HomeMy WebLinkAboutPH 4 G.P. AMEND 84-3D 07-02-84AGENDA,- -, DATE: July 2, 1984 PUBLIC HEARING NO. 4 7-2-84 Inter- Corn SUgJ (CT: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council Community Development Department GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT NO. 84-3D Applicant: Goldrtch, Kest & Associates Owner: Robert F. Miller Location: 1262 Bryan Avenue General Plan Designation: Single-Family Residential Zoning: R-1 Single-Family Residential Background & ~scusston This 1.2 acre parcel of land is a residual piece of property that remained for Mr. Miller's private home after the subdivision of Tract 4334 in 1961. Presently, the generel plan designation is single-family residential along the easterly and southerly property lines of this parcel. Along the westerly property line the general plan designation is multi-family residential with apartments. · Goldrtch, Kest and Associates is requesting that the City amend the general plan for this parcel from single-familY residential to multi-family residential. The applicant has a particular use in mind for a development that would require a multi-family designation and ultimately a change of zone (from R-1 to R-3). The proposed use is a board and care facility that would accommodate senior citizens only. This use would be similar to Tustin Hacienda on Third Street. Th~ issue in this request is which land use would be the best for this property and the City. Single-Family Residential - If the land use is retained as single-family, then 6 or 7 homes could be built with a substandard private street which would not be beneficial to the City. In this configuration the homes might al so be built as close as five feet to the ~ear property lines. Multi-Family Residential - If the land use is changed to multiple-family the project could have standard driveways with separate yards at a low density or could be a single purpose use such as a board and care facility with 30 to 50 foot setbacks from the single-family homes along the property lines. General Plan Amendment No. 84-3d July 2, 1984 Page 2 Conclusion Based on site desfgn perhaps the board and care factltty land use would be in the best interests of the single-family neighbors since thts use would provide the greatest setbacks. Enclosed is a conceptual siTM plan which was submitted by the developer. Staff has not completed a detailed review of this plan since the issue at hand is the General Plan designation. Matters of design, height and density would be discussed at the time of a zone change and use permit review. On June 11, 1984, the Planning Commission recommended approval of this amendment by the adoption of Resolution No. 216Z. Enclosed are the minutes from that meeting. Recommndatton Approve General Plan Amendment No. 84-3d by the adoption of Resolution No. 84-52. as recommended by the Planning Commission. MAC:ih Attachment: Exhibit "A" General Plan Designation Proposed Site Plan Location Map Minutes Corn reunify Development Department Plannlng Commission Htnutes June 11, Page 3 3. GEHERAL PLAN AI4ENDHENT HO. 84-3c - RECR£ATIOH £L~EHT OF THE TUSTTH AREA GENERAL PLAN Shows a comprehensive system of areas and publtc sttes for recreation. Pregr~ms are proposed that address the co~mJntty'~tde needs and requirements for recreational areas. An environmental assessment of the Recreation Element ts tncluded and referenced wlthtn the document. E~derd )~ntgh'c presented s'caff's report and reco~t~endatton CO conttnue ss contained ~n ".he Report co the Planotng Comtsston dated June ].1, ]*984. Che~rmen Sharp opened the publtc hearing at 8:14 p,m. Seetng no one wtshtn§ to speak, tt was moved by Nhtte~ seconded h)' ~4etl co contlnce the publtc heertng to the next regular me~ttng on June ZS, 1984. ~lotton carr~ ed? 5-0. 4. GENERAL PLAN AI4END~IENT NO. 84-3d Applicant: Goldr~ch, ICest and Associates Location: 1262 Bryan Avenue Request: That the General Plan be amended from clasetftcatton co a ~lttple-fanflly classification ~lary Ann Chamberlain presented staff's report and recewndetton of approval as contained ~n the Report co the Planntng Co,,utsston dated June 11, 1984. Coumrlsstonor ~etl asked tf the heartng had been properly advertised end tf any response had been received. ~qs. Chember]a~n replted the beartng had been advertised and no response had been received. Chetr~mn Sharp opened the publtc beartng at 8:19 p.m. The followtn§ parson spoke tn favor of General Plan Amendment Ho. 84-3d: r4r. Emenuel Aftergut, represente'c~ve of the applicant, SCa~KI the request was the flret step In seeking approval co cievelop a board and care factltty for sentor citizens. ~r. Aftorg~t stet-°d he had distributed flyers te neighboring property owners announcing a meettng to dtscus$ the pro~Jec'c. T4r. Aftergut s~aced only one property owner had attended but the flyer dld ~ve h~*s ~lephone number ~n case of additional questlons. An unidentified member of the audience, address 9tven as 1331 Bryan Avenue spoke tn favor of the amendment. The follow~ng person spoke tn opposition Co General ~lan Amendment Ho. 84-3d: T4r. Dennts Mtchselmen, Charloma Ortve, expressed opposition to the amendment stettng he felt the best use for the property would be stngle-fanfllY, tn keeptng wtth the development of the rest of the area. Seelng no one else w~sh~ng to speak, Chetrmen Sharp closed the publtc heartng at 8:35 p.m. Tn response to Commission questions regarding control over development of the parcel, ~lr. Lamm replted that the property could not be l~m~ted CO particular use, such as the hoard and care facility, but a use pery, tt would be r~qutred, gtv~n!] the Commission some discretionary control. He Stoted a spectftc plan would not be appropriate for such a smell stte. it was moved h:~ Nhtte, seconded by Puckett, to direct staff co prepare a resolution of approva~ for consideration at the next meeting, l~otton carrted~ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 RESOLUTION NO. 84-52 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING THE LAND USE' ELEMENT OF THE GENERAL PLAN TO RESIDENTIAL MULTIPLE-FAMILY RELATIVE TO THE PROPERTY LOCATED AT 1262 BRYAN AVENUE The City Council of the City of Tusttn does hereby resolve as follows: I. The City Council finds and determines as follows: A. Section 65356.1 of the Government Code of the state of California provides that when it is deemed to be in the public interest, the legislative body may amend a part of the General Plan. B. That in accordance with Section 65356 of the Government C~)de~f the state of California, a public hearing was(~ull,v~advertised and held on June 11, 1984 on the appltc~on of the property owner initiated by Goldrtch, Kest and Associates to consider General Plan Amendment No. 84-3d to reclassify the property to Residential Multiple-Family use. C. That a Negative Declaration has been applied for to co,~ly with the requirements of: the California Environmental Quality Act and is hereby approved. II. O. That the change in classification would be in the public interest and not detrimental to the welfare of the public or the surrounding property owners. The City Council hereby approves General Plan Amendment No. 84-3d amending the Land Use Element to reclassify the property at 1262 Bryan Avenue from Single-Family Residential to Multtple-Famtly Residential. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Tustin City Council held on the day of , lg84. ATTEST: Ursula g. Kennedy, Mayor Mary E. Wynn, City Clerk UJ  gNV'I UVgl ~ 30NY1