HomeMy WebLinkAboutNB 1 S.D. CREEK SEDIMEN 8-20-84AGENDA__ DATE: JULY 27, 1984 NEW BUSINESS NOo 1 8-20-84 Inter- Corn TO: FROM: SUBJECT: WILLIAM HUSTON, CITY MANAGER BOB LEDENDECKER, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS/CITY ENGINEER SAN DIEGO CREEK SEDIMENTATION CONTROL PROGRAM {INFORMATIONAL REPORT) RECOMMENDATION: That the Tustin City Council, at their meeting of August 20, 1984, authorize the Mayor to execute the I~lementation Agreement for in-channel facilities along San Diego Creek subject to the City Attorney's approval. BACKGROUND: The City of Tustin has been requested to participate in the Newport Bay Watershed-San Diego Creek Storm Water Sedimentation Control Program by the Orange County Board of Supervisors, which provides for the construction of in-channel facilities in San Diego creek. In May, 1984, staff had reviewed the draftAgreement for the implementation of in-channel facilities and had surfaced several concerns. These concerns had been forwarded to County staff and all have been appropriately addressed. This Agreement would provide for participation by the following agencies at the designated percentages: County of Orange ................... 41% Irvine ............................. 8% The Irvine Company ................. 42% Tustin ............................. 6% Newport Beach ...................... 3% DISCUSSION: The Sedimentation Control Plan consists of the following elements: ° Improved agricultural land management practices ° Improved construction land management practices ° Additional sedimentation control facilities in San Diego Creek ° Additional sediment management facilities in upper Newport Bay ° Stabilized drainage channels ° Foothill dams ° Monitoring of sediment transport The County of Orange has accepted the role of lead agency in the implementation of the additional sedimentation control facilities in San Diego Creek and the proposed Agreement is an instrument to implement these in-channel facilities. SAN DIEGO CREEK SEDIMENTAITON CONTROL PROGRAM JULY 27, 1984 PAGE 2 Preliminary cost figures for all the steps of the Agreement for the in-channel facilities have been summarized as follows and are very conservative or worst case estimates: Annual Project Funding Contract Maint. and Agency % Report Applications Document Construction Depreciation County 41 $12,300 $20,500 $28,700 $1,025,000 $150,000 Irvine 8 2,400 4,000 5,600 200,000 29,000 Irvine Co. 42 12,600 21,000 29,400 1,050,000 154,000 Tustin 6 1,800 3,000 4,200 150,000 22,000 Newport Beach 3 900 1,500 2,100 75,000 11,000 $30,000 $50,000 $70,000 $2,500,000 $366,000 The current project is to include three additional in-channel sedimentation basins along San Diego Creek and is made up of five steps as outlined above. Each of these elements can be funded and scheduled independently or in conjunction with other elements. A Cooperative Agreement has been established between Irvine, Newport Beach, State Department of Fish and Game, The Irvine Company, and the County of Orange, which has created an Executive Committee made up of members from each agency. It is suggested that if Tustin participates in the Implementation Agreement, that the previously mentioned Cooperative Agreement be amended to include Tustin as a member of the Executive Committee. This member would be a Councilpe~son which would provide Tustin an active part in the decision making process of the committee. This Agreement provides for each step to be implemented on an individual basis. For steps one through four, the Executive Committee will determine if adequate funds have been Provided to proceed and if unavailable theAgreement may be terminated. The previously mentioned fundi.ng figures do not include any outside grant monies from Federal/State or other agencies. Any amounts obtained from these outside sources will decrease each participating agency share by the amount of their participating percentage. It is anticipated that grants will be applied for and obtained to fund the majority of the costs of the contract documents and construction. As previously indicated, all prior staff concerns have been addressed in the revised draft Agreement and staff recommends that the City participate in the San Diego Creek Sedimentation Control Plan. The City Attorney's office has been forwarded a copy of the draft Agreement for their review and approval-if appropriate. Bob Ledendecker Director of Public Works/City Engineer BL:jr County A~ -.ernent No~ IMPLEML ~'ATION AGREEMENT IN-CHANNEL FACILITIES REVISED JULY 9, i98g AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE COUNTY OF ORANGE, THE ORANGE COUNTy FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT, THE CITY OF IRVINE, THE CITY OF TUSTIN, THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH, AND THE IRVINE COMPANY FOR CONSTRUCTION OF ADDITIONAL IN-CHANNEL FACILITIES IN SAN DIEGO CREEK IN FURTHERANCE OF THE NEWPORT BAY WATERSHED-SAN DIEGO CREEK COMPREHENSIVE STORMWATER SEDIMENTATION CONTROL PLAN This AGREEMENT made and entered into this day of by and between the County of Orange, hereinafter referred to as "County"; the Orange County Flood Control District hereinafter referred to as "Dlstrict";[City of Newport Beach, hereinafter referred to as "Newport Beach"l the City of Tustin, hereinafter referred to as '~ustin"; the City of Ir~ine, hereinafter referred' to as "Irvine", and The Irvine Company. The six entities are hereinafter sometimes jointly referred to as the "Parties." s s E T H WHEREAS, the sedimentation in Newport Bay has adversely affected the Upper Newport Bay State Ecological Reserve, navigation, recreation, and the environmental and scenic values of Newport Bay, a significant natural regional asset; and WHEREAS; the Parties share a concern for the maintenance of the Bay as a high-quality natural regional resource; and .' WHEREAS, information is now available so that implementation of a sedimentation control program can be initiated; and WHEREAS, the Comprehensive Sedimentation Control Plan, which consists of several elements in- cluding additional sediment control facilities in the Bay and San Diego Creek, constitutes a plan -1- for reducing the influx of sediment to and the impact of sedimentation on the Bay~ and . WHEREAS, the Parries wish to ioin together in this Agreem. ent to accomplish .the construction of additional sedimentation and flood control facilities'in the lower reaches of the San Diego Creek watershed, NOW, THEREFORE~ for and in consideration of the mutual covenants and conditions hereinafter stated~ the respective parties hereto do agree as follows= Section i. Definitions. Proiect= The design and construction of additional sedimentation and flood control facilities in and/or adiacent to San Diego Creek and/or its tributaries. The Project is proposed to reduce the influx of sediment to Upper Newport Bay and provide flood control benefits in San Diego Creek. The portion of any facilities which provide only a sediment control benefit for Upper Newpoct Bay shall be a ]pint project of all the Parties except the District. The District or adiacent developers under terms of a separate agreement or conditions of a development approval shall be solely responsible for the flood control facilities. As initially contemplated~ the project is intended to include three additional in-chan- nel sedimentation basins as described in Exhibit A. This and other alternatives will be evaluated by the Proiect~ Report described in Section 5. Steps= Elements of the Project which can be funded and scheduled independently or in conjunction with other elements. Share: Portion of Project step cost allocated to a party to the agreement. Overhead: Overhead rates for County charges shall be calculated by the County Auditor-Controller for the applicable fiscal year. Allocated Costs= The allocated costs for each step shall be County's direct and overhead charges for materials, labor, and direct supervision for work performed by the County and County's actual contract cost, plus County's direct and overhead costs for contract -2- administration for work which the County has performed by contract plus expenses incurred as a result of litigation associated with this proiect. Fiscal Year: The fiscal year for the Project will begin on July 1 and end on June 30 of the following calendar year. Executive Committee: The Executive Committee shall be that created by the Cooperative Agreement bet~veen the cities of Irvine and Newport Beach, the State Department of Fish and Game, The Irvine Company and the County of Orange dated September 20, lggJ. Section 2. Purpose.. This Agreement is made for the purpose of accomplishing the Project in furtherance of the Upper Newport Bay-San Diego Creek Comprehensive Stormwater Sedimentation Control Plan, including but not limited to preparation of grant applications, contract documents, securing approvals, arranging financing and construction administration activities. The. objective of the Project is the reduction of sediment entering the Upper Newport Bay Ecological Reserve consistent with facilitation of flood control objectives. Section 3. Term. The term of this Agreement shall commence upon approval and execution of. this document by each and every party and shall continue for so long as the Project facilities are needed for the protection of the Upper Newport Bay Ecological Reserve or until terminated as provided hereinafter. Section 4. Termination and Amendment. (a) This Agreement may be terminated or amended at any time by the unanimous consent of the Parties, or as otherwise provided herein, except that no termination or amendment may be made which is contrary to any agreement previously entered into by Party(les) in reliance On this agreement for purposes approved by the Executive Committee or which is contrary to a grant agreement entered into by parties with any department or branch of the State or with the United States of America or any other entity for funds to be used to implement this Agreement. (b) At each step identified in section il, each party will indicate 11~ intent to participate by providing funds for its allocated costs for that step. Should a party fail to provide funds, its costs will be distributed to the remaining 'parties as described in Section 10. -3- (c) At steps one through four identified in Section 11~ the Executive Committee will determine if adequate funds have been provided to proceed. If adeqUate funds cannot be secured to fund a step through to completion, the agreement may be terminated. (dj If the agreement is terminated, all documents become the property of the County. {e) Addltional en~ties may becom& parties to this agreement provided the parties to this agreement consent unanimously. (f) This Agreement may be suspended for one or more years by .unanimous vote of the Executive Committee. At the time any suspension is agreed to, the length of time of the suspen- sion will also be agreed to and the Executive Committee shall be responsible for reinit~ting its functions as described herein following the suspension period. Section 5. Design? Fundin)~ Construction and Maintenance of Project (a) Step 1: Project Report,. The County shall investigate and evalUate alternatives, recommend one and prepare a preliminary cost estimate and the necessary environmental documentation. The report shall Include an allocation of the preliminary cost to sediment and flood control facL[ities. The recommended alternative and cost nllocation shall be submitted to the Executive Committee for approval of the sediment control elements of the Project. (b) Step 2'. FundinR Applications. County shall act as Lead Agency in applying for Federal~ State and/or other funds~ and the other Parties shall support the applications. Any shortfall remaining after avnilabIe outside funds have been secured will be financed by the Parties hereto~ as described, hereinbelow. (c) Step 3: Contract Documents. County shall prepare Contract Documents required to award a contract for the construction of the Project~ including but not limited to permits~ approvals~ environmental documents~ and bidding documents. (dj Step ~: Construction. County shalladvertlse~ award, and administer the construction contract, (e) Step ): Operation and Maintenance. The completed Project facilities shall be integral parts of the San Diego Creek Channel; however, they shall not reduce the flood-carrying capacity of the channel. County and/or District shall continue to operate and maintain the channel and will operate and maintain the Project to be constructed under this Agreement in such a way as to accomplish its flood control purpose. The parti?s agree that such level of mainte- nance should be adequate to control the influx of sediment to Upper Newport Bay. If at any time the Executive Committee deems it appropriate to engaBe in a hiBher level of maintenance, the cost theremf shall be the subiect of separate negotiation. Section 6. Lead A~enc. f. The County shall be Lead Agency for implementin§ the sediment control element of the Project as approved by the Executive Committee and in obtainin§ outside funding for the Project. The County shall also be Lead ABency in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act. The County shall consult with the other Parties in the preparation of the Project report, desiBn of the Project and in the resolution of construction problems, but County!s decision will be final. The Other Parties shall participate as responsible a§encies defined by CEQA and provide full cooperation in the preparation of and shall support County's grant appllc~tions~ environmental docum.ents, permit applications, and requests for local approvals. Section 7. Executive Committee. The Executive Committee shall be that created by the Cooperative Agreement dated September 30, 1983. The Executive Committee shall meet as necessary, but at least once every six months. The Executive Committee shall make recom- mendations to the Parties toward accornpllshment of the objectives of this Agreement; approve a sediment control alternative; approve budget recommendations to the Parties for construction and contract administration costs~ provide communications among the Parties; evaluate policy options and funding opportunities; develop strategy, implement decisions, and monitor performance.. All actions by the Executive Committee relative to this a~reement must be approved by a majority of the parties to this a$reement unless otherwise specified by this agreement. The Executive Committee may appoint subcommittees as needed. The Project Manager as desisnated in Section ? shall attend all meetinss of the Executive Committee until construction of the Project is completed. -5- The County member of the Executive Committee will represent both the County of Orange and the Orange County Flood Control District. Section 8. Technical Liaison Committee. Technical liaison among the Parties shall be accomplished by a Technical Liaison Committee. Each of the Parties shall appoint a member and an alternate to the Technical Liaison Committee. The County member shall be Project Manager of the Project. The Technical Liaison Committee shall meet as necessary and shall be responsible for timely exchange of information, consultation on and resolution of technical issues, and for providing timely support.to the County by the other Parties. Section 9. Project ManaRer. County shalZ appoint a Project Manager with sufficient project management backgrounds authority~ and access to county resources to successfully man- age the Project. The Project Manager shall establish a Project Work Plan and Schedule~ assure that appropriate County resources are available as neededs maintain the schedule, keep the Executive Committee advised of Project status and outlook, coordinate activities and informa- tion exchanges among the Partiess and do all that Ls necessary to accomplish the purpose of this Agreement. Section 10. Distribution of Costs. The Parties agree that the sediment control portior~ of the Project designs admirdstration and construction costs as defined in Section 11, when not covered by outside ~unding~ shall be allocated in accordance with the ~oilowing percentages:: County ~ I% Irvine The Irvine Company ~2% Tustin Newport Beach 396 Costs of flood control portions of the Project shall be allocated to the District. Allocation percentages may be revised at any time prior to initiation of any step outlined in Section 5 by unanimous consent of the Parties. The above notwithstanding, the parties hereto agree to use -6- their best e~orts to secure ~inancial participation from other major landowners or governmental agencies in the watershed but are not a party to this agreement. Should any costs be reimbursable by grant ~r other property owners or state or federal lundin, g, the County will refund the reim- mbursed funds to the Parties on a pro-rata basis in proportion to their original contributions within 60 days of receipt of such monies. It is agreed that by execution of this agreement each party only commits to fund that portion of the Project referred to as "Step One= Project Report" as described in Section 5. Section Il. Accounting by Steps. County as Lead Agency, will incur expenditures for preparation of Project Report Funding Applications, Contract Documents, and for the Construc- tion of the Project. The other Parties shall deposit funds With County to cover their share of the cost of each step defined in Section 5 and distributed among the Parties in accordance with Section i0. The Parties shall, within 60 c~lendar d~ys of receipt of invoice, deposit with the County the billed amounts. Upon completion of each step, County shall perform a final account- lng of its actual cost o~ that step, and shall recompute the shares o~ the Parties based on the allocation set forth in Section 10. If the recomputed shares are more than the amount on deposit, County shall send a supplemental bill, and the Parties shall, within 60 c~iendar days of receipt of invoice, pay the balance. If the recomputed shares are less than the amount on deposit, County shall refund the difference on a pro-rata basis in proportion to the original contributions. No step will proceed until adequate funding has been received by the County to fund the step through to completion. (a) Step l: Proiect Report= On adoption of this agreement County shall bill the other Parties for their allocation of the Project Report cost, estimated as follows: County $12,300 Irvlne $ 2,t~00 The Irvlne Company $12,600 Tustin $ l ,gOO Newport Beach $ 900 -7- Sub Total (sediment control) District (flood control) Total $30,000 $170,000 $200,0~0 The Project Report is ~cheduled for completion on or about April, 19~5. On completion of the Project Report the County shall submL: the recommended project al:e~a:~ve ~d cost alloc- ations :o the ~xecu~ve Comm~ee ~or ~pproval. ~hen ~pproved~ County shal~ prep&re es:~ma:~ cost aUocadons ~or ~und~ng app~:~on, contract do~men~, ~d cons:ruction costs, ~d ~ revised ~ibi: A describing ~e Pro[e~. (b) Step 2: Funding Appli~tions. On approval o~ ~e sediment control elemen:~ of the Proje~ repo~ the ~xecu~ive Comml~ee shall meet :o develop a ~unding strategy ~or :hose element. CounW wLll then prepare ~ ~:lma:e o~ i~ costs o~ prepar~ng~ subm~g~ ~d ~ollow- in~ ~tough on ~unding applications, ~d w~ bLll the ~ther P~r:les ~or their share, comput~ on · e b~is of ~e ~lo~tion set forth in S~:ion i0. (c) Step 3: Contract Do.manta. On or ~out August~ 1985 the Executive Commit- t~ sha~ present an [n~ormation copy :o each of the other P~r:ies showing ~ estimate of their share~ computed on ~e b~is of the Distribution of Costs ~t forth in 5action 10 ~or preparation o~ Conlra~ Document. When CounTM is ready to proce~ with preparation of the Contract Docu- ments~ County shall bill the other Pa~ies for their respective shares of the estima:ed costs for the uninterrupted completion of the documents. (dj Step ~: Construction. On or ~out April, 1986 ~nd ~n~lly thereafter until completion o~ the Proje~, the Executive Comm[~ee w[11 review ~nd approve [n concept the contr~ do.merits ~d [dent[~y element, o~ the Project to be implemented dur[n~ the [ollow[n~ fiscal year. The estimated Proje~ Construction Cost w[11 be comprised o~ the engineers est[- mat~ cost, Count's estimated d[re~ and overhead costs o~ construction ~dm[nistr~t[on, and a contingency o~ 10%. County w[11 deduct [rom the Estimated Project Construction ~ost the tot~l amount o~ outs[de (unding obtained to determine the balance to be financed by the Part[es. County shall compute each Party's share, based on tlie allocation set forth in Section 10, and shall bill the other Parties for their share. Prior to County's adv.ertising the construction contract, the Parties shall deposit with County their shares of the Estimated Project Construction Cost. Upon receipt o5 the Estimated Project Construction Cost deposits, County shall advertise the Project, receive bicis, and subject to Section i% award a contract. Prior to award of the contract, County shall recompute the Estimated Project Construction Cost, based on the unit prices bid by the successful biJder, and notiSy the other.Parties of the recomputed amount. If the recomputed Estimated Project Construction Cost is more than the amount on deposit, County may elect to bill the other Parties for their share, based on the allocation in Section 10. Should County so bill the Parties, the Parties shall, within 60 c~lendar days of receipt of the invoice, pay the balance. If the recomputed Estimated Project Construction Cost is less than the amount on deposit, County shall refund the other pa~'ties for their share, based on the aJloc~tion in Section 10, within 60 days of filing final notice of completion. Upon completion o5 the Project and acceptance by County, County shall compute the Project Construction Cost. The Project Construction Cost shall consist of the direct payments to the contractor plus County's direct and overhead costs for construction administration. County shall render a final accounting of the Pro)ect Construction Cost to the other parties within six months of filing of final notice of completion. Section 12. Schedule. It is the intent of the Parties that a funding and implementa- tion schedule be established by the Executive Committee that will ensure completion of construc- tion by 1990 and shall be adhered to as closely as possible. 'Toward that end each Part,/ will assign this Project a high priority. Section 13. Approval of-Contract Documents. County shall circulate information copies of Contract Documents to the other Parties as such documents become available. The other Parties may advise and. consult with the County regarding the project design, and County -9- shall consult with and consider the comments of the other Parties regarding the design of the Project~ but CounTy's decision on the design of the Project shall be final If approval of a~y other Party to this Agreement is required in order for CounTy to !awfully award a contract~ each and every one of the other Parties hereby agrees to make every reasonable effort to grant such approval Section lb. Reiection of Bids. CounTy has the option at its sole discretion, of awarding a contract or of rejecting all bids and re-advertising if the tota! Project Construction Cost does not exceed the budgeted amount, or of rejecting all bids if they exceed the budgeted amount. If the total Project Construction Bid Cost exceeds the budgeted amo~nt~ the additional cost will be allocated to the Parties as described in Section 10/[ l~he. CounTy must ~ receive unanimous approval of the Executive Committee belore awarding the contract. Section 1~. Withdrawal of Parties. Any of the parties to this agreement may with- draw by giving writ-ten notice of withdrawal to the other parties to this agreement. The with- drawing party shall be responsible ior financial.obligations hereunder to the extent incurred and agreed to by the party prior to the effective date of withdrawal. Incurred obligations for facili- ties constructed pursuant to this agreement shall include all ongoing costs resulting from com- pliance with permit requirements imposed on the operation' of facilities constructed or under construction as of the date of withdrawal. The balance of the parties shall continue in the per- formance of the terms and conditions of this agreement on the basis of a revised allocation of costs as set forth in Section 10 unless and until the agreement is terminated and cost allocations will be recomputed accordin§ly. Section 16. Liabilit~m. It is mutually understood and agreed that merely by virtue of entering this Agreement each ParTy neither relinquishes liabiliTy for its own actions nor assumes liability for the actions of the other Parties. It is the intent of the Parties that the liabiliTy, if any~ of each ParTy shall remain the same while this Agreement is in force as it would be without - 10- the Agreement. This Agreement represents a cooperative e~fort to accomplish the construction of an important public project. It is based upon compromise taking into account the benefits to and interests and responsibilities of the Parties. Neither the Agreement itself, nor any provision as evidence of liability of any kind against any of the Parties. The public agency Parties designated to administer the projects will require each and every contractor involved with the project to obtain and to maintain throughout the t~rm of their contract~ the. following insurance policies: 1. Comprehensiv~ General Liability including $1,000,000 Combined CompietedOperatlons, Comprehensive Automobile Single Limit Liability, and Contractual Liability 2.Workers" Compensation and Employers' Liability Statutory Limit Each insurance policy required by the contract shall contain the following three clauses: 1. "This insurance shall not be cancelled~ limited in scope of coverage or non- renewed until after thirty (30) days written notice has been given to ail Parties." 2. "It is agreed that any insurance maintained by the Parties will apply in excess and not contribute with, insurance provided by this policy." 3. "As respects operation of the named insured performed on behalf of the Parties, the following are added as insureds; County of Orange, Orange County Flood Control District, City of Newport Beach, City of Irving/land The Irvine Company." The Party administering shall have the contractor agree to deposit with them, at or before the eLiective date of the contract, certificates of insurance necessary to satisfy the insurance provisions~ and to keep such insurance and certificates therefor on deposit with Party during the entire term of the contract. -11- Section 17. AvailabiliW of Funds. The obliga~cion of each Pretty is subject to the availability of funds appropriated for this purpose, and nothing herein shall be construed as obligmting the ParTies to expend or as involving the ParTies in any con~ract or other obligation for the future payment of money in excess of appropriations authorized by law. - 12- IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement the day and year first above written. COUNTY OF ORANGE AND ORANGE COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT Date'. BY: Chairman of Board of Supervisors Date: BY: Linda D. Roberts Clerk of the Board of Supervisors of Orange County, California APPROVED AS TO FORM Adrian Kuyper, County Counsel Orange CountY, California BY:. ATTEST: CITY OF IRVINE By:. City Clerk Mayor - 13- ATTEST: CITY OF TUSTIN City Clerk BY: .Mayor ATTEST: CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH BY: City Clerk BY: Mayor THE IRVINE COMPANY BY: BY: DRC:smrRD-01-20 7/6/8O .s ~ r 1.5 MIl. ES JOHN WAYNE AIRPORT ORANGE COUNTY IRWO TREATMENT P~.ANT JOAQUIN ,/ '/ SIPHON UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA IRVINE UPPER BAY DOWNSTREAM PROJECTS LEGEND PART I - EARLY ACTION AND INT[R,M PL~i Q -EXCAVATED BASIN (~) (~)- IN-CMANNEL BASINS PART III- PR0"OS[D $(~$'-IN-CHANNEL BASINS 80UR~: BOYLE ENGINEEPJNG EXHIBIT A