HomeMy WebLinkAboutNB 1 OC HEALTH COUNCIL 8-6-84,~, ~mm~mmm~k I~mm~ A . ,~ NEW BUSINESS
~TE: AUGUST 1, 1984
Pleasure of the City Council.
On August 3, 1981, Phyllis Turtle was appointed Representative and Bonnie Gillman was
appointed Alternate for the Orange County Health Council Assembly Appointments. They
were both reappointed to their respective positions on July 26, 1982, and September 6,
5983, for one year. terms.
Attached is a letter from the Orange County Health Planning Council requesting that
the City reconfirm or appoint delegates. Also attached are letters from the following
three applicants for the positions:
Phyllis Tuttle, present Representative
Bonnie S. Gillman, present Alternate
Linda Young Landesman, new applicant
City Clerk
June 14, 1984
Mary C. Winn, City Clerk
City of Tustin
300 Centennial Way
Tustin, California 92680
SUBJECT: Reconfirmation of Assembly Appointments
Dear Ms. Winn:
Prior to the annual election of members of the Board of Directors and at-large
Assembly delegates of the Orange County Health Planning Council, the Bylaws
require that we solicit in writing the reconfimation of all appointments to the
Assembly of Delegates. The Bylaws do not limit the length of time for which any
organization may choose to have its representative serve in the Assembly. Our
records show that your current representative to the Assembly is Phyllis Turtle.
If you would like to have your current delegate continue, please reconfirm the
appointme, nt by filling out and returnin~, the enclosed form NO LATER THAN JULT13,
The Bylaws also provide for an alternate delegate to attend Assembly meetings and
vote in the absence of your appointee. Our records indicate that Bonnie Gillman
has been appointed as your alternate delegate. Please let us know if this is
An Assembly delegate acts as the liaison between your city council and OCHPC,
informing each body of the issues and concerns of the other. Delegates meet four
times a year - once to elect our Board of Directors and the rest to participate
in programs dealing with community health issues.
The OCHPC is the agency which oversees projected medical needs of Orange County
residents, as well as the allocation of health care resources to meet those needs.
As you may know, the Assembly is a body of almost 150 participants, representing
every city of Orange County, the Southern California Association of Governments,
the League of California Cities, the Board of Supervisors, voluntary health
agencies, professional health associations, and community organizations such as
the United Way.
We are enclosing a summary of the major accomplishments and issues addressed by
the Council during the past two years, a brief description of the agency, and a
listing of OCHPC publications. Our staff would be happy to meet with you to
answer any questions you may have about the Council and its programs.
Encl osu re
Co rdi al ly you rs,
Rick Badger
Executive Director
69/8 202 FASHION LANE · SUITE 219 - TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA 92680 · PHONE: (714)832-1841
1100 WEST STEWART DRIVE, ORANGE, CALIFORNIA 92667 (714) 633-9111
25 June 1985
Nary Wynn, City Clerk
City of Tustin
300 Centennial Way
Tustin, Ca. 92680
Dear Nrs. Wyrun:
I was sorry to hear that you had had trouble
trying to reach me by phone.
I have enjoyed being a delegate to the Orange
County Health Planning Council representing
the City of Tustin these past two years.
I would be most willing to continue to serve
if needed, but have no trouble giving someone
else a chance to have this experience.
If you should find that you need me in this or
other area of concern, please let me know. I
can be reached at work at 771-8122. If I am not
able to answer the phone, there is a phone
answering machine to take messages and I will
return your call.
Phyllis Tuttle
Bonnie S. Gillman Special Projects Coordinator
11401 Arroyo AvenUe Santa Ana, CA 92705
June 25~ 1984
Honorable May. or and
C~ty Council of Tuetin
300 Centennial Hey
Tus~in~ California 92680
Please be advised the= I would be pleased to serve again aa
the Alternate Representative to the Orange County Health
Planning Council Assembly of Oelege~es. IF the position
of Representative should become available~ [ would be
in=ares~ad in serving' in ~he~ capacity.
I am enclosing my rseum~ for your information. IF I can
be of amy Further assistance to you~ plebes do no~ hesitate
~o call upon me.
.Bonnie S. Gillmen
Bonnie S. Gillman
11401 Arroyo Avenue
Santa Aaa, Ca. 92705
(714) 838-9797
B.A. English (Speech)
Teacher's Certificate -Secondsry
University of Michigan 1SG4
Positions Held:.
Youth Resources Coordinator, United Way
United Way Liaison to Combined Federai Campaign
Program Coordinator, Big Sisters of Orange County
Administrative Assistant, Cook County Hospital
Engiish Teacher, Hheeling High School
SpecisIized Skills:
Public Relations
Community Besources/Informstion & Referral
Voiunteer Recruitment
Educstional Program Development/Horkshops
Fund Raising
Offices Held:
Tustin Alternate to Orange County Health Planning
Chairperson, Academic Standards Committee,
Foothill High School
Chairperson, Allocations Committee, United Way
Chsirpemson, Admission ~ Revisw Task Forces,
United Hay
President & Secretary, Board of Directors
E1Sereno Homeowners Association
Chairperson, Block Parent Program, Arroyo School
Chairperson, Health, Safety ~ Heifers, Armoyo SchooI
Chairperson, Special Projects, Arroyo School
Chairperson, Community Resources, Arroyo School
Administrator, Politicsl Study Group,
Brandeis University
United Hsy of Orange County North/South
Orange County Sheriff's Department
Tustin Unified School District
Alumni Association, University of Michigan
American Association of University Homart
Gifted Children's Association of Orange County
Orange County Medical Association Auxiliary
Bowers Museum Association
South Coast Repertory Guild
Orange County Philharmonic Society
Parent-Teacher Orgsnizetioms
Founding Member of Ami Karen Cancer Fund
for Children, Los Angeies (The Rainbow)
The Irvine Company Leadership Awards Committee
Mary Wynn
City Clerk
City of Tustin
300 Centennial Way
Tustin, Ca. 92680
Dear Ms. Wynn,
Thank-you for the oppo~unity to be considered for Tustin's repre-
sentative to the Orange County Health Planning Council. In assessing n~y potential
contribution, I believe that my experience and comprehension of the difficult issues
facing health care organization today, will benefit those of our community receiving
As a trained mental health clinician, I have provided service for ten
years in varied health settings for a broad spectrum of medical problems. This has
enabled me to understand not only the health care needs of the residents of Orange
County, but how to maximize the use of the systems that provide for those needs.
I am currently involved in providing consultation on national health
care issues which will enable me to keep Tustin abreast of where health care is headed
and vice versa, to provide input on national levels to our own local needs.
I have the unique perspective of understanding the psycho-social
impact of illness and injury. I believe that health planning and policy needs to
look at how health care effects the lives of the individual. In addition, when
dollars for health care reimbursement are shrinking, the role of local planners
becomes more crucial in order to maximize what those dollars will buy, and planners
must have first hand knowledge, like myself, of the issues for both consumer
and provider.
Hopefully you will agree that Tustin will benefit from my representation
founded in experience and understanding of critical planning issues. I would
appreciate your giving me an opportunity to serve. Enclosed is a copy of my vitae
for your perusal.
Looking forward to a positive response.
Sincerely, ~
Linda Young L'~ndesma~MSW ACSW LCSW
Linda Gail Young Landesman
14672 Westfall Road
Tustin, California 92680
University of Michigan, May 1971, Psychology, with distinction.
University of Michigan, August 1974, Social Treatment.
Academy of Certified Social Workers.
Licensed Clinical Social Worker (California License #6307).
California Children's Services paneled clinician.
"A Model for Reinforcing Mental Health Facilities: A Student's View," by
Linda Gall Young, Community Mental Health Journa!, Vol. 12 (4), 1976;
pp. 422-431.
"A Model for Mental Health Service Delivery in the Neonatal Intensive Care
Unit," delivered at 1st International Pediatric Social Work Conference;
Chicago, Illinois; August 1982.
"A Training Program for Effective Management of Hostile Audiences," in process.
"Coordinated Response to Mental Health Demands Following a Disaster: A New
Look," in process.
Clinical Social Worker II-III, University of California Irvine Medical
Center, Orange, California, September, 1981 to present.
Job experiences include comprehensive program of clinical social work ser-
vices to parents of NICU population and staff. Included were clinical
assessment and intervention; staff teaching/consulting and inservices;
psycho-social case manager and Chair of weekly discharge planning
conference; designated representative to Orange County Perinatal Social
Work meetings; member continuing education committee 1981-1982; MSW student
preceptor; Chair Advisory Committee, 1983.
Curriculum Vitae
Linda Gail Young Landesman
Page Two
Clinical Social Worker II, University of California Irvine Medical Center,
Orange, California, April, 1979 - September, 1981.
Job experiences include direct service to high risk pregnancy and gyneco-
logy patients (teen-age, drug abuse, psychiatric history, battered wife
syndrome, battered child syndrome, fetal demise, abortion and sterilization
counseling, and medical complications) coverage includes antepartum, post-
partum, labor and delivery, nurseries, NICU (both clinic and in hospital);
on-call to emergency room, development of inter-disciplinary team service
delivery to newborn nursery, Chair 1980-1981 and Member 1979-1980 continuing
education committee; presented several inservices$ BSW student preceptor.
Case management includes use of individual/family assessment and therapy,
crisis intervention and health care team development.
Clinical Social Worker, Children's Hospital of Los Angeles, California,
August, 1976 - February, 1979.
Job experiences include direct service to Cystic Fibrosis patients and
their families developing a comprehensive clinical social work program to
meet the needs of this population. Included were clinical, educational,
resource and Cystic Fibrosis Foundation Center relations programs; precep-
tor, MSW students.
Case management included use of individual/family assessment and therapy;
educational and therapy groups, and health care team development.
Ongoing continuing education included inhouse staff development workshops
and appropriate community seminars.
Clinical Social Worker, Los Angeles County Health Services, Long Beach
General Hospital, Long Beach, California, October, 1974 - June, 1976.
Job experience included working on the men's admission ward, developing
social services for the newly expanding outpatient clinic, working on the
women's admission ward (alcoholic detoxification, mixed drug withdrawal,
acute and chronic medical); development and instruction of staff inservices
on tuberculosis and behavior modification; development and instruction of
patient diabetic, teaching program; BSW student supervisor.
Case management included use of individual assessment, informational and
therapy groups and health team development.
Ongoing inhouse training included staff development, patient and staff lec-
tures, workshops and inservices.
Curriculum Vitae
Linda Gail Young Landesman
Page Three
Organized first national caucus for coordination of providers of Mental
Health services, Second Western Medical Symposium on Disaster Preparedness,
March, 1984.
Consultant on disaster home preparedness, Tustin Police Department Crime
Prevention Unit, 1984.
Content expert, standing member, Disaster and Disabled Advisory Committee,
County of Orange Emergency Services Division, 1983 - 1984.
Field Instructor, Cal State Long Beach, BSW program, 1983 - 1984.
Designed and researched effects of winter flooding on patients being
cared for by Visiting Nurse Association of Orange County, 1983 - 1984.
Content expert, Senior Executive Manager's Workshop on medical emergency
management, FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency), NETC (National
Emergency Training Center), August, 1983.
Content Expert, Senior Executive Manager's Workshop, NETC (National
Emergency Training Center), FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency),
November, 1982.
Adjunct Faculty, Federal Emergency Management Agency, National Emergency
Training Center, Emmitsburg, Maryland, 1982 - 1983.
Researched health care in Ecuador, August, 1982.
Faculty, Orange County Perinatal Outreach, 1982, 1983.
Planned and organized workshop, Los Angeles County 18th Annual Social Work
Institute, held May 1, 1979.
Researched health care in Indonesia, July - August 1978.
Planned and organized workshops, CCS-Cystic Fibrosis State Level
Conferences, 1976 - 1979.
Designed and assisted in research project regarding childhood memory and
labeling development, May - August, 1974.
Consultant to houseparents, regarding oragnizational and individual beha-
vioral problems; Men's Half-Way House, Ypsilanti State Hosptial, July, 1973 -
July, 1974.
Curriculum Vitae
Linda Gail Young Landesman
Page Four
Chair 1980-81, member 1977-82 Staff Development Committees UCI-MC and CHLA.
Big Sister (Ad Hoc) 1977 - 1983.
P'erinatal Social Work Group Orange County 1979 - 1984.
Numerous collegiate representative positions, University of Michigan,
1967 - 1971.
Presided over District #6, B'nai B'rith Youth Organizaiton, 1966 - 1967.
Edited high school year book, Flint Central, 1966 - 1967.
"Teaching Technical and Professional Writing," National Workshop,
University of Michigan, August 9-13, 1976.
"Health Care in Indonesia," LA County School System Continuing Education,
Fall, 1978.
"Health Care in Indonesia," Dept. Clinical Social Work, Children's Hospital
LA, September, 1978.
"Health Care in Indonesia," Perinatal Social Work Group, Spring, 1980.
"Fetal Alcohol Syndrome," Maternal-Child Health Inservices, UCI-MC
Inservices, Spring, 1980, Spring, 1982.
"Psycho-social Factors in Assessing the High Risk Newborn," Pediatric
Resident In-Services, lO-week Rotation, 1980 - 1981.
"Ethics and the Psycho-social Aspects of Work in the NICU," Martin Luther '
Hospital Nursing Continuing Education, August, 1982.
"A Model for Mental Health Service Delivery in the NICU," International
Pediatric Social Work Conference, Chicago, Illinois, August, 1982.
"Health Care in Ecuador," Perinatal Social Work Group Orange County,
September, 1982.
Curriculum Vitae
Linda Gall Young Landesman
Page Five
"Ethics and the Psycho-social Aspects of Work in the NICU," UCI-MC
Perinatal Outreach, "Critical Care of the Neonate," October, 1982.
"Health Care in Ecuador," Clinical Social Work Dept. UCC-MC, October, 1982.
"Psycho-social Factors in the NICU - Theory and Application," UCI-MC
Maternal-Child Health Inservices, November, 1982.
"Effective Communication with Hostile Audiences," Federal Emergency
Management Agency National Emergency Training Center, January, May and
August, 1983.
"Surviving the Cuts" UCI-MC MCH Inservice, March, 1983.
"Living with a Sick Child," UCI Extension, April, 1983.
First Year:
Second Year:
Family Service Agency of Washtenaw County, Plymouth,
Michigan. Supervised by Walter MacDonald, DD, MSW.
in TA, Gestalt and Behavioral Techniques.
Family Service Agency-of Genesee County, Flint, Michigan.
Supervised by Robert D. Carter, MSSW, Ph.D. Trained in
Supervising experience.
Caseloads included.direct intervention with problem behaviors of child
management, marital, sexual dysfunction, self-help and toileting skills
with retarded, obesity, delusions, headaches, depression and various indi-
vidual adjustmental; seen on an individual and/or group basis.
In addition, during the second year, I served as Supervisor-Coordinator of
the Homemaker Service of Genesee County.
National Association of Social Workers (NASW).
NASW Register of Clinical Social Workers.
Nominee, Who's Who American Women, 1981, 1982.
Orange County Perinatal Social Workers.
Outstanding Young Women of America, 1981.
Society for Clinical Social Work, Fellow.
Available upon request.