HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC 8 S.B. 821 07-02-84FROM: $ LIB.J ECT': WILLIAM HUSTON, CITY MANAGER DALE A. WICK, ASSISTANT CITY ENGINEER S.B. 821 BICYCLE/PEDESTRIAN FACILITIES PROJECT APPLICATION (FILE #335) RECOMMENDATION: That'the Tusttn City Council, at their meeting of July 2,1984, approve by the adoption of a minute order., the attached application for S.B. 821 funds to construct a sidewalk along the northerly side of McFadden Avenue from 200~ easterly of Tustin Village Way to Pasadena Avenue. BACKGROUND: The City Council, at their meeting of June 18, 1984, selected from a list of possible projects, the McFadden Avenue Sidewalk Project and directed staff to prepare the attached application reflecting this selection. Tustin's allocation for F.Y. 1984-85 is $10,294.00. The estimated cost of the McFadden Avenue Project is $13,300.00. Finance has indicated there are sufficient remaining funds in the S.B. 821 account to make up the difference. Assistant City Engineer DAW:jr Attachment SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA ASSOCIATION OF GOVERNMENTS TDA BICYCLE AND PEDESTRIAN FACILITIES CLAIM -- SB 821 (ARTICLE 3) CHECKLIST OF ITEMS TO BE FILED FY 84-85 Claimant: City of Tustin Date: June 26~ 1984 The items checked below are enclosed in connection with the claim filed herein: X 1. X 2. Nontransit Claim Form See instructi'ons for completing the form in the package. Financial Reporting Form See instructions for completing package. instruction the form in the instruction X 3. Pending Project Schedule See instructions for completing Schedule B-3 package. X 4. Project Information Form See instructions for completing the form package. X .5o X 6. in the instruction in the instrUction Governing Body Authorization Submit a ceFtified copy of a resolution or minute order. TDA Guide, Section 1.4.2. See SCAG' Project Map See TDA Guide Section 4.5. __7. Other - Optional Additional exhibits are enclosed as listed below: SCAG-TDA 2/84 CH:wp6 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA ASSOCIATION OF GOVERNMENTS TDA NON-TRANSIT CLAIM FORM SB 821 {ARTICLE 3) PUC SECTION 99234 FISCAL YEAR: DATE: 1984-85 CLAIMANT: June 26, 1984 PAYMENT RECIPIENT: City of Tustin COUNTY LTF: Orange . MAILING ADDRESS. Robert Ledendecker (CLAIMANT) City of Tustin, 300 Centennial Way CITY AND ZIP CODE: 300 Centennial Way Tustin, 92680 A1-FENTION -- N~J~E AND TITLE: CONTACT PERSON PHONE NUMBER Robert Ledendecker, Director of PublicWorks/City Engineer (714) 544-8890 DETAIL OF REQUIRED ALLOCATION: AMOUNT 1 Payment from Unallocated Funds $10,294.00 Payment from Reserves and Drawdown Year 3. Total Allocation Requested Amount Year 13~581.00 23~875'.00 ~ONDITION OF APPROVAL: Approval of this claim and payment by the County Auditor to this claimant are subject to monies being available, and to the provision that such monies will be used only .in accordance with the allocation instructions. AUTHORIZING SIGNATURE {CLAIMANT'S CHIEF PRINT NAME AND TITLE ; CTC USE ONLY 1. DATE APPROVED 2. SIGNED: SC, AG USE ONLY 1. CLAIM NO. 2 ' DATE APPROVED 3. BY: SCAG/TDA* 2/84 wp6 ALLOCATION NO. FOR PAYMENT FOR RESER~ Claimant: Project Name: · BICYCLE AND PEDESTRIAN FACILITIES CLAIM Project Information Form FY 84-85 City of Tustin 2. Date: McFadden Avenue Sidewalk Construction Oune 26~ 1984 Project T~e: Bicycle Facilities' { ) Bike Lane (Class II) ( } Bike Path (Class I} ( ) Other (specify) Pedestrian Facility ( ~ Sidewalk ( ) Handicapped Sidewalk Ramps ( ) Other (specify)' 5. Project Location/Limits: Northerly side of McFadden between 200' ~ . ® easterly of Tustin Village Way and Pasadena Avenue. Project Budget: COSTS Preliminary Engineering and Design: Right-of-way Acquisition: Construction: TOTAL PROJECT COST: REVENUE TDA Article 3: {SB 821) TDA Article 8: Other: TOTAL PROJECT REVENUES: $ 13,300.00 $ 13,300.00 $ 13,300.00 $ $ 13,300.00 Estimated Starting Date (month/year): July, 1985 Estimated Completion Date {month/year}: September, 1985 Does project involve multiple governmental jurisdictions? Yes No X If yes, ie~l~'tify participating agencies. 10. Project Description: (use additional sheets as necessary) Construction of sidewalk SCAG - TDA -- 2/84 wp6 Schedule B-3 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA ASSOCIATION OF GOVERNMENTS TRANSPORTATION DEVELOPMENT ACT PROGRAM PENDING PROJECTS FORM (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) Amount of Amount of Estimated Com- Project Title Date SB 821 Fund~ SB 821 Funds Balance of pletion Date (Description) Funds Received for Expended for SB 821 Funds of Project and Year Received Project* .Project (Unexpended) (Month & Yearl 1.McFadden Avenue Sidewalk Construction ~ ~ 23,875.00 9!85 2. 4. 5~ 6. 7. 8. g. 10. 11. 12. TOTALS $ ~ $ ~ $23,875.00 * DO NOT INCLUDE FUNDS RESERVED IN LTF, ONLY FUNDS RECEIVED. SC ./TDA -- 2/84 This amount equal to Line (FY 82/83) WILLIAM5 VILL BOLEYN PASADENA L ~ ~ MYRTI F AVl z AVENUE STREETm B ST.