HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC MINUTES 1957 06 24294 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE TUSTIN CITY COUNCIL. MONDAY, JUNE 24th, 1957. COUNCILMEN PRESENT: Kidd, Tadlock, Humeston, Bacon & Byrd. COUNCILMEN ABSENT: None. CITY ATTORNEY: C. Arthur Nisson, Jr. present. Mayor Kidd called the meeting to order at 7:30 P. M. On motion of Councilman Byrd, seconded by Councilman Humeston and duly carried, minutes of the last meeting were approved as mailed. APPROVAL OF A copy of a letter from the Secretary of State, State of HIGH SCHOOL California, to Mr. L. B. Wallace, Clerk of the Orange County ANNEXATION Board of Supervisors, was read, stating that a certified BY BOARD OF copy of the Resolution adooted by the Board of Supervisors SUPERVISORS. had been received and filed, approving annexation to the City of Tustin of certain territory, owned by the Tustin Union High School District. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Another communication from the Tustin Chamber of Commerce RE: SIGNS was also read, calling the Council's attention to the need AND DESIGNA- for signs and designations on certain streets. TIONS ON STS. On motion of Councilman Bacon, seconded by Councilman Humeston and carried, correspondence was ordered received and filed. INSTALLATION The matter of the installation of a oole by the Pacific Telephone OF POLE AT on the east line of the City Hall property, 20 feet south from CITY HALL the north property 1ine, was discussed and it was decided to talk further with their Engineer regarding the method of bracing the pole. INTERVIEW Mayor Kidd declared the Council in Executive Session for 10 RE: POSITION minutes in order to interview Mr. Gilbert N. Mueller for the AS CITY ATT'Y Position of City Attorney. At the conclusion of the interview the Council was again declared in regular session. Motion of Councilman Humeston, seconded by Councilman Byrd that salaries for the following city employees be increased. PAY RAISES Chief of Police Johansen to $470.00 per month; Sergeant Glenn FOR CITY Sissel to $390.00 per month; Patrolman Lawrence P. Allec to EMPLOYEES $370.00 per month; Florence Kortmeyer, Deputy City Clerk, to $275.00 per month and Arthur O. Park be paid $25.00 per month for acting as ex-officio clerk of the Tustin Planning Commission. Part-time Patrolmen to be paid at the rate of $2.00 per hour. Motion carried. Mayor Kidd again declared the Council in Executive Session to discuss the position of city attorney. APP'T OF It was moved by Councilman Byrd, seconded by Councilman Bacon DENNIS D. that Dennis D. Hayden be appointed Deputy City Attorney, effective HAYDEN, CITY July 1, 1957 at a salary of $175.00 per month. Motion carried, ATTY EFFEC- all councilmen voting Aye, except one, voting Nay. TIVE JULY 1, 1957 Upon motion of Councilman Tadlock, seconded by Councilman Byrd and carried, the American Legion was granted permission to sell PERMISSION FOR LEGION 295 TO SELL Fireworks within the City of Tustin this year with the same FIREWORKS provisions and conditions as in previous years. Bills were presented and ordered paid, upon motion of Council- man Bacon, seconded by Councilman Tadlock and carried. Earl Edney Tree Service ............... $203.00 Motorola Comm. & Electronics, Inc ..... 928.41 John Hancock Mutual Life Ins. Co ....... 37.40 BILLS California Physicians' Service ......... 61.86 The Tustin News .... Legals .............. 58.19 Ralph Van Buskirk ...... (maps) .......... 48.00 Meeting was duly adjourned. Jerome C. Kidd Mayor A. O. Park City Clerk