MAY 5th, 1958.
COUNCILMEN PRESENT: Kidd, Tadlock, Humeston & Byrd.
ABSENT : Bacon.
CITY ATTORNEY : Dennis D. Hayden, present.
Mayor Kiddcalled the meeting to order at 7:40 P. M.
On motion of Byrd, seconded by Humeston and carried,
the minutes of the regular meeting of April 21st,
and the adjourned meeting of April 25, 1958 were approved
was mailed.
RENEWAL A request.by the Revere House that their Dance Permit
DANCE be renewed for the coming year, was approved by the
PERMIT Council on motion of Councilman Tadlock, seconded by
REVERE Councilman Humeston.
REQUEST A A communication from the Tustin Chamber of Commerce
RESURFAC, informing the Council that the Chamber planned on hold-
ING MAIN ing the 2nd Annual Tustin Tiller Days, September 13th
STREET and suggested that Main Street between D Street and
FOR TUS- Prospect be resurfaced so street dancing would be
TIN TILLER possible. The matter was referred to City Engineer
DAYS McBride for a report as to cost.
PROSPECT City Engineer McBride reported that the County would
AVENUE resurface the City's portion of Prospect Avenue, north
of First.
WORK On motion of Councilman Tadlock, seconded by Councilman
ORDER Humeston, City Engineer McBride was authorized to sign
ON PROS- a work order for the surfacing of Prospect Avenue by
PECT the County of Orange, not to exceed $500.00. Motion
Motion of Councilman Byrd, seconded by Councilman Tadlock
CONTRACT that City Engineer McBride be authorized to contract
GIVEN TO with Hardy & Harper, not to exceed $1000.00 for the
HARDY & paving of the area from the curb to the present street,
HARPER along the Tustin War Memorial property on First Street
and Prospect Avenue. Motion carried.
REMODEL- On motion of Councilman Humeston, seconded by Councilman
ING ON Byrd that the City Hall Rest Rooms be insulated against
CITY HALL sound and that fans be installed. Motion carried.
Motion of Councilman Tadlock, seconded by Councilman
Humeston that the bills be paid. Motion carried.
First National Bank, Utitities... $162.07
B I L L S Walt,s Garage & Service Station.. 22.79
Kleen Line Corp ....... 2.86
Calif. Fire Chief's Assoc. $3.00
Hardy & Harper 39.75
Tustin Auto Parts. 4.63
Whitney's Speedometer Service 8.00
Santa Ana Valley Irrigation Co. 1.65
Marchant Nursery. 14.56
So. Calif. Planning Congress. 25.00
B I L L S Dennis printers- 8.48
Carson & Golding 5.23
Harry F. Coleman. 44.81
Santa Ana Office Supply Co 14.26
Tustin Paint Store 65.77
J. L. McBride, Eng. Service, April. 81.75
Orange County Radio Telephone Service. 15.00
Tustin Drug Store. 6.08
Guaranty Chevrolet Motors. 1548.41 Tustin Hardware Co.
Graves & Howley. 54.60
Signal Oil Co. 103.51
Guaranty Chevrolet. 5.65
Orange County Insurance Agency. 8.61
Mullin Lumber Co. 2.62
Wade's Signal Service- 16.92
The meeting was duly adjourned.
Jerome C. Kidd
A. O. Park
City Clerk