NO.. 3
Honorable Mayor & Members of the City Council
William Huston, City Manager
Extension of Consent for Transfe~ of the Cable Television Franchise
to United Cable Television Corporation of Southern California
The City Council, in your last action regarding the transfer of the cable
television franchise, required that Communtcom and United Cable complete the
acquisition by September 18, 1984. Construction of the system was completed by
the required date of June 30, 1984.
Per the attached letter, United Cable is requesting an .extension of time, to
December 31, 1984, for the City's consent to the transfer of the franchise.
United Cable is also requesting (as the agent for Communicom), the release of
the construction bond to be replaced by a franchise bond of $50,000. The City
Attorney's office has reviewed, this request and finds it to be in order.
Staff feels the request for an extension of time to finalize the acquisition of
Communicom is a policy matter and subject to the discretion of the City
Council. The City Attorney's office will have a resolution prepared (in lieu of
the resolution referred to in the attached letter) for City Council approval in
the event you authorize the extension.
William Huston,
City Manager
cable television
SE[: 1 2 1984
September 10, 1984
Mr. Bill Huston
City Manager
City of Tustin
300 Centennial Way
Tustin, California
Dear Mr. Huston:
This letter will update you on the completion of
construction of the cable television system in Tustin and
the status of the acquisition of CommuniCom by United Cable
of Southern California, Ltd. ("UCSC"). The letter will also
request a revision to your previous approval for the hypothe-
cation of the cable television franchise in Tustin and an
extension of time for the City's consent to the transfer of
the cable television franchise to UCSC.
The City of Tustin required that CommuniCom complete
construction of the entire cable television system in Tustin
by July 30, 1984. [See Section 1.a. of Resolution No. 84-51.]
I am pleased to inform you that this deadline has been met.
During the months of June and July, 1984, CommuniCom
completed construction of 1,558 feet of underground plant
and 1,086 feet of aerial cable plant in seven different
areas in Tustin. The areas constructed, the length of cable
installed and the number of dwellings affected are as follows:
Footage Built
Dwellings Affected
Yorba and Bonner
245 ft. underground
Medford and 241 ft. aerial 15
Lucero Way 130 ft. underground 29
Denver Technological Center · 4700 South S~racuse Parkway · Denver, Colorado 80237 · (303) 779-5999
Mr. Bill Huston
September 10, 1984
Page 2
Andrew St. and
Estero Circle
200 ft. underground
Orange and San Juan 923 ft. underground
Sixth East of~
(Tustin Square)
Sixth East of
(Tustin Gardens)
845 ft. aerial
60 ft. underground
Construction of this 2,644 feet of aerial and
underground plant allowed CommuniCom to connect previously
constructed, but heretofore unenergized, cable television
plant in Tustin with a source of energy, so that a total of
13,126 feet of cable television plant was energized as a
result of the additional construction of only 2,644 feet of
cable plant. The only area in Tustin that is not constructed
is the Enderle Gardens area, which has refused to give
CommuniCom the authority to install cable in its privately
owned streets. (Enderle Gardens is specifically exempted
from construction under Section' 1.a. of Resolution No. 84-51.)
With construction of the cable television system
now having been completed, we are hopeful of increasing
subscribers and subscriber revenues in Tustin. I should
note that CommuniCom's gross receipts from cable television
operations in Tustin increased by nearly 300~ from the first
quarter to the second quarter of 1984. Also, as required by
Section 7 of Ordinance No. 905, CommuniCom has made two
quarterly payments of its franchise fee in 1984 so that the
City of Tustin is receiving its franchise fee much earlier
than under the previous arrangement when the City received ~
franchise fee only once a year.
As you will recall, UCSC is the limited partnership
formed by a subsidiary of United Cable Television Corporation
to acquire the cable television system in Tustin and several
other jurisdictions. United intends to arrange equity
financing for the acquisition through an offering of limited
partnership interests in UCSC. United anticipates that the
offering will commence in the autumn and will close by the
end of this year. After considerable negotiation and.
Mr. Bill Huston
September 10, 1984
Page 3
dialogue, United Cable Television Corporation, UCSC and the
general partner of UCSC signed a definitive Agreement of
Purchase and Sale with CommuniCom and Nielson Enterprises
Inc. (the parent corporation of CommuniCom) providing for
the sale of the system in December, 1984. The Agreement
will not become effective and binding until the prior owners
of the cable television system, who are now creditors of
CommuniCom, have also consented to this arrangement. We
understand that these persons are currently reviewing the
agreement provided to them, and we understand that they
intend to respond in the very near future. Assuming their
agreement, we believe that the transaction will proceed
expeditiously and that all the express conditions to closing
can be satisfied by the end of the year.
UCSC proposes to buy the stock of CommuniCom and
then liquidate CommuniCom and its subsidiaries so that UCSC
will hold CommuniCom's assets directly. The financing of
the proposed acquisition of CommuniCom by UCSC has changed
since it was last explained to the City. Initially, UCSC
planned to fund a portion of the purchase price through
loans advanced by a group of major banks to be led by The
First National Bank of Boston and by UCTC of Southern
California, Inc., the general partner of UCSC. The bank loan
was to be secured by hypothecating UCSC's assets, including
the franchises, as security for the loan.
Recent discussions have changed the financial
structure of the acquisition. The lead bank will now be
Mellon Bank of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. The First National
Bank of Boston will remain a lender to UCSC, but in a different
manner. UCSC will hypothecate its assets, including each of
its cable television franchises, as security for the bank
group, as well as for other lenders making the loans described
below, that will allow UCSC to finance the acquisition and
the expansion, improvement and operation of the cable television
systems. The loans that are involved and the amount of each
are as follows:
1. A group of banks led by Mellon Bank will
loan an estimated maximum amount of $120,000,000 to
UCSC. As mentioned, this loan will be secured by UCSC's
assets, including the franchises.
Mr. Bill Huston
September 10, 1984
Page 4
2. UCTC of Southern California, Inc., will
loan a principal amount of up to $5,000,000 to UCSC.
UCSC will secure this loan by granting a lien on UCSC's
assets, including the franchises, junior in priority to
the lien securing the bank loan.
3. The First National Bank of Boston, Security
Pacific National Bank, United Cable Television Corporation
and Niel~on Enterprises Inc. ("NEI"), the parent corpora-
tion of CommuniCom, will lend UCSC up to a maximum of
$26,000,000 in the aggregate if the funds are necessary
for the payment of the bank loan and under other condi-
tions. The loan from these entities will also be secured
by a lien on UCSC's assets, including the franchises,
junior in priority to the liens securing the bank loan
and the general partner's loan.
4. UCSC will pay part of the purchase price
for CommuniQom's stock in the form of promissory notes
with an aggregate principal amount of $11,265,000.
UCSC will deliver the notes to NEI at the closing, and
NEI in turn will assign the notes to The First National
Bank of Boston, Security Pacific National Bank and
other holders of CommuniCom's long-term indebtedness.
UCSC has agreed to secure these notes by a lien on its
assets, including the franchises, junior to all the
liens referred to above.
United believes that the financial structure of
the acquisition, in its revised form, will be sufficient to
provide UCSC with debt and equity financing sufficient to
fund the acquisition of CommuniCom and the improvement,
development, expansion and operation of the cable television
systems to be owned by UCSC.
When Ordinance No. 905 was passed, the City did
not include any provision specifically referring to the
hypothecation for the bank group. The reason for this
omission was that the City interpreted Section 25-0-90(d)
Tustin City Ordinance No. 597, as amended by Section 4 of
Ordinance No. 905 (stating that "no such consent [by the
City Council] shall be required for [a] transfer in trust,
mortgage or other hypothecation [of the cable television
franchise], in whole or in part, to secure an indebt-
edness''), to mean that the Council does not need to
Mr. Bill Huston
September 10, 1984
Page 5-
specifically consent to any hypothecation of a cable televi-
sion franchise. Although the City believes that Section 4
of Ordinance No. 905 renders it unnecessary for the City to
consent to any hypothecation, we are requesting that the
City indicate that it does not have any objections to the
hypothecations described above.
In Resolution No. 84-51 the City of Tustin extended
to September 18, 1984 the time for the expiration of the
consent to the transfer of the franchise to UCSC. Inasmuch
as it now appears that the t-ransfer will take place in
December, we request that consent be extended to
December 31, 1984. I am also authorized to inform you that
CommuniCom, the current franchise owner, joins in these
Section 13 of Ordinance No. 905 requires CommuniCom
to deposit $t00,000 cash or file a bond in the same amount
for the duration of construction. When construction is
completed, the $100,000 deposit or bond is released, to be
replaced by a $50,000 bond. Section 13 deleted all require-
ments for any subscriber's bond. As a result of a number of
differing bonding ~equirements in effect in Tustin during
the past few years, CommuniCom currently has in effect 'the
following cash deposit and bonds for the City of Tustin:
1. A cash deposit of $55,000.00 held in a
joint account in the names of the City and the franchisee
at Wells Fargo Bank (Account No. 6995-000064-001);
2. A Franchise Bond for $100,000.00 issued
by Firemen's Fund insurance Company (Bond
No. SLR 7095208);
3. A Franchise Bond (Subscribers) for
$5,000.00 issued by Firemen's Fund Insurance Company
(Bond No. SLR7092936); and
4. A Franchise Bond for $5,000.00 issued by
Firemen's Fund Insurance Company (Bond No. SLR 7092937).
Since construction of the Tustin cable television
system is now complete, as CommuniCom's manager, we request
that the City release the $55,000 cash on deposit, the
Mr. Bill Huston
September 10, 1984
Page 6
$100,000 bond and the two $5,000 bonds as soon as CommuniCom
delivers to the City a new franchise bond for $50,000.
In order to expedite approval of the requests
outlined above, we are enclosing a form of Resolution which
extends the expiration date for the consent for the transfer
of the franchise to UCSC to December 31, 1984, indicates
that the City does not object to the hypothecations as
security for the loans described above, and releases the
$55,000 cash deposit and the three bonds upon delivery of a
$50,000 replacement bond. We would request that you have
this Resolution reviewed by your counsel and placed on the
City Council's agenda for their scheduled meeting of Monday,
September 17, 1984. CommuniCom and United would appreciate
your expeditious consideration of the Resolution in order to
permit the acquisition to proceed under the timetable des-
cribed above.
Representatives of United and CommuniCom will be
pleased to provide any additional information that you may
Thank you for your kind attention to this matter.
Very truly yours,
Robert D. Towe
Vice President - Operations
United Cable Television Corporation
Acting Agent for CommuniCom
Mayor Ursula Kennedy
Hon. Frank Greinke
Hon. Ronald Hoesterey
Mr. Robert Ledendecker
Ms. Monda Buckley
James G. Rourke, Esquire