HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC 1 MINUTES 05-07-84MINUTES OF A REGULAR I~EETI)iG OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, C~J_IFORNIA APRIL 16, 1984 II. III. IV. CALL TO ORDER/PLEdGE OF N.LEGIANCE/IN¥OCATION The meeting was called to order by Mayor Hoesterey at 7:02 p.m. in the City Council Chambers, 300 Centennial Way. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Mayor Hoesterey, and the Invocation was given by Councilman Grei nke. ROLL CALL Council persons Present: Council persons Absent: Others Present: Ronald B. Hoesterey, Mayor Ursula E. Kennedy, Mayor Pro Tern Richard B. Edgar Frank H. Greinke Donald J. Saltarelli None James G. Rourke, City Attorney William A. Huston, City Manager Mary E. Wynn, City Clerk Donald D. Lamm, Com. Development Director Royleen A. White, Dir. of Admin. & Com. Srvcs. Robert S. Ledendecker, Dir. of Public Works Jeff Kolin, Recreation Superintendent Captain N. Williams, Police Department Approximately 40 in the'audience PUBLIC INPUT l. CONG~J~THLATIONS 113 REELECTE1) CITY OFFICIAJ-S Ron White, Chairman Pro Tem, Tustin Planning Commission, congratu- lated the recently reelected City Council members and the City Clerk. Mr. White also extended his best wishes and pledged his future cooperation with the entire City Council. PROCLAMATIONS l. BEI'~ER SIGHT & HEJ~RING WEEK - APRIL 22-28, 1984 Mayor Hoesterey read and presented a proclamation to Tom Wilkie, President, Tustin Host Lions Club, designating the week of April 22-28, 1984, as "Better Sight and Hearing Week." Mr. Wilkie thanked the Council on behalf of the Tustin Host Lions Club. 8~ FEBEPJkTION DAY - APRIL 24, 1984 A proclamation designating April 24, 1984, as "Federation Day" was read and presented by Mayor Hoesterey to Jean Davenport, President, Tustin Area Woman's Club. Mrs. Davenport reported that the Tustin Area Woman's Club won a $5,000 Disneyland Community Service Award in the education field. 84 AGENDA XI. REPORTS 2. SANTA ANA (I-5) FREEWAY MAINTENAJ4CE PROJECT In accordance with Councilman Greinke's request, Council concurred to consider subject item at this point in the agenda. Councilman Greinke reported on plans by CalTrans to resurface and accomplish median work on the Santa Ana (I-5) Freeway commencing April 23. The Director of Public Works noted traffic detours to be utilized during subject work. The inter-com report dated April 4, 1984, prepared by the Director of Public Works was then received and filed by unanimous informal consent. 54 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 2, 4-16-84 VI. PUBLIC HEARINGS ZONE CHANGE 84-1 - ORDINANCE NO. 910 The Community Development Director presented the staff report and recommendation as contained in the inter-corn dated April 16, 1984, prepared by the Community Development Department. Mayor Hoesterey opened the public hearing at 7:19 p.m. There being no speakers on the matter, the public hearing was closed. It was then moved by Greinke, seconded by Edgar, that Ordinance No. 910 have first reading by title only. '"Carried 5-0; Following first reading by title only of Ordinance No. 910 by the City Clerk, it was moved by Edgar, seconded by Kennedy, that Ordinance No. 910 be introduced as follows: ORDINANCE NO. 910 - AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING THE RE-ZONING OF THE PROPERTY LOCATED AT 17361 MCFADDEN AVENUE FROM MULTIPLE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL (R-3) DISTRICT TO RETAIL COMMERCIAL (C-1) DISTRICT Carried 5-0. 110 CONSENT CALENDAR '" It was moved by Saltarelli seconded by Edgar, to approve the entire ' 1. The Consent Calendar. motion carried 5-0. Councilman Greinke abstained on Item No. e APPROVAL OF MINUTES - APRIL 2, 1984 (Greinke abstained) P. ATIFICATION OF PAYROLL IN THE AMOUNT OF $109,109.01 APPROVAL OF DEMANDS IN THE AMOUNT OF $1,243,847.00 RESOLUTION NO. 84-32 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE CITY OF TUSTIN FISCAL YEAR 1983-84 STREET MAINTENANCE PROGRAM AND DIRECTING THE CITY CLERK TO ADVERTISE FOR BIDS Adopted Resolution No. 84-32 as recommended by the Engineering Department. 95 4. COOPERATIVE AGREE14ENT NO. 084-058 BROWNING AVENUE RESURFACING Authorized the Mayor to execute Agreement No. D84-058 on behalf of the City with the County of Orange, subject to final approval of the City Attorney as recommended by the Director of 45 Public Works/City Engineer. 84-19 5. JANES C. UTT PAR~ LEASE ApProved the terms of the James C. Utt Park Lease with the California Department of Transportation for a period of two years beginning May' 1, 1984, and authorized the Mayor and City Clerk to sign the Agreement as recommended by the Recreation Superintendent. 45 84-20 6. MOULTON PARKWAY FAU PROJECT M--M032(O04), COI~40N USE AGREEMENT FOR FUllJRE MAINTENANCE Authorized the Mayor to sign and the City Clerk to attest to the Common Use Agreement with the San Diego Pipeline Company as recommended by the Engineering Department. 45 84-21 7. RESOLUTION NO. ~-34 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, OPPOSING H. R. 4103 {Regarding Cable Tele- vision) Continued to May 7, 1984, Council meeting. 53 UNIFORM BUILDING CODE PROVISIONS, ELEVATOR INSPECTIONS & PERMITS/ AMENDMENT OF THE 1979 UNIFORM BUILDING CODE Directed staff to advertise a public hearing for consideration of draft Ordinance No. 909 as recommended by the Community Development Department. 30 ,4INUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING ~ lllE CIl~ COUIICIL OF l}lE CITY OF llISTIN, CALIFORNIA MAY 7, 1984 II. CALL TO ORDER/PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE/INVOCATION The meeting was called to order by Mayor Kennedy at 7:00 p.m. in the City Council Cha~ers, 300 Centennial Way. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Councilman Hoesterey, and the Invocation was given by Councilman Edgar. III. ROLL CALL Councilpersons Present: Councilpersons Absent: Others Present: Ursula E. Kennedy, Mayor Frank H. Greinke, Mayor Pro Tem Richard B. Edgar Ronald B. Hoesterey Donald J. Saltarelli None James G. Rourke, City Attorney William A. Huston, City Manager Mary E. Wynn, City Clerk Donald D. Lamm, Com. Development Director Robert S. Ledendecker, Dir. of Public Works Ronald A. Nault, Finance Director Charles R. Thayer, Chief of Police Royleen A. White, Dir. of Admin. & Com. Srvcs. Isabelle McClements, Sr. Citizens Leader Approximately 125 in the audience PUBLIC INPUT 1. REGULATIONS FOR OFF-SALE LIQUOR OUTLETS Jack Miller, 17352 Parker Drive, representing the "Parents Who Care" organization, read a letter dated May 4, 1984, addressed to the Council which recommended: 1) A moratorium on issuance of per- mits to alcoholic beverage outlets, except restaurant-type loca- tions, to allow the Planning Commission and City Council time to study the negative impact of such outlets; 2) That the criterion for distance between schools and off-sale outlets be set at 1,000 feet minimum, and 600 feet minimum for on-sale outlets; 3) That the sale of alcoholic beverages and motor vehicle fuel at the same business location be prohibited; and 4) That all off-sale outlets be subject to the CUP process, as required by most other Orange County cities. It was then moved by Hoesterey, seconded by Edgar, to direct the Planning Commission to review how other Orange County cities are dealing with this matter, and report back with recommendations based on that review. Mr. Miller requested that Council also declare a moratorium on issuance of permits during the review period. In response to Councilman Hoesterey, the City Attorney stated that the Council could adopt a 90-day moratorium on issuance of any permits; staff could come back to Council with an emergency ordinance of that type, with a condition that a study is to be placed into process with a report for a permanent solution to come back to Council; and the 90-day moratorium could be extended at a later point. Following Council/staff discussion, the motion was amended by.. Hoesterey, seconded by Edgar., to direct staff to prepare an urgency ordinance declaring a 90-day moratorium on issuance of permits for retail "off-sale" liquor outlets to allow the Planning Commission time to review other Orange County cities' regulations for same, and report back with recommendations based on that review. The amended motion carried 5-0. 81 Page 2, 5-7-84 IV. 2. IRVINE COMPANY'S PROPOSED AUTO CENTER AT BRYAN & BROWNING AVENUES The following persons spoke in opposition to subject project: Bob Clevenger, 1761 Andrews, voiced concerns about the proposed location of the project to schools, a church, and residential areas. Bruce Carter, no address given, felt the project should be termi- nated without going into public hearings or plan review. Councilman Edgar explained the Environmental Impact Report process and noted that Council is legally required to conduct public hear- ings to receive all evidence and public input-. Hubert Clark, 1942 San Juan, stated that the purpose of area resi- dents attending this evening is to make Council aware of their opposition to the present location of the proposed project. Councilman Saltarelli provided additional information pertaining to development of the East Tustin area; he assured the audience that Council will not allow a commercial development 60 feet from exist- ing residential areas; and that whatever is done, there must be residential-type buffers to protect the existing residential areas. Councilman Saltarelli stated he felt the project should be located at the I-5 Freeway and Myfond Road. Oscar Barnhardt, 13872 Karen Way, shared photos of Browning Avenue which was flooded during last year's rainstorms. Mayor Kennedy thanked residents in attendance and encouraged all to leave their name, address, and phone number with the City Clerk for mailing of information and public hearing notices. An informal question-and-answer/discussion period followed, and the City Manager once again explained the EIR process. 81 PROCI_A~U~T IONS 1. "FIRE SERVICE RECOGNITION DAY" - MAY 12, 19~ Mayor Kennedy read and presented a proclamation to Battalion Chief Greg Peterson, Orange County Fire Department, designating Saturday, May 12, 1984, as "Fire Service Recognition Day." Chief Peterson thanked the Council on behalf of Fire Chief Holms and the Orange County Fire Department. 84 2. "OLDER AMERICANS lqON1}l".- MAY, 1984 A proclamation designating the month of May, 1984, as "Older Ameri- cans Month" was read and presented by Mayor Kennedy to Isabelle McClements, Senior Citizens Leader. Mrs. McClements thanked the Council and introduced officers of various senior citizens' clubs. PUBLIC HEARIliGS 1. AIqENDI~.I(TS il) 1979 IJ#IFORM BUILDING CODE - ORDINANCE NO. 909 The staff report and recommendation was presented by the Community Development Director as contained in the inter-com dated May 7, 1984, prepared by the Community Development Department. A brief question-and-answer period followed. The public hearing was opened at 8:05 p.m. There being no speakers on the matter, the public hearing was closed. It was then moved by Greinke, seconded by Saltarelli, that Ordi- nance No. 909 have first reading by title only. Carried 5-0. Following first reading by title only of Ordinance No. 909 by the City Clerk, it was moved by Saltarelli, seconded by Edgar, that Ordinance No. 909 be introduced as follows: Page 3, 5-7-84 VI. ORDINANCE NO. gOg - AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING PART 8, CHAPTER 1, SECTION 8103 OF THE TUSTIN MUNICIPAL CODE, ESTABLISHING AMENDMENTS OF THE 1979 UNIFORM BUILDING CODE (Re: Elevators, Escalators, Etc.) Motion carried 5-0. 30 ZONING ORDINANCE A~IENDMENT NO. 84-1 - ORDINANCE NO. 911 The Community Development Director presented the staff report and recommendation as contained in the inter-com dated May 7, 1984, prepared by the Community Development Department. Council discussion followed on restricting- day care homes with swimning pools. The public hearing was opened at 8:10 p.m. There being no speakers on the matter, the public hearing was closed. It was moved by Edgar, seconded by Hoesterey, that Ordinance No. 911 have first reading by title only. Carried 5-0. The City Clerk provided first reading by title only of Ordinance No. 911. It was then moved by Edgar, seconded by Saltarelli, that Ordinance No. 911 be introduced and amended to exclude day care homes with swimming pools as follows: ORDINANCE NO. 911 - AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING VARIOUS SECTIONS OF THE TUSTIN CITY CODE ALLOWING LARGE FAMILY DAY CARE HOMES IN THE SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS (ZONING ORDINANCE AMENDMENT NO. 84-17 Following Council/staff discussion, the motion carried 5-0. 109 CONSENT CALENDAR Item No. 7 was removed from the Consent Calendar by Edgar. It was moved by Saltarelli, seconded by Greinke, to approve the remainder of ~e Consent Calendar. Carried 1. APPROVAL OF MINIJTES - APRIL 16, 1984, REGULAR MEETING APRIL 17, 1984, ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING 2. RATIFICATION OF PAYROLL IN THE AMOUNT OF $107,040.90 APPROVAL OF DEMANOS IN THE AMOUNT OF $1,304,863.24 5O RESOLUTION NO. 84-34 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, OPPOSING H.R. 4103 (Cable Television) . Adopted Resolution No. 84-34 as requested by the City Council. 53 REJECTION OF CLAIM OF WILLIAM ALLEN REID; DATE OF LOSS: 3-8-84; DATE FILED WITH CITY: 3-29-84; CLAIM NO. 84-7 Rejected subject claim as recommended by the City Attorney. 5. POLICE VEHICLE REPLACEMENT Authorized exception to Tustin bid procedures and authorized purchase of two Chevrolet Impalas to replace the older, high mileage units in our patrol fleet, at a cost of $22,484.72 as recommended by the Chief of Police. 87 6. RESOLUTION NO. 84-36 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING FINAL TRACT MAP NO. 12138 {2681, 2685, 2691 Dow Avenue) Adopted Resolution No. 84-36 as recommended by the Community Development Department. 99 8. HOMEOWNER REQUEST FOR TREE REMOVAL - 13572 UTT DRIVE Authorized removal of subject trees under the provision of the current City Tree Removal Policy, Section II, as recommended by the Maintenance Superintendent. 86.1 Page 4, 5-7-84 9. IINPROVEIMENT AGREEMENTS FOR TRACTS NO. 86g0 All[) NO. 8763 Authorized the following: 16 Execute the amended and restated Jamboree Road Improvement Agreement between the Irvine Company and the City of Tustin; and 2) Release of the following Sub- division Improvement Bonds: Tract No. 8590, #244109 - Faithful Performance in the amount of $318,750.00 and #244109 - Labor and Materials in the amount of $159,375.00 and Tract No. 8763, #2584139 - Faithful Performance in the amount of $498,700.00, and #2584139 - Labor and Materials in the amount of $249,350.00 as recommended by the Director of Public Works/City Engineer. 45; 84-26 10. CITIZEN REQUEST FOR TREE RE~OVAL - 14831 BRANBURY CIRCLE Authorized removal of subject tree under-provisions of Section II of the current City Tree Removal Policy as recommended by the Maintenance Superintendent. 86.1 11. 12. OISPOSJU_ OF SURPLUS Ill,WIS Declared the 45 items listed in subject report as surplus items to the needs of the City as recommended by the Director of Public Works/City Engineer. 85 RESOLUTION NO. 84-37 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NO. 84-2 (Walnut Street) Adopted Resolution NO.'84-37 as recommended by the Director of Public Works/City Engineer. 81 Consent Calendar Item No. 7 - Senior Center Consultant Contract - Councilman Edgar expressed concern that a tentative date be fixed for commencement of project. If that date is not feasible, then a report should be made to Council fixing a future date, etc. Council discus- sion followed. It was then moved by Edgar, seconded by Hoestere¥, to approve the following with the condition that Council have a status report at the September 4, 1984, Council meeting: SENIOR CENllER CONSULTAlfr CONTRACT Approved the Senior Center Consultant Contract with Recreation Systems, Inc., in the amount of $5,000 and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to sign the agreement as recommended by the Recreation Superintendent. Motion carried. 45 84-27 VII. ORDINANCE FOR INTRODUCTION 1. NUISANCE ABAllENEIf[ PROCEDURE - ORDINANCE NO. 908 The Community Development Director presented the staff report and recommendation as contained in the inter-com dated May 7, 1984, prepared by the Community Development Department. Council/staff discussion followed regarding Councilman Greinke's concern over prohibiting parking of vehicles on residential lawns. Council concurred to direct staff to present a plan at the May 21, 1984, meeting for abatement/removal of inoperative vehicles and prohibition of parking vehicles on lawns. It was then moved by Saltarelli, seconded by Edgar, that Ordinance No. 908 have first reading by title only. Carried 5-0. Following first reading of Ordinance No. 908 by title only by the City Clerk, it was moved by Edgar, seconded by Greinke, that Ordinance No. 908 be introduced as follows: ORDINANCE NO. 908 - AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, ADDING CHAPTER 5, SECTIONS 5500 THROUGH 5510, TO ARTICLE 5 OF THE TUSTIN CITY CODE, ESTABLISHING NUISANCE ABATE- MENT REGULATIONS Motion carried 5-0. 81 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 5, 5-7-84 VIII. ORDINMICE FOR Al)OPTION 1. ZONE C~ANGE 84-1 -ORDINANCE )10. 910 It was moved by Hoestere¥, seconded by Edgar, that Ordinance No.. 910 have second reading by title only. Ca, tied 5-0. Following second reading by title only of Ordinance No. 910 by the City Clerk, it was moved by Edgar, seconded by Hoesterey, that Ordinance No. 910 be passed and adopted as' follows: ORDINANCE NO. 910 -AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING THE RE-ZONING OF THE PROPERTY LOCATED AT 17361 MCFADDEN AVENUE FROM MULTIPLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL (R-3) DISTRICT TO RETAIL COW~4ERCIAL (C-1) DISTRICT ~- Roll call vote: AYES: Edgar, Greinke, Hoesterey, Kennedy, Saltarelli NOES: None ABSENT: None 110 IX. OLD BUSINESS Hone. NEW BUSINESS 1. PARKING COMPLAINTS - ZOO BLOCK W. SIXTH STREET & 500 BLOCK S. "C' STREET The* Director of Public Works presented the staff report and recom- mendation as contained in his report dated May 2, 1984. Charles Anderson, 255 West 6ixth Street, relayed vehicle parking problems and incidents related to same. Council/staff discussion followed, and the Chief of Police reported methods they are legally empowered to use to resolve some of the parking problems. It was moved by Edgar, seconded by Greinke, to conduct a neighbor- hood meeting to discuss any proposed changes with respect to park- ing modifications that residents desire to implement along Sixth Street, "C" Street, or E1Camino Real. Carried 5-0. 75 REPORT ON 40 ~US ADULT SOFll)AU. LEAGUE FEES The staff report and recommendation was presented by the Director of Community and Administrative Services as contained in the inter- com dated May 2, 1984, prepared by the Recreation Superintendent. Following a brief question-and-answer period, it was moved, by Greinke, seconded by Saltarelli, to maintain a fee of $225, and keep the same number of games and awards. Carried 5-0. 41 w LOCAL REGULATION OF FIREWORKS - RESOLUTION NO. 84-38 As recommended in the inter-com dated May 3, 1984, prepared by the City Attorney, it was moved by Edgar, seconded by Kennedy, to adopt the following: RESOLUTION NO. 84-38 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, SUPPORTING THE CONCEPT OF LOCAL REGULATION OF FIREWORKS Motion carried 5-0. 52 XI. REPORTS XII. 1. P~J~NNING CO)~ISSION ACTIONS - APRIL 23, 1984 Mayor Kennedy expressed appreciation to the Planning Commission and staff for their work on Zoning Ordinance Amendment No. 84-1 (Large Family Day Care Homes). Councilman Saltarelli reported that Planning Commissioner Kathy Weil has suggested that 1) the Council Chambers have an identifica- tion sign; and 2) an interior board be installed in the Chambers for noting agenda changes, etc. The City Manager indicated staff would investigate same. The Planning Commission Action Agenda of April 23, 1983, was rati- fied by unanimous informal consent. 80 2. TILLER 0AYS PROGRESS REPORT It was moved by Hoestere¥, seconded by Kennedy, that the inter-com on subject item dated April ll, 1984, prepared by the Co,~,~unity Services Department be received and filed. Carried 5-0. 34 REQUEST FROM PLANNING COI~ISSION TO AFFIRM I~EED TO INITIATE ZONING ORDINANCE A~4ENDMENT LIMITING SPECIFIC USES IN THE I~EDIATE VICIN- ITY OF PUBLIC SCHOOLS Following consideration of the inter-com report dated May 7, 1984, prepared by the Community Development Department, it was moved by Hoesterey, seconded by Edgar., to receive and file same. Carried 5-o. OTHER BUSINESS 1. THIRD QUARTER FINANCIAL REPORT OF OPERATIONS The City Manager reported that the Third Quarter ~inancial Report of Operations has been provided to Council and suggested that it be reviewed in conjunction with a Budget workshop or as an agenda item, whichever Council desires. The budget will be delivered to Council the latter part of the week. 29 AUTHORIZED DELEGATE - LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES, ORANGE COUNTY DIVISION It was moved by Kennedy, seconded by Hoesterey, to appoint Council- man Richard B. Edgar as Tustin's authorized voting delegate at the League of California Cities, Orange County Division, meeting to be held on May 10, 1984. Carried 5-0. 73 3. REQUEST FOR CLOSED SESSION The City Manager requested a Closed Session for discussion of legal matters. ~ aa OIL LEAKS ON CITY STREETS In response to Councilman Saltarelli's complaint of an old vehicle parked in Tustin Meadows which leaks a great amount of oil, the Chief of Police requested that he be provided with the address of same. 5. KUOOS TO NAYOR KENNEDY Councilman Saltarelli was joined by Councilman Greinke in commend- ing Mayor Kennedy on conducting her first meeting as Mayor. 6. ABATEMENT OF OVERCROWDED HOUSING Councilman Greinke reported the City of Santa Ana has imposed jail terms on landlords for illegally overcrowded housing and requested that staff work with Santa Ana to see if Tustin can take the same type of action. Page l, b-/-~ 7. BULLET TRAIN Councilman Hoesterey reported that American High Speed Rail's costly trip to Japan has proven unsuccessful in view of reactions expressed by several legislators who attended, rode the bullet train, and reviewed economics of the project. 101 JOHN WRYNE AIRPORT Councilman Edgar requested that the Council strongly oppose con- tinued increase in air flights out of John Wayne Airport. BID AklARD, COLURIUS-TUSTIN WELL PROJECT In accordance with Councilman Edgar's Concern and following Council/staff discussion, Council concurred to schedule a Redevel- opment Agency meeting on May 15, 1984, at ~:00 p.m. for bid award of the Columbus Tustin Well project, to be followed by a City Coun- cil workshop regarding water deficiencies. 107 10. CONGRATULATIONS TO ENTIRE CITY STAFF Councilman Saltarelli congratulated all City departments and staff for the* fine job they have done in the last 90 days which has had the greatest activity in Tustin's history, i.e., elections, bullet train, auto center, etc. 11. ACQUISITION OF RAILROAD RIGHT-OF-WAY Councilman Hoesterey reported that homeowners have expressed inter- est in acquiring abandoned railroad land between the Peppertree and Tustin Meadows subdivisions. He requested that staff work with the homeowners from the standpoint of avoiding potential problems, The Director of Public Works stated he is presently working with the residents, I2. CONFIR31ATION OF QUORt~ FOR MAY 21, 1984, COUNCIL EETING XIII. Mayor Kennedy reported that two Council members will be out of town on May 21, 1984, and was able to confirm a quorum will be present at subject Council meeting. RECESS - REOEI/C--LOPMENT - CLOSED SESSION; AEklOURNMENT At 9:19 p.m. it was moved by Kennedy, seconded by Saltarelli, to recess to the Redevelopment Agency, thence to a Closed Session for discussion of legal matters; and thence adjourn to a workshop regarding water deficiencies in~nediately following the Redevelopment Agency adjourned regular meeting on May 15, 1984, at 5:00 p.m., and thence to the next regular meeting on May 21, 1984, at 7:00 p.m. Carried 5-0. ACTING MAYOR / MINUT£S OF A REGULAR ~ETING OF 1}lE REDEVELOPNENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF llJSTIN, CALIFORNIA MAY 7, 1984 1. CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Kennedy at 9:19 p.m. in the City Council Chambers, 300 Centennial Way, Tustin, California. 2. ROLL CALL Agency Members Present: Agency Members Absent: Others Present: Ursule E. Kennedy, Chairperson Frank H. Greinke, Chairperson Pro Tem Richard B. Edgar Ronald B. Hoesterey Donald J. Saltarelli None James G. Rourke, City Attorney William A. Huston, Exec. Director/City Manager Mary E. Wynn, Recording Secretary/City Clerk Donald D. Lamm, Com. Development Director Ronald A. Nault, Finance Director Robert S. Ledendecker, Director of Public Works Charles R. Thayer, Chief of Police Royleen A. White, Dir. of Admin. & Com. Services Approximately 20 in the audience 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES It was moved by Hoesterey, seconded by Edgar, to approve the minutes of the April 16, 1984, meeting. Carried 5-0. 4. APPIk~)VAL OF DENANOS It was moved by Hoesterey, seconded by Edgar, to approve demands in the amount of $197,273.53 for the months of March and April, 1984, as recom- mended by the Finance Director. Motion carried 5-0. 81 5. 1ST AI(NUAJ_ FI CJsJCINO REAL CHN4PIONSHIP CHILI COOK-OFF Mr. Hoesterey invited everyone to attend the Chili' Cookoff to be held on E1 Camino Real between First and Main Streets on Sunday, June 3, 1984, from 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. · 6. TUSTIN LIOI~S GARAGE SALE Mr. Greinke announced the Tustin Lions Club is holding the "World's Larg- est Garage Sale" on Saturday, May 12, 1984, at Tustin High School and extended an invitation to everyone to attend/participate. 7. ADJOURNMENT At 9:21 p.m. it was moved by Greinke, seconded by Hoesterey, that the Agency adjourn to an adjourned regular meetino on May 15, 1904, at 5:00 p.m., and thence to the next regular meeting on May 21, 1984. Carried 5-0. ACTING CHAIRPERSON / Following the Closed Session, the Board of Directors authorized the City Attorney and the City Manager to negotiate the purchase of the Southern Pacific Land Company parcel (approximately 44,660 square feet) situated at the northwest corner of Irvine Blvd. and Newport Avenue for a price not to exceed $10.30 per square foot. ~ 2~ CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page.3, 4-16-84 RESOLUTION NO. 84-33 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR WATER MAIN REPLACEMENT IMPROVEMENTS - LOCATION "A", RED HILL AVE. FROM .IRVINE BLVD. TO SKYLINE BR.; AND LOCATION "B", LAGUNA RD. FROM RED. HILL AVE. TO 200+ EASTERLY Adopted Resolution No. 84-33 as recommended by the Engineering Department. 107 10. HO)4EOWNER REQUEST FOR TREE REMOVAL - 1071 Walter Avenue Authorized removal of subject tree as requested and a replace- ment tree be selected by the homeowner from the City approved tree list as recommended by the Maintenance Superintendent. 86.1 11. HOMEOWNER REQUEST FOR TREE REMOVAL - 14452 Cloverbrook Avenue Authorized removal of subject tree under the provisions of Case II of the current City Tree Removal Policy as recommended by the Maintenance Superintendent. 86.1 12..MITCHELL AVENUE S'TOPJ4 DRAIN FACILITY NO. SIP73 Granted to Bavin Construction Company a completion date time extension of 14 calendar days as recommended by the Engineering Department. 91 13. INITIATION OF GENERAL PLA)( AMENDMENT, PREPARATION OF FOCUSED ENVI- RON~NTAL IMPACT REPORT Directed staff to initiate proceedings for amending the Land Use Element of the City's General Plan for property bounded by Interstate 5, Browning Avenue, Bryan Avenue and the future extension of Jamboree Road north of Interstate 5, and autho- rized the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the agreement with the Irvine Company and the professional services agreement with Michael Brandman & Associates as recommended by the Community Development Department. (See Page 6 for further discussion on 45 this item.) 84-22/84-23 14. IMPLEMENTATION PLAN FOR IMPROVING LOW- AND MODERATE-INCOME HOUSING CONDITIONS Received and filed as recommended by the Community Development Department. 81 SIGN CODE EXCEPTION/I~ARIE CALLENDAR'S RESTAURA&4T Approved as recommended by the Community Development Department based on the fact that the applicant is requesting less sign area than would otherwise be allowed; that the total number of signs is less than would otherwise be allowed; that no more · than two (2) front wall signs will be permitted; and the pro- posed signing is in conformance with the purpose and intent of the Sign Ordinance. g3 VII. ORDI~CES FOR INTROOUCTION See Public Hearing No. 1. VIII. ORDINAJ~CES FOR ADOPTION None. IX. OLD BUSINESS CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 4, 4-16-84 Councilman Greinke recommended that Council reduce league fees to that of spring, 1983 ($307), and that the assistance of league players be enlisted by supplying dirt for them to fill in the gopher holes. Councilman Edgar concurred. Councilman Saltarelli stated that while staff has followed Council direction to keep recreation programs self-sufficient, he was agreeable to reducing the fees. It was then moved by Edgar, sec- onded by Greinke, to reduce league fees to $300.00 per team, and to enlist the help of team members in filling the gopher holes. Mayor Hoesterey was supportive of staff and recommended against reducing league fees. In response to Councilman Greinke, Mr. Wilt stated that since play- ers' safety is uppermost in their minds, they would be more than happy to assist as Council requests. The only problem Mr. Wilt could foresee is school children playing in the dirt containers. Mayor Pro Tem Kennedy stated her support of the motion, but expressed concern over Council's use of an incorrect measuring tool by comparing Tustin fees to other Orange County cities. The motion then carried 4-1, Hoesterey opposed. 41 Xe NEW 1. ® BUSINESS FIRE CONTRACT The City Manager presented the staff report and recommendation as contained in his inter-com dated April 11, 1984. It was then moved by Kennedy, ~econded by Edgar, to approve the contract with the Orange County Fire Department for fire suppression, prevention, and paramedic services through June 30, 1984. Council/staff discussion followed. Councilman Saltarelli commented that he is unhappy that Tustin does not' have the opportunity to determine its own service level, and stated he would not support another'contract which does not do so. Councilmen Greinke and Edgar concurred. The motion carried 5-0. 45 84-24 SELECTION OF CONSULTANT TILRFFIC ENGINEER As recommended in the i nter-com dated April 9, 1984, prepared by the Director of Public Works, it was moved by Saltarelli, seconded by Edgar, to authorize the Mayor to execute a Consultant's Agree- ment with the firm of Berryman and Stephenson, Inc., Santa Ana, to provide Traffic Engineering services to the City of Tustin per pro- posal dated March 14, 1984. Councilman Greinke stated his opposition due to the consultant's performance on the E1 Camino Real project and the resultant loss of trees. 45 84-25 The motion carried 4-1, Greinke opposed. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 5, 4-16-84 A)IARE) OF BID - FRONTIER PARK PRE-SCROOL PLAY AREA Bids for subject project were received on April 10, 1984, as fol- lows: Hanson Associates, Inc., Santa Ana Cal Rec, Tustin Wakefield & Associates, Newport Beach $9,450.00 $10,544.94 $11,348.30 As recommended in the inter-corn dated April 10, 1984, prepared by the Director of Public Works, it was moved by Edgar, seconded by Kennedy, to award the bid for the installation of Frontier Park ~ool Play Area to Hanson Associates, Inc., of Santa Ana in the amount of $9,450.00. After a brief question-and-answer period, the motion carried 5-0. 41 X1. REPORTS PLAN#ING CO)14ISSION ACTIONS - APRIL 9, 1984 Following a question-and-answer period on several Planning Comis- sion Agenda items, it was moved by Greinke, seconded by Kennedy, to ratify the April 9, 1984, Planning Commission Action Agenda. Car- ried 5-0. ' ~ 2. SANTA ANA (I-B) FREEWAY MAINTENANCE PROJECT See Page 1 for discussion on this item. SALE OF SURPLUS VERICLES It was moved by Greinke, seconded by Edgar, to receive and file the inter-com dated April 3, 1984, prepared by the Director of Public Works. Carried 5-0. 85 XlI. OlltER BIJSINESS REQUEST FOR CLOSED SESSION The City Manager requested a Closed Session for dfscussion of legal matters. 2. TILRFFIC SIGNAL AT NEWPORT & SYCAMORE AVENUES In response to Councilman Saltarelli, the Director of Public Works reported on the status of the traffic signal at Newport and Syca- more, and noted that staff is awaiting word from CalTrans and will hopefully have a report at the next Council meeting. 94 3. CITY POSITION ON FIREWORKS The City Attorney responded to Councilman Saltarelli that the City's position on fireworks is a matter for discussion during Closed Session. 52 4. TUSTIN PAINT HART CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 6, 4-16-84 Discussion followed over truck traffic in the area, and Lt. Williams reported on past activity by the Police Department to con- trol problems with truck traffic on Walnut, adding that such acti- vity would be reactivated. Mayor Pro Tem Kennedy reiterated that the main concern is with truck parking and requested that staff look into the matter. 74 6. BULLET TIL~IN Mayor Hoesterey informed Mayor Pro Tem Kennedy that staff has sent the letter to NOVA requesting their consideration of filming State Treasurer Jesse M. Unruh's trip to Japan. 101 AGENDA ORDER PUBLIC INPUT CONSENT CALENDAR 13. INITIATION OF GENERAJ. PLAN N4ENOMENT, PREPAILRTION OF FOCUSED EN¥IRON~NTAL IMPACT REPORT (EIR) Mayor Hoesterey recognized Bob Hill, 13672 Farmington, who apolo- gized for the late arrival of a group of concerned citizens wishing to speak on subject item, but they thought the Council meeting com- menced at 7:30 p.m. Art Knox, 13471 Falmouth Place, spoke in opposition to the oroposed auto center concept submitted by the 1trine Company for the south- east corner of Bryan and Browning Avenues. He stated his home is about 100 yards from subject corner, and he is concerned about increased traffic, noise, allLnight lighting, seven days/week busi- ness hours, and the proximity in general to residences, churches and schools in the area. Mr. Knox suggested the project be located closer to Myford Road. At Mayor Hoesterey's request, the City Manager explained that the application filed by the 1trine Company .for a General Plan Amend- ment necessitates preparation of an EIR. He pointed out that all issues raised by Mr. Knox are the very reason for an EIR, i.e., to look at the proposed plan, identify any adverse impacts, and iden- tify methods of mitigating those impacts. He continued by explain- ing the required public hearings procedure, both before the Plan- ning Commission and the City Council, and the opportunities for the public to be heard and become involved in same. The City Manager noted that Council action this evening initiates EIR review only, and there was no plan approval before Council. Mayor Hoesterey assured the audience that there will be ample opportunity for public input, and Councilman Saltarelli stated Council will exercise extreme caution to a) buffer the residential community from the proposed project, and b) pro.vide new access to the area. Mayor Hoesterey responded to miscellaneous questions posed by Tony Neely (no address given) regarding the Irvine Company land. Warren Watson, 13451 Stonehenge Drive, commended Mr. Knox and expressed concern for the quality of life that development of sub- ject area will bring to the existing residential neighborhood. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page.7, 4-16-84 REVIEW OF POLITICAL CA~IPAIGX SIGN REGULATIONS It was moved by Greinke, seconded by Kennedy,. t.o direct staff to review existing sign controls tor poSSible revision to place poli- tical signs under same guidelines as those for realtors, etc. Councilman Greinke was in favor of increasing the refundable bond/ cash deposit requirement from $50 to $250/$500 to cover staff enforcement time and to give candidates greater incentive to adhere to the regulations and remove their campaign signs in a timely manner. Mayor Hoesterey agreed there should be financial incentive for compliance; however, he felt increasing the deposit might dis- courage people from filing for political office, and he would prefer the City keep track of staff time spent removing illegal signs and bill candidates for same on an actual cost basis. Councilman Greinke rebutted that it would be difficult to impose collection problems on candidates once the election is over, and preferred the refundable deposit method. After further Council discussion, the motion carried 5-0. 93 9. WELCOME TO INCUMBENTS Councilman Greinke extended a hearty welcome to the three City Council incunbents (Richard B. Edgar, Ronald B. Hoesterey, and Donald J. Saltarelli) and congratulated them on their recent victory. XIII. RECESS - REDEVELOPMENT - CLOSED SESSION; ADJOURNMENT At 8:39 p.m. it was moved by Greinke, seconded by Kennedy, to recess to the Redevelopment Agency, thence to a Closed Session for discussion of legal matters, and thence adjourn to the next adjourned regular meeting on April 17, 1984, at 7:00 p.m. Carried 5-0. MAYOR CITY CLERK MIHUTES OF Ali N)JOURNED REGULAR I~ET~HG OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE Cll~f OF illS'TIN, CAJ_IFORNIA APRIL 17, 1984 1I. CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Mayor Hoesterey at 7:00 p.m. City Council Chanbers, 300 Centennial Way. in the PRESENTATION ~ FLAGS BY ~LOR GUAJ~I) The' Flag of the United States of America and the Flag of the State of California were presented by me~ers of Tustin Police Explorer Scout Color Guard. III. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIAJ4CE AND INVOCATION The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Mayor Hoesterey, and the Invocation was given by Mayor Pro Tem Kennedy. IV. ROLL CALL Council persons Present: Councilperson.s Absent: Others Present: Ronald B. Hoesterey, Mayor Ursula E. Kennedy, Mayor Pro Tem Richard B. Edgar Frank H. Greinke Donald J. Saltarelli None James G. Rourke, City Attorney William A. Huston, City Manager Mary E. Wynn, City Clerk Donald D. Lamm, Com. Development Director Captain N. Williams, Police Department Approximately 50 in the audience CERTIFICATE ~ CANVASS ~ GENERAJ. MUNICIPAL ELECTION - RESOLUTION NO. 84-35 The City Clerk declared results of the General Municipal Election held on April 10, 1984, as follows: For Me~er of City Council Richard B. Edgar 2,148 Votes Ronald B. Hoesterey 2,144 Votes Donald Saltarelli 2,056 Votes John Kelly 1,875 Votes Clyde Tracy 812 Votes Mary Wynn Ruth Powell For City Clerk 1,803 Votes 1,402 Votes It was then moved by Greinke, seconded by Edgar, to adopt the follow- ing: RESOLUTION NO. 84-35 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, RECITING THE FACT OF THE GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION HELD IN SAID CI~ ON APRIL 10, 1984, DECLARING THE RESULT THEREOF AND SUCH OTHER MATTERS AS PROVIDED BY LAW CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 2, 4-17-84 VII. R£ORG~J~I~TION ~ CDUNCIL VIII. IX. XI. 1. ~IECTION ~ )I~YOR Mayor Hoesterey opened nominations for Mayor. Councilman Salta- relli nominated Ursula E. Kennedy. There being no other sub- mittals, Mayor Hoesterey closed nominations. Ursula E. Kennedy was elected Mayor by a unanimous 5-0 vote, and was welcomed with applause and a standing ovation from the audience. 38 2. B. ECTION (]Er MAYOR PRO TF. MPORIE Mayor Kennedy opened nominations for Mayor Pro Tempore. Councilman Edgar nominated Frank H. Greinke for the office of Mayor Pro Tempore. There being no other submittals, nominations were closed. Frank H. Greinke was elected Mayor Pro Tempore by a unani- mous 5-0 vote. P~SENTATION TO RONAJ. D B. HOES'FEREY, PRECEDING )~tAYOR Mayor Kennedy presented Ron Hoesterey with a plaque for his service to the City and the Council. Mr. Hoesterey thanked members of the Council and his family for their support. CO~II'~EE A~POINll4ENTS Mayor Kennedy made committee appointments for 1984-85 as follows: -Committee O.C. Sanitation District #1 O.C. Sanitation District #7 Public Agencies Data Systems O.C. Vector Control League of Cities CalTrans Advisory Committee Santa Ana River Flood Control N.O.I.S.E. KENNEDY FAMILY INTRODUCTIONS Representative A1 ternate Saltarelli Kennedy Edgar Kennedy Hoesterey Kennedy Kennedy Saltarelli Greinke Edgar Greinke Robert S. Ledendecker Greinke Director of Public Works Greinke Edgar Mayor Kennedy introduced her husband Wiley, children Kathleen, Wiley, and Ursula Ann. Recognition was given to sisters Patricia and Frances and their husbands, co-workers and various people who have given their support. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, Mayor Kennedy invited every person present to a reception in City Hall to honor all newly elected City officials. At 7:16 p.m. it was moved by Greinke, seconded by Edgar, to adjourn to a reception in City Ha)~ ano thence to the next regular meeting on May 7, 1984, at 7:00 p.m. Carried 5-0. '~861: '~1: L.L~d¥ pa3ep tUO3-a~3U.L $~q U.L pau.te~,uo9 se sUO.L3epuatutuo~e~ ~^.L~,euaa3Le ~Lqe S3119¥3'1 llVflJ.JOS J. lilOV NO IBOd3~ lVJ. N3H39ddRS '! $S3NISR80lO 'XI '~UON NOI£dOCN BO~ S3DNVNIO'dO 'IIIA · ON 6u~JeaH o~Lqnd ecs NOIID~OOB£NI BOJ S3~NVNIQ~O 'IIA g6 'a~ueu~PaO u6~s jo %ua3u~ pue asodand aq~ q3~ e3ue~ojuoo u~ s~ 6u~u6~s pesod -oad aql pue ~pa~Lmdad eq LLL~ su6~s LLe~ ~uoa~ (g) o~ aaotu ou ~eq2 ~pa~OLL~ aq asLAaaq~o pLno~ ueq~ SSaL s~ su6~s jo jeqLunu Le~O~ aq~ ~eq2 ~pa~OLLe eq es~Jeq~o pLno~ ueq% eaae u§~$ SSeL ~u~senbeJ s~ ~ue~£dde aq~ ~eq~ ~e~ eq~ uo peseq ~u~m~aedeo ~uamdOLaAeO £~unmmoo eq~ £q pepuemmo~aJ se peAoadd¥ £NV~QVJ. S3~J $,~QN39'T~ 3I~iVW/NOI£d3DX3 3003 #915 'SI CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page.'3, 4-16-84 VII. RES~)LUTION NO. 84-33 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR WATER MAIN REPLACEMENT IMPROVEMENTS - LOCATION "A", RED HILL AVE. FROM .IRVINE BLVD. TO SKYLINE BR.; AND LOCATION "B", LAGUNA RD. FROM RED HILL AVE. TO 200+ EASTERLY Adopted ResoTution No. 84-33 as recommended by the Engineering Department. 107 10. NO,OWNER REQUEST FOR ll~EE REMOVAL - 1071 Walter Avenue Authorized removal of subject tree as requested and a replace- ment tree be selected by the homeowner from the City approved tree list as recommended by the Maintenance Superintendent. 86.1 11. HOMEOWNER REQUES'T FOR ll~EE REMOVAL - 14452 Cloverbrook Avenue Authorized removal of subject tree under the provisions of Case II of the current City Tree Removal Policy as recommended by the Maintenance Superintendent. 86.1 12.. MITCHELL AVENUE STOR)~ D~JkIN FACILITY NO. SIP73 Granted to Bavin Construction Company a completion date time extension of 14 calendar days as recommended by the Engineering Department. 91 13. INITIATION OF GENE~ PL~ A~IENO~HT, PREPA~JkTION ~ FOCUSED EN¥I- RONI~'NTAL IlliCiT REPORT Directed staff to initiate proceedings for amending the Land Use Element of the City's General Plan for property bounded by Interstate 5, Browning Avenue, Bryan Avenue and the future extension of jamboree Road north of Interstate 5, and autho- rized the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the agreement with the 1trine Company and the professional services agreement with Michael Brandman & Associates as recommended by the Community Development Department. (See Page 6 for further discussion on 45 this item.) 84-22/84-23 14. IMPLEMENTATION PLAN FOR IMPROVING LOW- AND MODERATE-INCOME HOUSING CONDITIONS Received and filed as recommended by the Community Development Department. 81 15. SIGN CODE E~XCEPTION/MAJ~IE ~LENDAR'S RESTAURAJ4T Approved as recommended by the Community Development Department based on the fact that the applicant is requesting less sign area than would otherwise be allowed; that the total number of signs is less than would otherwise be allowed; that no more ,than two (2) front wall signs will be permitted; and the pro- posed signing is in conformance with the purpose and intent of the Sign Ordinance. 93 FOR INTRODUCTION See Public Hearing No. 1. VIII. ORDINANCES FOR ADOPTION None. IX. OLD BUSINESS SUPPLEMENTAL REPORT ON ADULT SOFTBALL LEAGUES The Recreation Superintendent presented the staff report and avail- able alternative recommendations as contained in his inter-com dated April 11, 1984. Bob Wilt, 1731 Mitchell Avenue, rebutted several areas of the staff report, and again reiterated his concerns over increased league fees and field conditions. Mr. Wilt requested that Council adjust league fees to $260-$280 per season, and recommended a seasonal meeting between Community Services staff and league manager repre- sentatives to discuss/resolve any problems or recommendations that come up during the season, or changes to be implemented in future seasons. Mr. Wilt thanked the Council for their consideration. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 4, 4-16-84 Councilman Greinke recommended that Council reduce league fees to that of spring, 1983 {$307), and that the assistance of league players be enlisted by supplying dirt for them to fill in the gopher holes. CounCilman Edgar concurred. COuncilman Saltarelli stated that while staff has followed Council direction to keep recreation programs self-sufficient, he was agreeable to reducing the fees. It was then moved by Edgar, onded by Greinke, to reduce league fees to $300.00 per team, and to enlist the ~elp of team me~ers in filling the gopher holes. Mayor' Hoesterey was supportive of staff and recommended against reducing league fees. In response to Councilman Greinke, Mr. Wilt stated that since play- ers' safety is uppermost in their minds, they would be more than happy to assist as Council requests. The only problem Mr. Wilt could foresee is school children playing in the dirt containers. Mayor Pro Tem Kennedy stated her support of the motion, but expressed concern over Council's use of an incorrect measuring tool by comparing Tustin fees to other Orange County cities. The motion then carried 4-1, Hoesterey opposed. 41 NEW BUSINESS FIRE CONTRACT The City Manager presented the staff report and recommendation as contained in his inter-com dated April 11, 1984. It was then moved by Kennedy, geconded by Edgar, to approve the contract with the Orange County Fire Department for fire suppression, prevention, and paramedic services through June 30, 1984. Council/staff discussion followed. Councilman Saltarelli commented that he is unhappy that Tustin does not'have the opportunity to determine its own service level, and stated he would not support another'contract which does not do so. Councilmen Greinke and Edgar concurred. The motion carried 5-0. 45 84-24 SELECTION OF CONSULTANT TRAFFIC ENGINEER AS recommended in the i nter-com dated April 9, 1984, prepared by the Director of Public Works, it was moved by Saltarelli, seconded by Edgar, to authorize the Mayor to execute a Consultant's Agree- ment wi th the firm of Berryman and Stephenson, Inc., Santa Ana, to provide Traffic Engineering services to the City of Tustin per pro- posal dated March 14, 1984. Councilman Greinke stated his opposition due to the consultant's performance on the E1 Camino Real project and the resultant loss of trees. 45 84-25 The motion carried 4-1, Greinke opposed. AWARD OF BID FOR E)4BOSSED CONCRETE ~DIAN PAVING Bids for subject project were received on April 9, 1984, as fol- lOWS: Sullivan Concrete Textures, Costa Mesa Walsh Engineering Company, Anaheim Damon Construction Company, South Gate $71,795.46 $83,895.06 $90,143.08 It was moved by Edgar, seconded by Kennedy, to award the contract for subject project to Sullivan Concrete ~xtures, Costa Mesa, in the amount of $71,795.46 as recommended in the inter-corn dated April 9, 1984, prepared by the Engineering Division. Carried 5-0. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 5, 4-16-84 ANARI) OF BIO - FRONTIER PAR)( PRE-SCHOOL PLAY AREA Bids for subject project were received on April 10, 1984, as fol- lows: Hanson Associates, Inc., Santa Ana Cal Rec, Tustin Wakefield & Associates, Newport Beach $9,450.00 $10,544.94 $11,348.30 As recommended in the inter-com dated April 10, 1984, prepared by the Director of Public Works, it was moved by Edgar, seconded by Kennedy, to award the bid for the installation of Frontier Park ~ool Play Area to Hanson Associates, Inc., of Santa Ana in the amount of $9,450.00. After a brief question-and-answer period, the motion carried 5-0. 41 XI. REPORTS PLANNING CO~14ISSION ACTIONS - APRIL 9, 1984 Following a question-and-answer period on several Planning Con,hiS- sion Agenda items, it was moved by Greinke, seconded by Kennedy, to ratify the April 9, 1984, P)anning commissiQn Action Agenda. Car- ried 5-0. ~ SANTA ANA (I-5) FREEWAY MAINll"-NANCE PROJECT See Page 1 for discussion on this item. e SALE OF SURPLUS VEHICLES It was moved by Greinke, seconded by Edgar, to receive and file the inter-com dated April 3, 1984, prepared by the Director of Public Works. Carried 5-0. 85 XII. Oll(ER BUSINESS REQUEST FOR CLOSED SESSION The City Manager requested a Closed Session for di-scussion of legal matters. 2. TRAFFIC SIGNAL AT NEWPORT & SYCAMORE AVENUES In response to Councilman Saltarelli, the Director of Public Works reported on the status of the traffic signal at Newport and Syca- more, and noted that staff is awaiting word from CalTrans and will hopefully have a report at the next Council meeting. 94 3. CITY POSITION ON FIREWORKS The City Attorney responded to Councilman Saltarelli that the City's position on fireworks is a matter for discussion during Closed Session. 52 4. TUSTIN PAINT MA~T In response to Mayor Pro Tem Kennedy, the Director of Public Works reported on the status of the sidewalk problem in front of the Tustin Paint Mart, 720 West First Street. TRUCK PARKING ON BROWNING BETWEEN WALNUT & NISSON Mayor Pro Tem Kennedy stated that residents on Browning and in Peppertree have complained, that Browning between Nisson and Walnut has become a parking area for "big rig" trucks, with eight large semi's and four smaller trucks parked there over the weekend. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 6, 4-16-84 Discussion followed over truck traffic in the area, and Lt. Williams reported on past activity by the Police Department to con- trol problems with truck traffic on Walnut, adding that such acti- vity would be reactivated. Mayor Pro Tem Kennedy reiterated that the main concern is with truck parking and requested that staff look into the matter. 74 6. BULLET TRAIN Mayor Hoesterey informed Mayor Pro Tem Kennedy that staff has sent the letter to NOVA requesting their consideration of filming State Treasurer Jesse M. Unruh's trip to Japan. 101 AGENOA OROER PUBLIC INPUT CONSENT CALEWOAR 13. INITIATION OF GENERAL PLAN AMENI)MENT, PREPARATION OF FOCUSED EN¥IRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT (EIR) Mayor Hoesterey recognized Bob Hill, 13672 Farmington, who apolo- gized for the late arrival of a group of concerned citizens wishing to speak on subject item, but they thought the Council meeting com- menced at 7:30 p.m. Art Knox, 13471 Falmouth Place, spoke in opposition to the oroposed auto center concept submitted by the Irvine Company for the south- east corner of Bryan and Browning Avenues. He stated his home is about 100 yards from subject corner, and he is concerned about increased traffic, noise, allZnight lighting, seven days/week busi- ness hours, and the proximity in general to residences, churches and schools in the area. Mr. Knox suggested the project be located closer to Myford Road. At Mayor Hoesterey's request, the City Manager explained that the application filed by the Irvine Company for a General Plan Amend- ment necessitates preparation of an EIR. He pointed out that all issues raised by Mr. Knox are the very reason for an EIR, i.e., to look at the proposed plan, identify any adverse impacts, and iden- tify methods of mitigating those impacts. He continued by explain- ing the required public hearings procedure, both before the Plan- ning Commission and the City Council, and the opportunities for the public to be heard and become involved in same. The City Manager noted that Council action this evening initiates EIR review only, and there was no plan approval before Council. Mayor Hoesterey assured the audience that there will be ample opportunity for public input, and Councilman Saltarelli stated Council will exercise extreme caution to a) buffer the residential community from the proposed project, and b) provide new access to the area. Mayor Hoesterey responded to miscellaneous questions posed by Tony Neely (no address given) regarding the Irvine Company land. Warren Watson, 13451 Stonehenge Drive, commended Mr. Knox and expressed concern for the quality of life that development of sub- ject area will bring to the existing residential neighborhood. Mayor Hoesterey thanked the group for their input and encouraged them to leave their names/addresses with City staff for notifica- tion of future public hearings on the matter. XII. OTHER BUSINESS AESTHETICS OF STREET REPAIR WORK Councilman Greinke stated that al though the current asphalt con- crete pavement repair program is smoothing the street surface, it is not an aesthetic improvement. He requested that staff look into the use of a patching material that is more closely matched to the existing street surface color. 95 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page .7, 4-16-84 XIII. REVIEW OF POLITICAL CAMPAIGN SIGN REGULATIONS It was moved by Greinke, seconded by Kennedy,. t.o direct staff to review existing sign controls for posslble revision to place poli- tical signs under same guidelines as those for realtors, etc. Councilman Greinke was in favor of increasing the refundable bond/ cash deposit requirement from $50 to $250/$500 to cover staff enforcement time and to give candidates greater incentive to adhere to the regulations and remove their campaign signs in a timely manner. Mayor Hoesterey agreed there should be financial incentive for compliance; however, he felt increasing the deposit might dis- courage people from filing for political office, and he would prefer the City keep track of staff time spent removing illegal signs and bill candidates for same on an actual cost basis. Councilman Greinke rebutted that it would be difficult to impose collection problems on candidates once the election is over, and preferred the refundable deposit method. After further Council discussion, the motion carried 5-0. 93 9. WELCOME TO INCU)~)ENTS Councilman Greinke extended a hearty welcome to the three City Council incumbents (Richard B. Edgar, Ronald B. Hoesterey, and Donald J. Saltarelli) and congratulated them on their recent victory. RECESS - REDEVELOPMENT - CLOSED SESSION; ADJOURNMENT At 8:39 p.m. it was moved by Greinke, seconded by Kennedy, to recess to the Redevelopment Agency, thence to a Closed Session for discussion of legal matters, and thence adjourn to the next adjourned regular meeting on April 17, 1984, at 7:00 p.m. Carried 5-0. MAYOR CITY CLERK MINUTES OF AN N)JOURNED REGULAR ~ETING OF ll(E CIl~ COUNCIL OF THE CIl~f OF llJ~IN, CALIFORNIA APRIL 17, 1984 r II. CALL TO OROER The meeting was called to order by Mayor Hoesterey at 7:00 p.m. in the City Council Chanbers, 300 Centennial Way. PRESENTATION OF FLAGS BY COLOR GUAJ)J) The' Flag of the United States of America and the Flag of the State of California were presented by me, ers of Tustin Police Explorer Scout Color Guard. III. PLEOGE OF ~LEGIA)ICE AND INVOCATION The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Mayor Hoesterey, and the Invocation was given by Mayor Pro Tem Kennedy. IV. ROLL CALL VI. Councilpersons Present: Councilpersons Absent: Others Present: Ronald B. Hoesterey, Mayor Ursula E. Kennedy, Mayor Pro Tem Richard B. Edgar Frank H. Greinke Donald J. Saltarelli None James G. Rourke, City Attorney William A. Huston, City Manager Mary E. Wynn, City Clerk Donald D. Lamm, Com. Development Director Captain N. Williams, Police Deoartment Approximately 50 in the audience CERTIFICATE OF CA&iVA~SS OF GENE~ MUNICIP~ ~'IECTION - RESOLUTION NO. 84-35 The City Clerk declared results of the General Municipal Election held on April 10, 1984, as follows: For Me~er of City Council Richard B. Edgar 2,148 Votes Ronald B. Hoesterey 2,144 Votes Donald Saltarelli 2,056 Votes John Kelly 1,875 Votes Clyde Tracy 812 Votes Mary Wynn Ruth Powel 1 For City Clerk 1,803 Votes 1,402 Votes It was then moved by Greinke, seconded by Edgar, to adopt the follow- ing: RESOLUTION NO. 84-35 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, RECITING THE FACT OF THE GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION HELD IN SAID CI~ ON APRIL 10, 1984, DECLARING THE RESULT THEREOF AND SUCH OTHER M~kTTERS AS PROVIDED BY LAW The motion carried 5-0. Al)MINISTRATION OF OATHS OF OFFICE The City Attorney administered the Oath of Office to reelected City Clerk Mary E. Wynn and presented her with a Certificate of Election. The CitY Clerk administered Oaths of Office to reelected Councilme~ers Richard B. Edgar, Ronald B. Hoesterey and Donald J. Saltarelli and presented them with Certificates of Election. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 2, 4-17-84 VIII. IX. XI. REORGANIZATION OF COUNCIL 1. ELECTION OF MAYOR Mayor Hoesterey opened nominations for Mayor. Councilman Salta- relli nominated Ursula E. Kennedy. There being no other sub- mittals, Mayor Hoesterey closed nominations. Ursula E. Kennedy was elected Mayor by a unanimous 5-0 vote, and was welcomed with applause and a standing ovation from the audience. 38 2. ELECTION OF MAYOR PRO 1T. MPOR£ Mayor Kennedy opened nominations for Mayor Pro Tempore. Councilman Edgar nominated Frank H. Greinke for the office of Mayor Pro Tempore. There being no other submittals, nominations were closed. Frank H. Greinke was elected Mayor Pro Tempore by a unani- mous 5-0 vote. 38 PRESENTATION TO RON~D B. HOESTEREY, PRECEDING I~m~YOR Mayor Kennedy presented Ron Hoesterey with a plaque for his service to the City and the Council. Mr. Hoesterey thanked me~ers of the Council and his family for their support. CO~4II'TEE ~POINlt4ENTS Mayor Kennedy made committee appointments for 1984-85 as follows: -Committee Representative A1 ternate 0.C. Sanitation District #1 O.C. Sanitation District #7 Public Agencies Data Systems 0.C. Vector Control League of Cities CalTrans Advisory Committee Santa Aha River Flood Control N.O.I.S.E. Saltarelli Kennedy Edgar Kennedy Hoesterey Kennedy Kennedy Saltarelli Greinke Edgar Greinke Robert S. Ledendecker Greinke Director of Public Works Greinke Edgar KENNEDY FAMILY INll~ODUCTIONS Mayor Kennedy introduced her husband Wiley, children Kathleen, Wiley, and Ursula Ann. Recognition was given to sisters Patricia and Frances and their husbands, co-workers and various people who have given their support. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, Mayor Kennedy invited every person present to a reception in City Hall to honor all newly elected City officials. At 7:16 p.m. it was moved by Greinke, seconded by Edgar, to adjourn to a reception in City Hall ano thence to the next regular meeting on May 7, 1984, at 7:00 p.m. Carried 5-0. -) MAYOR CITY CLERK