MARCH 17, 1958.
COUNCILMEN PRESENT: Kidd, Tadlock, Humeston, Bacon & Byrd.
ABSENT : None.
CITY ATTORNEY : Dennis D. Hayden, present.
Meeting was called to order promptly at 7:30 P. M. by
Mayor Kidd.
On motion of Councilman Byrd seconded by Councilman Humeston
and carried, minutes of the previous meeting were approved
as mailed.
LEAGUE A letter from the League of California Cities was received
OF requesting permission from the City of Tustin to use and
CITIES & publish data compiled by the National Board of Fire Under-
FIRE writers and the Board of Fire Underwriters of the Pacific,
UNDER- regarding Fire Grading.
On motion of Councilman Bacon, seconded by Councilman Byrd
PERMIT and carried the above permission was granted and the City
Clerk authorized to sign the permit for the City of Tustin.
RECREAT- A letter was also received from the Tustin Elementary P. T. A.
ION PARKS Executive Board informing the Council that a RESOLUTION had
& PARKWAY been adopted by them favoring the formation of a Recreation
DISTRICT Parks and Parkway District, co-terminus with the Tustin
School District Boundaries.
On motion of Councilman Tadlock, seconded by Councilman
Humeston the above correspondence was ordered received and
filed. Motion carried.
EXEMPTION Motion of Councilman Tadlock, seconded by Councilman Humeston
FIRE TAX that RESOLUTION NO. 432 requesting city exemption from the
FOR CITY County Structural Fire Protection Tax, be adopted. Motion
carried, all Councilmen voting Aye.
RAISE Postmaster Jess Parks appeared before the Council and requested
POSTAL support for a bill before Congress to raise Postal rates.
RATES It was the consenus of opinion by the Council that this was
REQUEST a matter that should be acted on as individuals and did not
feel they had the right to speak for the community.
Vic Grant of the Tustin Little League gave a brief review
of the Little League's program for the current year and
requested that the city again lend its support financially.
FINAN- Motion of Councilman Tadlock, seconded by Councilman Bacon
CIAL AID that $750.00 be given to the Tustin Little League for
GIVEN Maintenance of playing fields. Motion carried.
Motion of Councilman Humeston, seconded by Councilman Byrd
RESOLUTION that RESOLUTION NO. 433, to paint one parking space green
# 433 at the Northeast corner of Mountain View Drive and First
Street be adopted. Motion carried. All Councilmen voting
Motion of Councilman Bacon, seconded by Councilman
Humeston that the bills be paid. Motion carried.
Utilities $91.98
Mullin Lumber Co 9.83
Municipal Finance Officers' Assoc. 5.00
Tustin Blacksmith Shop 1.50
Tustin Hardware Co 5.76
Essick Machinery Co 28.24
Orange County Blueprint Shop 6.45
B. E. Jones, (Striping of Streets) 700.00
Whitley Bros. (Mrs. Silver) 25.00
Walt's Garage 10.31
State Comp. ins. Fund 9.25
Orange Co. Roofing Co 18.00
Hanson & Peterson 115.00
Tustin News 6.40
Replenishment of petty cash 41.16
Boy's League 750.00
Motion of Councilman Bacon, seconded by Councilman
Byrd that the meeting be adjourned until Monday,
March 24th, 1958 at 6:45 P. M. Motion carried.
Jerome C. Kidd
A. O. Park
City Clerk