COUNCILMEN PRESENT: Kidd, Tadlock, Humeston, Bacon
& Byrd.
CITY ATTORNEY: Dennis D. Hayden, present.
Meeting was called to order by Mayor Kidd at 7:30 P. M.
On motion of Councilman Byrd, seconded by Councilman
Humeston and carried, Minutes of the previous meeting
were approved as mailed.
ACKNOWLEDGE- Letters from the office of Congressman, James B. Utt
MENT OF LET- and Senator, Thomas H. Kuchel were read, in which they
TERS FROM UTT acknowledged receipt of the Resolution on Metropolitan
AND KUCHEL Area Recognition for Orange Couny.
On motion of Councilman Byrd, seconded by Councilman
Humeston and carried, correspondence was ordered re-
ceived and filed.
There was more discussion on the request of the Orange
S.P.C.A. County Citizens' Committee of the S. P. C. A. to solicit
DISCUSSION funds in Tustin, and it was the consensus of opinion of
the Council, that the matter should be kept open for
further investigation and study.
REQUEST OF Mr. and Mrs. Lindgren, owners of the Bel Air Motel
BEL AIR MOTEL appeared before the Council and requested permission to
FOR SIGN erect a small sign at the corner of First Street and
ERECTION Tustin Avenue, on the Dixon Tubbs property. They were
instructed by the Council to make application by letter,
and furnish information as to the size and location on
the property, of the sign.
REQUEST FOR To clarify a previous request, by the City of Tustin to
NEWPORT the Orange County Road Department, to paint a crosswalk
CROSSWALK AT and post a pedestrian sign at the intersection of Newport
D AND NISSON Avenue, South D Street and Nisson Road, the following
ROAD motion was adopted.
Motion of Councilman Humeston, seconded by Councilman
POSTPONEMENT Byrd. In view of the fact that the City of Tustin has
UNTIL COM- signed an agreement with Orange County to improve Newport
PLETION OF Avenue, the Tustin City Council requests the Orange
NEWPORT County Road Department to paint the recommended crosswalk
and post signs at the intersection of Newport Avenue,
South D Street and Nisson Road, upon completion of the
Newport Avenue improvement program. Motion carried.
TUBB'S RE- Dixon W. Tubbs appeared before the Council and stated that
QUEST FOR he desired to confer with City Engineer McBride with a
ANNEXATION view to annexation of another portion of his property.
Councilman Tadlock motioned, seconded by Councilman
Humeston, that the bills be paid. Motion carried.
First National Bank, Utilities $30.82
Tustin Hardware Store 2.13
Console & Sisson 18.71
Signal Oil Co 94.40
Mullin Lumber Co 11.67
Graves & Howley 11.78
Tustin Auto Parts 11.39
Hawkins-Hawkins Co
B I L L S Sam Marchant .... Trees 375.96
C. B. Knickerbocher's, Inc 46.24
George F. Cake Co 68.99
Wade's Signal Service 41.95
Orange Co. Radio Telephone Service 15.00
Tustin Blacksmith Shop 4.16
Carson & Golding 6.49
Donald Griset 21.05
League of Cities .... Dues 10.81
League of Cities .... Annual Service Charge 130.00
The Tustin News ..... Legal Advertising 27.54
Neal Chadick ........ Balance due on Fire
Hall Addition 100.00
Tustin Paint Store 22.71
James A. Musick, Sheriff .60
Holthe Disposal Service 576.00
There being no further business the meeting was adjourned.
Jerome C. Kidd
A. O. Park
City Clerk