CONSENT CALENDAR gone. PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. USE-PERMIT NO. 84-20 Applicant: Pacific Bell Telephone Co. Location: Southwest corner of Red Hill and Edinger Avenues Request: Authorization to develop an office complex consisting of four buildings each three stories in height on a 20 acre site. Presentation: Donald D. Lamm, Director of Community Development Don Lamm summarized the last Commission meeting and the Commission's consideration of this use permit. He explained that staff notified the Tusttn Meadows, Peppertree and Laurelwood homeowner associations- Chairman White opened the public hearing at 7:35 p.m. The following persons spoke concerning Use Permit 84-20: Steve Markl, Tustin Meadows Homeowners Association, explained the Board has reviewed the project plans and expressed their support. The concerns are: 1) Oppose the widening of Red Hill east of the railroad tracks through I-5 interchange because of the close proximity of a school and the pedestrian traffic generated by the school. The sidewalk area is not very wide and by widening Red Hill it would put traffic too close to the sidewalk. 2) Exposure to the central portion of Tusttn to a secondary corridor being formed to the I-5 in addition to the 55 freeway. We would be providing an alternative to the freeway where the traffic should be located; not through our City. 3) Proposed the signals * at Sycamore and Planning Commission Minutes September 11, 1984 page two Walnut remain as they are. 4) The proposed main entrance.to the project on Industrial Drive which empties onto Redhill' would generate more rush hour traffic. Suggested the main entrance be located on Edtnger to direct the traffic to the 55 freeway or around through Myford Road so traffic could go around residential areas. Commissioner Well pointed out that Pacific Bell is proposing a traffic light on £dinger. Philip Schwartze, Philip, Brandt, Reddick, responded to Mr. Markl's concerns. The requirements of the project for an entrance respond to issues and concerns that arose during the environmental process. The entrance will be off of £dtnger and includes a secondary access on Edtnger. There is a request for a signalized intersection at Industrial Drive. Commissioner Well questioned the report from Austin & Foust concerning mitigation measures, i.e., striping of a third north bound lane resulting in a level of service identical to that which presently exists. Terry Austin, Austin & Foust, referred' to page two, 'second paragraph and explained that the added traffic of this project would degrade the level of service, the mitigation measures would bring back the level of service to what it is now. Commissioner Wetl disputed that because the northbound lane would only extend three blocks. Mr. Austin explained that it will mitigate the impact at that location~ upstream are other mitigtion measures. They hmve taken the impact all the way to I-5. The process is to look at the problem at each of the intersections, see what would happen with or without the project, if in fact the project creates a problem that doesn't exist and then propose a mitigation measure. You may not find the same mitigation measure in each intersection. It may seem inconsistent, but it is .consistent whe~ each of the intersections are examined individually. Commissioner Wetl was further concerned about compounding the existing problems. Mr. Austin explained that Redhtll will continue to be one of the highest traffic arterials through the City. Methods to improve: short run, bring Redhlll to its full six lane capacity~ long run, the traffic will increase by more than 100% over the next 15 years. We need to look at the problem, possible improvements and obtain funding. Commissioner Sharp asked for comment on whether staggering work hours would help reduce the peak hour traffic and if it can be made a condition of the use permit. Mr. Austin responded that staggered work hours is one of the most effective tools for reducing peak hour traffic. There would be legal, monitoring and enforcement problems involved in making it a condition of the use permit. Mr. Austin further explained that the intent was to show that the proposed project is of a lower traffic generation level than would be allowed under the General Plan. The General Plan, because it is industrial zoning and allows for up to 50% office for any one development, would give the greatest square footage and would have a different mix than is being proposed. The General Plan allows a greater floor area ratio. Don Lamm elaborated on the General Plan and explained the maximum that could be allowed on the site. Discussion ensued concerning the peak traffic hour times; morning 7:30 a.m..to 8:30 a.m., afternoon 4:15 p.m. to 5:15 p.m. Planning Commission Minutes September 11, 1984 page three Steve Markl commented that the three lane conversion into two by the Marine Base is a mess: backing traffic up past Dyer Road and doesn't see the logic in trying to duplicate that in front of a residential area and school. Chairman White wondered why, if there is room now for three lanes, they are trying to eliminate .it with restrictive right turn lanes. Mr. Lamm explained that the tnten~ is to do the three full lanes to Walnut Avenue. At Walnut we are restricted by the Ntsson property. Mr. Markl completed his comments wondering why we don't force the traffic to be where it belongs; on the 55 and 5, and not bring it through our city. Philip Schwartze commented that their plan is to include staggered work hours from 7:15 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. Chairman- White closed the public hearing at 8:09 p.m. Commission discussion ensued concerning traffic and car pooling. Commissioner Well questioned if we could include an air quality management plan in the conditions. Mr. Lamm explained it is required by law. Mr. Lamm further explained that the Redhtll and Edtnger signals with the Edinger/55 on and off ramp signal and again the new signal located mid-way along Edinger will be either interconnected or timed to create a flow of traffic. The Redhill signals have the interconnect mechanisms. The new signal at Industrial and Redhill can be tied directly to the interconnect system. Edtnger does not have an interconnect .system because of the Caltrans signal. It will probably be a timing situation. In response to Chairmen White, Don Lamm explained that the assessment district was considered and contracts issued to Austin Foust. We will have a rough estimate of the overall regional traffic improvement expenses and a rough fee for Pacific Bell by the first building permit issuance. If it ,is not, they cannot obtain any further permits until the district is finalized. The Planning Commission will be considering this subject in the Specific Plan No. 7 in late October, early Nove~er. Puckett moved, Sharp second approval of Use Permit 84-20. Commissioner Well amended the motion to add conditions to Exhibit A to include an air quality management and traffic plan to be submitted to Commission or Council before building permits may be pulled. The traffic plan should include provisions for staggered work hours, car pool plans and/or van pools. The maker of the me,)on and the seconder agreed to the amendment. 5-0 vote. AI)MI#ISll~TIV£ MATrERS A. Old Business Su.._m~.._ry Report on Commission Workshop/Alcoholic Beverage Licenses Oon Lamm presented staff's report as contained in Report to Planning Commission dated September l~, ~984. He will prepare a report to the City Council recommending ways the zoning ordinance can or cannot be amended. The City Council can then provide the Planning Commission with direction on how to proceed. Sharp moved, Well second to adopt the Don Lamm"s recommendation to await City Council direction on how to proceed. 5-0 B. New Business None Plannlng Commission Minutes September [[, [984 page four STAFF CONCERNS 1. Report on Councfl Actions September 5, 1984. Oral Presentation: Alan Warren, Sentor Planer 2. Departmen-tal Status Report Oral Presentation: Alan Warren, Senior Planner C0ggISS[0# CONCERNS Commissioner Well questioned whether Marie Callendint's had too many stgns. Don Lamm brtefly explained the auto center plans and the current status of the project. ADJOUR#1~#T Moved by Sharp, ~econded by getl to adjourn at 8:34 p.m. to the next regularly scheduled Planntng Commission meeting. 5-0 RONALD H. WHI~, Chairman DONNA ORR, Recording Secretary