JUNE 2nd, 1958
COUNCILMEN PRESENT: Kidd, Bacon, Byrd, Humeston
and Tadlock.
CITY ATTORNEY: Dennis D. Hayden, present.
Mayor Kidd called the meeting to order at 7:40 P. M.
Minutes of the last meeting were approved on motion
of Councilman Humeston, seconded by Councilman Bacon.
On motion of Councilman Tadlock, seconded by Councilman
REQUEST Bacon, a written request by Sherwood Price of the
FROM SHER- Tustin Playbox to operate a theater from June 17th
WOOD PRICE through August 25th, 1958, was approved.
PLAYBOX. Tustin Post No. 22? of the American Legion submitted
a written request to agaln sell fireworks at the
FIREW0RK corner of D and Second Street.
Motion of Councilman Bacon, seconded by Councilman
Humeston that Tustin Post No. 227, of the American
GRANTED Legion be granted permission to sell fireworks as
per their request, subject to insurance and inspection
requirements as in the past. Motion carried.
Motion of Councilman Tadlock, seconded by Councilman
Bacon that the correspondence be received and filed.
Motion carried.
City Engineer McBride submitted an agreement with
RESURFACING the County of Orange to resurface Main Street, a
OF MAIN ST. distance of 350 feet Westerly from Newport Avenue.
Motion of Councilman Byrd, seconded by Councilman
Tadlock that Mayor Kidd and the City Clerk be authorized
to sign the above agreement with the County of Orange.
Motion carried.
AGREEMENT An agreement, dated May 23, 1958, was submitted by
BETWEEN Engineer McBride, between the City of Tustin and certain
CITY AND property owners on the Northside of Second Street
PROPERTY between Pacific Street and "A" Street to construct
OWNERS ON a combination curb and gutter. Motion of Councilman
SECOND ST. Tadlock, seconded by Councilman Byrd and carried. City
FOR CURB Clerk Park was authorized to accept funds from property
CONSTRUCTION owners signing the above agreement.
Engineer McBride also briefly reviewed plans for three
more street surfacing projects and on motion of
REVIEW PLANS Councilman Humeaton, seconded by Councilman Byrd and
FOR STREET carried, was authorized to prepare plans and specifications
RESURFACING and call for bids.
George Broomell of 440 Pacific Street, Tustin read a
letter to the Council, stating his views on the proposed
BROOMELL Greater Tustin Annexation. Copies were also available
LETTER. for members of the Press who were present. He requested
that the letter be made part of the minutes. Motion
of Councilman Humeston, seconded by Councilman Byrd
that the above letter be made part of the minutes of
this meeting.
" Tustin, Calif.,
May 31, 1958
To the City Council,
Tustin, California.
In the rosy cloud of enthusiasm developed
by some of our booster groups concerning the Greater
Tustin Annexation there is some indication that the
Council may be overlooking its prime responsibility,
namely the protection of the "old city" it was
elected to represent. Some of the hazards facing
us are listed below:-
(1) After annexation the residents of
the present city will be out-voted
more than 2-1/2 to one.
(2) The planning commission, if representative
of the new area, cannot realistically be
be expected to respect the existing zoning
of the old city.
(3) Inclusion of a portion of the area East of
Newport Road in the new city will involve
an expensive sewer pumping situation which
taxpayers in the old city will help to
bear. This appears to be a gerry-mandering
arrangement organized by and for the
benefit of a small gronp of realtors and
(4) While the people to be served by the city
will be increased to 350% indications are
that sales tax revenues will be increased
by the inclusion of Hillview to only about
(5) At a time when we still owe $20,000.00 on .Our new ~ire engine, we will be obligated
to build at least one new station and buy
another engine for a total of, say,
(6) The city will fall heir to street paving and
maintenance expenses now bourne by the County,
including an estimated $30,000.00 on Holt
Avenue, alone.
(7) A full-time engineer will have to be hired
to handle the city affairs, including the
work of street superintendent and building
inspector. A capable man will be hard to
find for less than $7200.00 per year.
(Anticipation of these greater problems--
some of them illogical and un-called for was
a large factor in the recent proferred resignation
of Mr. McBride, who has given this city a great
deal in return for very little.)
(8) The police department and the office of the
City Clerk will face corresponding increases in
personnel and rising costs.
(9) Because the first revenues from the annexed
areas will come in a year after their inclusion,
all services will have to be paid for out of funds
in the old city treasury. No such surplus is available.
The problems listed above are, for the most part,
surmountable--but not at the low tax rate we now
enjoy. My own estimate is that the current rate of
$1.00 will rise to to1.25 within three years, and to
at least $1.50 by the time it has been stabilized.
There is no reason to believe that we, as a larger
city, can do much better than neighboring cities.
BROOMELL Is the Annexation Necessary to Protect Schools?
LETTER No. As a matter of fact, the boundaries of the
Elementary District are protected by state law so
long as the district remains classified as "Impoverished."
indications are that Tustin will retain this classification
for most of the foreseeable future.
Is there a Better Course for Tustin?
Yes, in this order:-
(1) Get on with the business of sewers, to remove
the one and only advantage Santa Ana has to offer.
(2) Encourage smaller, more logical annexations
which can be assimilated without strain.
(3) Beware of gerrymandered annexations which may
alienate some taxpayers at the same time they enrich
special interests.
(4) Be content to grow slowly and soundly, there being
virtue in quality, rather than in size alone.
Obligation of the Council
The proposed annexation election will cost between
$1000.00 and $2000.00 which, as I understand it, will
come out of the old city treasury. The election will
establish whether or not the new area wishes to swallow
us, a minority. So far as I know, nothing has been said
of a parallel election within our own boundaries to
find out whether we wish to be swallowed. This is the
minimum we can expect from you gentlemen. Anything
less will most certainly end in expensive litigation.
I join you in best wishes for the future of Tustin,
one of the finest places in the world in which to live.
Yours very truly,
George A. Broomell "
Mr. Aikins reported to the Council that the Tustin
CONTRACT Youth Center was very near to becoming a reality
BETWEEN YOUTH and suggested the time was ripe for the formulation
CENTER AND of a Lease and Use Agreement with the city so that
CITY OF TUSTIN. construction could be started in the very near future.
Motion of Councilman Humeston, seconded by Councilman
Tadlock, that Councilman Bacon, City Attorney Hayden
and City Engineer McBride be a committee, and
authorized to draw a Lease and Contract with the
Tustin Area Youth Center, said contract to be submitted
to the Council for final action. Motion carried.
Mr. Don Brown, a resident of 14401 Livingston Street
and proponent of the Greater Tustin Annexation spoke
before the Council recounting his experiences in
obtaining signatures on the Annexation Petition.
Motion of Councilman Humeston, seconded by Councilman
Byrd that the City Clerk be allowed additional help
to check petitions for the Greater Tustin Annexation.
Motion carried.
On motion of Councilman Bacon, seconded by Councilman
Byrd and carried, the bills were ordered paid.
J. L. McBride, Engineering Services .... $164.50
First National Bank, utilities ......... 58.86
Orange County Radio & Telephone Ser .... 15.00
0ranEe County Blueprint Service ........ 7.57
Bancroft-Whitney Co ................... 20.80
B I L L S Carson & Golding ....................... 90.36
A. Carlisle & Co.(Election) 131.46
(Duane-Wheeler, $308.36) .............
Signal Oil Co ......................... 94.40
Dennis Printers ........................ 44.82
Tustin Paint Store ..................... 2.79
Smith printers--Dennis D. Hayden ....... 33.30
Dennis D. Hayen, extra services ........ 70.00
Tustin Hardware ........................ 1.56
Tustin BlacksmithShop ................. 4.94
Motion of Councilman Byrd, seconded by Councilman Bacon
that the meeting be adjourned until 7:00 P. M. Friday,
June 13, 1958. Motion carried.
Jerome C. Kidd
A. O. Park
City Clerk