APRIL 7th, 1958.
COUNCIL PRESENT: Kidd, Tadlock, Humeston, Bacon & Byrd.
ABSENT : None.
CITY ATTORNEY : Dennis D. Hayden, present.
Meeting called ro order by Mayor Kidd at 7:20 P- M.
On motion of Councilman Tadlock, seconded by Councilman Bacon,
minutes of the previous meetings were approved as mailed.
W. R. NelsOn, District Superintendent of the Tustin School
CITI- District, submitted a request to the Tustin City Council
ZEN'S and Mayor Jerome Kidd, for the appointment of two members from
COMMIT- the Council to act on a Citizen's Committee to represent the
TEE. Greater Tustin Area. Mayor Kidd appointed Councilmen, Vincent
L. Humeston and W. L. Tadlock.
Motion of Councilman Byrd, seconded by Councilman Bacon that the
OR. CO request of Stewart W. Yost, Secretary-Manager of the Orange County
FAIR Fair, to hang an overhead flag line at First and Tustin Avenue
as part of their publicity program, be granted with the provision
that it be cleared with the State Highway Department, if any part
of Tustin Avenue is involved.
STAN- The City of Stanton issued an invitation to the City of Tustin
TON to participate in celebrating their First Annual Frontier Days
On motion of Councilman Bacon, seconded by Councilman Byrd,
that the old Fire Truck be entered in the parade with the approval
of the Fire Department. Motion carried.
4th On motion of Councilman Tadlock, seconded by Councilman Byrd
ST. and carried, the Council recommended approval of Precise Plan
No. 3, the Extension of East Fourth Street, to the Tustin Planning
Commission for action.
REVERE Mr. Richards, a co-owner of the Revere House property at First
HOUSE, Street and Tustin Avenue., appeared before the Council and stated
DISIN- that they desired to be disincorporated from the City of Tustin.
CORPA- He was requested to present a list of reasons and grievances for
RATION consideration of the Council at a later date.
SANI- Mayor Kidd announced that there would be a hearing on the
TARY Engineer's report for Sanitary District, No. 7 on April 16,
DIST. 1958 at104 West 8th Street, Santa Ana.
Motion ofCouncilman Byrd, seconded by Councilman
ANDREW that RESOLUTION NO. 434 accepting deed and consenting to Humeston
MORRIS recordation thereof from Andrew Morris, be adopted. Motion carried,
all councilmen voting Aye.
On motion of Councilman Byrd, seconded by Councilman Bacon and
carried the bills were ordered paid.
Graves & Howley .............. $92.25
Utilities ................... 150.87
Kleen-Line Corp .... .......... 9.98
Tustin Hardware Co ........... 35.10
Webb Brake Service .......... 1.00
B I L L S Edney's Tree Service ......... 288.00
State of Calif. Printing Division .... 5.20
Bancroft-Whitney Co .......... 27.02
Dennis Printers & Stationers.. 5.41
Walt's Garage ................ 3.45
Orange Co. Radio Telephone
Service .... 15.00
Carson & Golding ..... ........ $40.66
Jezowski & Markel ........... 193.25
Wade's Signal Service ...... 31.70
Orange County Blueprint Shop. 10.63
B I L L S Tustfn Paint Store ......... 18.72
Tustin Fire Department ..... 153.50
Internal Rev. Service..WH
Taxes 315.40
State Employee's Retirement
System.. 363.20
Petty Cash, Replacement .... 49.77
Signal Oil Co ............. 188.80
Motion of Councilman Humeston, seconded by Councilman
Byrd, that the meeting be adjourned until Tuesday,
April 15, 1958 at 7:30 P. M. to convass the vote of
the Tustin City Election of April 8,1958 and transact
on other pertinent business. Motion carried.
Jerome C. Kidd
A. O. Park
City Clerk