HomeMy WebLinkAboutRPT 1 P.C. ACT AGENDA 10-01-84- CALL TO ORDER- -McCarthy/Pucker PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE/INVOCATION -All present -Sharp/Puckett 5-0 Wel 1/Sharp 5-0 - None ROLL CALL APPROVAL OF MINLFES PUBLIC CONCERNS COlt(ISSION CONCERNS CONSENT CALENDAR TUSTIN PLANNING COI~tISSION ACTION AGENDA FOR REGULAR MEETING September 24, 1984 7:30 p.m. REPORTS NO. 1 10-1-84 7:30 P.M., CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS McCARTHY, PUCKETT, WEIL, WHITE, SHARP 1. Review minutes of Joint Meeting with City Council held September 10, 1984. 2. Minutes of Adjourned meeting September 11, 1984. (limited to 3 minutes per person for items not on the agenda) IF YOU WISH TO SPEAK TO THE COMMISSION ON A SUBJECT, PLEASE FILL OUT THE CARDS LOCATED ON THE SPEAKER'S TABLE. ALSO, PLEASE GIVE YOUR FULL NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE RECORD ALL MATTERS LISTED UNDER CONSENT CALENDAR ARE CONSIDERED ROUTINE AND WILL BE ENACTED BY ONE MOTION. THERE WILL BE NO SEPARATE DISCUSSION OF THESE ITEMS PRIOR TO THE TIME OF THE VOTING ON THE MOTION UNLESS MEMBERS OF THE COMMISSION, STAFF OR PUBLIC REQUEST SPECIFIC ITEMS TO BE DISCUSSED AND/OR REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT CALENDAR FOR SEPARATE ACTION. -Sharp/Puckett 1. Resolution No. 84-2177, Pacific Bell Telephone Company 5-0 Sharp/Well 2. Temporary Use Permit: Prescott Firewood Storage on E1 Camino Real. Correct March 1984 to 1985; prohibit adding more firewood. 5-0 CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. VARIANCE 84-1 Sharp/Well Applicant: Cont. to 10/8 Location: to allow Request: applicant to met with sign co. James R. Lindsey 653 South "B" Street authorization to vary from Section 9495 of the Tustin City Code to permit one{l) sign in excess of the maximum area allowed, and to permit one (1) sign not otherwise allowed by Section 9495. Presentation: Jeff Davis, Assistant Planner - PUBLIC HEARI#GS -Well/Sharp Applicant: approve reso Location: with two Request: ~difications $-0 ~ei 1/McCarthy approve Use Permit 84-16 Applicant: & PM 1029 & Location: include Request: traffic generation figures. 5-0 --Sharp/Puckett approve UP84-18 5-0 Applicant: Location:. -- Request: Plannlng Commission Agenda September 24, 1984 page two 1. USE PERMIT 84-15 AND TENTATIVE TRACT NO. 12273 Khan Associates on behalf of Sik Wong 15582 South "B" Street authorization to construct six (6) residential condominiums. Tentative Tract Map No. 11273 has been filed in conjunction with Use Permit 84-15 for the purpose of creating a one lot subdivision for condominium purposes. Presentation: Jeff Davis, Assistant Planner 2. USE PERMIT 84-16 AND PARCEL MAP NO. 84-1027 Tustin Community Hospital 14662 Newport Blvd. Authorization to construct a medical office building of 57,000 square feet in area adjacent to the hospital, after acquiring adjacent property from Tustin Block, Inc. subdivided by Parcel Map No. 84-1027. Presentation: Mary Ann Chamberlain, Associate Planner 3. USE PERMIT 84-18 William Zappas E1Camino Plaza Shopping Center Authorization to construct an additional 11,000 square feet of retail, commercial and office area. Presentation: Mary Ann Chamberlain, Associate Planner -Shar~/RcCarthy 4. approve GPA 84-4A 4-0. Applicant: Puckett abst. Location: Request: GENERAL PLAN AJ~ENDMENT 84-4A - LAND USE ELEMENT AMENDMENT Daniel O'Connor on behalf of Corniche Development Co. 1372 Irvine Blvd. an amendment to the Tustin Area General Plan - Land Use Element, changing portions of the property's designation from Public and Institutional to Professional Office (PR). -- Presentation: Ed Knight, Associate Planner Planning Commission Agenda September 24, 1984 page three -Puckett/Sharp 5. adopt reso 2180. 5-0 GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 84-4B - LAND USE ELEMENT AMENDMENT Applicant: Request: -Sharp/Puckett 6. moved te adopt. 3-2 (Wetl & Puckett opposed to allow Irvine Co. to attend) -Puckett/NcCar. 7. to adopt. 4-1 Well opposed for · ~out from Irvtne Tustin City Council amending the Land Use Element of the Tustin Area General Plan for various properties located throughout the City of Tustin. Presentation: Ed Knight, Associate Planner GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 84-4C - REVISED OPEN SPACE AND CONSERVATION ELEMENT A combined and revised Open Space and Conservation Element that addresses the conservation, development utilization of natural resources for the City of Tustin. Programs and plans are proposed that will conserve, maintain, and assure the continued availability of land for the production of food and fiber, for the enjoyment of scenic beauty, for recreation, and for the use of natural resources. GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 84-4D - NEW RECREATION ELEMENT A new optional element of the City General Plan indicating a comprehensive system of areas and public sites for recreation. Programs are proposed that address the community-wide needs and requirements for recreational areas. ADMINISTRATIVE NAI'~ERS A. Old Business -Well/Sharp 1. Revised Arco Station Signage Plan. to approve and adopt Reso 2178. 5-0 Presentation: Alan Warren, Senior Planner --Chat~n White 2. Reoort on Zonin9 Ordinance Amendment 84-2 - Dish Antennae continued to allow review'of booklet due to arrive this week. Presentation: Don Lamm, Director of Community Development ~etl/Puckett to 3. Design Review, 2701 Dow Avenue: Industrial Building. receive and file. 5-0 Presentation: Ed Knight, Associate Planner Planning Commission Agenda September 24, 1984 page four B. New Business 1. Report on Council Actions - September 17, 1984 Presentation: Don Lamm, Director of Community Development 2. Building Department Status Report Presentation: Alan Warren, Senior Planner COHHISSIOM CONCERNS Commissioner Sharp expressed concern with future signing at Tustin Community Hospi t~l. Ch&trmn Whit~ expressed concern over t~e flags at the bo~tyard located in £1 Camtno Plaza. ADJOURI~lqE#T Sharp/Well adjourned at 9:53. 5-0 1 2 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 19 2O 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 RESOLUTION NO. 2177 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA APPROVING USE PERMIT 84-20 AUTHORIZING THE DEVELOPMENT OF AN OFFICE COMPLEX AT THE SOUTHWESTERLY CORNER OF REDHILL AND EDINGER AVENUES The Planning Commission of the City of Tustin does hereby resolve as follows: The Planning Commission finds and determines as follows: That a proper application, Use Permit 84-20, has been filed by -Pacific Bell Telephone Company to develop a 449,040 square feet of office in four free standing buildings for the property at the southwesterly corner of Redhill and Edinger Avenues. B. That a public hearing was duly called, noticed and held on said application. That establishment, maintenance, and operation of the use applied for will not, under the circumstances of this case, be detrimental to the health, safety, morals, comfort, or general welfare of the persons residing or working in the neighborhood of such proposed use, evidenced by the following findings: The use is in conformance with the Tustin Area General Plan and with use and application procedures of the Zoning Code. That the establishment, maintenance, and operation of the use applied for will not be injurious or detrimental to the property and improvements in the neighborhood of the subject property, nor to the general welfare of the City of Tustin as evidenced by compliance with the City's Zoning and Development standards. Proposed development shall be in accordance with the development policies adopted by the City Council, Uniform Building Codes as administered by the Orange County Fire Marshal and street improvement requirements as adminstered by the City Engineer. A Negative Declaration with mitigation measures is hereby approved in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act. G. Final development plans shall require the review and approval of the Community Development Department. II. The Planning Commission hereby approves Use Permit 84-20 to authorize the development for a 449,040 square foot office complex in four 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 14 15 16 17 18 19 21 22 23 26 27 28 Resolution No. 2177 Page two freestanding buildings for the property located at the southwesterly corner of Edinger and Redhtll Avenues subject to the conditions in Exhibit "A" attached. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Tusttn Planning Commission held on the day of , 1984 RONALD H. WHITE, Chairman DONNA ORR, Recording Secretary EXHIBIT A CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL CONDITIONAL USE P[RMIT NO. 84-20 The following conditions of approval shall be complied with as specified or as determined by City staff. Overall, all conditions shall be complied with prior to occupancy of any building. 1.0 TRANSPORTATION AND CIRCULATION MITIGATION F~ASURES 1.1 To mitigate the project traffic impact on the intersection of Red Hill and Edinger, intersection widening beyond the ultimate configuration in the City's arterial street plan will be necessary. This includes (dual westbound left-turn lanes) three eastbound through lanes and a supplemental eastbound right-turn lane. This same lane configuration shall be implemented on each approach to the intersection t~ deemed necessary by the City Engineer following geometric design studies necessary for the dual left-turn lane construction. 1.2 Full signalization shall be installed at the intehsection of Red Hill Avenue and Industrial Way to facilitate entry and exit of project traffic. Signalization shall be completed as determined by the City Engineer prior to occupancy of any building. 1.3 Mitigation of project traffic impact on the intersection of Red Hill Avenue and Sycamore Avenue will require i,~edtate revision in the existing stri~ing to provide three through lanes north and southbound on Red Hill Avenue. Since three traffic lanes will conflict with the on-street bicycle trail between Sycamore Avenue and Service Road along the west side of Red Hill, an off-street bicycle trail shall be constructed within existing public right-of-way along the west side of Red Hill Avenue between Sycamore Avenue and Service Road. 1.4 Mitigation of the project's traffic impact on the intersection of Red Hill Avenue and Walnut Street requires restriptng of the existing cross section. One additional travel lane shall be provided within existing right-of-way on Red Hill for southbound travel. The additional southbound lane will eliminate on-street parking. 1.$ Project trip generation will require full signalization to be installed at the westerly Edinger Avenue ingress/egress in order to facilitate discharge of the parking lot during the PM .peak period. This new signal must be coordinated with existing signals at Red Hill and the SR-$$ Freeway ramps. Investigation of the time/space relationship between these two signals indicates the project's Edinger entrance is well suited for progression. 1.6 Dedication of additional street right-of-way along both Red Hill Avenue and Edinger St./Moulton Parkway will be required as follows: a. Red Hill Avenue, an additional 10 foot wide strip for a total half street width of 60 ft. Community Development Department Exhibit "A" page two 1.7 Ce de Edinger Street/Moulton Parkway, an additional 20 foot wide strip for a total half street width of 60 ft. A corner cutoff area at Edinger Street/Red Hill Avenue. The amount of this corner cutoff will depend upon the design of a free right turn movement. Additional right-of-way beyond the sixty foot half streets to accommodate double left turn movements on Edinger Street and Red Hill Avenue. e. Additional right-of-way along both Edinger Street and/or Red Hill Avenue to accommodate either additional right turn lanes at driveways or street intersections or O.C.T.D. bus facility turn outs. Due to the type of use proposed and the traffic to be generated at the AM and PM peak hours, the street widening along Edinger Street' at the time of and Red Hill Avenue shall, be accomplished development. These improvements consist of: a. Street paving and striping; b. Curb and gutter; c. Sidewalks; d. Drivewa~ aprons: e. Street lights (marbelite standards) on all street frontages of parcels; f. Street trees; g. Storm drain if required. Street improvement plans delineating these improvements will be required. t.8 The most westerly driveway on Edtnger Street shall be a minimum width of 40 feet to provide one wide inbound lane and two conventional outbound lanes. Additionally, this driveway as well as the other driveway on Edinger Street shall be .constructed as radius-type drives. 1.g Right turn lanes will be required at the westerly driveway on Edinger Street and at Red Hill Avenue as determined by the City Engineer. 1.10 An O.C.T.D. bus bay shall be provided on the Red Hill Avenue frontage adjacent to this property. 1.11 All driveway openings on Industrial Way shall be enlarged to 30 feet wide. 1.12 Long-range mitigation measures being examined in the ct tywide traffic study include upgrading of Red Hill Avenue and Edtnger Street, increasing the capacity of the Red H~ll/Edinger intersection, and Community Development Department Exhibit "A" page three 2.0 3.0 extending Newport Avenue to Edinger. While the proposed project Use Permtt 84-20 contributes to the need for capacity increases In this area, deficiencies are projected to occur wtth or without the project. Apart from the artertal Improvements, the prtmary emphasis for mitigation measures in the project area relates to freeway access, particularly northbound SR-55. PM peak hour extttng volumes generated by this project and other development planned to occur tn the Spectfic Plan No. 7 area will be the equivalent of one freeway ramp, assuming continuous flow. The existtng configuration whtch requtres a left turn off Edtnger wtll be totally Inadequate. Various alternatives for providing an additional on-ramp south of the existtng loop ramp are possible, .each of whtch dtffers in 1ts impact on the circulation system east of Del Amo fn the Spectfic Plan area. The t~o aforementioned long-range Improvements will be tncluded In a City capital improvement program to help mitigate both locally generated and regional traffic impacting the community. The City is presently formulating a local assessment district in which new development within the Specific Plan Area No. 7 .will pay its fair share obligation for necessary circulation improvements. The subject property owner shall agree to participate in the b~neftt assessment diitrict to be established and pay fees determined by the City to cover Pacific Bell's fair share obligation. If said benefit assessment district is not established prior to issuance of building permits for Building No. 1, a bond in an amount determined by the City Engineer shall be provided the City to guarantee payment of fees. Building permits for buildings 2, 3 and 4 shall not be issued by the City until said benefit assessment district is established and fees are paid by the property owner. 1.13 Preparation and submission of a car pool and/or van plan for approval by the Co,~unity Development Director. SANTA FE/EDINGER SPECIFIC PLAN NO. 7 2.1 The subject project where applicable, shall comply with all provisions of Specific Plan No. ? excluding off-street parking requirements. Building Permits shall not be issued for any building on the subject property until the Santa Fe/Edinger Specific Plan No. 7 has been adopted by Planning Commission and City Council, unless this provision is waived by City Council due to unforeseen delays in adopting the Specific Plan. AIR QUALITY 3.1 Compliance with SCAQMD Rule 403 (Fugitive Dust Emissions) will assist in mitigating the impact of construction-generated dust particulates. Community Development Department Exhibit "A" page four 3.2 Energy conservation' measures should be incorporated into the design of proposed buildings to have the secondary effect of limiting stationary source pollutants both on and offsite. 3.3 Preparation, submission and implementation of an Emergency Episode Transportation Management Plan to be reviewed by the City Community Development Director and the South Coast Air Quality Management District. 4.0 ORANGE COUNTY FIRE DEPARTlff. IIT 4.1 All conditions of the Orange County Fire Department shall be satisfied. Specifically, building structures shall be fire sprinklered, fire hydrants installed and adequate access provided to each structure for fire fighting apparatus. 5.0 PUBLXC WORKS/E#GX#EERX#G DE~PARI'I~E#T 5.1 All work within the public right-of-way will require a construction permit issued by the City Engineering Division. 5.2 A final grading plan will be required for review and approval by the City. 5.3 The twenty acre site appears to be parceled into six separate parcels according to the Assessor's records. A parcel map shall be recorded to consolidate these parcels into one parcel prior to occupancy of any building. Two of the parcels will also require action to remove either the railroad easement and/or lead track designation. 5.4 A water system for both domestic use and fire flows will be required. The extent of the system is unknown until the fire flow requirements have been designated by the Fire Marshall. 5.5 The parcels will be required to be annexed to Orange County Street Lighting Maintenance District No. 6. Contact should be made with the Tustin Engineering Division regarding annexation procedures. 5.6 Orange County Sanitation District No. 7 connection fees will be required on a portion of the parcel. These can be determined once a plan with dimensions has been submitted. Fee amounts are based upon $50/1,000 sq.ft, of building area. 5.7 Payment of East Orange County Water District fees will be required. Contact the Tustin Water Service for calculation of fee amounts. 6.0 CO)~U#ITY DEVELOPHENT DEPARTMENT 6.1 Buildings shall be constructed to comply with all applicable City Codes. In particular, each building shall be constructed within the allowable area and height limitation permitted by the Uniform Community Development Department EXhl bit "A" page five Building Code based on the use, type of construction, and location on the property. 6.2 The percentage of compact parking spaces shall be reduced from forty percent to a maximum of thirty percent. The total number of parking spaces shall be maintained at 1,514 if the building 'floor area is not reduced. Consideration should be given to constructing a two level parking structure along Industrial Drive. 6.3 Adequate refuse containers and/or service shall be provided to serve the property. 6.4 The final precise site plan and building elevations incorporating applicable conditions shall be reviewed and approved by the Community Development Dep~rtment prior to issuance of any building permits. 6.5 The final landscape and irrigation plan shall be reviewed and approved by the Community Development Department prior to planting any landscaping. 6.6 Continuous 6" concrete curbs shall be provided along landscape planters adjacent to parking spaces and drive aisles. 6.7 A comprehensive signing plan shall be approved by the Community Development Department prior to installation of any signing. 6.8 Wheelchair and handicap access shall be installed on-site and off-site in accordance with the State of California and City of Tustin Building Department standards. 6.9 On-site security lighting shall be arranged so that direct rays will- not produce glare for street traffic. All roof-mounted equipment, such as heating and air conditioning units, shall be completely screened from public view by architecturally compatible screening material, subject to City staff approval. 6.10 Fees required for improvement: Parcel map filing fees Sanitary sewer connection fee (per Orange County Sanitation District No. 7) New development tax All applicable Building Department fees All applicable Engineering Department fees Community Development Department Report to the Planning Commission DATE: September 24, 1984 SUBJECT: APPLICANT: REQUEST: CONSENT CALENDAR NO. 2 TE)IPORARY USE PERMZT 84-1 THOKkS PRESCOTT 173 N. 'BI Street Tusttfl, CA92680 AUTHORZZATXON TO STORE FZREMOOD Oil THE PROPERTY LOCATED AT 505 EL C/I~INO REAL (N.E. CORNER OF EL CAMINO RF_AL & SIXTH STREET) BACKGROUND AND DISCUSSI~OH: As a result of routine field inspections it was noted that a large quantity of firewood had been deposited on the unimproved lot at the N.E. corner of E1 Camtno Real and Sixth Street. The outside storage of wood (or ~any product) constitutes a violation of the general provisions of the Tustin Zoning Code. Mr. Thomas. Prescott was notified of the violation and directed to clear the property. Subsequently, Mr. Prescott has submitted ~n application requesting that he be permitted to retain the wood on the property until it can be sold. Mr. Prescott has made an effort to remove the wood from the property, but states additional time will be needed to completely clear the lot. Under Section 9270c of the Tusttn City Code, the Planning Commission may grant Temporary Use Permits for up to six months for uses not specifically listed as permitted (i.e. Christmas Tree lots). RECOI~IENDED ACTION: In order to provide Mr. Prescott with adequate time to clear the property it is recommended that' Temporary Use Permit 84-1 authorizing the storage of wood on the subject property be approved by minute order, subject to the following condi ti ons: 1. That Mr. Prescott acknowledge, in writing, that all of the wood on the subject property shall be removed by March 24, 1984. 2. That the quantity of wood on the property shall not be increased. 3. That under no circumstances shall firewood, or any other non-agricultural be stored upon the property at any time after March 24, 1984. JD:do Corn munity Development Deparlment TWP a pent,ton ts hereby mde ~ ~e Director, Co~ni~Y Oevelopmen~ Oepa~ n~, pursuane to. ~e p~ovtsions of Tusttn Ct-~y Ordinance (Sign O~dtnance ~6~4) (O~dtnance ~157) for constde~atJon of the p~ope~W and t~n~-he~etn described. APPLICANT. MAILING ADDRESS T~ kS:" ~' ' --~u~,. £.~ ~ ,., PHONE NUMBER: ~1~ ~.3~-o~ (Business) (Res1 dence) TO PERHIT THE FOLLOWINGL Banner Stgn . Bunting TEIflPORARY SIGN (Not to'exceedTO--~r~ Fireworks Stand 'arktng Lot Sale Decorating Flags Balloons Portable Stgn (Not to exceed lO Sq. Ft.) Christmas Tree Sales Other-Fife~c~a DESCRIPTION OF DISPLAY LOCATION LENGTH OF TIME FOR SUBJECT REQUEST BOND POSTED IN THE AMOUNT OF ,~ ' SUBJECT PERMIT EXPIRES ~ REMARKS BY , (Community OeveloOment Department) Planning Commission DATE: SUBJECT: APPLICANT: LOCATION: ZONING: REQUEST: September 24, 1984 VARIAI~CE 84-1 JAHES R. LINOSEY 653 South "B= Street Tusttn, CA 92680 653 SOUTH "B=' STREET CENTRAL COI~ERCIAL (C-2) DISTRICT AUTHORIZATION TO VARY FROM SECTION 9495 OF THE TUSTIN CITY CODE TO ALLOW 1110 TENANT IDENTIFICATION SIGNS THAT ARE NOT PER/4ITrED BY CODE. BACKGROUND: The subject Vartance was originally to be :*considered by the Planning Commission on August 27, 1984. At the request of the applicant, the matter was continued to thts meetfng. It Is staff's understanding that the request for continuance was submitted in light of this department's recommendation that Variance 84-1 be denied. The applicant was intending to resubmttt a revised plan that would have reduced the size of the signs requested. DISCUSSION: After the August 271h meettng, the applicant was nottfted as to when the revtsd sign plan should be submitted in order to be considered at this meeting. The applicant was also centered by phone on September 14, 1984, as was the sign company, that the necessary plans had not been received, and that staff would recommend dental if the documents were not submitted by Monday, September 17. At the writing of this report the revised sign plan had not been received. RECOI~4ENDATION: It is recommended that Variance 84-1 be denied without prejudice. Such action will permit the applicant to re-apply for a Variance if he so desires. Justification for the denial is contained in Section I.C. of Resolution No. 2174 JEFF DAVIS, Assistant Planner JD:do attachments: Resolution No. 2174 Original staff report (Aug.27.1984L Corn rnudity Development Department 1 5 The 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 ' 13 15 16 17 18 19 20 :~1 22 25 26 27 28 RESOLUTION NO. 2174 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, DENYING VARIANCE APPLICATION. NO. 84-1 REQUESTING AUTHORIZATION TO VARY WITH SECTION 9495 OF THE TUSTIN CITY CODE Planning Commission of the City of Tustin does hereby resolve as follows: I. The Planning Commission determines as follows: A. That a proper application for a variance (Variance NO. 84-1) was filed by Mr. James Lindsey requesting authorization to vary with Tustin City Code Section 9495 by installing one tenant identification sign of 20.25 s.f. and one (1) tenant identification sign of 54 s.f. B. That a public hearing was duly called, noticed and held on said application. C. That establishment, maintenance and operation of the use applied for will, under the circumstances of this case, be detrimental to the health, safety, morals, comfort or general welfare of the persons residing or working in the neighborhood of such proposed use, evidenced by the following findings: 1. That there are no exceptional circumstances peculiar to the subject site that justify the granting of a variance pursuant to Section 9471 of the City Code. 2. That the granting of a variance as herein applied for will constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations upon other properties in the vicinity, and district in which the subject property is situated and the land use for which the request was submitted. II. The Planning Commission hereby denies Variance 84-1 as submitted. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Planning Commission held on the day of , 1984. RONALD H. WHITE, Chairman DONNA ORR, Recording Secretary PUBLIC HEARING NO. 2 , Planning commission DATE: SUBJECT: APPLICANT: LOCATION: ZONING: August 27, 1984 VARIANCE 84-1 JA~ES R. LINDSEY 653 South "B' Street Tusttn, CA92680 653 SOUTH "B" STREET CENTRAL COI~[RCIAL (C-2) DISTRICT ENVIRONMENTAL STATUS: REQUEST: CATEGORICALLY EXE]qPT AUTHORIZATION TO VARY FROM SECTION 9495 OF THE TUSTIN CITY CODE TO ALLO# ~ TENANT IDENTIFICATION SIGNS THAT ARE NOT PERIqlTTED BY CODE. DISCUSSION: Section 9495 of the Tusttn City Code sets fort~ the number and size of signs that are permitted for professional offices. The signs authorized by code for a professional office building are as follows: 1. One (1) butld~ng or center Identification sign (wall or monument type) not to exceed 12 square feet tn area. "Center Identification Sign" ts defined as a sign Identifying a center or complex. Said sign shall not contain Trade marks, Trade Names, Logos, Symbols, or any form of art that can be construed as the name of any single business tn that center. Staff Interprets this definition to also Include "Building Identification". 2. One (1) tenant Identification st0n (wall or under marquee type) not to exceed slx square feet tn area. The applicant ts requesting to vary'from these crtterta tn that he wishes to install two tenant Identification signs one of which ts 54 square fee~ tn area (south elevation) and one 20.25 square feet stgn (west elevatlon). The request ts to allow 68 square feet of sign not otherwise authorized. Community Development Department Planning Commission Report Variance page two Although the Sign Ordinance ~oes provide for a variance procedure, it is quite specific as to what conditions or circumstances must be present before the Commission can approve such a variance. These conditions are as follows: 1. That because of exceptional circumstances applicable to the subject property, the strict application of this Chapter is found to deprive subject property of privileges enjoyed by other properties in the vicinity and under similar circumstances. 2. That the variance shall be subject to such conditions as will assure that the adjustments thereby authorized will not constitute a grant of special privileges inconsistent with the limitations upon other properties in the vicinity and district in which the subject property is located. ANALYSIS: After reviewing the subject application and inSpecting the site, staff concludes that there are no exceptional circumstances peculiar to 'the subject property that warrant the granting of a variance. The property is clearly visible from the freeway and the building is not obscured by any structures. The mere fact directions to the building are difficult to follow does not constitute a hardship imposed by the sign code. Additionally, staff is concerned that approval of the subject variance could be viewed as a grant of special privilege, and may be a precedent setting action. Based on these conclusions, staff has no alternative but to recommend denial of Variance 84-1. It should be noted that upon review of the sign plan the applicant was informed that staff would not support the variance request. RECOI~ENDED ACTION: Staff recommends the Commission find that "no unusual circumstances exist on the subject property that warrant the granting of a variance" and'that Variance 84-1 be denied by the adoption of Resolution No. 2174. ~FF ~k~S,' Assl s*tant Planner OD:do Community Developmen~ Deparirnen~ California Dental Health Plan Application for Variance Justification for hardship The building is placed in such a ~wa¥ that directions are difficult to follow. The main visibility of the building is from Interstate 5. The failure to identify the company causes loss of business and inconvenience to customers and company. Dat~ / 653 South "B" Stree% Tustin, California 92680 (714) 731-6133 Planning Commission PUBLIC HEARING NO. I DATE*: SUBJECT: APPLICANT: PROPERTT OM#ER: LOCATION: ZONING: SEPTEHBER 24, 1984 USE PEOMIT 84-15 KHAN ASSOCIATES 17581 IR¥INE BLVD., SUITE 211 TUSTIN, CA 92680 SIK MONG 7 REM {4EADOM IR¥INE, CA 92714 15582 'B' STREET HULTIPLE FANILY RESIDENTIAL ~R-3-2000) ENVIRONMENTAL STATUS: REQUEST: DISCUSSION: A NEGATIVE DECLARATION HAS BEEN APPLIED FOR IN CO{4PLIANCE MITH THE CALIFORNIA ENYIRONF[NTAL QUALITY ACT. AUTHORIZATION TO CONSTRUCT SlX (6) RESIDENTIAL CONDOMINIUM UNITS. An application for Conditional Use Permit has been submitted by Khan Associates on behalf of Mr. Sik Wong requesting authorization to construct six (6) residential condominium units on the property located at 15582 "B" Street. A Use Permit is required for the development of condominiums in the R-3 zone, and the project must conform to the development standards of the Planned Development District (Section 9224 of the City Code).' SITE ANALYSIS: The subject project Is proposed to be butlt on a triangular shaped, 17,238 square foot lot and would rep]ace an existing single famtly residence. The stte ts bounded by stngle family homes to the east, and a multtple family complex to the north. The homes, which front on South "C" Street, are estimated to be between 30-50 years old, and the mu~ttp]e famt]y complex was originally used as military houstng and Is estimated to be at ]east as old as the homes on "C" Street. To the west of the site, dtrectly across "B" Street, is the Montestlla Mobile Home Park. Along the "B" Street frontage, there ts a substantial amount of landscaping and several the site. Some of these trees wtll be displaced by the mature trees located on eve]opment. Community Development Department Planning Commission Report September 24, [984 page two PROJECT A#ALYSIS: As submitted, the project meets all of the zoning regulations as provided in the Planned Development District. Staff will therefore recommend project approval, however, ~here are some deviations from the adopted development guidelines. Specifically, the open parking spaces are shown having a dtnenslon of 9x[7 instead of the standard 9x20, and the drive aisle width at its narrowest point ts 23 feet in lieu of the 27 foot standard. The deviation of the open parking space size does nbt present a problem in' that there is adequate room for vehicular overhang. However, with only a 23 foot drive aisle, backing of vehicles from the garages may be impeded. Therefore, the architectural features that extend into the drive-aisle must be modified creating at least a 25 foot clear area between buildings. Of more importance than these minor deviations is that the site plan does not properly reflect the location of public improvements required by the City Engineer. The Tentative Tract Hap submitted tn conjunction with this project correctly indicates the location of new sidewalk, curb and gutter. Should the Commission approve this project, the site plan must be modified to agree with the Tentative Tract Hap. The development of this project would displace five mature trees (each at least [2" in diameter). Three other mature trees however could be saved. As a condition of approval, it will be recommended the trees marked [, 2 + 3 on Exhibit "B", be retained, and that the five trees lost be replaced with not less than five 48" box trees. These requirements shall be Included in the project landscape plans and must be approved by the Director of Community Oevelopment prior to butldtng permit issuance. Finally, a portion of the lot immediately to the north of the subject site may be a part of the [-5 freeway widening project. To mitigate any potential impacts of freeway related noise, it is recommended that the applicant be required to provide documentation from an acoustical engineer ensuring that in a worst case scenario, the complex will comply with the noise standards contained in the Tustln Noise Ordinance. RECOI~E#OEO ACTIO#: [t is recommended that Use Permit 84-[5 be approved subject to the Conditions of contained in Exhibit A attached. Assistant Planner JD:do Lattachments: Exhibit A - Conditions of Approval Exhibit 8 - Trees to be removed Exhibit C - Site Plan Exhibit D - Elevations Exhibit E Development Review Summary ,,. Community Development Department EXHIBIT "A" CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL USE PERIIIT 84-15 e 10. 11. The proposed project shall be developed in accordance with all applicable Building, Fire, and Health and Safety Codes adopted by the City of Tustin. A final grading plan based upon benchmark elevation datum as utilized by the Orange County Surveyoris Office must be submitted and approved prior .to issuance of building permits. Submittal of street improvement plans and construction of said improvements shall be required. These improvements will include but not be limited to the following: a) street paving; b) curb and gutter; c) sidewalks; d) driveway apron; e) water mains/fire hydrants/water service; f) sanitary sewer facilities; f) storm drain extension across frontage of paved; h) marbelite street lights with underground conduit; i) provision for underground cable television service; j) street trees. Payment of Orange County Sanitation District No. 7 sewer connection fees in the amount of $250.00 per dwelling unit at the time building permits are issued. Payment of East Orange County Water District fees in the amount of $500.00 per dwelling unit at the time building permits are issued. Submission of the Covenants, Conditions and Restrcttons (CC&Rs) to the City Attorney's Office for approval is required. Payment of Parkland Dedication Fees in the amount prescribed by City Ordinance shall be remitted prior to issuance of building permits. Payment of New Development Tax in the amount of $2,700.00 shall be remitted prior to issuance of building permits. Each residential unit shall be equipped with individual electric water and gas meters. That the location and construction of trash enclosures shall provide for access to and from the containers at all times for the franchise refuse service. The common trash container enclsoures shall be constructed of a minimum six-foot (6) high concrete decorative block wall with solid gates to block visibility of trash bins. The CC&R's shall contain restrictions against the conversion of garage spaces to any other use except the storage of motor vehicles. The City shall be a part of the CC&R's and any modification of the CC&R's concerning these conditions shall require approval by the City of Tusttn. Community Development Department USE PERMIT 84-15 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Page two 12. Final building elevations which indicate specific construction materials and color schemes shall be submitted to the Planning Department for review and approval prior to the issuance of building permits. 13. A landscape and irrigation plan incorporating specimen size trees and an automatic irrigation system shall be submitted to the Planning Deprtment for review and approval prior to the landscape installation This plan shall include the retention of the trees indicated as 1, 2 + 3 on E~hibit "B" attached, and shall include at least five {5) 48" box trees to replace the mature trees displaced by construction. Occupancy of any unit will not be authorized until approved landscaping is in place. The developer shall comply with all construction requirements of the Orange County Fire Marshal's office which includes installation of fire extinguishers and on-site private fire hydrants if necessary. 15. A development plan shall be submitted to City staff, prior to issuance of building permits to detailing amenities provided within the common recreation area; i.e. spas, walkways, tot lots. 16. A six foot eight inch {6'8") high, concrete block Wall shall be installed along the property side yards of the project. However, the height of the wall along the northern property line may be constructed to a height up to eight feet (8') as a sound attenuation wall for the recreation and patio areas if so recommended by an acoustical engineer. 17. An analysis of the project shall be conducted by an acoustical engineer verifying that the project will comply with the City Ordinance No. 828 pertaining to noise. Included in this analysis will be consideration of impacts of the I-5 freeway widening project. 18. All roof top equipment shall be screened from public view. 19. The Final Tract Map shall be submitted, ready for recordation, prior to the issuance of building permits. At such time that construction of the units is complete, and all final inspections have been conducted, the Final Map shall be reviewed by the City Council for consideration of approval. Community Development DeparTment I i I~tllllllll EXHIBIT "E" DEYELOPMENT R~VIEW SUM~RY. Project: · I)~e pm~mJf R&-lR Location/District: 15582 S. "B" Street Action: Reouestino auth~riTatinn tn dAv. ln? a ~(v (~) unit'residential Condiminium project, Building: Front Setback Side Setback Rear Setback Gross Square Footage Net Floor SqUare Footage Height Number'of Stories Materials/Colors Lot Size Lot Coverage (project) Parking: Number of Spaces Ratio (space/square footage) Percent of Compact Spaces Type Uses: Number of Public Notifications (Owners): Environmental .Status * No Standard District Requiremen~ Proposed 15' l~' 10' 800 sq'.ft./unit 1308 sq.ft/unit 30' max 30' 3 2 lO,O00 sq.ft. 17,238 sq.ft. 14,838 sq.ft, max. 8,047 sq.ft. 14 14 ?/,,n'~i'. ~ 2 n,,~t ~unit & 2 ~uest 0 0 12 garage/2 open 12 garage/2 open Apartments/Condomi ni ums Condomi ni ums 35 A Negative Declaration has been applied fo r. Report to the Planning Commission PUBLIC HE.~IIlG #1 DATE: SUBJECT: APPLICANT: PROPERTY OWNER: LOCATION: ENVIRONMENTAL STATUS: REQUEST: SEPTEI~),ER 24, 1904 TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 12273 KHAN AND ASSOCIATES 175811R¥INE BLVD. TUSTIN, CA 92680 SIK 7 NEW I~ADOW IRVINE, CA 92714 15582 SOUTH "B" STREET A I~GATIVE 'DECLARATION HAS BEEN APPLIED FOR IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL qUALZ-TY ACT APPROVAL OF TENTATIVE TRACT NAP NO. 12273, ONE-LOT SUBDIVISION FOR BESIDE#TAIL CONDOMI#IUN PURPOSES DISCUSSION: Tentative Tract Hap No. 12273 has been submitted in conjunction with Use Permit 84-15 requesting authorization to develop a 6 untt condominium project. The map does not alter any extstlng property lines on the .0418 acre site, but instead creates a one-lot* subdivision for residential condominium purposes. RECO~ENOED ACTION: If the Commission granted approval of Use Permit 84-15, then it is recommended that Tentative Tract Map No. 12273 be approved. Conditions of approval of the map shall be )ditions imposed upon Use Permit 84-15. (Exhibit "A" attached) Assistant planner JD/lg Attachments: Exhibit "A" Exhibit "B" Tentative Tract Map No. #12273 , Community Development Department lO. EXHIBIT 'A' CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL TENTATIVE TRACT IqRP 11273 The proposed project shall be developed in accordance with all applicable Building, Fire, and Health and Safety Codes adopted by the City-of Tustin. A final grading plan based upon benchmark elevation datum as utilized by the Orange County Surveyor's Office must be submitted and approved prior to issuance of building permits. Submittal of street improvement plans and construction of said improvements shall These improvements will include but not be limited to the be required. following: a) b) c) d) e) f) f) h) street paving; curb and gutter; sidewalks; driveway apron; water mains/fire hydrants/water service; sanitary sewer facilities; storm drain extension across frontage of paved; marbelite street lights with underground conduit; i) provision for underground cable television service; j) street trees. Payment of Orange County Sanitation District No. 7 sewer connection fees in the amount of $250.00 per dwelling unit at the time building permits are issued. Payment of East Orange County Water District fees in the amount of $500.00 per' dwelling unit at the time building permits are issued. Submission of the Covenants, Conditions' and Restrctions (CC&Rs) to the City Attorney's Office for approval is required. Payment of Parkland Dedication Fees in the amount prescribed by City Ordinance shall be remitted prior to issuance of building permits. Payment of New Development Tax'in the amount of $2,700.00 shall be remitted prior to issuance of building permits. Each residential unit shall be equipped with individual electric water and gas meters. That the location and construction of trash enclosures shal'l provide for access to and from the containers at all times for the franchise refuse service. The common trash container enclsoures shall be constructed of a minimum six-foot (6) high concrete decorative block wall with solid gates to block visibility of trash bins. The CC&R's shall contain restrictions against the conversion of garage spaces to any other use except the storage of motor vehicles. The City shall be a part of the CC&R's and any modification of the CC&R's concerning these conditions shall require approval by the City of Tustin. Community Development DepaFlment TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 11273 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Page t~o 12. Final building elevations which indicate specific construction materials and color schemes shall be submitted to the Planning Department for review and approval prior to th~ issuance of building permits. 13. A landscape and irrigation plan incorporating specimen size trees and an -automatic irrigation system shall be submitted to the Planning Deprtment for review and approval prior to the landscape installation . This plan shall include the retention of the ~rees indicated as 1, 2 + 3 on Exhibit "B" attached, and shall include at least five (5) 48" box trees to replace the mature trees displaced by construction. Occupancy of any unit will not be authorized until approved landscaping is in place. 14. The developer shall comply with all construction, requirements of the Orange County Fire Marshal's office which includes installation of fire extinguishers and on-site private fire hydrants if necessary. 15. A development plan shall be submitted to City staff, ~rior to issuance of building permits to detailing amenities provided within the common recreation area; i.e. spas, walkways, tot lots. · 16. A six foot eight inch (6'8") high, concrete block wall shall be installed along the property side yards of the project. However, the height of the wall along the northern property line may be constructed to a height up to eight feet (8') as a sound attenuation wall for the recreation and patio areas if so recommended by an acoustical engineer. 17. An analysis of the project.shall be conducted by an acoustical engineer verifying that the project will comply with the City Ordinance No. 828 pertaining to noise. Included in this analysis will be consideration of impacts of the I-5 freeway widening project. 18. All roof top equipment shall be screened from public view. lg. The Final Tract Map shall be submitted, ready for recordation, prior to the issuance of building permits. At such time that construction of the units is complete, and all final inspections have been conducted, the Final Map shall be reviewed by the City Council for consideration of approval. , Community Development Department Planning Commission DATE: SUBJECT: APPLICANT: LOCATION: ZONING: September' 24, 1984 USE PERMIT 84-~ TOSTIN COMMUNITY HOSPITAL ON BEHALF OF SAFECARE, INCORPORATED 14662 NEHPORT AVENUE PUBLIC & INSTITUTIONAL (P&I) ENVIRONMENTAL STATUS: REQUEST: REQUEST FOR A NEGATIVE DECLARATION ¥ITH MITIGATION F[ASURES PROPOSED. TO CONSTRUCT 27,563 SQUARE FEET OF MEDICAL OFFICE ADJACENT TO THE EXISTING 170 BED TUSTIN CO_B~IUNITY HOSPITAL BACKGROUND: The first action for this hospital site wa~ pre-zone 67-105 which designated the property as a Planned Community District and included approval for the hospital development for an 86-bed facility with. ultimate expansion to 250 beds. In. January of 1968, the property was annexed into the City by the adoption of Ordinance 378. In February 1972, the Design Preview Committee approved the parking lot enlargement which borders on Sycamore Avenue. Use Permit 74-6 authorized the addition of 6,926 square feet which included classrooms, physiological lab, recovery room and additional parking. This action was approved in September 1974. In 1976 the City initiated a zone change from the Planned Community {PC) to the Public and Institutional Zone (P&I) for purposes of bringing the zoning into conformance with the Tustin Area General Plan - Land Use Element. Use Permit 83-29 authorized a modular structure of 2,160 square feet for support office use. The approval for this structure will terminate January 1989. DISCUSSION: All uses and developments within the Public and Institutional (P&I) are subject to use permit approval (Section 92456). This application is submitted in compliance with this provision. The proposed site plan indicats the 4-story medical office building is to be located in front of the existing single story medical building along Newport Avenue. The existing hospital contains 170 beds in a 109,000 square foot building. The existing portico will be removed and the front parking area modified for the office building construction. Community Development Department Planntng Commission Report September 24, 1984 page two Additional parking is being proposed along the northern boundary by the purchase of 6[,000 square feet of the adjacent Tustin Block property. The parkfng lot ts to be landscaped in accordance with City standards. The development of the Tustin Block land will necessitate the removal of several large fruit trees which should be replaced by mature specimens. The butldtng is to fifty-one feet In height wtth a nine foot 'valted skyltght atop the center lobby area.' The exterior ts to exhtbtt betge stucco and glass walls with a stair step design to reduce the visual i~act of four stories. In addition, plant material is to be incorporated on each terrace to soften the facade. The architect has incorporated arches along the base of the structure to provide a contemporary mission influence. .. DESIGN ISSUES: The staff concerns regarding the proposal revolve around the four areas as follows: PARKING ACCOMMODATIONS The plot plan provides for 407 parking spaces located in existing parking areas in the front and east sections and in the new parking lot proposed along the north boundary line. The P&I District does *not contain specific parking requirements and therefore the appropriate parking allocations are determined through use permit review process. A study of hospital and medical office standards was initiated by the City traffic consultant and Planning staff. While the actual parking demand for a hospital can vary greatly, typical requirements range from i to 2 spaces per bed. The City's medical office requirement is consistent in all other districts at six spaces per 1000 square feet. A group of parking demand scenarios is included on Table I. TABLE I Parking Allocations Parking Existing Proposed Scenarios Hospital Med. Bldg. Total Provided Deficiency Hospital ~ existing no.; Med. office ~ 6 spaces/lO00 sq.ft. 278 Hospital ~ 1 space/ bed; Med. office ~ 6 spaces/lO00 sq.ft. 170 Hospital ~ 2 spaces/ bed; Med. office ~ 6 spaces/lO00 sq.ft. 340 345 623 407 216 345 515 407 108 345 685 407 278 Community Development Department Planning Commission Report September 2¢, 1984 page three The applicant submitted a parking study for Tustin Community Hospital which indicated an available space ratio between 9% and 24~ during peak demand periods. On the application, a request was included for the City to consider the parking available at a Hospital owned medical building directly across the street. It is staff's recommendation that this consideration not be granted due to the concerns of the Engineering Department over pedestrian traffic problems if it were used by hospital visitors or employees. It is staff's opinion that a parking demand ratio should be established for the site prior to consideration of any proposed expansion. As indicated by Table I, the parking provided on site could be between 108 and 278 spaces short of potential demands. TRAFFIC IMPACT: The applicant included at staff's request a traffic analysis of the impacts with suggested mitigation measures. The City traffic consultant concurred with a re-striping plan for Newport Avenue and recommended a "fairshare" payment plan for the planned signalization of the intersection of Newport Avenue and Sycamore Avenue. Building Height and Architectural Style At over 50' feet in height the office structure will be viewed as a substantial change to the one and two story buildings in the area. Generally the hospital site is surrounded by two story multiple family residential structures and one story retail Commercial buildings. The existing hospital is single story with a two story high portico structure. The architecture as a result of the height, exhibits less o~ a residential style than surrounding structures. Staff is therefore concerned about the combattbility of structure with the existing physical characteristics of the neighborhood. The four story tall glass enclosed central lobby gives the building more of a "high-tech" style. The use of stucco and first story arches does not significantly reduce this design influence. FINDINGS AND cONCLUSIONS: 1. In order to properly evaluate any expansion proposal, parking ratio for the hospital and medical offices should be established. Because the existing ratio of 6 spaces/lO00 square feet for medical offices just satisfies parking demands for other developments in the City it is recommended that this ratio be applied to the office proposal. Due to the applicants study which indicated surplus parking for the existing hospital, it would appear that one space per bed could be considered for this proposal. Also, the single trip concept to the two facilities could result in a slightly lower parking demand. Community Development Department Planning Commlsslon Report September 24, 1984 page four It is therefore recommended that a total of 519 parking spaces be required for the proposal as submitted. The use of a parking-garage or reduction in office floor area are possible solutions. 2. The applicant has acknowledged potential traffic impacts in the submitted and a traffic analysis of the proposal. The mitigation measures suggested in the analysis were determined to be acceptable by the City traffic consultant. Their traffic control measures should include but, necessarily limited to the following: 1. Reimburse the City for all costs associated with the recommended striping modifications on Newport Avenue {not to exceed $1000). 2. Provide a "fatrshare~' portion of the funds necessary to signalize the intersection of Newport and Sycamore Avenues of 11.6~ of the total cost. The "high-rise" medical building should be re-studied architecturally to improve its compatibility with the neighborhood. Efforts in this area have been included in su.rrounding 'new developments (i.e., office at Newport and Sycamore) and additional consideration should be given to ensure compatibility. RECO~IIF..NDED ACTION: It is recommended that this item be continued if the applicant tls willing to modify the proposal to address the concerns mentioned in staff's report. If, however, the appplicant believes that modifications are not possible, it is recommended that the application be denied. Senior Planner AW/lg encls: Plan reductions Plans ,. Community Development Department DEVELOPMENT REVIEW SUMMARY Project: M~dical Office Buildinq Location/District: 14662 Newport Ave. / P & I District Action: Use Permit 84-15 Building: Front Setback Si.de Setback Rear Setback Gross Square Footage Net Floor Square Footage .Height Number'of Stories Materials/Colors Lot Size sq.ft. Lot Coverage Parking: Number of Spaces Ratio (space/square footage) Percent of Compact Spaces Type Uses: Number of Public Notifications (Owners): Environmental Status * No Standard District Requirement Proposed By Commission Review B7 Commission Review 2O% 72' F~n? Nn~p~tal 57,563 46~118 60' 4 ~Glass ~?1, 7~e + Al:n73 ~ &% n~ *We lots 407 1Z409 (overall) 20% Open at grade 29 Applied for Neqative Declaration. Report to the -' , planning Commission DATE: SUIAIECT: APPLICANT: LOCATION: SEPTEI~ER 24, 1984 PARCEL KRP HO. ~M-1029 GARY SIEGEL Off BEHALF OF THE TUSTIN COI~IUIIITY HOSPITAL 1466Z NEWPORT AVENUE BACKGROU~O AND DUSCUSSIO#: The subject map of 4.628 acres has been submitted to create two parcels from one existing parcel. The zoning on these parcels is CG-PUO (Commerical General - Planned Unit Development). The Tustin Block Company occupies both parcels and after the subdivision will occupy parcel 1 only. Parcel 2 is the proposed parking lot for the Tustin Community Hospital medical building addition. If the Use Permit for the office addition ts approved, then a condition will be placed on the project that this parcel shall be in-corporated with the*other hospital parcels to rom a new subdivision map. This map is tn confomance with the Tustin Area General Plan. RECOI~ENOED ACTION: Recommend approval of Parcel Map 84-~029 to the City Council Resolutions No. ~2179. MARY ANN CHAMBERLAIN Associate Planner by the adoption of MAC/lg Community Development Department 1 2 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 9.2 23 24 25 26 27 28 RESOLUTION NO. 2179 RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF PARCEL MAP NO. 84-1029 The Planning Commission of the City of Tustin does hereby resolve as follows: I. The Planning Commission finds and determines as follows: That Parcel Map No. 84-1029 was submitted by Gary Siegel on behalf of the Tustin Community Hospital pursuant to Subdivision Ordinance 847 for the purpose of splitting a lot for the property known as a portion of Lot 49 on Plat No. 1 of the subdivision of a portion of the Ranchos Santiago De Santa Aha and San Joaquin, as shown on-a map recorded in Book 5, page 7 of Miscellaneous Records of Los Angeles County, California. B. That said map is in conformance with the Tustin Area General Plan. C, That this project is categorically exempt from the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act. II. The Planning Commission hereby recommends to the City Council approval of Parcel Map No. 84-1029 subje,ct to the following conditions: A® This area will require annexation to the Orange County Street Lighting Maintenance District No. 6 (former Tustin Lighting District). All annexation applications should be filed with the City of Tustin Engineering Division. As each parcel develops, the replacement or construction of any damaged or missing street improvements adjacent to that parcel will be required and will include, but not be limited to the following items: a. Curb and gutter b. Sidewalk c. Drive aprons d. Street trees C. The installation of street lights marbelite poles will be required as each parcel is developed. Contact Ron Rust with the Edison Com[any at 973-5455 for design. D. Payment of Orange County Sanitation District No. 7 sewer connection fees will be required at the time a building permit is issued for each parcel. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Resolution No. 2179 page 2 E. Payment of East Orange County Water District fees will be required at the time a building permit is issued for each parcel. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a.regular meeting of the Tustin Planning Commission held on the day of , 1984. cnalrman Donna Orr, Recording Secretary Planning Commission DATE: SUBJECT: APPLICANT: LOCATION: ZONING: ENVZRONI4ENTAL STATUS: REQUEST: SEPTEMBER 24, 1984 USE PERRIT 84-18 #ILLXAlq ZAPPAS EL CASINO PLAZA, SOUTH~STERLY CORNER OF SIXTH STREET AND EL CA~I#O REAL~TOWR CENTER REDEYELOPMENT PROJECT AREA CENTRAL COlelERIAL (C-2) CATEGORICALLY EXDIPT; CLASS 3, NEN CONSTRUCTZON OF SMALL STRUCTURES AUTHORIZATION TO CONSTRUCT AN ADDITIONAL 5,500 FIRST FLOOR RETAIL SPACE AND 5,500 SECOND FLOOR OFFICE SPACE TO THE EXISTING MARSHALL'S BUILOING NHZLE VARYING WITH THE OISTRICT PARKING REQUIREMENTS BACKGROUND AND DISCUSSION: On January 12, 1976 The Planning Agency authorized the renovation of the existing Tustin Square Shopping Center {now E1 Camino Plaza). At that time the center did not include the parcel of land where Marshall's Department store is presently located~ The owner, Mr. Zappas, has since purchased the Marshall's parcel and made various improvements to the building and added a new 4,000 square foot retail building on the corner. The owner is now requesting authorization to add a 2 story addition to the Marshall's building. The proposal is to add 5,500 square feet of retail on the first floor and 5,500 square feet of office on the second floor. According to a parking lot survey by staff, the following statistics differ from those submitted on the site plan. The parking breakdown for the center is as follows: Existing parking: 538 spaces Existing parking requirements: 533 spaces 1. Theatre - 1 space per 3 seats (267 seats) 89 spaces 2. Offices - I space per 300 square feet (6,650) 22 spaces 3. Retail - 1 space per 200 square feet {84,250) 422 spaces ,. Community Development Deparlment Use Permit 84-18 Page 2 The new addition would cause the cen'ter to lose 25 spaces and create an additional need as follows: Office - 1 per 300 square feet 5,500 - 18 spaces Retail - 1 per 200 square feet 5,500 - 28 spaces -T6'-spaces Therefore the center would be dificient 66 spaces from code requirements. ANALYSIS: The theate~ at present requires 89 parking spaces. To justify the need for fewer spaces, the applicant has submitted the following information: During the week the theatre does not open until after 6 p.m. and patrons usually arrive somewhere between 6:15 and 6:45 p.m. All of the retail stores close at 6 p.m. except two (~) eating establishments. On Sunday the dinner theater has an afternoon matinee and an evening performance while only a few of the shops are open until 5 p.m. If the theater use were to change to a retail commercial use, the parking requirements would drop from 89 spaces to 50 spaces (approximately 10,000 square feet of area). All of the parking spaces now existing in the center parking lot are standard size spaces and 15 spaces could be added if 20~ of the center spaces were to be restripped to compact size, if the Commission so desires. Based on previous actions by the Planning Commission, times of operation have been considered acceptable conditions in the granting of minor parking variances. The Elizabeth Howard Dinner Theatre use was approved by the City of Tustin License and Permit Board on March 6, 1980 which limited their hours of operation from 6 p.m. to midnight on weekdays and noon until ~idnight on Sunday's to allow a matinee. RECOI~ENDED ACTION: Staff recommends that Use Permit 84-18 be approved subject to the deviation in the parking requirements and direct staff to prepare a resolution for consideration at the next meeting. Associate Planner MAC/1 g Encls: Site Plan Elevations Exhibit A Community Development Department EXH]:BTT CONO[T[OIIS OF APPROVAL SUGGESTED L1:ST OF CONOTTIONS ~NPOSED USE PERJl]~T NO. 84-18 1. A grading plan should be submitted showing all proposed and existing grades of facilities wtthin the limits of the project. 2. Any construction wfthtn the public rlght-of-way should be so indicated wtth appropriate City Standards on either the final site or grading plan. 3. Harbeltte street 11ghts ~tth underground conduit may be required. Contact Ron Rust ~ith the Edtson Co. at 973-5455 for destgn. 4. The domestic'water and sewer service should be shown on this plan. These should be taken from the Stxth Street facilities. 5. Compliance with all Fire Department regulations. 6. Payment of Orange County Sanitation 01strtct No. 7 fees in the amount of $$0/1,000 sq. ft. of floor area will be required.at the ttme a buildtng permit ts tssued. 7. Payment of East Orange County Nater Dlstrtct fees wtll be required at the ttme a building permtt is issued. Contact Earl Rowenhorst at Tustin Nater Servtce for fee amounts. 8. Signs will require approval before permit issuance and shall match the master sign plan for E1Camtno Plaza. 9. Elevations shal~ match the existing center elevations. 10. All roof top equipment shall be screened from vtew. 11. The trash enclosure sha~l be constructed of masonry material, covered and secured to prohibit unauthorized dumping which presents a nuisance to the surrounding communl ry. Community Development Department pesn ~uo~u~edoCl ~uoLudoIa^oC] A~!unuJ u~oD · sSutpL~nq aot~Jo LeUOtSSejoad jo ~uatudoLeAep eq~ aoj ~LeAtsnLoxe st uot~eufitsap esn pue£ LeUOtSSe~Odd eq£ -dno3o pLnoo s~o~L~UOO 'SaSh [~d aouts papaau st LOJ~UOO stq£ 'esn jo X~tsue~ut pue ~uamdo£eAep e~ts esn pueL Leuot~n~su! pue otLqnd eUZ -sesodand uostaedmoo aoj ~uameLe uommoo e st uot~eu6tsap esn pueL ~ueadno do pesododd eq~ aeq~te moaa s~oedmt eLqtssod aq£ · uot~euStsep esn PUeL ~uaaano eql modj s~oedmt eLqtssod aq~ pue 'uo~eOOL stq~ ~e ash pueL pasododd aq~ ~UtAeq JO ~tLtqeotLdd~ aq~ 'sat~aedodd 5utpunoddns uo ~oedet eLqtssod eq~ punode sde~ueo s~s~LeUe 'Lesododd stq~ jo eseo eq~ u! 'dedOLeAep dO ~eu~o ~aedoad eq~ ~sn~ ~ou 'eLoq~ e se ~tunmmoo uo de~ueo pLnoqs UeLd [edeueo s,X~unmmoo e o~ ~uauJpueme ue ~noqe uo~ssnostp :NOISSfl~SZG · pALe eutAdI pue anueAv Lttqpea jo SdaUdO3 ~sa~u~nos pue ~se~q~ou eq~ uo saxeLd~Oo eo~jo eJe edeq£ '~see eq~ ~ qoanqo aU% pue 'q~nos pue ~se~ aq~ o~ Let~uep~sed XLtmeJ eLfiuts :epnLout sash pueL 5utpunoaans · qodnqo eq~ LeUOtSSejOdd · ~ond~suoo pue a~s ~ooj edenbs 000'0~ elemtxoddde ue aseqodnd oh ~u~sododd st 'douuoo,o Le~uea '~ueotLdde eq± 'pdeAeLnog eutAd! ZL~ he pe~eOOL X~dedodd qodnq~ uet~stdq~ ~sd~3 eq~ ~o uot~dod ude~se~ eq~ st a'4~s ~oe[qns eq£ (ua) #OllV~V1330 3AIIV~ V I10:1 a3NOl£lJ3d SVH ~NV~llddV :aNnolll3~3v6 :~3flb3u :SILLVIS "nt'IN31,1NOHZAH3 :dS :9#INOZ :.LNV'3IqddV :3J. 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Associate Planner EMK:do Community Development Department ~' 19Z- 1 '~/. (t 1/.) / SO/Z6 e!wOJ!l~D 'eu¥ m, ues / o/,P. Q e!o'd etuo-I 1 ~91 =o~o~=~ Susu~oI~nsG A~Tunum~OD ,,mure~ uo~ '~ :u~ · ' 089~6 ~D A~M i~uu~usD 00~ u~sn~ ~o 986I NOl£Vl:lOclklOg S~/o~4 umre~ uoG August. 27, Re: First Christian Church Property This letter will serve to advise that Corniche Development Corporation, as agent for the First Christian Church of Tustin, has made application to the City of Tustin for an amendment to the General Plan as effects their property on Irvine Boulevard. Inasmuch as you are listed as an adjacent property owner who will be impacted by our proposed development, we are inviting you to meet with us prior to the City Planning Commission hearing sched- uled for 7:30pm, Monday, September 10, 1984. Enclosed for your review is a copy of our correspondence to the City relating to this project. We are concerned that the General Plan Amendment meeting will not provide an all encompassing overview of our proposal for end use. We are anxious that you have an opportunity to review and respond to our proposal and in- vite you to a forum on this subject at the First Christian Church at 7:00pm, Thursday, September 6, 1984. At this meeting we will present the architectural renderings for our 13,000 square foot commercial office building and be avail- able to answer any questio~ you might have regarding our plans. 'Sincerely, W. Daniel O'Connor President WDO/ag Enclosure Report .to the Planning Commission PUBLIC HEARING NO. 5 DATE: SUBJECT: September 24, 1984 /~ENDMENT TO THE LAND USE ELEMENT OF THE TUSTIll AREA GENERAL PLAN GPA 84-4b APPLICANT: CITY OF TUSTIN BACKGROUND: Section 65302 of the California Government Code states that a city's General Plan and zoning must be consistent. Recently, a property owner requested that the current zoning designation on his property be changed to reflect the existing land use designation. As a part of this request, the Council directed staff to review the city's land use map and identify any inconsistencieS. Staff has reviewed the land use and zoning maps and presented a report to Council outlined each inconsistency. Council accepted this report and directed staff to advertise a public hearing before the Planning Commission to consider these amendments. DISCUSSION: The only purpose for these proposed land use element changes is to bring the land use and zoning maps into conformance. They will result in no change from the existing use or zoning, with.the exception of 165 N. Myrtle and [4851 Yorba. In that case, both the zoning and land use must be changed to bring this property into conformance with the existing use of the land. Attached with this staff report is a map and description for each of the proposed land use amendments. RECOI~IENDATION: Staff recommends that the Planning Commission adopt Resolution No. 2180 which recommends that the City Council approve GPA 84-4b. Associate Planner EK:do Lattachment: Resolution No. 2180 Community Development Department 1 9_ 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 9,0 9.1 9,2 23 24 25 26 27 28 RESOLUTION NO. 2180 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, RECOMMENDING THAT THE CITY COUNCIL AMEND THE LAND USE ELEMENT OF THE GENERAL FOR CERTAIN PROPERTIES AS SHOWN IN EXHIBITS A THROUGH F. The Planning Commission of the city of Tustin does hereby resolve as follows: The Planning Commission finds and determines as follows: A. Section 65356.1 of the Government Code of the State of California provides that when it is deemed to be in the public interest, the legislative body may amend a part of the General Plan. That in accordance with Section 65356 of the Government Code of the State of California, a public hearing was duly called, noticed, and held on the application of the City of Tustin to reclassify the land use on certain properties as indicated herein and shown on Exhibits A through F, enclosed. 1. 15601 South "B" Street, from Multiple Family (MF) to Mobile Home (MH). 2. 1571, 1631, 1671 Laguna, 13852 Redhill Ave. from Multiple Family (MF) to Commercial (C). 3. 165 N. Myrtle, 14851 Yorba, from Professional Public & Institutional (P&I). 4. 17011-17092 Whttby Circle, from Single Family Multiple Family (MF). 13701-13732 Charloma, 1281 San Juan from Institutional (P&I) to Multiple Family (MF). e (PR) to (SF) to Public & 1362-1372 Nisson, 14012 Utt Drive, from Single Family (SF) to Multiple Family (MF). C. That a Negative Declaration has been prepared in accordance with the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act and is hereby recommended for adoption. D. That a change in classification would be in the public interest and not detrimental to the welfare of the public or the surrounding property owners. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 23 25 26 9.7 28 Resolution No. 2180 Page two II. The Planning Con~nisston hereby recon~ends to the City Council that General Plan Amendment 84-4b be adopted, amending the Land Use Element for certain properties as shown in Exhibits A through F, enclosed. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Tustin Planning Commission held on the day of , 1984. RONALD H. WHITE, Chair~n DONNA ORR, Recording Secretary SIXTH ~ ~LL~~ '' 4 15601 South "B" Street IL to Mobile Home (MH). )RLA AvE SqcFaDD£N ST .' EXHIBIT "A" -% 1571, 1631, 1671La§una & 13852 Redhill Avenue. From Multiple Family (MF) to Commercial (C). v EXHIBIT "B" WISTERIA" AF AW AVl HELEN ES 14, 165 North Myrtle & 14851Yorba From Professional(PR) to Public and Institu- tional (P & I). EXHIBIT "C" SECOND SIXTH ~ '~".z-- _' '.._e__~~ ~-...._. PARK ~. ) m 17011-17092 Whitby Cir. /5'~11 From Single Family (SF) to Multiple Family (MF). McFADDEN EXHIBIT "D" tS60 II&I liT& ,.'~' pARK ,, fk C. C. LANI~)F..RT ~13701-13732 Charloma & ~ ~0~ San Juan From Public and Institu- HILLV~W ~e~, ple Family (MF). 1362-1372 Nisson & 14012 Utt Drive From Single Family (SF} to Multiple Family (MF). EXHIBIT "F" LOCAT]:OII: ZOO: Mobil Home Park (M~P) ~]1. P~AM: Multiple Family (MF) S1~t~tY ANALT$I$: '['he sub~ec~ parcel ~s developed w~h a mobile home pa~k, 8nd has ~ zoning d~s~c~ o~ RHP, bu~ ~he land use des~gnB~on ~s ~ul~ple ~8m~1~. ?he, 18nd use designation should be chBnged ~e Hobble Home ~o ~e~3ec~ ~he cu~en~ use ~nd MF MF 15660 South "B" Street (nqw intersection of "B" & Ni~nn. SnlJeh nf I-5) zoning of the property. ZONE CJL~iGE ~rom: To: No Action AUGUST ~984 LOCATION: Albertsons' Shoppinq Center~$0uthside Redhill Ave Laguna Road. ZONE: Retail Commercial (C-1)/Central Co~T~ercial (C-2) GEN. PLAN: Muitiple Family SL~Y kNALTSZ$: The subject parcels were developed as a neighborhood shopping center and carpet store and have the applicable C-1 and C-2 zones. The land use desi nation for the sites are Multiple Family (MF) and sho._...uld be chanqed to Commercial in order to reflect the use and zoning. P. ECOII, tEXOG) ,ICl'ION: ,om: ZONE CiiANG[ From: To: No Action AUGUST ~g84 R1 cG CG R1 (31 ~" ~ ,~ ~ .~ P C2.. LOCATION: Northerly Terminus of Myrtle Avenue and Yorba ZO#E: Multiple Family Residential GEN. PI. AN: Professional Office ( SUI~Y ANALYSX$: The subject parcel h~s a land use designation of Professional Office (PR) and a zoning designation of Multi le Famil R-3 . The use f h property is a convalescent hospital, and is licensed by the Sta~e of California. The state is quite precise in its terminology, and in order for the facility to be known as a "hospital" it must meet certain criteria, which it evidently does. The only zoning district that permits hospitals is the Public & Institutional zone, so staff recommends that the land use and zoning be changed to the P & I designation. P.E. GOI, IqENDF-I) ACTION: LAND USE: CIIANGE ZONE CaJUiSE From: To: R-3 P&I AUGUST 1984 MF MF MF All of Whitby Circle g Pasadena Avenue. Multiple Family IR-3) Single Family Residential The land use designation is Sin91e ~amily, with the are8 developed with apartment units in a Multiple Family {R-3) zone. The land use designation should be changed to reflect the zoning and use of the land. ~CQ~W~E. NDED ACTION: ZONE OUUIG[ From: To: No Action AUGUST 1984 SITE ~O. 13 LOCAl"ION: ZONE: ~'~. PtAN: $111~Y AIIALTSX$: This area has a zoning district of R-4,. and was developed as Multiple Family Housing. The land use designation i-s Public & Institutional (P. & I ) and should be changed to Multiple Family (MF) to reflect the use and zoning. RECO~yE~DED ~r~Oll: LAND' l~ ZONE From: TO No Action AUGUST 1984 SITE NO. 14 LOCATION: 1362, 1372 Nisson Road, 14012 Utt Drive ZONE: Duplex Residential (R-2) GEN. PLAN: Single Family SF SIJI,W, ARY ANALYSIS: This corner property has a zoning designation of R-2 and a small apartment complex developed on the parcel. The land use designation is Single Family and should be changed to Mulitple Family to reflect the use and zoning district, RECORMENDED ACTION: LAND USE CHANGE From: To: SF MF ZONE CHANGE From: To: AUGUST 1984 ~.u~u. JuedaEI luauudoia^aQ ~.!unuu Luo:::) - 6 L/~N3 · pa~dope aq Yd~ ~eq~ L~oun°~ ~ aq~ o~ 6u~puammooaa sUo~nLosa~ ~eap e asodoad cr~ ~s ~oaa~P 'asooqo os &aq~ M pue '~ndu~ o~Lqnd aA~aDaa uo~ss~mmo~ aq~ ~eq~ spuammooaa ': 'aAeq XeUi uo~ss~mmO3 aq~ SuJaoUOO JO sug~sanb Xue aa~sue o~ 5ut~aam q~tg asqmag, das aq~ ~ ~uasaad aq .LL~ ~,S '~uamaL3 uo~eAaasuo9 pu~ aoed$ uado aq~ Jo& ~a~Aaa ~o ~u~od Le~u~ ue s9 pasotoua uaaq s=q doqs~ao~ qzo~ aaqma~da$ aq~ moa~ zaodaa ~e~s aq£ '~86~ 'VZ aaqmaldaS uo 6u~aeaq o~Lqnd ~ ao~ pas~zaaApe aq s~uamaLa asaq~ Zeq~ pa~oaJ~p L~ouno3 ~O aq~ '6u~aaw ~eq~ ~o ~tnsaa esv Z~eap aq~ qZ~a 6uoLe 'luatuaL3 uo~eAaasuo3 pue uado ~eap aq~ q~oq ssnos~p o~ 'OT aaqma~da$ uo 6u~aam doqs~o~ ~u~o~ e pLaq L~ouno3 XZ~3 pu~ uo~ss~mmo3 6u~uueLd :NOISSfl3SIfl NV'Id ~113#39 V31IV IlllSlli 31it -tO /N3M3'i3 NOI.LYAli3SliO:) (IMV 31rYdS N3dO ~-~8 lM31dOli~d~/ I1¥'id '1VI13#'~5 :1~3t~tlllS ~6I '~g 1138tfil. d3S :.'&LVO UO!SS!LULUOD u!uueld :NOISSfl~SIO °Ke~AaJ JnoX Jo~ pasoLoua uaaq aA~4 3~eap papuame pue sa6ueq3 pasodoad aqh tl~OB 'shuaueLa 3~eap aqh papuame pue suo~hsa66ns asaqh paaa~Aaa ~ehs pue 'shuatuaLa a~ ~ SUO~S~Aad pahh[aqns pue para,Aaa ~uedmo3 aug,a! aql 'suo~h~sod asaqh ~o ~oq qh~ 6u~daa4 u! 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Condominiums & Townhouaes (SF-attached) * * 13 13 687,075 13 687 ~ 075 3. Duplex 4. Three & four family A~artment Buildings 5. Five or more family Aoa~e~ Buildings Total Family Units 13 13 687,075 1.3 687,075 NEW RESIDENTIAL (Group & Transient) 1. Hotels 2. Motels 3. Group Quarters .al Non-Family Year to Date NEW NON-RESIDENTIAL Number Valuation (Commercial/Inet) Pe~mita S No. Permits Valuation 1. Amusement & Recreation 2. Churches & Religious Buildings 4. Research & Development Buildings -- 5. Auto Service and Repair 6. Hospitals and 7. Office, Bank,p~o;e~;onal 1 ~ 1,460,000 2 2,175,799 8. Schools and Educational 9. Commercial Buildings (Retail Sales) 10. Other Buildings (Public parking garage) 11. Structures Other than Buildings 5 9,293 11 16,5.51 Total Non- Residential 7~ 3,490,893 14 4,213,950 Year to Date RESIDENTIAL ADDITIONS Number Valuation D ALTERATIONS Permits S No. Permits Valuation 1. Room Additions 6 1_ 3. 3, 678 11 204, 248 2. Residential Garages 3. Patios & Covers 4 ~ 5,746 10 13,771 4. Swimming Pools & 5. Other 2 ~ 25,500 6 82,88/+ Total Residential 141160,724 31 322,703 ~ Year to Date NON-RESIDENTIAL ADOl- ~i~sr Structures I Valuation TIONS & ALTERATIONS Nc~ Permits Valuation i. Industrial aldgs 15 ~ 1.776,480 24 1,935,380 2. Commercial Bldg& 4 W 29, 250 6 36,750 3. Office & Professional .5 ~ 101,730 11 179,975 Bldg& 4. Other ~ 7 61,082 Total Non-Residential 24 I 1,907,460 48 2,213,187 TOTAL MONTH AND [ Units I Units 1-3 YEAR TO DATE 58 6,246,152 Permit,s06 7,436,915 CONVERSIONS Number Units Added (+) Permits Units Removed (-) Net Units Valuation Year To Date. Valuation 1. Apts to 2. To/From ReMdentlal ( No~ P,~'_dentlal Total Conversions )LITIONS Nu~,~- Units Town Permits Removed Af~a Year To Date Permits Units Removed 1. Residential 2. Other Demolitions PERMITS, INSPECTIONS, COLLECTIONS G~,1|ng Sign Miscellaneous (Perm~ & Ina~ctiona} New I~evelopment Tax Perk Land Dedication Fee TOTAL Project 3. Ne~ Addition 7. 8. 9. 10. Comments 1 1 This Month Year to Data Thl~ Month Year to Date Thl~ Month Year to Date 38 63 93 206 2-8 42 68 191 588. 893.5~ 287 180 329 579 297 MAJOR PERMIT AC'FiVITY OVER $1OO,OOO site Addrea~ 14281 Cb~b~s Rd. 15502 ~h~ ~ 634.31 763 46 Turner Development Valuation 6~7.075 ~,021.600 l. 6n.nnn 130,000 RDA Pink,ct Area D_~.nltCtons: 2841 Dow Avenue. Demolish existing building to erect new buildins. (714) 544-8890 DON LDYD. LAMM Director of Community Development ! I I I 0 S. r~ S. to C~l