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March 5, 1984
NO. 3
Honorable Mayor & Members of the City Council
Community Development Department
Report to the Orange County Housing Authority
Associate Planner, Mary Ann Chamberlain was appointed by the City Council on
July, 1982 as the City's representative to the Orange County Housing Authority
Advisory Committee.
One of the duties of the representative is to report bi-annually to the Housing
Authority regarding the City's housing programs.
Enclosed for your.information is the report that was presented 'to the Housing
Authority on January 16, 1984 regarding the City of Tustin's Housing Status.
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Associate Planner
MAC: jh
Attachment: Report
Department of Community Depelopment
DATE: JANUARY 16, 1984
Goals for housing low and moderate income~elderly and families, City of
Tustin housing element.
To identify and take action to remove the rental housing units
determined to be substandard, in need of replacement, and a hazard to
the health and safety of the occupants.
To identify and encourage the removal of the owner-occupied dwelling
units that are determined to be substandard, in need of replacement, and
a hazard to the health and safety of the occupants.
To assure the maintenance and preservation of the existing housipg stock
by financial assistance and application of the police power of the city
and state.
To assure the availability of rental apartment units by control of
conversion to condominiums.
E. To provide for economic integration in new subdivisions by requiring the
availability of affordable housing units.
F. To deter speculation and windfall profits resulting from subsidized
G. To provide financial assistance for the construction of housing units to
permit occupancy by low and moderate income families.
H. To prohibit the concentration of low income housing units in any
segregated or identifiable geographic area of the city.
I. To accommodate the housing needs of the elderly.
J. To provide rent supplement payments for low income families.
$00 Centennial Way · Tu&tin, California 92680 · (714j 544-8890
II. The following are programs that have been established in the City to
implement the goals and objectives of the City's Housing Element.
A. Tustin Gardens - 100 units for senior citizens (Section 8 program)
City participation in the Orange County Housing Authority - As of
December 1, 1983, 505 Section 8 certificates had been issued and 106
were receiving housing assistance payments (HAPS).
Participation in the Housing and Community Development Act (HCDA)
program. In order to upgrade the existing housing stock, Tustin is
receiving money through the HCD program to rehabilitate apartments, as
well as home and and mobile homes. The City has also adopted a new
redevelopment area to assist in upgrading the older residential areas.
The City of Tustfn's housing stock is broken down in the following types
of housing units:
Single family units . . . 5,666
Multi family units . . . 10,400
According to the State Department of Finance, Tustin has the highest
percentage of apartments in Orange County per number of housing units.
Most cities have close to 70~ of single family dwellings, while Tustin
has only 35~ of its housing stock as single family.
Orange Garden Apartments - These units are a Section 236 housing program
for renters assistance (160 units). Sixteen (16) units are held for the
disabled and elderly on a special rent subsidy program.
Rancho San Juan Apartment Conversion - Fifty percent (50~) of these
units (48) are for low and moderate income persons which provides a
co-ownership program sponsored by Home Equities Management. Three (3)
additional units (which have been modified) are for sale to handicapped
The City, through its revenue sharing program, allocates money to the
Christian Temporary Housing Facility and to the TLC which sponsors the
Shared Housing Program.
III. Future Housing Programs
The City of Tustin has not had a major residential development since 1974.
All of its large vacant residential parcels have been previously developed.
Before 1980, the City annexed 2,000 acres of undeveloped land which has a
single owner, The Irvine Company, the City and the Company are presently
preparing a specific plan for this area which should be completed by the
summer of 1984. Part of this specific plan will be a study which will focus
on housing needs for low and moderate income persons and the elderly.
The City is also in the process of updating its housing element. These two
documents will identify the needs and direct the City's future housing
programs for the low/moderate income families and the elderly.