HomeMy WebLinkAboutRPT 2 QUARTERLY RPT 08-20-84 - ~ REPORTS
A: NO. 2
~A?£- August 14, 1984
?0: William A. Huston, City Manager
FROM: Jeff Kolin, Recreation Superintendent
Receive and file.
The month of April marks the beginning of Spring programs for
the Community Services Department. Spring adult sports leagues included 3-man
basketball and slo-pitch softball leagues. A special effort was made to
involve participants through meetings and a written evaluation survey on the
softball program. Response to the 3 evaluation meetings was less than
spectacular, only two individuals attended.
The softball leagues survey had over a 50% return rate. The majority
of surveys rated the program as good or better in most areas. The general
condition of the outfield turf areas was the most frequent problem area
indentified in the survey. Plans are progressing for additional renovation
work during the winter break. Until then an ongoing gopher trapping program
(11 caught in one day last week) and lots of water and a little TLC should
get us through the seasons until the December break.
The youth track clinic and all city track meet were also held in April.
Over 200 youth participated in the programs this year. The top three finishers
in each event are eligible to compete for Tustin in the Orange County Meet.
Numerous Easter activities were held at park sites in the City during
April. Egg decorating, Easter Egg Hunts, hat making, crafts ~nd lots of
games and activities were offered by Park Monitors. Park sites are open
on weekends only until the time is adjusted to provide more daylight.
Plans for the E1 Camino Real Chili Cook-Off, Fourth of July and Tustin
Tiller Days progressed well during the month. The closest event, the June
3rd Chili Cook-Off, occupied most of our energies. Entertainment was arranged
for the event and sponsor and team recruitment continued. Response to the
Cook-Off has been fantastic so far. Fourth of July preparations were also
made during the month including preparation of posters, flyers and programs
for the show.
The "Sunshine Boys" was this years L.P. Repretory Production. All performances
held in the Clifton C..Miller Communtiy Center were well attended. The play
featured two former vaudville performers who gave the production an authentic
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August 14, 1984
Excursions to Universal' Studios and Las Vegas were held during the month.
Both trips went very well and will be offered again next year. Seniors have
already reserved all available spots for the June Lake Tahoe/Carson City Trip
and are saving up for an Alaska Cruise scheduled for September.
The Senior Citizens Club has been a long time supporter of the clients
at Fairview State Hospital. This Easter the Club made over 250 Easter Baskets
filled with candy, 23 hand made lap robes, and 18 aprons for the handicapped
residents at Fairview. The Club is recognized by Fairview each year at its
Volunteer Recognition Luncheon for its outstanding contributions.
Spring 3-man basketball leagues were compl-eted in May. Plans for
Summer basketball leagues were finalized including plans for a new 5-man
team league. If gym time can be obtained on a regular basis it appears that
people are willing to play on weekends. The shortage of Gymnasiums makes
it difficult to provide activities that even come close to meeting the demand
from local residents for basketball leagues.
The 40 plus softball league began play on May 6th at Peppertree Park and is
currently underway. The program will take a "Summer Vacation" and then resume
in the Fall.
This years Tiller Days Festival will have an added feature, a 5K run. The
race will be held at 8:00am on Saturday. Chrysler-Plymouth has agreed to
sponsor the event. The race will raise funds for Columbus-Tustin School and
the Community Services Department.
May is Senior Citizens Month and Mayor Ursula Kennedy and the City
Council presented a proclamation officially declaring Tustins support. Mayor
Kennedy and Councilman Ron Hoesterey also attended the May A.A.R.P. Meeting
and gave a progress report on the proposed Senior Center. Lots of support for
a speedy development was heard from all in attendance. In May 104 Seniors
were assisted with their Renters Rebate or Homeowners Rebate Forms.
A small group of Art enthusiasts enjoyed an excursion to the Los Angeles
Museum of Art on May 12th. The trip used the Department van to transport the
group to the Museum and featured a variety of rare artwork. In the month of
June, forty Seniors enjoyed a beautiful trip to Lake Tahoe/Carson City. The
weather was terrific and the luck good.
June featured the E1 Camino Real Chili Cook-Off which turned out to be
everything we had hoped it would be. The entire Department assisted with the
event and it was very rewarding to see it turn out so well. The Department
hoped to continue to offer these types of positive special events and to build
on its partnerships with the communities businesses and organizations.
As is usual June was a very busy month. Preparations for all Summer
activities were completed. Summer classes began during the month and brochure
copy for Fall programs was completed. We always breath a sigh of relief
when July 5th arrives because all programs are on their way and running
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Au9ust 14-, 1984
Spring slo-pitch softball leagues were completed during the month.
Registration information for Summer leagues was sent to all past participants.
We are expecting a record number of teams for our Summer leagues. Although
improved, field conditions continue to be a problem. We are looking forward
to a major renovation by the School District during the Holiday break in December.
The month was rounded out by three excursions. A Las Vegas Turn-around,
a youth trip to the Coliseum for the Olympic Track and Field Trials, and
a trip to the J. Paul Getty Museum. All were very enjoyable.
We are looking forward to an Olympic Summer and lots of activities.