HomeMy WebLinkAboutRPT 3 SPECIFIC USES 05-07-84Honorable Mayor & Members of the City Council
Community Development Department
Request From Planning Commission to Affirm Need to Initiate
Zoning Ordinance Amendment Limiting Specific Uses in the Immediate
Vicinity of Public Schools ,
At the Planning Commission meeting on April 9, 1984, staff presented a report,
as directed by Council, for Planning Commission consideration to amehd the
Zoning Ordinance for the purpose of limiting specific uses in the immediate
vicinity of public schools. The Council also directed staff to research the
concept of adopting land use controls which would establish distance
requirements for placement of new motels, hotels and liquor stores. However,
following this action by Council, the City's Zoning Ordinance was amended to
require use permits for motels, hotels and liquor stores thereby providing
Council with discretionary review authority, which includes denial, of these
land uses.
Following exhaustive research of other communi{ies in Orange County, it appears
that the State Department of Alcohol Beverage Control and the City of Santa Ana
are the only entities which regulate distance requirements between public
schools and the sale of alcoholic beverages. State ABC requires a minimum
distance of 600' between schools and businesses with on-sale liquor licenses and
200' separating a school from an off-sale liquor license. Concerning motels and
hotels, staff could not locate any community or State agency which regulated
their placement in relation to public schools.
Upon presentation of staff's findings to the Planning Commission on April 9,
1984, it was the Commission's opinion that community concerns had been resolved
by Council's previous amendment to the Zoning Code requiring use permits for new
liquor stores and motels/hotels. The Commission did not wish to recommend
specific distance requirements at this time. The Commission directed staff to
report their opinion to the Council. and ask if Council desired the Commission to
resume consideration of this subject.
Staff will be prepared at the Council meeting on May 7, 1984 to elaborate upon
the Commission's action.
Doh~ld D. Lamm
Director of Community Development
Attachment: Report to the Planning Commission, April 9, 1984
Planning Commission
April g, 1984
SUBJECT: Consideration of Initiating an Amendaent to the Zoning Ordinance
Lim4ting Specific Uses In the Immediate Vicinity of Public Schools
The City Council, at its meeting on December 19, 198T, directed staff to review
the concept of establishing land use controls to ~Fmit and/or prohibit motels,
hotels, liquor stores and other similar uses within the immediate vicinity of
public schools. Specifically, Council requested that staff research how other'
cities in Orange County have dealt with this subject and to solicit an opinion
from the Tustin Planning Commission concerning necessity for such regulations.
Since December, staff planners have surveyed other cities to determine which
have adopted in their zoning ordidance specific district requirements for
issuance of new liquor licenses and/or establishment of motels, hotels and liquor
stores near elementary and junior/senior high schools. We discovered, however,
the subject to be more difficult to research than anticipated since there does
not appear to be consistency among Orange County communities. The attached
survey summary indicates that some cities require use permits for off sale liquor
licenses, while others do not. After in-depth ~onversations with planning staff
in various cities, it appears each city's regulation was community and/or
politically initiated to resolve a specific problem.
Last fall, a proposed motel across from Tustin High School was determined by the
community to be detrimental to the welfare of school students. Later, a request
by Southern Counties Oil for an off-sale beer and wine license again resulted in
mixed community opinion. Most recently, a request to convert Albertson's
Supermarket to a liquor-only store has resulted in extensive public opinion.
Since the Albertson's request is again scheduled to be heard by the Planning
. Commission, that specific subject can be discussed only during an advertised
public hearing. However, the overall concept of, establishing land use
limitations near schools can be generally discussed at this time.
Community De;/elopment Department
New Business No. 1
April 9; [984
Page 2
City Council specifically requested the Planning Commission report its
recommendations as to whether the City should amend the Zoning Ordinance to
establish limitations on specific uses within the immediate vicinity of public
Director of Community Development
DDL:jh *'
Attachment: Survey Summary
Community Development Department
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