HomeMy WebLinkAboutRPT 1 P.C. ACT AGENDA 02-21-84 TUSTIN PLANNING COI~IISSIOk A~ION AGENDA FOR REGULAR MEETING February 13, 1984 7:30 p.m. REPORTS NO. 1 2-21-84 CALL TO ORDER 7:3-3 P.M., CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE/INVOCATION ROLL CALL APPROVAL OF MINIFFES AINSLIE, PUCKE1-F, WEIL, WHITE, SHARP TO BE SUBIqI1-FED AT A LJ&TER DATE PUBLIC CONCERNS (limited to 3 minutes per person for items not on the agenda) IF YOU WISH TO SPEAK TO THE COMMISSION ON A SUBJECT, PLEASE FILL OUT THE CARDS LOCATED ON THE SPEAKER'S TABLE. ALSO, PLEASE GIVE YOUR FULL NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE RECORD None CONSENT CALENDAR ALL MATTERS LISTED UNDER CONSENT CALENDAR ARE CONSIDERED ROUTINE AND WILL BE ENACTED BY ONE MOTION. THERE WILL BE NO SEPARATE DISCUSSION OF THESE ITEMS PRIOR TO THE TIME OF THE VOTING ON THE MOTION UNLESS MEMBERS OF THE COMMISSION, STAFF OR PUBLIC REQUEST SPECIFIC ITEMS TO BE DISCUSSED AND/OR REMOVED FROM THE .CONSENT CALENDAR FOR SEPARATE ACTION. None CO~TINUED PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. USE PERMIT 84-1 Appplicant: Location: Request: Shelton Construction Company 14311 Newport Avenue and 17361 McFadden Avenue Authorization to construct a parking lot on an R-3 District lot and to vary from the arterial highway setback requirements and parking standards of the City to develop a 6,800 square foot retail commercial center Approved, S-O 2. AMENDMENT NO. 1 TO USE PERMIT 82-16 Applicant: Location: Request: Communicom, Inc. 580 W. Sixth Street, Tustin Boys Club Authorization to install second receiving earth station and relocate an existing one on top of the Tustin Boy's Club building for cable television purposes. Approved, 4-0, location of two (2) 5.0 meter dishes on the southerly (rear) elevation. Puckett stepped down due to conflict of interest. Planning Commi ssi ( February 13, 1984 Page 2 ~ction Agenda ADMINISTRATIVE MAI'[ERS 1. Old Business None- 2. New Business A. Request For Zone Change Directed staff to lnitated zone change in conjunction with Use Permit 84-1. STAFF CONCERNS 1. Departmental Status Report Received and filed. 2. Report on Council Actions - January 30, 1984 Received and filed. CO~tISSION CONCERNS None ADJOURNMENT At 9:02 p.m. to the next regular meeting on February 27, 1984. TUSTIN PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA FOR REGULAR MEETING February 13, 1984 7:30 p.m. CALL TO ORDER 7:30 P.M., CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE/INVOCATION ROLL CALL AINSLIE, PUCKETT, WEIL, WHITE, SHARP APPROVAL OF MINUTES TO BE SUBMITTED AT A LATER DATE PUBLIC CONCERNS (limited to 3 minutes per person for items not on the agenda) IF YOU WISH TO SPEAK TO THE COMMISSION ON A SUBJECT, PLEASE FILL OUT THE CARDS LOCATED ON THE SPEAKER'S TABLE. ALSO, PLEASE GIVE YOUR FULL NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE RECORD CONSENT CALENDAR ALL MATTERS LISTED UNDER CONSENT CALENDAR ARE CONSIDERED ROUTINE AND WILL BE ENACTED BY ONE MOTION. THERE WILL BE NO SEPARATE DISCUSSION OF THESE ITEMS. PRIOR TO THE TIME OF THE VOTING ON THE MOTION UNLESS MEMBERS OF THE COMMISSION, STAFF OR PUBLIC REQUEST SPECIFIC ITEMS TO BE'DISCUSSED AND/OR REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT CALENDAR FOR SEPARATE ACTION. 1. None CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. USE PERMIT 84-1 Appplicant: Location: Request: Shelton Construction Company 14311 Newport Avenue and 17361 McFadden Avenue Authorization to construct a parking lot on an R-3 District lot and to vary from the arterial highway setback requirements and parking standards of the City to develop a 6,800 square foot retail commercial center Presentation: Alan Warren, Senior Planner I. AMENDMENT NO. i TO USE PERMIT 82-16 Applicant: Location: Request: Communicom, Inc. 580 W. Sixth Street, Tustin Boys Club Authorization to install second receiving earth station and relocate an existing one on top of the Tustin Boy's Club building for cable television purposes. Presentation: Mary Ann Chamberlain, Associate Planner Planning Commls= February 13, 1984 Page 2 ' Agenda AOMI#ISTRATIVE MATTERS 1. Old Business None 2. New Business A. Request For Zone Change Presentation: Alan Warren, Senior Planner STAFF COMCERMS 1. Departmental Status Report Presentation: Alan Warren, Senior Planner 2. Report on Council Actions - January 30, 1984 Presentation: Donald O. Lamm, Director of Community Development C.O)llISSIO# CO#~R#S AOOOURIIMEMT To the next regular meeting on Vebruary 27, 1984. TUSTIN PLANNING CO~I~ISSION ACTION AGENDA FOR REGULAR MEETING January 23, 1984 7:30 p.m. CALL TO ORDER 7:30 P.M., CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE/XNVOCATION ROLL CALL AINSLIE, PUCKETT, WEIL, WHITE, SHARP APPROVAL OF MINUTES FOR MEETING HELD January g, 1984 Approved as submitted. PUBLIC CONCERNS (limited to 3 minutes per person for items not on the agenda) IF YOU WISH TO SPEAK TO THE COMMISSION ON A SUBJECT, PLEASE FILL OUT THE CARDS LOCATED ON THE SPEAKER'S TABLE. ALSO, PLEASE GIVE YOUR FULL NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE RECORD None. CONSENT CALENDAR · ALL MATTERS LISTED UNDER CONSENT CALENDAR ARE CONSIDERED ROUTINE AND WILL BE ENACTED BY ONE MOTION. THERE WILL BE NO SEPARATE DISCUSSION OF THESE ITEMS PRIOR TO THE TIME OF THE VOTING ON THE MOTION UNLESS MEMBERS OF THE COMMISSION, STAFF OR PUBLIC REQUEST SPECIFIC ITEMS TO BE DISCUSSED AND/OR REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT CALENDAR FOR SEPARATE ACTION. 1. Resolution No. 2136 - 14662 Newport Avenue - Tustin Community Hospital Approved, 5-0. CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. ZONING ORDINANCE AMENDMENT NO. 83-4 Applicant: City of Tustin Request: Various changes to sections of the Zoning Ordinance {Tustin City Code) concerning Multiple-Family Residential Development. standards for new construction. Approved 4-1, White opposed. Planning Commission Action Agenda January 23, 1984 Page 2 PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. USE PERMIT 84-1 Appplicant: Location: Request: Shelton Construction Company 14311 Newport Avenue and 17361 McFadden Avenue Authorization to construct a parking lot on an R-3 District lot and to vary from-the arterial highway setback requirements and parking standards of the City to develop a 6,800 square foot retail commercial center Continued to next regular meeting on February 13, 1984. 1. AMENDMENT NO. 1 TO USE PERMIT 82-16 Applicant: Location: Request: Communicom, Inc. 580 W. Sixth Street, Tustin Boys Club Authorization to install second receiving earth station and relocate an existing one on top of the Tustin Boy's Club building for cable television purposes. Continued to the next regular meeting on FebrUary 13, 1984. ADMINISTRATIVE MAI~ERS 1. Old Business A. Design Review 14772 Plaza Drive - Lewis Properties Receive and file. 2. New Business A. Design Review 15501 Red Avenue - Industrial Building Receive and file. Concern voiced regarding landscape setback on Valencia. B. Design Review Tustln Commercenter, Phase III Northwest Corner of Holt Avenue and Irvine Boulevard Receive and file. Planning Commission Action Agenda January 23, 1984 Page 3 C. Design Review 1382 Bell Avenue Receive and file. STAFF CONCERNS 1. Departmental Status Report Receive and file. 2. Report m Council Actions - January 16, 1983 Receive and file. COMMISSION CONCERNS ADJOURNMENT: At 9:23 p.m. to a tour of the East Tustin Project area on February 4, 1984 at 9:00 a.m. and thence to the next regular meeting'on February 13, 1984 at 7:30 p.m. Repor to the CONTINUED HEARING 'NO. I Planning CommissiOn Februar~ 13, 1984 SUI~ECT: USE PERHIT 84-1 APPLICANT:* SHELTON CONSTRUCTION COIl)ANY LOCATION: 143/1 IF. WPORT AVENUE AND 17361 P, cFADOEN AVENUE ZONE: RETAIL CO~RCT'AL (NENPORT); t4ULTTPLE-FAJ(TLY (14cFADDEN) ENVTRONI(ENTAL STATUS: AN APPL]~CATI'ON HAS BEEN FI'LED FOR A NEGATTVE DECLARATTON OF ENVIRONIqE:NTAL Ill)ACT REQUEST: AUTHORIZATION TO DEVELOP A PARKING LOT ON R-3 PROPERTY IN CON~UNCTION WITH A RETAIL COi~ERCZAL SHOPPING CENTER ON C-1 LOT AND TO VARY WITH THE ARTERIAL HIGHWAY AND PARKING SETBACK REGULATIONS. BACKGROUND AND DISCUSSION At the January 23, 1984 meeting, the Planning Commission voted to continue this item to this meeting to request further study on the traffic and parking lot design. Specifically these concerns included: a) The use of a driveway close to the intersection of McFadden and Newport Avenues. b) The extension of some of the parking spaces into the future ultimate right-of-way area. The applicant has submitted a letter addressing some of the Planning Commissioner's concerns (attached) and a revised site plan which indicates the location and type of traffic control signs. ISSUE ANALYSIS Planning staff discussed the traffic concerns of the City Engineer who suggested the following mitigating measures: a) The painting of a double-double yellow line on McFadden Street in front of the easterly driveway..This would make the left hand egress and ingress turning movements illegal. A double-double yellow line currently exists in the area fronting on the westerly driveway. b) If circulation around the corner and the driveway areas becomes a problem, the City Engineer could approach the City Council to prohibit right turns of this intersection on "red lights". Community Development Department · Shelton page two c) If it is the desire of the Commission to accept the one way drive concept as proposed, the City Engineer suggests that the "exit only" drive be located at the westerly portion of the property. In discussing the issue of the widening of McFadden with the Engineering staff, it was stated that it is very unlikely that the city will institute a project anytime in the near future. The request for the offer of dedication is a cost effective method of acquiring land if widening is acted upon anytime in the future. RECOI~IENDED ACTZON That the Plannin9 Commission approve Use Permit 84-1 ~ith conditions contained in Exhibit "A" as modified to contain the En9ineer's comments. ReSpectfully submitted, Senior Planner AW:dmt attachments: Jan. 23, 1984 Report Exhibit"A" Letter from Applicant Revised Plans Report to the Planning Commission ~lANUARY 23, 1984 SUB~lECT: Use Permit 84-1 APPLICAIIT: LOUTIO#: ZONE: She]ton Construction Company 14311 Newport Avenue and' 17351 McFadden Avenue Retail Commercial (Newport); Mu]tiple-Family (McFadden) ENVIROIIMENTAL STATUS: An application has been filed for a Negative Declaration of Environmental Impact RE~OEST: Authorization to develop a parking lot'on R~3 property in conjunction with a~retail commercial shopping center on a C-1 Lot and to vary with the arterial highway and parking setback regulations. Background The subject properties were originally developed as single-family residential projects under County jurisdiction. The properties were annexed into the City in 1976 and 1979. Currently there are two vacant single-family structures on the site. Discussion The applicant proposed the development of a 6,793 square foot retail commercial center at the northwest corner of Newport Avenue and McFadden Avenue. The parking accommodations are provided at a raio of 1/200 square feet for the first floor retail area and 1/300 square feet for the support office loft area. Vehicular access is by two driveways off of McFadden Avenue. The building is to be divided into six (6) tenant spaces with a total footprint area of 4,800 square feet. The application has been submitted pursuant to the following code provisions and development standards: Section g223b4 authorizes uses of a residentially zoned'property for uses as a parking lot where adjacent to a commercial district subject to use permit approval. Community Development Department Use Permit 84-1 3anuary 23, 1984 Page 2 b. Section g277u requires a 15' front and side yard setback from arterial highways (Newport and McFadden) Portions of four (4) parking spaces extend within the ultimate right-of-way line of McFadden Avenue. If the road were widened, these spaces would be lost and the project would be substandard in parking accommodation. The architecture is of a conte~orary Spanish type with stucco walls, red tile roof, and wood trim. The parking area has been ~signed in accordance with the City's development standards. Development Issues The use of the adjacent R-3 lot is in keeping with the provision of the Zoning Code to allow for flexibility in the development of commercial sites. The R-3 property is adjacent to commercial properties on two (2) sides. The property should be zoned C-1 to consolidate the district regulations for the project. The properties should also be legally tied together so that one cannot be sold without the other. The request to vary from the arterial setback requirements does have a ~recedent wtthJn the area. Variance. 82-1 authorized the addition of a shopping center up to the future right-of-way line at a site on the south side of McFadden. The owner has incorporated, at staff's request, an off set in the first unit which brought it closer to the future and existing property lines. This effort was made to present a more aesthetic store front elevation on three sides of the unit. This feature has not, however, caused the need for the variance requested. Previous designs could not satisfy the setback requirement. The parking spaces that extend into the future public right-of-way may never be lost. To widen McFadden would require the reconstruction of the 1-55 overcrossing which is not concetveable in the near future. The addition of the small center will add to the appearance of an important intersection and create a positive fiscal impact on the City by sales tax generation. Reco~ndatton Approval of Use Permit 84-1 with Conditions of Approval (Exhibit "A") and recommendation by the Commission to the City Council to initiate a zone change for the R-3 zoned parcel of the project. -~Alan Warren Senior Planner Attachments: Development Review Summary Exhibit "A" Site Plan & Elevations DEVELOPMENT REVIEW SUMMARY Project: Location/District: Action: SHOPPING CENTER 14331 Newport Avenue/C-i; 17361 McFadden Avenue/R-3 USE PERMIT NO. 84-1 .Building: Front Setback Side Setback Rear Setback Gross Square Footage Net Floor Square Footage Height Number of Stories' Materials/Colors Lot Size Lot Coverage Parking: Number of Spaces Ratio (space/square footage) Percent of Compact Spaces Type Uses: Number of Public Notifications (Owners): Environmental Status * No Standard District Requirement Proposed lS'(Arterial Hwy) l$'(Hwy) & o' 5' (Residential) * * 35' 1 Staff and Commission Review 5,000 & 7,000 100% less parking and landscaping 24 and 6.7 1/200 Retatl 1/300 Office 20% * 3' & 1/2' 5' 6,795 sq.ft. * 1 plus mezzanine Tile roof, Stucco, Wood 19,400 sq.ft. 24.7% Retail Commercial 31 1/21g 22.7% open Retail Commercial N/A Application for Negative Declaration. ~I:JEI -'nAV .I. IIlOd~.N EXHIBIT "A" CONI)ITIONS ~ ~PROVA USE PEP, NIT 84-1 1. An automatic alarm system monitored by a UL listed central alarm *station shall be provided. 2. Fire hydrants shall be provided, depending on existing locations and fire flow capabilities, as determined by the Orange County Fire Marshal. 3. A grading plan prepared by a state registered Civil Engineer shall be submitted to the Building Division for review and approval. 4. The applicant shall approve of a City initiated zone change for the parcel of land currently zoned R-3. 5. A final grading plan is required and all public improvements shall be shown on the final site plan and grading plan and must be referenced with applicable City Standard Drawing Numbers. All utilities, fire hydrants, water meter, curbs, sidewalks, etc. that would affect proposed construction must be shown on the final site plan. 6. The dedication of an additional ten foot wide strip of land adjacent to Newport Avenue or the execution of an Irrevocable Offer of Dedication for same will be required. 7. Payment of East Orange County Water District'fees will be required at the time a building permit is issued. 8. That a covenant shall be recorded prior to the issuance of a building permit which ties the two parcels together or pacels shall be joined by a recorded parcel map. 9. Continuous 6" concrete curbs shall be provided between landscape planters and parkings spaces and drive aisles. 10. All roof equipment and vents must be screened from view. 11. Landscape plans are required which shall include a planting plan and a complete irrigation plan which should indicate the following: a. point of connection b. back flow prevention device(s) c. location and types of valves d. location and sizes of piping e. sprinkler head types and locations 12. Separate permits are. required for plumbing, electrical, grading, signing and any work performed within the public right-of-way. 13. All work within the public right-of-way will require a permit from the City of Tustin Engineering Department. 14. Motorists shall be informed of the following restrictions by the use of on site signing: a) "right-turn/no left" turn egress from site b) "entry only" from the easterly drive and "exit only" from the westerly drive 15. The City Engineer is requested to initiate the appropriate procedures to provide the following traffic control measures: a) The installation of a double-double yellow line in the area of McFadden Street which fronts on the project. b) The installation of a "no right-turn on a red light" sign at the northwesterly corner of Newport Avenue and McFadden~Street. February 8, 1984 SHELTON CONSTRUCTION COMPANY 1.4441 ACACIA DRIVE TU$'I1N, CAUFORNIA 9~,80 (714) 83~2380 City of Tustin Planning Commission and Planning Department 300 Centennial Way Tustin, California 92680 Sub ject: Use Permit 84-1 Applicant Shelton Construction Company Location 14311 Newport Avenue and 17361 McFadden Avenue To the Planning Commission: We would like to take this opportunity to answer the questions that the Planning Commission and a person in ~he audience raised at the hearing on the subject property. The person in the audience was concerned with increasing traffic on a busy corner. Since the proposed building is only 6800 square feet, the impact should not make that much difference. The stores should be taking advantage of the traffic that is already~present as such a small building could not significantly increase the traffic. The speed of the exiting cars from the center would be less than had the cars not stopped to shop. In answer to the questions the Planning Commission raised: Yes, there is a double-double painted median at the corner of McFadden and Newport Avenue, and an officer could cite for a traffic violation should a driver disobey and cross through the median. Yes, sanitation-refuse trucks can positively enter and exit the 27-foot wide driveways without difficulty. We have verified this with the City Engineer, who had no objections, and with a private sanitation disposal company. Th·question of the parking encroaching in the ultimate property line can be resolved. We all realize that the possibility of McFadden being widened in the future is somewhat slim. This has been demonstrated by the City having allowed the entire width of the building across the street to be built on the ultimate property line and all the parking--eleven spaces--along McFadden to encroach in the ultimate property line. However, we understand the Commis- sion's concern. We propose that a restriction be put in the title stating that if McFadden should ever be widened, approximately 2400 square feet of the building would have to be converted to office space. In that way, the principal use of the building would be commercial, but the parking would be within the City's regulations. Planning Commission City of Tustin - 2 - February 8, 1984 Originally, upon presenting various plans to the City, The Planning Department and the Engineer felt the safest use of the corner would be to-acquire the McFadden Avenue property and have a second driveway to further reduce the corner traffic. It has taken us almost a year to accomplish that act. We have now gone to the added expense.of acquiring the McFadden property to accomodate the City's wishes. It would seem unfair to now penalize us for acquiring this property by restricting the use of the Newport property. If you find this proposal untenable, however, then perhaps the following proposal would be more acceptable. The main concern about our proposal is that the traffic coming ~round-the corner moves too fast to make it safe to enter the more easterly driveway. We have concluded that what would be most effective would be to have a large sign beside the drive- way stating, "DO NOT ENTER. EXIT ONLY." The other side of the sign would tell those exiting, "RIGHT TURN ONLY." Beside the more westerly driveway, on a berm, there would be a large sign stating, "ENTRANCE." This driveway would, of course, be both an entrance and an exit. We have worked with the City for months and months to find an accept- able solution for the development of this property. We--as well as you-- want it to be attractive and something we can all take pride in. The configuration of the land is such that the use of one driveway will not work well with commercial property, although it wouldn't be a problem if it were used for office space. We feel that we now have a very attractive building, with substantial landscaping to make this corner an improvement visually to the City of Tustin, as well as a property improvement to increase the tax base. Sincerely, SHELTON CONSTRU. CT~ COMPA'NY James M. Shelton, President February 8, 1984 SHELTON CONSTRUCTION COMPANY 14~;1 ACACIA DRIVF TUSTIN, CAUFORNIA 92680 (714-1 g38.2380 City of Tustin Planning Commission and Planning Department 300 Centennial Way Tustin, California 92680 Subject: Use Permit 84-1 Applicant Shelton Construction Company Location 14311 Newport Avenue and 17361 McFadden Avenue To the Planning Commission: We would like to take this opportunity to answer the questions that the Planning Commission and a person in the audience raised at the hearing on the subject property. The person in the audience was concerned with increasing traffic on a busy corner. Since the proposed building is only 6800 square feet, the impact should not make that much difference. The stores should be taking advantage of the traffic that is already present as such a small building could not significantly increase the traffic. The speed of the exiting cars from the center would be less than had the cars not stopped to shop. In answer to the questions the Planning Commission raised: Yes, there is a double-double painted median at the corner of McFadden and Newport Avenue, and an officer could cite for a traffic violation should a driver disobey and cross through the median. Yes, sanitation-refuse trucks can positively enter and exit the 27-foot wide driveways without difficulty. We have verified this with the City Engineer, who had no objections, and with a private sanitation disposal company. The question of the parking encroaching in the ultimate property line can be resolved. We all realize that the possibility of McFadden being widened in the future is somewhat slim. This has been demonstrated by the City having allowed the entire width of the building across the street to be built on the ultimate property line and all the parking--eleven spaces--along McFadden to encroach in the ultimate property line. However, we understand the Commis- sion's concern. We propose that a restriction be put in the title stating that if McFadden should ever be widened, approximately 2400 square feet of the building would have to be converted to office space. In that way, the principal use of the building would be commercial, but the parking would be within the City's regulations. Report to the Planning Commission CONTINUED HEARING February 13, 1984 SUBJECT: Amendment to. Use Permit 82-16 APPLICANT: Communicom LOCATION: 680 West Sixth Street ZONE: Public and Institutional (P&I) ENVIRONMENTAL STATUS: Categorfcally Exempt from the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (Class 11) REQUEST: Install two (2) earth stations of 5.0 meters on the northerly end of the Boys Club roof. Background: On July 19, 1982 the Planning Agency approved Use Permit 82-16 by the adoption of Resolution No. 2041. This action approved the installation of one (1) 3.7 meter earth station on the roof top (southwesterly corner) Of the Tustin Boys Club. Development Proposal: The applicant proposes to install two (2) new 5.0 meter dishes on the'northerly end of the highest point of the roof top. The existing dish would then be removed. Issue Analysis: The dish as it presently exists on the building, faces the freeway and has little visual impact on the surrounding area. If two new dishes are installed as requested, the visual impact would be substantially increased. This evaluation is based upon the following considerations: ao be If the dishes are placed on the northerly most portion of the highest point of the roof area, they will be closer and more visible to the neighboring residential areas. The dishes are larger in diameter by more than four (4) feet then the existing one. (16 feet versus 12 feet) c. There are few mature trees in the area to help screen the structures. Community Development Department d. The applicant has not proposed any screening to help reduce the visual impact. Staff cannot support the proposal as requested by the applicant because of the above stated issues. In their request, Communicom stated that, "...they fear degradation of pictures both by the foliage growth and the long run of coax to the transmission room." The City Engineer has stated that the trees that can be trimmed to clear the area that might harm the quality of the picture. Regarding the long run of coax to the transmission room, staff suggests that a room be added to the freeway side of the building to accommodate any and all equipment that is needed for the dishes. This would eliminate the need for any lines to run to the inside of the 8oys Club. RECONNENDATION Unless evidence can be provided to show that the requested dishes would not be a detriment to the community, deny the request. Respectfully submitted, Associate Planner MAC:dmt Report to the Planning CommissiOn New Bustness No. 1 February 13, 1984 REQUEST FOR ZONE Enclosed is a request for a zone change for the propert~ at 17361 McFadden Avenue. The property Is currently zoned R-4 and the General Plan calls for to be co.~erctal. The owner Is now requesting that the Pl annJng Commission inittate the change of zone from R-4 (Suburban multJple-famtly) to C-[ (retatl commercial). Section 9295c of the City Code states that the Planning Commission shall pass a resolution of intention. Enclosed ts a copy of Mary Ann Barker's request and a resolution~for the Planning Con~tssJon's consideration initiating a joint application. Use Permit 84-[ ts presently under consideration for thts project. RECOI~NDATIOR Adopt Resolution No. 2[37 whtch Initiates the zone change for. 1'736[ McFadden Avenue. Respectfully yours, Associate Planner MAC: dmt Community Development Department February 1, 1984 Mr. A. G. Warren, Senior Planner Department of Community Development City of Tustin 300 Centennial Way Tustin, California 92680 Dear Alan: I, as the owner of the property at 17361 McFadden Avenue, Parcel Number 402-331-15, would like to request that the city of Tustin change the zoning on this property to C-1. This would make it consistent with the adjacent property at 14311 Newport Avenue, which I also own. I would appreciate it if~this were to be done as expedi- tiously as possible so that we could then present a building design to the Planning Commission which would utilize that property. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Ma~y~Anne Barker 14441 Acacia Drive Tustin CA 92680 RECEIVED 6 7 8 9 10 12 13 '14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 RESOLUTION NO. 2137 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN PLANNING COMMISSION INITIATING A JOINT APPLICATION FOR A ZONE CHANGE FOR 17361 McFADDEN AVENUE The Planntng Commission of the Ctty of Tusttn does hereby resolve as follows: 1. The Planning Commission finds and determines: a) b) c) That the Land Use Element of the Tustin Area General Plan designates the area known as 17361 McFadden Avenue as commercial. That the provisions of the Planning and 'Zoning Act require that city zoning ordinances be consistent with the general plan of the city. That the owner of the property, Mary Ellen ' Barker has requested a zone change, to bring the zoning into conformance with the General Plan. The Planning Commission hereby on its own motion, joins in the application of the owner and authorizes staff to advertise a public hearing for the next available agenda. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Planning Commission held on the 13rd day of February, 1984. CHAIRMAN OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION PLANNING COMMISSION RECORDING SkCRETARY Departmental Status Report February 14, 1984 DEPARTMENT PROJECT STATUS - WEEK OF FEBRUARY 6, 1984 This report is intended to inform the Council and Commission of Community Development Department projects and their processing or construction status. Should any member of the Council or Commission desire further information, please contact me at your convenience. Applications for project approvals by the Planning Commission have been submitted for the following projects: a) Conversion of the mission style house at 1252 Irvine Blvd. for an office development. b) Modification of an industrial condominiumsite and subdivision of the property on Dow Avenue. c) Office building development at the northeast corner of Yorba Street and 17th Street in the Planned Community District. d) A re-submittal, by the Robert P. Warmington Co., of the residential condominium project at the southerly terminus of Newport Avenue. The City Council adopted (February 6, 1984) the amendment to the Subdivision Ordinance which authorizes a map for a two year period with a one year extension by the Planning Commission. San Juan and Orange Streets condominium project (26 units) is in the last phase of building construction and is nearing final sign off and release. AW:dmt Community Development Department ~A ~ A ~GUI.,AR t~rETING ~ TOSTXN'CITY COUNCIL February 6, 1984 7:00 P.M. 7:01 I. CALL TO ORDER/PLEDGE OF AlLEGIANCE/INVOCATION ALL I~I~NT II. ROLL C~L NOllE III. PUBLIC INPUT IV. PROCLAMATIONS PRESENTED 'fO IMMRTHA HANNAH 1. COMMENDING MARTHA HANNAH NORDIN ON HER ACCOMPLISHMENTS- MOROZN V. PUBLIC HEARING IIITIUX)UCED ORDIllAII~£ 1. ZONING ORDINANCE AMENDMENT' NO. 83-4 MULTIPLE RESIDENTIAL NO. 906 WI'lit ~ ~J~T DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS TO TIlE ORDXI~ OF 1 GUEST ORDINANCE NO. go6 - An'Ordinance of the City Council of the City PARKXN6 ~A~ TO EVEiI~ 3 UIIXTS of Tusttn, California, AMENDING VARIOUS S~CTIONS OF THE TUSTIN CI.TY CODE CONCERNING MULTIPLE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL' DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION M. O. - That Ordinance No'. 906 have first reading by title only. M. O. - That Ordinance No. 906 ba introduced. VI. APPROVE~ ~PltOYE~) APPROVED STAFF RECO~[~ATIO~ ADOPll~D HESOLIEIOII NO. 84-16 CONSENT CALENDAR i. APPROVAL (Ilr MINUTI"S - January 16, 1984 P~ATIFICATION OF PAYROLL in the amount of $217,111.42 APPROVAL OF DEMANDS in the amount of $553,866.03 REMOVAL OF TREES ADJACENT TO TUSTIN HEADOWS PERIMETER WALL Authorize staff to notify the affected property owners and the Tustin Meadows Homeowner's Association of the tree removals and authorize the ~emoval of seven Jacaranda trees along Walnut Avenue between Red Hill Avenue and the railroad tracks.. RESOLUTION NO. 84o16 - A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Tusttn, California, REQUESTING AMENDMENT TO CATEGORY IV - TRANSIT OF THE ORANGE COUNTY TI~ANSPORTATION COMMISSION FIFTEEN-YEAR TRANSPORTATION INVESTMENT PLAN Adoption of Resolution No. 84-16 if this is the desire of the Council as recommended by the Director of Public Works/City Engineer. CITY COUNCIL ACTION AGENDA Page 1 2-6-84 _APPROVED STAFF tECOI~ENDAIION APPROVE)) STAFF ~ RECO~NOATZON APPROVED STAFF RECOMFE:NDATT ON ADOPTED RESOUfrIoN NO. 84-17 ADOPTED RESOLUTTON NO. 84-14 APPI~OYEI) STAFF REC~)ATIO~ Ag~l'~ ~SOLUTI~ NO. 84-15 APPROVE]) STAFF R£COIg~.NDATION 10. 11. 12. 13. REQUEST TO REPLACE VACANCY OF MAINTENANCE woRKER Authorize the replacement of the vacant Maintenance Worker posttton'wffthtn the Public Works Deparl3~ent as recommended by the.Director of Public Works/City £ngtneer. NOMINATION OF RUBY MAY FOR SECOND TERM AS A VOTING ~MBER OF THE ORANGE COUNTY SENIOR CITIZENS ADVISORY COUNCIL Direct staff to prepare a letter to the orange county Divi- sion,. League of Cities, recommending Ruby May for a second term as a voting member to the Orange County Senior Citizens Advisory Council; authorize the Mayor to sign this letter; and authorize and encourage Council members to voice their support for M~s. May to appropriate League officials as ~ecommended by the Recreation Superintendent. PYROMUSICAL SHOW FOR 1984 FOURTH OF JULY CELEBRATION Authorize staff to execute a contract-with Pyro Spectaculars, Inc..for the 1984 p~q~u$tcal show as recommended by the Recreation Superintendent. RESOLUTION NO. 84-17 - A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Tustin, California, RELATING. TO THE COMPENSATION OF PART TIME EMPLOYEES OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN Adoption of Resolution No. 84-17 as recommended by the Direc- tor of Cmmunity and Administrative Services. RESOLUTION NO. 84-14 - A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Tustin, California, RELATING TO THE DESIGNATION OF MAN- AGE)lENT. AND CONFIDENTIAL EMPLOYEES Adoption of Resolution No. 84-14 as recommended by the Direc-. tot of Community and Administrative Services,, RESOLUTION NO. 84-18 - A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Tustin ACCEPTING WORKS OF IMPROVEMENT AND AUlliORIZlNG RECORDATION OI~ NOTICE OF COMPLETION (Storm Drain Improvements) Adoption of Resolution No. 84-18 and if no stop pa)ment notices are filed, authorize pa)merit of the final 10% reten- tion amount as recommended by the Engineering Department. AGREEMENTS WITH SANTA FE LAND IMPROVEMENT CO. AND J. L. WEBB REGARDING SPECIFIC PLAN AND Authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the two agreements. RESOLUTION NO. 84-15 - A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Tusttn, California, APPRQVING FINAL TRACT MAP NO. 11829 (SE corner of Irvine & Holt) Adoption of Resolution No. 84-15 as recommended by the *Community Development Department. MYFORD ROAD DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION AGREEMENT Authorize the Mayor to execute the Agreement between City of Irvine and City of Tustin for the design and construction of Myford Road between Mtc~elle Drive and the A.T. & S.~. Railroad right-of-way as recommended by the Director of Public Works/City Engineer. CITY COUNCIL ACTION. AGENDA Page 2 2-6-84 14. FIRST AMENDMENT TO dOINT STUDY AGREEMENT - PETERS CANYON SPECIFIC PLAN AND EAST TUSTIN SPECIFIC PLAN CONSULTING AGREEMENT: STANLEY R. HOFFMAN ASSOCIATES Authorize the Ma~or and City Clerk to execute the two subject agreements. NONE VII. ORDINANCES FOR INTRODUCTION - None VIII. ORDINANCES FOR ADOPTION ORDINANCE NO. 904 - An Ordinance of the City Counctl of the Clty of Tusttn, California, AMERDING SECTION 9361(d1 PREVIOUSLY ADOPTED BY ORDINANCE NO. 847 OF THE CITY OF TUSITH (Subdivision Map Act Amenment) CO#T~taJED · 2. ORDINANCE NO. 905 - An Ordinance of the Ctty of Tusttn, Call fornta, AMENDING THE FRANCHISE FOR A CABLE TELEVISION SYSTEM GRANTEO TO SIX STAR CABLEYISION OF TUSTIN, INC. AND APPROVING THE TRANSFER OF OWNERSHIP FROM SIX STAR CABLEYISION OF TUSTIN, IgC. TO UNITED CABLE OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA, LTl). Recommended to be continued. NONE IX. OLD BUSINESS - None X. NE~ BUSINESS APPROVED ~rAFF 1. EL CAMINO REAL CHAMPIONSHIP CHILI COOKOFF Authorize the following as recomended by the Recreation Supe~lntendeflt: l. Staff to ~ursue the development of a Championship Chili Cookoff in cooperation wtth the cookoff' advisory committee; 2. Designate the Assessment, Treatment and Service Center' as the charitable o~gani.zation recefvtng the funds ~a~sed from the event; and 3. Designate E1 Cam~no Real Street between Main Street and First Street as the locatton for the Chilt Cookoff. DIRECTEO STAFF TO PREPRI~ 2. AB 12 and S8 87 RESOUJTZO# IMICil gOULD ~¥E CITY Pleasure of the Council. OFFICIALS SAME P/GilTS OF TAX DEDUCTIONS AS STATE OFF'ICI,ALS EDGAR REQUESTED PmoRE 3. MID-YEAR BUDGET REVIEW INFORIIATIOII ~ A ¥OIIKSilOP ~ Adopt' the projected, amounts of both the Operations and SET FOR NONDAY, FEBRUARY [3TH AT Capital Impeovement Reports as the revised appropriation 7:00 P.M. levels for the balance of fiscal 'year [983-84 as recommended by the Finance Director. APPROVED STAFF RECOI~ATIOll 4. RESPONSE TO THE DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT: INTERSTATE S/ROUTE 55 INTERCHANGE IMPROVEMENT XI. RECEIVED MD FIlED REPORTS PLANNING COMMISSION ACTIONS - January 23, 198¢ All actions of the Planning Commission appealed by the City Council. are final unless CITY COUNCIL ACTION AGENDA Page 3 2-6-84 ~EC~IVED AN9 FILL~ e O.C.T.D. LAYOVER ZONE - FIRST STREET BETWEEN C~NTENNIAL WAY AND NEWPORT AVENUE Receive and file. ll[lCI¥B) ~ FIL[O 3. BULLET TRAIN LEGISLATION Receive and file. XlI. OTHER BUSINESS KEB£DY REPORTI~ gI~FFITI OM PRIYAT~ P~OI~R~ Ill ~ IX)MNTOeN ~c~. LLq~NOEOCER THAT ~TAFF Ill.OYeS ~RM'FITI ON PUBLIC ll~ROV~ENT~ ~'T ~ COULD CONTACT THE OeNERS OF Pl~pZErf AND ~ ~EX TO IIEXOV~ THE GItM'FITI. REPORT FOR 0£$I~# ~LrVI£¥ FOR lliE I[I~EI. OP~:NT ~ WILL B£ ON ~ Z-~1-84 ~NOAo 8:23 XlII. ADJOURNMENT - To the Redevelopment Agency meeting, thence to a Budget Workshop on February 13th at 7:00 p.m., and thence to the next regular meeting on Tuesday, February 21, 1984. ACTIOM. AI~tE)A OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE TUSTIM ~EDEVELOP~ AEENCY February 6, 1984 7:00 P.M. 8:23 1. CALL TO OP, DER ~LL P~EMT 2. ROLL CALL APPROVED 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES- January 16, 1984 APPROVED 4. APPROVAL OF DEMANDS In the a~ount of $184,729.87. ADOPTED 5. RESOLUTION NO. RDA 84-4 - A Resolution of the Community Redevelopment Agency RESOLUTIOll NO. of the City of Tusttn, California, APPROVING THE DESIGN OF A 18,600 SQUARE ROA 84-4. FOOT OFFICE BUILDING AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF IRVINE BOULEVARD AND YORBA KENNEDY HAS NM) STREET COI~LAINTS ABOUT SUM Approval of the development plan as provided in Section 3*24 of the REFLECTIONS FROM ll(E OLASS Town Center Area Redevelopment Project by the adoption of Resolution IN BUILDII~ NO. I OF llJIS No. RDA 84-4 aS recommended by the ~ommuntty Development Department. DEVELOP£R. ADOPTED 6. RESOLUTION NO. RDA 84-3 - A Resolution of the Communtty'Redevelopment Agency RESOLUTION NO. of the City of Tustin, California, APPROVING THE MODIFICATION OF THE DESIGN RDA 84-3 OF AN OFFICE BUILDING FROM WHAT WAS PREVIOUSLY APPROVED BY VARIANCE 83-9 AND STAFF WILL G4EC)~ RESOLUTION NO. RDA 83-8 FOR 14772 PLAZA DRIVE REDEVEL~ME)IT AGENCY PLAN Adoption of Resolution No. RDA 84-3 as recommended by the C~,,,,unity REGARDING COLORS. Development Department. SALT.IUIELLI ASKED IF ~ {'RD {-MID AMY COP, RESPONOEMCE ~ ~LBERTSUNS REGAJiOING mEIR PROPOSED CONVERSIOII TO A LIOUOR BARM. STAFF RESEED iRT ii: It~VE NOT. 8:42 7. ADJOURNMENT - To the next Regular Meeting on Tuesday, February 21, 1984. CITY COUNCIL ACTION AGENDA Page 4 2-6-84