HomeMy WebLinkAboutP.C. ACTION AGENDA 05-21-84TUSTIN PLANNING COI~ISSIO. ACTION AGENDA FOR REGULAR MEETING May 14, 1984 7:30 p.m. CALL TO ORDER PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE/INVOCATION ROLL CALL APPROVAL OF MINUTES PUBLIC CONCERNS CONSENT CALENDAR 7:30 P.M., CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS AINSLIE, PUCKETT, WEIL, WHITE, SHARP Sharp absent For Meeting Held April 23, 1984 Approved, 3-0, with corrections Ainslte abstained (limited to 3 minutes per person for . .items not on the agenda) IF YOU WISH TO SPEAK TO THE COMMISSION ON A SUBJECT, PLEASE FILL OUT THE CARDS LOCATED ON THE SPEAKER'S TABLE. ALSO, PLEASE GIVE YOUR FULL NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE RECORD None ALL MATTERS LISTED UNDER CONSENT CALENDAR ARE CONSIDERED ROUTINE AND WILL BE ENACTED BY ONE MOTION. THERE WILL BE NO SEPARATE DISCUSSION OF THESE ITEMS PRIOR TO THE TIME OF THE VOTING ON THE MOTION UNLESS MEMBERS OF THE COMMISSION, STAFF OR PUBLIC REQUEST SPECIFIC ITEMS TO BE DISCUSSED AND/OR REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT CALENDAR FOR SEPARATE ACTION. None CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. USE PERMIT 84-8 Applicanf: Location: Request: Daugherty & Hart Architecture on behalf of James S. Beauchamp 13181-13195 Gwyneth Drive Authorization to add three {3) two-story buildings {a total of eighteen {18) units) to the existing complex Approved, 4-0, Sharp absent, with conditions as contained in the attached Exhibit =A". Planning Commissi, May' 14, 1984 Page 2 Action Agenda PUBLXC HEARXNGS 1. AMENDMENT NO. 2 TO USE PERMIT 79-15 Applicant: Location: Request: Jeen Bennett on behalf of First Baptist Church of Tustin 12881 Newport Avenue Authorization to expand the maximum student population of the existing preschool from 75 to 135 and to permit classes for students in grades beyond preschool Approved, 4-0, Sharp absent. 2. USE PERMIT NO. 84-10 Applicant: Location: Request: Steelcase, Inc. 1123 Warner Avenue Authorization to construct a 30,000 square foot office addition to the existing facility Approved, 4-0, Sharp absent. ADMINISTRATIVE lqATrERS A. Old Business None. B. New Business 1. Design Review #10-84 - Speculative Industrial Buildings Birtcher Pacific - Red Hill Avenue at Bell Avenue Report received and filed. The Commission directed staff to prepare a report concerolng pedestrian trafftc tn the industrial areas. STAFF CONCERNS 1. Department Status Report Report received and filed. 2. Report on Council Actions - May 7, 1984 Commissioner White requested staff seek input from Tusttn Unified School District and the Juvenile Division of the Tusttn Police Department concerning limiting alcohol related land uses near public schools. Report received and filed. Planning Commissio,. actton Agenda May 14, 1984 Page 3 3. Inverse Condemnation Report received and filed. COI~4ISSION CONCERNS Commissioner Well thanked Deputy City Attorney, Suzanne ktkifls for her report on inverse condemnation. Co, missioner Atnslte asked for clarification of the proposed Public Nuisance Abatement Ordinance to be presented at the next Counctl meeting. Commissioner Atnslte commended Senior Planner, Alan #arren, on his presentation for Use Permit 84~8. AOJOURNMENT: At 10:02 p.m. to next regular meeting on May 29, 1984 EXHIBIT "A" Conditions of Approval Use Permit No. 84-8 e 11. 12. 13. A decorative perimeter block wall shall be provided, 6'-8" in height along the northern boundary of the driveway and open space area. Accommodations shall be provided for property line trees by meandering and breaking the wall with fencing as may be necessary. A three foot. (3') wide planter shall be provided at its base. A 6'-0" decorative fence or wall shall be provided along the remaining project boundaries. .Security gates shall be provided at the main driveway entrance and at the easterly most open space/recreation area. The new carports shall be open on four sides. A parcel map combining all separate parcels shall be submitted and final recordation prior to issuance of any building permits. The owner will authorize the Planning Commission to initiate a zone change for the project limiting the density to one unit for every 2,800 square feet of land within the Planned Development District. Orange County Sanitation District sewer connection fees in the amount of $250.00 per new dwelling unit will require payment at the time a Building Permit is issued. East Orange County Water District fees in the amount of $500.00 per new dwelling unit will require payment at the time a Building Permit is issued. The private storm drain and the fuel line within the former railroad right-of-way shall be shown in detail on the final site and/or grading plan. A final grading plan will be required for review and approval. A sewer lateral and water plan shall be submitted along with fire hydrant locations for review and approval. Additional street lighting may be required on Gwyneth Drive at the entrance to the development and shall be provided if determined by a field inspection. Annexation of the subject parcels to the Orange County Street Lighting Maintenance District No. 6 is required. Application forms should be obtained from the County Surveyor's Office and, when completed, they shall be turned into the City of Tustin Engineering Division. That new and existing buildings shall be provided with adequate emergency access as approved by the County Fire Marshal's office or the buildings shall be fitted with automatic fire sprinkler systems in conformance with N.F.P.A. 13-D standards. Community Development Department J Exhibit "A" Conditions of Approval Use Permit 84-8 Page 2 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. Parkland dedication fees in the amount of $5,400.00 shall be paid prior to permit issuance. New development fees in the amount of $8,100.00 shall be paid prior to permit issuance. Continuous 6" concrete curbs shall be provided to separate landscape planters from parking spaces and drive aisles. All roof equipment and vents must be screened from view to the satisfaction of City Staff. All signs must be approved by the Planning Department prior to permit issuance. Separate_permits are required for plumbing, electrical, grading, signing and any work performed within the public right-of-way. Temporary security 'fencing shall be provided around the construction sites for the protection of existing apartment residents. Permanent security fencing with self-latching gates shall be provided around the pooi area in conformance with the City pool regulations. Prior to building permit issuance, the applicant shall provide the Director of Community Development with proof of financing adequate to complete construction of the new units and rehabilitation of the existing units within a reasonable length of time. The following renovations to the existing buildings shall be performed, subject to the review and approval of the Director of Community Development, prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy: a. repaint as necessary; b. reroof as necessary; c. repair carports as necessary; d. upgrade landscaping as necessary; and e. repave existing asphalt as necessary. Community Development Depariment J TUSTIN PLANNING CO~I~ISSION AGENDA FOR REGULAR MEETING May 14, 1984 7:30 p.m. CALL TO ORDER PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE/INVOCATION ROLL CALL APPROVAL OF #INUTES PUBLIC CONCERNS CONSENT CALENDAR 7:30 P.M., CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS AINSLIE, PUCKETT, WEIL, WHITE, SHARP For Meeting Held April 23, 1984 (limited to 3 minutes per person for items not on the agenda) IF YOU WISH TO SPEAK TO THE COMMISSION ON A SUBJECT, PLEASE FILL OUT THE CARDS LOCATED ON THE SPEAKER'S TABLE. ALSO, PLEASE GIVE YOUR FULL NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE RECORD ALL MATTERS LISTED UNDER CONSENT CALENDAR ARE CONSIDERED ROUTINE AND WILL BE ENACTED BY ONE MOTION. THERE WILL BE NO SEPARATE DISCUSSION OF THESE ITEMS PRIOR TO THE TIME OF THE VOTING ON THE MOTION UNLESS MEMBERS OF THE COMMISSION, STAFF OR PUBLIC REQUEST SPECIFIC ITEMS TO BE DISCUSSED AND/OR REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT CALENDAR FOR SEPARATE ACTION. None. CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. USE PERMIT 84-8 Applicant: Location: Request: Daugherty & Hart Architecture on behalf of James S. Beauchamp 13181-13195 Gwyneth Drive Authorization to add three (3) two-story buildings (a total of eighteen (18) units) to the existing complex Presentation: Alan G. Warren, Senior Planner Planning Commiss May 14, [984 Page 2 Agenda PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. AMENDMENT NO. 2 TO USE PERMIT 79-15 Applicant: Location: Request: Jeen Bennett on behalf of First Baptist Church of Tustin 12881 Newport Avenue Authorization to expand the maximum student population of the existing preschool from 75 to 135 and to permit classes for students in grades beyond preschool Presentation: Jeff Davis, Assistant Planner 2. USE PERMIT NO. 84-10 Applicant: Location: Request: Steelcase, Inc. 1123 Warner Avenue Authorization to construct a 30,000 square foot office addition to the existing facility Presentation: Mary Ann Chamberlain, Associate Planner ADMI#ISTI~TIVE NATTERS A. Old Business None. B. New Business 1. Design Review #10-84 - Speculative Industrial Buildings Birtcher Pacific - Red Hill Avenue at Bell Avenue Presentation: Mary Ann Chamberlain, Associate Planner STAFF CONCERNS 1. Department Status Report Presentation: Alan Warren, Senior Planner 2. Report on Council Actions - May 7, 1984 Oral Presentation: Donald D. Lamm, Director of Community Development 3. Inverse Condemnation Presentation: Suzanne Atkins, Deputy City Attorney COPlI[SSIO# CONC£RNS AD&OUR#WENT: To next regular meeting on May 29, [984 MINUTES OF A REGULAR ~ETING OF lltE PLANNING ~)I~tISSION OF lltE CIl~f OF llJSTIN, CALIFORNIA April 23, 1984 The meeting was called to order by Chairman Sharp at 7:34 p.m. in the Council Chambers, 300 Centennial Way, Tustin, California. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Commissioner White and the Invocation was given by Commissioner Puckett. ROLL CALL Commissioners Present: Commissioners Absent: Also present: James B. Sharp, Chairman Ronald White, Chairman Pro Tem Charles Puckett Kathy Well Mark Ainslie Alan Warren, Senior Planner Suzanne Atkins, Deputy City Attorney Janet Hester, Recording Secretary NINUTES Minutes for the meeting of April 9, 1984 were approved as submitted. PUBLIC CONCERNS None. CONSENT CALENDAR 1. Resolution No. 2140 - Amendment No. 84-1 to the Zoning Ordinance - Large Family Day Care Homes Moved by Puckett, seconded by White,. adoption of Resolution No. 2140, recommending Amendment No. 84-1 to the Zoning Ordinance concerning Large Family Day Care Homes to the City Council. Motion carried, 4-0, Ainslie absent. CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARINGS Applicant: Location: Request: USE PERMIT 84-8 Daugherty & Hart Architecture on behalf of James S. Beauchamp 13181-13195 Gwyneth Drive Authorization to add three (3) two-story buildings (a total of eighteen (18) units) to the existing complex. Alan Warren presented staff's report stating the applicant had requested a continuance to the next regular meeting on May 14, 1984. Mr. Warren stated the request resulted from additional design considerations and meetings with concerned property owners. Chairman Sharp opened the public hearing at 7:36 p.m. Seeing no one wishing to speak, it was moved by White, seconded by Well, to continue the hearing to the next regular meeting on May 14, 1984. Motion carried, 4-0, Ainslie absent. Planning Commission Minutes April 23, 1984 Page 2 B. New Business 1. Final Tract Map No. 12138 - 2681, 2685, 2691 Dow Avenue - Stuard & Hamala Alan Warren presented staff's report. It was moved by White, seconded by Well, adoption of Resolution No. 2152, recommending to the City Council, approval of Final Tract Map No. 12138. Motion carried, 4-0, Ainslie absent. 2. Underground Utilities Alan Warren presented staff's report regarding a waiver of the condition requiring undergrounding of utilities for all new or upgraded services. The request came from a new tenant at the Tustin Heights Shopping Center. All other tenants, with the exception of the recently remodeled Ralph's supermarket, are served by overhead electrical lines. The tenant had stated to City staff that the cost and delay involved in undergrounding utilities for the one store would present a hardship. Mr. Warren explained that the Commission had the authority to waive the requirment. Staff's recommendation was to waive the requirement and direct staff to work with the center owner to develop a comprehensive plan for undergrounding all utilitiesC After Commission discussion, it was moved by Puckett, seconded by Weil, to approved by Minute Order, waiver of the requirement of the undergrounding of utilities for the tenant to be located at 1106 Irvine Boulevard, and direct staff to work with the center owner to develop a plan for undergrounding of all utilities. Motion carried, 4-0, Ainslie absent. 3. Inverse Condemnation Suzanne Atkins, Deputy City Attorney, told the Commission she would present a report concerning inverse condemnation at the next Commission meeting on May 14, 1984. CO#MISSION CONCERNS The Commission directed staff to continue researching methods to establish better communication with the City Council regarding Planning Commisison 'actions. Commissioner Wetl asked the Deputy City Attorney to obtain information regarding financing of the bullet train. Ms. Atkins stated she would have a report at the next regular meeting. ADJOURNMENT: At 8:13 p.m. to the next regular meeting on May 14, 1984. James B. Sharp, Chairman MINUTES OF A REGULAR /~ETING OF lltE PLANNING CO)i4ISSION OF lltE CIl~ OF llISTZN, CALIFORNIA April 23, 1984 The meeting was called to order by Chairman Sharp at 7:34 p.m. in the Council Chambers, 300 Centennial Way, Tustin, California. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Commissioner White and the Invocation was given by Commissioner Puckett. ROLL CALL Commissioners Present: Commissioners Absent: Also present: James B. Sharp, Chairman Ronald White, Chairman Pro Tem Charles Puckett Kathy Well Mark Ainslie Alan Warren, Senior Planner Suzanne Atkins, Deputy City Attorney Janet Hester, Recording Secretary MINtFrES Minutes for the meeting of April g, 1984 were approved as submitted. PUBLXC CONCERNS None. CONSENT CALENDAR 1. Resolution No. 2140 - Amendment No. 84-1 to the Zoning Ordinance - Large Family Day Care Homes Moved by Puckett, seconded by White, adoption of Resolution No. 2140, recommending Amendment No. 84-1 to the Zoning Ordinance concerning Large Family Day Care Homes to the City Council. Motion carried, 4-0, Ainslie absent. CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. USE PERMIT 84-8 Applicant: Location: Request: Daugherty & Hart Architecture on behalf of James S. Beauchamp 13181-13195 Gwyneth Drive Authorization to add three (3) two-story buildings (a total of eighteen (18) units) to the existing complex. Alan Warren presented staff's report stating the applicant had requested a continuance to the next regular meeting on May 14, 1984. Mr. Warren stated the request resulted from additional design considerations and meetings with concerned property owners. Chairman Sharp opened the public hearing at 7:36 p.m. Seeing no one wishing to speak, it was moved by White, seconded by Well, to continue the hearing to the next regular meeting on May 14, 1984. Motion carried, 4-0, Ainslie absent. ADMINISTRATIVE MRTTERS A. Old Business 1. Joint City Council/Planning Commission Workshop Topic Discussion Alan Warren presented an oral report requesting topics the Commission would like to discuss if a workshop with the Council was to be scheduled. After discussion, by unanimous informal consent, the Commission agreed to delay a workshop until July, 1984, after new Commissioners were appointed. In light of all incumbents being re-elected to City Council, the Commission agreed another workshop was unnecessary. Planning Commission Minutes April 23, 1984 Page 2 B. New Business 1. Final Tract Map No. 12138 - 2681, 2685, 2691 Dow Avenue - Stuard & Hamala Alan Warren presented staff's report. It was moved by White, seconded by Well, adoption of Resolution No. 2152, recommending to the City Council, approval of Final Tract Map No. 12138. Motion carried, 4-0, Ainslie absent. 2. Underground Utilities Alan Warren presented staff's report regarding a waiver of the condition requiring undergrounding of utilities for all new or upgraded services. The request camo from a new tenant at the Tustin Heights Shopping Center. All other tenants, with the exception of the recently remodeled Ralph's supermarket, are served by overhead electrical lines. The tenant had stated to City staff that the cost and delay involved in undergrounding utilities for the one store would present a hardship. Mr. Warren explained that the Commission had the authority to waive the requirment. Staff's recommendation was to waive the requirement and direct staff to work with the center owner to develop a comprehensive plan for undergrounding all utilities~ After Commission discussion, it was moved by Puckett, seconded by Well, to approved by Minute Order, waiver of the requirement of the undergrounding of utilities for the tenant to be located at 1106 Irvine Boulevard, and direct staff to work with the center owner to develop a plan for undergrounding of all utilities. Motion carried, 4-0, Ainslie absent. 3. Inverse Condemnation Suzanne Atkins, Deputy City Attorney, told the Commission she would present a report concerning inverse condemnation at the next Commission moeting on May 14, 1984. CO)~IlSSION CONCERNS The Commission directed staff to continue researching methods to establish better communication with the City Council regarding Planning Commisison 'actions. Commissioner Well asked the Deputy City Attorney to obtain information regarding financing of the bullet train. Ms. Atktns stated she would have a report at the next regular meeting. ADJOURNMENT: At 8:13 p.m. to the next regular meeting on May 14, 1984. James B. Sharp, Chairman Janet Hester, Recording Secretary Planning Commission PlAY 14, 1984 SUB,]ECT: APPLICANT: O#NER: LOCATZON: ZONZNG: Use Permit 84-8 Oaugherty and Hart ArchiteCture 1180 N. Coast Highway Laguna Beach, CA 92651 James S. Beauchamp 13181-13195 Gwyneth Drive Planned Deveiopment (PD) ENVIRONMENTAL STATUS: A Negative Declaration has been filed in compliance with the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act REQUEST: Authorization to construct three (3) two-story apartment buildings, adding a total of eighteen {18) units to an existing apartment complex of 30 units Discussion Use Permit 84-8 is a request to increase the number of apartment units at the subject address from 30 to 48. Since the project is located within a Planned Development (PD) Zone District, and the proposed structures are to be in excess of twenty-five feet (25') in height, within 150' feet of an R-1 zone, a conditional use permit is required prior to issuance of building permits. The project, as submitted, meets the new development standards enacted by Ordinance No. 906 on.February 26, 1984 with respect to density, open space and parking requirements. Site Analysis The proposal consists of constructing two (2) buildings in an open area in the center of the project and a third building to be built in the area where the swimming pool is located. The property owner has acquired the abandoned Southern Pacific railroad right-of-way adjacent to the existing complex to be used for drive access parking and open space recreation area. The main issues as they pertain to the conditional use permit application are the open space requirements and the height of the new structures. The additional buildings will be the same height as the existing structures and Community Development Department Use Permit 84-8 May 14, 1984 Page 2 there is~ substantial separation between the new 'units and any single-family zoned properties to the north (at least fifty-eight feet {58')and eighty feet {80') from the R-1 area to the south). The open space requirements have been met and specific recreation activity areas have been identified. Planning staff has received input from neighboring residents concerned with the proposal for the following reasons: a. The increase in the number of units will cause an unacceptable increase in the vehicular traffic on nearby Olwyn Drive. b. The driveway along the northern boundary with the adjacent rear yards of the single-family area will cause an increase in the noise levels and reduce the degree of privacy enjoyed by the residents. c. Some residents were concerned with the ultimate number of units which may be requested for the area in the future and resulting parking problems. When staff was approached over use of this vacant railway area by the owner, suggested uses have been for open space and circulation functions of the apartment con, lex. One of the major building constraints in the area is the fuel line easement which runs down the middle of the old railroad right-of-way. It is staff's understanding that this is why many neighboring residents did not choose to purchase the land when first offered to them. In response to the concerns of the neighbors, the following mitigating measures are suggested: 1. A 6'-8" to 8' decorative concrete block wall should be constructed along the southern property line adjacent to the driveway. This .would aid in securing the privacy of the rear yards of the single ~family area and help attenuate any added vehicle noise from the complex. 2. A three foot (3') wide planter should be provided along the base of the wall to provide an area for tree planting which will add to the privacy of the rear yard and a protective barrier for the wall. 3. That security gates should be provided at the entrance off of Gwyneth Drive and for the open space area to the far eastern portion of the project. This will ensure that no one other than residents or guests will use the areas immediately adjacent to the rear yard areas. 4. That the new carports be open on all four sides to alleviate any direction amplification of vehicle motor noise towards the rear yard areas. Conformance with the new parking requirements of 2.25 spaces per unit for the entire project has been accomplished with this design. Current parking accommodations are well below standard. ' Community Development Department Use Permit No. 84-8 May 14, 1984 Page 3 To ensure the limit of unit construction to the requested number, it is recommended that a parcel map be submitted tying all the parcels together as one and a zone change application be instituted to place a maximum unit density level on the project. The action would change the district from Planned Development (PD) to PD-2800. To help reduce noise from on-site traffic, speed reducing measures should be included in the driveway (i;e., .speed bumps, changes in roadway texture, etc. In response to traffic concerns, it has been estimated that three to four round trips per day can be expected to be generated by the new unit. This would equate to 108 to 144 additional single trips per day from 18 units. The traffic analysis submitted by the applicant indicates the average daily count for a residential street is 3,000 trips. This figure would seem a bit high for Tustin. Conferring with our Engineering staff, 600-800 trips would seem more accurate. The street traffic in the area does not approach the ultimate design capacity. The Fire Department did have concerns relating to access into the project. The need for a large turn around area could be mitigated by retrofitting the existing building and providing the new structure with a residential type fire sprinkler system. The site plan indicates encroachment of a back yard fence of one of the~single- family residences. The applicant at this time has decided to design around this issue. If this land is incorporated into the project it will just be added to the open space area. Recommend&tion The applicant has made very effort to mitigate most of the concerns of his neighbors by the incorporation of suggested measures to lessen potential impacts.. When taking all of the parcels tn~o account the unit density calculates to 15.4 units per acres, one of the lowest multiple-family densities in the City. As a result, staff recommends approval of Use Permit No. 84-8 with conditions agreed to by the applicant as contained in Exhibit "A". Senior Planner AGW:jh Attachments: Exhibit "A" Development Review Summary Plans , Community Development Department EXHIBIT "A" Conditions of Approval Use Permit No. 84-8 11. 12. 13. A decorative perimeter block wall shall be provided, 6'-8" in height along the northern b°undary of the driveway and open space area. A three foot (3') wide planter shall be provided at its base. Security gates shall be provided at the main driveway entrance and at the easterly most open space/recreation area. The new carports shall be open on four sides. A parcel map combining all separate parcels shall be submitted and final recordation prior to issuance of any building permits. The owner will authorize the Planning Commission to initiate a zone change for the project limiting the density to one unit for every 2,800 square feet of land within the Planned Development District. Orange County Sanitation District sewer connection fees in the amount of $250.00 per new dwelling unit will require payment at the time a Building Permit is issued. East Orange County Water District fees in the amount-of $500.00 per new dwelling unit will require payment at the time a Building Permit is issued. There is also a private storm drain within the former railroad right-of-way which shall be shown on the final site and/or grading plan. A final grading plan will be required for review and approval. A sewer lateral and water plan shall be submitted along with fire hydrant locations for review and approval. Additional street lighting may be required on Gwyneth Drive at the -entrance to the development and shall be provided if determined by a field inspection. Annexation of the subject parcels to the Orange County Street Lighting Maintenance District No. 6 is required. Application forms should be obtained from the County Surveyor's Office and, when completed, they shall be turned into the City of Tustin Engineering Division. The new buildings shall be provided with an automatic fire sprinkler system in conformance with N.F.P.A. 13-D standards as determined by the Orange County Fire Marshal. The existing buildings shall be retrofitted with a fire sprinkler system or a modified emergency access plan as approved by the Orange County Fire Marshal shall be provided. Corn munity Development Department Exhibit "A" Conditions of Approval Use Permit 84-8 Page 2 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. Parkland dedication fees in the amount of $5,400.00 shall be paid prior to permit issuance. New development fees in the amount of $8,100.00 shall be paid prior to permit issuance. Continuous 6" concrete curbs shall be provided to separate landscape planters from parking spaces and drive aisles. All roof equipment and vents must be screened from view to the satisfaction of City Staff. All signs must be approved by the Planning Department prior to permit issuance. Separate permits are required for plumbing, electrical, grading, signing and any work performed within the public right-of-way. Temporary security fencing shall be provided around the construction sites for the protection of existing apartment residents. Permanent security fencing with self-latching gates shall be provided around the pool area in conformance with the City pool regulations. Community Development Department Project: DEVELOPMENT REVIEW SUMMARY USE PERMIT 84-8 Location/District: Action: 13181-13195 Gwyneth Drive Authorize construction of three (3) two-story apartment buildings totaling eighteen (18) units Comparable District Requirement Building: _ Front Setback Side Setback Rear Setback Gross Square Footage Unit Density per Square Foot Height Number of Stories Materials/Colors Lot Size Lot Coverage Open Space parking: Number of Spaces Ratio (space/square footage) Percent of Compact Spaces Type Uses: Proposed 15' 58' 5' min. 20' 5' 10' min. 14,400 sq. ft. 15,750 sq.ft. * 1/2,800'sq.ft. 30' max. 22' 2 2 Stucco, wood Commission Review trim, shingle 10,000 sq. ft. 136,000 sq.ft. * 26% 400 sq.ft./unit 583 sq.ft./unit 48 assigned/covered 48 assg./cov. 12 guest 12 guest 2/units, plus 2/units, plus 1/4 units guest 1/3 units,guest N/A 0 2 covered and , 2 covered and guest guest Apartment Apartment Number of Public Notifications (Owners): Environmental Status * No Standard 300' 79 sent Application for Negative Declaration Community Development Department ,{ Report to the Planning Commission PUBLIC HEARING NO. I Hay 14, 1984 SUBJECT: Amendment No. 2 to Use Permit No. 79-15 APPLICANT: Jeen Bennett on behalf of First Baptist Church of Tustin LOCATION: 12B81 Newport Avenue ZO#I#G: Public and Institutional (P&I) EMVIROMME#TAL STATUS: This project is not subject to the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (Section 15061B3) REQUEST: To expand the maximum number of students from 75 to 135 and to permit classes for students beyond preschool age Backcj~ound Two previous actions taken on the subject property (Use Permit No. 79-15 and Use Permit No. 82-5) authorized a preschool for children ages three to six years. The maximum number of students has been restricted to 75. This is in accordance with the maximum number of preschool-age children the church is licensed to instruct by the State of California. There was no public opposition 'to the preschool.use at either of the two previous public hearings. Discussion The request before the Commission is to amend the previous approvals to allow a maximum of 135 students and to permit classes for students beyond preschool age. The Church anticipates third grade to be the highest level taught within the existing buildings. The site provides more parking than required for the expansion and the buildings provide adequate square footage to accommodate the additional students. To avoid the necessity of the church applying for an amendment to the use permit each time an additional grade level is added, it is recommended that the maximum number of students (sixth grade and below) be limited on the site. Another public hearing would be required only when the church would wish to expand beyond classes beyond the sixth grade, increase the number of students in excess of 135, or construct any additional buildings on the site. Com munily Development Department Public Hearing No. 1 May 14, 1984 Page 2 Recommendation It is recommended that Amendment No. 2 to Use Permit 79-14 be approved by the adoption of Resolution No. 2153, subject to the following condition: 1. That the total number of students of the school shall not exceed 135 and classes shall not be conducted for students beyond the sixth grade. A~s~taanVitSp1 anner JSD:jh Attachments: Site Plan Floor Plan Resolution No. 2153 Community Development Depart merit J RESOLUTION NO. 2153 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 '19 2O 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING AMENDMENT NO. 2 TO USE PERMIT NO. 79-15 AUTHORIZING THE EXPANSION OF THE SCHOOL AT 12881 NEWPORT AVENUE (FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH OF TUSTIN) TO ACCOMMODATE 135 STUDENTS AND TO ALLOW INSTRUCTION FOR PRESCHOOL THROUGH SIXTH GRADE The Planning Commission of the City of Tustin does hereby resolve as The Planning Commission finds and determines as follows: A. That a proper application (Amendment No. 2 to Use Permit No. 79-15) was filed by Jeen Bennett on behalf of the First Baptist Church of Tusttn, requesting authorization to expand the existing preschool at 12881 Newport Avenue to accommodate 135 students and allow instruction for preschool through sixth grade. B. That a public hearing was duly called, noticed, and held on said application. C. That establishment, maintenance, and operation of the use applied for will not, under the circumstances of this case, be detrimental to the health safety, morals, comfort or general welfare of the persons residing or working in the neighborhood of such proposed use as evidenced by the following findings: 1. The use applied for is in conformance with both the Tusttn Zoning Code and the Tusttn Area General Plan. 2. The existing church faciltty is large enough to accommodate 135 students and provides more parking spaces on the site than required. 0. The establishment, maintenance and/or operation of the use applted for will not be injurious or detrimental to the property and improvements in the neighborhood of the subject property, nor to the general welfare of the City of Tusttn and should be granted. E. Proposed development shall be in accordance with the development poltctes adopted by the City Council, Uniform Butldtng Codes as administered by the Building Official, Fire Code as administered by the Orange County Fire Marshal and street improvement requirements as administered by the City Engineer. F. Final development plans shall require the review and approval of the Community Development Department. G. This project is not subject to the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (Section 15061B3). 28 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2O 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 ,lution No. 21~. 'age Z II. The Planning Commission hereby approves Amendment No. 2 to Use Permit No. 79-15, authorizing the expansion of the school at 12881 Newport Avenue (First Baptist Church of Tustin) to accommodate 135 students and to allow instruction for preschool through sixth grade, subject to the following condition: 1.~ The total number of students shall not exceed 135 and classes shall not be conducted for students beyond the sixth grade. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Tustin Planning Commission leld on the 14th day of May, 1984. James B. Sharp, Chairman Hester g Secretary PUBLIC HEARING NO. 2 Planning Commission May 14, 1984 SUBJECT: Use Permit No. 84-10 APPLICANT: Steelcase, Inc. LOCATION: 1123 Warner Avenue ZONING: Planned Community Industrial ENVIRONMENTAL STATUS: A Negative Declaration has been filed in accordance with the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act REQUEST: Authorization to construct an additional 30,000 square feet of office building Background & Discussion On April 26, 1971, the precise plan of development for the Steelcase project was approved by the Planning Commission. The resolution of approval (No. 1211) stated that any future plans of expansion were to be approved by the Planning Commission. Another condition of approval was: "The recording of a Covenant running with the land, as approved by the City Attorney, guaranteeing that sufficient on-site parking facilities shall be provided at the owner's expense to accommodate all employees and guests of present and future proposed developments and use, based upon a determination of requirements by the Planning Commission on the recommendations of City Staff." This condition was imposed because parking was not provided per code requirements. Steelcase had presented a case study of their plant in La Mirada which had adequate parking using those same parking ratios. Also, the site contains approximately 131,000 square feet of storage and warehouse area of which very few employees are involved because it is completely computerized. The Covenant for parking was recorded on September 16, 1978 as Instrument No. 6i46 in Book 12830, Page 1309, Official Records, Orange County. In 1978, Steelcase requested an addition of 300,000 square feet of manufacturing area to their existing building and two (2) rack-supported warehouses for raw materials and finished goods. These two warehouses are one story with a height of 78 feet. This addition was subsequently approved with new additional parking Community Development Department Use Permit No. 84-10 May 14, 1984 Page 2 areas and landscape treatment. In addition, two separate sign code variances were approved because of the magnitude of the site (43..3 acres). In August of 1982, an additional 29,912 square feet was added to the existing rack-supported warehouses. Minor parking revisions and landscaping were also added to accommodate that addition. Steelcase is now requesting Qn addition of 30,000 square feet of office space to the existing office area on the Costa Mesa Freeway frontage. Seventy-four (74) new parking spaces will be added to the parking lot located at the northwesterly corner of the project (next to the new addition). According to the code, ninety (90) spaces would be required for the addition. However, 74 spaces will give Steelcase a total of 785 stalls, while their largest shift is 650 employees. They will have an excess of 135 spaces. The elevations indicate that the addition will match the existing exterior both in materials and style. The proposed office addition is set back 40 feet from the freeway while the parking area is setback 30 feet from the freeway. Findings & Conclusions The proposed addition is insignificant to the overall existing project; 30,000 square feet in addition to the existing 890,075 square feet of building area (3.2% increase). 2. Seventy-four new parking spaces will be added to bring the total 785. The largest number of employees on any shift is 650. 3. All of the mature existing trees that are removed because of expansion will be retained on the site. All of the proposed conditions of approval are listed in Exhibit "A". Recommendation to the Approved the proposed 30,000 square foot addition by the adoption of Resolution No. 2154. Maf'y An~' Chamberlain Associate Planner MAC: jh Attachments: Resolution No. 2154 Exhibit "A" Site Plans E1 evati ons Community Development Department RESOLUTION NO. 2154 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 0.2 23 9-5 26 0.7 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING USE PERMIT NO. 84-10 FOR STEELCASE, INC., AUTHORIZING THE CONSTRUCTION OF AN ADDITIONAL 30,000 SQUARE FE£T OF OFFICE BUILDING AT 1122 WARNER AVENUE 28 The Planning Commission of the City of Tustin does hereby resolve follows: I. as The Planning Commission finds and determines as follows: A. That a proper application (Use Permit No. 84-10) has been filed by Steelcase, Inc. requesting authorization to construct an additional 30,000 square feet of office building. B. That a public hearing was duly called, noticed, and held on said application. C. That establishment, maintenance, and 6peratton of the use applied for will not, under the circumstances of this case, be detrimental to the health safety, morals, comfort or general welfare of the persons residing or working in the neighborhood of such proposed use as evidenced by the following findings: 1. The proposed addition is insignificant to the overall existing project; 30,000 square feet in addition to the existing 890,075 square feet of building area (3.2% increase). 2. Seventy-four new parking spaces will be added to bring the total to 785. The largest number of employees on any shift is 650. 3. All of the mature trees that are removed because of the expansion will be retatned on the site. D. The establishment, maintenance and/or operation of the use applied for will not be injurious or detrimental to the property and Improvements in the neighborhood of the subject property, nor to the general welfare of the City of Tustin and should be granted. E. Proposed development shall be in accordance with the development poltcies adopted by the City Council, Uniform Butldtng Codes as administered by the Buildtng Official, Ftre Code as administered by the Orange County Fire Marshal and street improvement requirement~ as administered by the City Engineer. F. A Negative Declaration has been applied for to comply with the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act and is hereby approved. G. Final development plans shall require the review and approval of the Community Development Department. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2O 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Resolution No. 2154 Page 2 The Planning Commission hereby approves Use Permit No. 84-10 to authorize construction of an additional 30,000 square feet of- office building at 1123 Warner Avenue, subject to the following conditions: 1. Review and approval of plans by The Irvine Company. 2. Driveway modifications in the public right-of-way shall be noted on final site plan. II. 3. Continuous 6" concrete curbs shall be provided between landscape planters and parking spaces and drive aisles. 4. All roof equipment and vents must be screened from view. 5. Exterior building materials and colors shall match the existing office structure. A complete irrigation plan is required which should indicate the following: a. point of connection; b. back flow prevention device(s); c. location and types of valves; d. sprinkler head types and locations. Separate permits are required for plumbing, electrical, grading, signing and any work performed within the public right-of-way. Payment of County of Orange Sanitation District No. 7 sewer connection fees in the amount of $50.00/1,000 square feet of new floor area or $250.00, whichever is greater at the time building permits are issued. 9. Payment of East Orange County Water District fees' prior to building permit issuance. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Tustin Planning 'Commission on the 14th day of May, 1984. james B. Sharp, Chairman ter g Secretary ~XHIBIT A Conditions of Approval Use Permtt #o. 84-10 e Review and approval of plans by The Irvine Company. Driveway modifications in the public right-of-way shall be noted on the final site plan. Continuous 6" concrete curbs shall be provided between landscape planters and parking spaces and drive aisles. All roof equipment and vents must be screened from view. Exterior building materials and colors shall match the existing office structure. A complete irrigation plan is required which should indicate the following: a. point of connection; b. back flow prevention device(s); c. location and types of valves; d. spinkler head types and locations. Separate permits are required for plumbing, electrical, grading, signing and any work performed within the public right-of-way. Payment of Orange County Sanitation District No. 7 sewer connection fees in the amount of $50.00/1,000 square feet of new floor area or $250.00, whichever is greater at the time building permits are issued. Payment of East Orange County Water District fees prior to building permit issuance. Community Development Department Planning Commission ~Y 14, 1984 SUBJECT: Design Review #10-84 APPLICANT: Kowalski Harding & Associates, Inc. on behalf of Birtcher Pacific LOCATION: 15641 Red Hill Avenue (northwesterly corner of Red Hill Avenue and Bell Avenue) ZONING: Planned Development Industrial/Business Background & Discussion On December 3, 1979, the zoning on this property was changed from'the Planned Community-Industrial to the Planned Community-Industrial/Business Zone. This zone allows all industrial users plus professional offices, general offices *and retail commercial. Professional offices, general office and retail commercial users are subject to a use permit to assure that adequate parking is available. All of the regulations that govern this property are found in Ordinance No. 400 and Ordinance No. 816. Since no use has been identified, a use permit is not required as this time. After the structure is completed and a tenant is secured, it is possible, depending on the use, that a use permit will be required. The developer has submitted plans for three separate buildings plus a parking structure with a multi-purpose building attached. The six acre site is broken down into the following calculations: Building A Building B Building C Parking Structure Multi-purpose Building Number of Parking Spaces - 40,947 sq. ft. - 47,496 sq. ft. - 50,316 sq. ft. - 14,567 sq. ft. -3,400 sq. ft. - 492 The buildings are approximately 30 feet tall, constructed of concrete tilt up walls with textured finish and selected glass. The architecture is similar to other structures in the area and conforms to the requirements of the Planned Community District Regulations. The monolith, as shown on the plan, cannot exceed 50 feet in height. A 30-foot-wide landscape strip is included along the Red Hill Avenue frontage which will be bermed and planted to provide a pleasing streetscape. Community Development Department Design Review #10-84 May [4, 1984 Page 2 Recomendation Since this project is subject only to staff approval, it is presented as an information item to be received and filed by the Commission. AnnjCha~mberl ai n Associate Planner MAC: jh Attachment: Plans Community Development Department DEVELOPMENT REVIEW SUMMARY Project:' Design Review 10-84 (North Poin~el Location/District: Northwesterly corner of Red Hill and B~ll Actton: Receive and File ~PC-Tnd./Bus.) Building: Front Setback Side Setback Rear Setback · Gross Square Footage Net Floor SqUare Footage Hetght Number of Stories Materials/Colors Lot Size Lot Coverage Parking: Number of Spaces Ratio (space/square footage) Percent of Compact Spaces Type Uses: Number of Public Notifications (Owners): Environmental ,Status · No Standard District Requirement Proposed 30 foot landscaped 30' landscaped 30 feet 75 feet None ~ NA' NA NA NA 50 feet 30 feet NA Z By staff & Commission Review 30,000 6 acres 50% 30%+ Per Ord~ 400 20% 492 21% At grade and structure NA Status Report HAY 14, 1984 DEPARTHENTAL PROJECT STATUS - NEEK OF R/t~Y 7, 1984 Department projects and their processing or construction status. the Council or Commission desire further Information. please convenience. This report is intended to inform the Council and Commission of Community Development Should any member of contact me at your 1. Preliminary site plans have been submitted for the following: a. Tustin Auto (Repair) Center on Laguna Road, just east of Newport Avenue; 11,160 square feet of auto repair building. b. Residential condominium project on South "B" Street for seven units. c. Remodel of an industrial site from a construction materials supply facility to a research and development building of 84,000 square feet on Dow Avenue. 2. Storm drain installation on Mitchell Avenue has been completed with HCD funds. 3. Staff is working on an update of the Open Space and Conservation Element of the Tustin Area General Plan. 4. Planning staff has had preliminary discussions concerning the upgrading of the Ralphs~shopping center on Seventeenth Street. Senior Planner AGW:jh Community Development Department STAFF CONCERNS NO. 2 Planning Commission MAY 14, 1984 SUBJECT: Report on Council Actions - l~ay 7, 1984 Oral presentation to be given by Donald D. Lamm, Director of Community Devel opment /ih Attachments: City Council Action Agenda - May 7, 1984 Com munity Development Department 7:00 ALL PRESENT ACTION AGENDA OF A REGULAR HEETING OF THE TUSTIN CITY COUNCIL May 7, 1984 7:00 P.M. CALL TO ORDER/PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE./INVOCATION II. ROLL CALL JACK MILLER III. PUBLIC INPUT .FROM 'PARENTS WHO CARE' SPOKE AND IN RESPONSE THE COUNCIL MOVEO TO HAVE THE PLANNING COMMISSION LOOK INTO WHAT OTHER CITIES ARE DOING REGAROING REQUIRING A USE PERMIT FOR "ON SALE' LIQUOR OUTLETS AND STAFF TO BRING BACK AN URGENCY ORDINANCE FOR A 90 DAY MORATORIUM ON APPROVAL OF ANY NEN APPLICATIONS FOR LIQUOR LICENSES EXCEPT FOR RESTAURANTS. A NUMBER OF RESIOENTS SPOKE IN OPPOSITION TO THE PROPOSED 'AUTO CENTER". A PAO FOR SIGNATURES NAS RU)E AVAILABLE FOR ANYONE WHO ¥ISHEO TO BE NOTIFIED ON ANY PUBLIC HEARINGS REGAROING THE 'AUTO CENTER.' IV. PROCLAMATION ACCEPTED BY GREG PETER.SON 1. FIRE SERVICE RECOGNITION DAY - May 12, 1984 ACCEPTED BY ISABELLE 2. MONTH OF MAY AS "OLDER AMERICANS MONTH" MC CLEMENTS V. PUBLIC HEARING INTRODUCED ORDINANCE 1. ORDINANCE NO. 909 - An Ordinance of the City Council of the City NO. gO9 of Tustin, California, AMENDING PART 8, CHAPTER 1, SECTION 8103 OF THE TUSTIN MUNICIPAL CODE, ESTABLISHING AMENDMENTS OF THE 1979 UNIFORM BUILDING CODE {Re: Elevators, Escalators, etc.) M.O. - That Ordinance No. 909 have first reading by title INTRODUCED ORDINANCE 2. NO. 911 WITH AMENDMENT TO EXCLUDE ANY HOMES WITH SWIPING POOLS FOR DAY CARE HOMES only. M.O. - That Ordinance No. 909 be introduced. ORDINANCE NO. 911 - An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Tustin, California, AMENDING VARIOUS SECTIONS OF THE TUSTIN CITY CODE ALLOWING LARGE FAMILY DAY CARE HOMES IN THE SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS (ZONING ORDINANCE AMENDMENT NO. 84-1) M.O. - That Ordinance No. 911 have first reading by title only. M.O. - That Ordinance No. 911 be introduced. VI. APPROVED APPROVED Aa)OPTED RESOLUTION NO. 84-34 CONSENT CALENDAR APPROVAL OF MINUTES - April 16, 1984 & April 17, 1984 2. RATIFICATION OF PAYROLL in the amount of $107,040.90 APPROYAL OF DEMANDS in the amount of $1,304,863.24 RESOLUTION NO. 84-34 - A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Tustin, California, OPPOSING H.R. 4103 (Cable Television) Adoption of Resolution No. 84-34 as requested by the City Council. CITY COUNCIL ACTION AGENDA Page 1 5-7-84 A*PPROVED STAFF 4. RECOI~ENDAT*ION APPROVED STAFF 5. RECOF~4ENDATI ON ADOPTED RESOLUTION 6. NO. 84-36 APPROVED STAFF 7. RECOHMENDATION WITH CONDITION THAT COUNCIL HAVE A REPORT FOR THE SEPTEMBER 4TH MEETING APPROVED STAFF 8. RECOMMENDAT][ON 'ROVED STAFF g. RECOI~ENDATION APPROVED STAFF 10. RECO~IENDATION APPROVED STAFF 11. RECOI~F. NDAT]:ON ADOPTED RESOLUTION 12. NO. 84-37 REJECTION OF CLAIM OF WILLIAM ALLEN REID; DATE OF LOSS: 3-8-84; DATE FILED WITH CITY: 3-29-84; CLAIM NO. 84-7 Rejection of subject claim as recommended by the City Attor- ney. POLICE VEHICLE REPLACEMENT Authorize exception to Tustin bid procedures and authorize purchase of two Chevrolet Impalas to replace the older, high mileage units in our patrol fleet,'at a cost of $22,484.72 as recommended by the Chief of Police. RESOLUTION NO. 84-36 - A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Tustin, CA APPROVING FINAL TRACT M~kP NO. 12138 {2681, 2685, 2691 Dow Avenue) Adoption of Resolution No. 84-36 as recommended by the Com- munity Development Department. SENIOR CENTER CONSULTANT CONTRACT Approve the Senior Center Consul'tant Contract with Recreation Systems, Inc. in the amount of $8,000 and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to sign the agreement as recommended by the Recreation Superintendent. HOMEOWNER REQUEST FOR TREE REMOVAL - 13572 Utt Drive Authorize removal of subject trees under the provision of the current City tree removal Policy, Section II as recommended by the Maintenance Superintendent. IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENTS FOR TRACT NO. 8590 AND NO. 8763 Authorize the following: 1. Execute the amended and restated Jamboree Road Improvement Agreement between the Irvine Company and the City of Tustin; and 2. Release of the following Subdivision Improvement Bonds: Tract No. 8590, #244109 - Faithful Performance in the amount of $318,750.00 and #244109 - Labor and Materials in the amount of $159,375.00 and Tract No. 8763, #2584139 - Faithful Perfor- mance in the amount of $498,700.00, and #2584139 - Labor and Materials in the amount of $249,350.00 as recommended by the Director of Public Works/City Engineer. CITIZEN REQUEST FOR TREE REMOVAL - 14831Branbury Circle Authorize removal of subject tree under provisions of Section II of the current City Tree Removal Policy as recommended by the Maintenance Superintendent. DISPOSAL OF SURPLUS ITEMS Declare the forty five items as listed in subject report as surplus items to the needs of the City as recommended by the Director of Public Works/City Engineer. RESOLUTION NO. 84-37 - A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Tustin, California, APPROVING LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NO. 84-2 (Walnut Street) Adoption of Resolution No. 84-37 as recommended by the Direc- tor of Public Works/City Engineer. CITY COUNCIL ACTION AGENDA Page 2 5-7-84 , VII. ORDINANCES FOR INTRODUCTION - (See Public Hearing No.' l) I ODUCED ORDINANCE 1. ORDINANCE NO. 908 - An Ordinance of the City Council of the City Nb. 908 of Tustin, California, AMENDING CHAPTER 5, SECTIONS 5500 THROUGH STAFF TO BRING A PLAN FOR THE 5S10, TO ARTICLE 5 OF THE TUSTIN CITY CODE, ESTABLISHING NEXT MEETING FOIl REHOVAJ. OF NUISANCE ABATEMENT REGULATIONS C~S ON LAWNS AND INOPERABLE M.O. - That Ordinance No. 908 have first reading by title CANS only. M.O. - That Ordinance No. 908 be introduced. VIII. ORDINANCES FOR ADOPTION ADOPl~O ORDINANCE NO. glo 1. ORDINANCE NO. 910 - An Ordinance of the City of Tustin, Califor- nia, APPROVING THE RE-ZONING OF THE PROPERTY LOCATED AT 17361 MCFADDEN AVENUE FROM MULTIPLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL (R-3) DISTRICT TO RETAIL COMMERCIAL {C-1) DISTRICT M.O. - That Ordinance No. 910 have second reading by title only. M.O. - That Ordinance No. 910 be passed and adopted. (Roll Call Vote) IX. OLD BUSINESS - None X. NEW BUSINESS APPROVED STAFF 1. PARKING COMPLAINTS AT 200 BLOCK WEST SIXTH STREET AND 500 BLOCK RECOI~ENDATION SOUTH "C" STREET Consider holding a neighborhood meeting to discuss any proposed changes with respect to parking modifications that they desire to implement along Sixth Street, "C" Street, or E1 Camino Real as recommended by the Director of Public Works/City Engineer. #OVED TO ~INTAIN REDUCED 2. REPORT ON 40 PLUS ADULT SOFTBALL LEAGUE FEES FEE OF $225~ ~i)..x.u-,~_!~,.,-,,~u-~,,- Pleasure of the Council. ~O~TED RESOLUTION NO. RESOLUTION NO. 84-38 - A Resolution of the City Council of the 84-38 City of Tustin, California, SUPPORTING THE CONCEPT OF LOCAL REGULATION OF FIREWORKS XI. REPORTS RECEIVED AND FILED 1. RECEIVED AND FILED PLANNING COt,~IlSSION TO 3. RESUHE CONSIDEIU~TION OF THIS SUBJECT PLANNING COMMISSION ACTIONS - April 23, 1984 All actions of the Planning Commission are final appealed by the City Council. unless TILLER DAYS PROGRESS REPORT Receive and file. REQUEST FROM PLANNING COMMISSION TO AFFIRM NEED TO INITIATE ZONING ORDINANCE AMENDMENT LIMITING SPECIFIC USES IN THE IMMEDIATE VICINITY OF PUBLIC SCHOOLS Pleasure of the Council. ~ON ASKED XII. OTHER BUSINESS . .~ A ~OSED SESSION FOR EGAI. HATTERS S[TANELLI ASKED ~'TJI.CF TO LOOK INTO k SIGN FOR THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS AND k SIGN INSIDE FOR ANY CHANGES IN THE AGENDA, EI'C. CITY COUNCIL ACTION AGENDA Page 3 5-7-84 HUSTON REPORTED THAT THE COUk__L HAD RECEIVED THE THIRD ~UANTb FINANCIAL REPORT OF OPERATIONS AND SUGGESTED THAT THIS BE DISCUSSED AT A BUDGET MORKSHOP ON AS AN AGERDIZED ITE~ AFTER THE P"qGET IS SUB~IITTED THIS NEXT ~EEK. EDGAR APPOINTED TO BE THE AUTHORIZED DELEGATE FOR THE I r~GUE HEETING. SALTARELLI REPORTED LARGE 0IL SPILLS ON SORE OF THE STREETS IN TUSTIN HEADOIdS AND THE POLICE CHIEF ASKED HIH FOR ADDRESSES. GREINKE REPORTED THAT SANTA ANA HAS IMPOSING 'JAIL TEPJqS ON LANDLORDS FOR OVERCROWDED ILLEGALLY HOUSED PEOPLE AND HE ASKED US TO IdORK itITH SANTA ANA AND SEE IF k~ CANST TAKE THE SAME ACTION. AIL THE COUNCIL CONGRATULATED MAYOR KENNEDY ON THE FINE ,JOB ~E HAD DONE ON HER FIRST NIGHT AS MAYOR. EDGAR ASKED THAT ME OPPOSE CONTINUED INCREASE IN AIR FLIGHTS FROll ,JOHN HAYNE AIRPORT. SET AU,JOURNED FLEETING FOR MAY 15TH AT 5 P.Pl. FOR AMARD OF BID ON THE WATER IdELL. SALTARELLI CO. ENDED CITY STAFF FOR FINE ,JOB THE LAST NINETY DAYS MHERE THE CITY HAS HAD THE GREATEST ACTIVITY IN IT*' S HISTORY. STAFF TO LOOK INT0 THE PROCEDURES FOR RESIDENTS IN PEPPERTHEE ACQUIRING THE LAND BEHIND THEIR HOMES t~ERE THE RAILROAD TRAC~S HAVE BEEN ABANDONED. 9:19 XIII. ADJOURNMENT - TO a Closed Session for legal-mal:l:e~'s, 1;hence t,o an adjour'ned meeldn9 on Hay 15~:h al; 5 P.M., and thence 1:o the hex1: ~*egular meel:in9 on ~4ay 21, 1984, at 7:00 p.m. ,._~'Y COUNCIL ACTION AGENDA Page 4 5-7-84 Planning Commission gAY 14, 1984 SUB,]ECT: Inverse Condemnation Report to be distributed by the Deputy City Attorney prior to commencement of meeting. /ih Community Development Department