HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC 11 SANTA FE LAND IMP 02-6-84CONSENT CALENDAR NO. 11 2-6-84 AGENDA ITEN: AGREENE#TS #ITH SANTA FE LAND RE~,~RI)II~ ~ECIFIC PLAN AND EIR [fqPROVEIIENT CO. AND ,1. L. MEBB BACKGROUND: These agreements are with the Santa Fe Land Improvement Co. and J. L. Webb Planning regarding Specific Plan and Focused EIR for land in the industrial area of Red Hill Avenue and Edinger Avenue. On October 5, 1983, the City Council affirmed the Planning Commissi6n action by requiring a specific plan for' development of all properties bounded by Red Hill Avenue, the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe rail lines, the 55 Freeway and Valencia Avenue. RECOI,I~:NDATI~#: Authorize the Mawr and City Clerk to execute subject agreements. AGREEMENT SANTA FE LAND IMPROVEMENT COMPANY SPECIFIC PLAN AND ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT t THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into this %& day of ~ , 198 4 by and between the CITY ~ TUSTIN, a mun~{cipal %orporation (hereinafter "City") and SANTA FE LAND IMPROVEMENT COMPANY, a corporation, (hereinafter "Owner") as follows: WI TN ES SETH: WHEREAS, City and Owner desire to have a Specific Plan and Focused Environmental Impact Report prepared for certain properties of Owner located in the City of Tustin described and shown on Attachment A to Exhibit "A" (Request for Proposals dated November 17, 1983) attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference as though set forth in full hereat (the "Property"); and WHEREAS, City proposes to enter into an Agreement with J. L. Webb doing business as J. L. Webb Planning for the preparation of a Specific Plan and Focused Environmental Impact Report, a copy of which said Agreement is attached hereto marked Exhibit #A" and incorporated herein as though set forth in full heareat; and WHEREAS, in recognition of the value to Owner of the services prescribed in the aforesaid Agreement to be performed by J. L. Webb, Owner is willing to pay the costs thereof to City, provided that the terms and conditions of this Agreement are complied with and performed, NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of mutual contained herein, the parties hereto agree as follows: promises 1. City will make and enter into a contract with J. L. Webb in the form set forth in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. 2. Owner will, upon execution of this Agreement, deposit with City the sum of Twenty-three Thousand Seven Hundred Fifty Dollars ($23,750.00) which City shall be entitled and empowered to pay to J. L. Webb for the performance of the services pre- scribed in Exhibit "A" and at the times and in the manner pre- scribed therein. City agrees that the total liability of Owner which may arise from this Agreement shall not exceed Twenty-three Thousand Seven Hundred Fifty Dollars ($23,750.00) and Owner shall not be obligated to pay for any increase in the costs of said services unless otherwise agreed in writing by Owner and City in advance. If City in its judgment determines that Consultant is not fulfilling its contractual obligations, City may take any and all actions it deems appropriate to insure performance by Consultant, including discharge of Consultant. In the event that City in the exercise of its reasonable judgment determines that Consultant is not performing its duties as prescribed in its contract, City may withhold payment to Consultant and in such event City shall advise Owner of such fact. City agrees to 'use all monies paid by Owner to City pursuant Go this Agreement for payment to Consultant in satisfaction of the City's obligations to Consultant as prescribed in said Agreement and any funds of Owner delivered to City but not utilized in satisfaction of City's obligations to Consultant as set forth herein shall be repaid by City to Owner. 3. Owner and City may terminate this Agreement upon mutual written consent to termination. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Agreement was executed by the parties on the day and year first above written. CITY CITY OF TUSTIN, a municipal corporation ATTEST: By MAYOR CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM: JGR:cj$:D:12/29/83(49) JGR:cjs:R:12/30/83(49) OWNER SANTA FE LAND IMPROVEMENT COMPANY, a corporation Exh~ b'i t. "A" SANTA FE LAND IHPROVEMENT COMPANY PROPERTY SPECIFIC PLA~ AND FOCUSED ENVIRONHENTAL IHPACT REPORT THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into this __ day of , 198 by and between the CITY OF TUSTIN, a municipal corporation (hereinafter "City") and J. L. WEBB doing business under the name and style of J. L. WEBB PLANNING (here- inafter "Consultant"). WI TN E S SETH: WHEREAS, City desires to e~ploy Consultant to prepare and furnish to City a Specific Plan and a Focused Environmental Impact Report ("EIR") for the parcels of property owned by the Santa Fe Land Improvement Company and described in the "Request for Proposal" dated November 17, 1983, issued by City, a'coPy of which is attached hereto and marked Exhibit "A", incorporated herein by this reference as if set forth in full hereat (the "Project"); and WHEREAS, Consultant has indicated its willingness to furnish services to City and has submitted to City its proposal dated November 30, '1983 (the "Proposal"), a copy of which is attached hereto, marked Exhibit "B" by this reference incorporated herein as though set forth in full hereat. NOW, THEREFORE, City agrees to employ and does hereby employ Consultant to provide each, every and all the services specified in the aforesaid Request for Proposal and as specified in the Proposal, and City and Consultant in consideration of the mutual promises contained herein, agree as follows: 1. Consultant agrees to perform or to be responsible for the performance of each, every and all of the services and pro- ducts prescribed in the Request for Proposal and in the Proposal and will perform or be responSible for the performance of such servides and products within the time specified in the Request for Proposal and in the Proposal, subject only to such exceptions and/or extensions as may be granted in advance, in writing by the Community Development Director. 2. Consultant will be.paid an amount not to exceed Twenty- three Thousand Seven Hundred Fifty Dollars ($23,750.00) based on time, materials and expenses required to complete the Project, with the amounts possibly less than Twenty-three Thousand Seven Hundred Fifty Dollars ($23,750.00) as described more fully in VI. Schedule and Costs of the proposal. 3. City and Consultant further agree to the following conditions: a. City, by notifying Consultant in writing, shall Ce fo he have the right to terminate any or all of the services and work covered by this Agreement at any time. Consultant agrees that it shall proceed immediately and diligently to perform the services provided for in this Agreement upon receipt of notice from City to proceed therewith. The terms and provisions of this Agreement shall extend to and be binding upon and'inure to the benefit of the heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns of the respective parties hereto. Consultant shall perform the services hereunder as an independent contractor and under no circumstances or conditions shall Consultant and/or any of its agents, servants or employees be considered as an employee or agent of City. Consultant shall perform all services required under this Agreement in a careful, diligent and professional manner and shall be responsible for all errors and ommissions for services performed by him or for which he is responsible, under the terms of this Agreement, and shall indemnify, defend and save City harmless for.any loss as a result thereof, including, but not limited to, the cost of a legal defense. Consultant shall carry and pay for such compensation insurance as is necessary to fully protect Consultant and its employees under California Workers' Compensation Insurance and Safety Laws, to relieve City from all responsibility under said laws in connection with the performance of this Agreement, and upon the execution of this Agreement shall file with City a certificate certifying to said protection. Consultant certifies that there shall be no discrimination against any employee who is employed in the work covered by this Agreement or against any application for such employment because of race, religion, color, sex, or national origin, and such non-discrimination shall include, but not be limited to, the following: employment, upgrading, demotion or transfer, recruitment or recruitment advertising, layoff or termination, rates of pay or other forms of compensation, and slection for training, including apprenticeship. Consultant shall provide City monthly with a detailed itemization of all work performed, time spent, and the fees, costs and charges accrued thereon, in complete and sufficient detail to fully apprise City thereof. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Agreement was executed by the parties on the day and year first above written. CITY CITY OF TUSTIN, a municipal corporation By MAYOR ATTEST: CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM: JAMES G. ROURKE CITY ATTORNEY CONSULTANT J. L. WEBB, doing business under the name and style of J. L. WEBB PLANNING JGR:cjs:D:12/29/83(48) JGR:cjs:R:12/30/83(48) By J. L. WEBB Nove~er 17, 1983 Department of Community De~lopr~nt Larry Webb a. L. Webb 'Planning - ~4751 Plaza Drive, Suite M Tusttn, California 92680 Subject: Santa Fe/Edtnger Specific Plan No. 7 Dear Mr. Webb: The City of Tusttn, in cooperation with the Santa Fe Land Improvement Company is seeking a qualified firm/individual to prepare a specific plan and focused environmental impact report for the area identified on the enclosed mp (Attachment A).. The Santa Fe Land Improvement Company represents the major land owner of remaining vacant parcels within this industrially zoned area of Tusttn. The pbrpose of this plan is to identify 'land use opportunities and adopt development standards thereby providing consistency of physical development. The area presently is not regulated by Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions or The )rvtne Company Planned Community Zoning. The City and Santa Fe Land Improvement Company desire a document containing alternative land use suggestions based upon marketability of individual parcels. Each proposal Should contain the following: 1. Experience: Consultant should show applicable experience with a description of similar projects completed and emphasis if projects were limited. 2. Cost: A not-to-exceed cost based on time, materials and expenses to complete the project. - 3. Approach: A description of the approach the consultant will take to complete designated tasks. A consultant may elaborate on or revise'tasks. Each proposal will be reviewed by a designated City staff member and a representative of the Santa Fe Land Improvement Company who will approve the final selection. In reviewing your proposal, staff will use the attached criteria (Attachment B). 300 Centenn~l ~a~ · T~stin, Californ~ 92680 * (714} 54&8890 Exhibit "A" to Agreement Spectfc Plan No~ 7 November 17, 1983 Page 2 Both City staff and the land owner expect preparation of concise usable documents at a reasonable cost. Graphics should be utilized where ever possible to detail site development standards for landscaping, uniform signing criteria and examples of structural construction materials. Three (3) copies of your proposal are to be delivered no later than 5:00 p.m., November 23, 1983 at the following location: City of Tusttn Community Development Department 300 Centennial Way Tustln, CA 92680 If you have any questions regarding the content of this request for proposal, contact Mary Ann Chamberlain at (714) 544-8890. Sincerely, Associate Planner Attachments: A - Map B - Scope of Work II. III. Attachment B Santa Fe/Edlnger Sl~ectftc Plan SCOPE OF t~ORK I#1'ROOU~I~ The City of Tusttn and the Santa Fe Land Improvement Company h=ve inJtiated preparation of a specific plan for approximately 100 + acres tn an industrial area bounded on the west by the Costa Mes~ Freeway, on the north by Edtnger Avenue, on the east by Red Hill A.venue and on the south by Valencia Avenue. This pro~ect contract covers 55 acres of undeveloped property owned by the Santa Fe Land Improvement Company within the 100~ acre area. This specific plan contract is 1trotted to only those parcels owned by the Santa Fe Land Improvement Company because this project is being funded by the Company under the supervision of the Con~aunity Development Department of the City of Tusttn. City staff will then uttltze the material submitted from this contract tn the preparation of an overall plan for the area bounded by the Costa Mesa Freeway, £dtnger Avenue, Red Htll Avenue and Va]encta Avenue. Preparation of a spectfic plan and accompanying EIR are betng required by the Santa Fe Land Improvement Company to establish anticipated land' uses and developnent criteria for.their remaining vacant parcels. The specific plan will generally establish designated land uses, site development criteria for l~ndscaptng and signing, architectural development gut.dellnes and project public improvements to accommodate traffic generation. ISSUES The project area ts subject to issues as 11sted below which should be addressed in the plan. Intensity and location of industrial (manufacturing) and warehousing development versus research and development and office uses. Potential for commercial retail-oriented development along Red H~ll Avenue and £dtnger Avenue vacant frontage properties. 3. Access problems to vacant sites along the Costa Mesa Freeway including proposed auto center or commercial users. PROdECT CON*rEEl' This study should result In a specific plan (in conformence with Government Code 65450 et. seq.) for Santa Fe 'Land's property. A focused environmental impact report shall be prepared and submitted analyzing the alternatives and recommendations within the Specific Plan. Scope of ~ork -2- Scope of Work The Specific Plan Shall address the following: Pa~Ome - Regtoaal a~Commuatty Back,round C, De REGIONAL SEI'KING (To include surrounding land uses) COHHUNII~( SE1TING (To include land uses and market data) ISSUES, CONSTRAINTS AND OPPORTUNITIES OF THE PLAN (This section could include but is not limited to land use compatibility, circulation, transit, flooding) Par~T~o - Industrial Area Oevelopment Potential GOALS AND OBJECTIVES OF TI~E LAND OWNER AND CITY (Identify both interests of land owner and City) LAND USE PLAN ALTERNATIVES (Identify present zone alternatives and propose the optimum industrial and/or commercial plan based upon marketability and benefit to both .land owner and City)' 'CIRCULATION ANO ACCESS (Identify impacts upon existing circulation system, anticipated' access points to properties and policies for development) SPECIFIC PROJECT DESIGN (Identify constraints created by public services such as flood control, utilities and public protection) Part Thrme-OevelopmentStamlard Guidelines INTROOUCTION PROJECTED LANO USE TYPES PHYSICAL DEVELOPMENT STANDAROS General Provisions Minimum Parcel Size Setback Requirements Landscape Requirements Parking Requirements Rail Service S~andards Performance Standards URBAN DESIGN Architectural and Design Open Space Scope of Work Scope of Work Part, Four - Focused EIR Con'tents INTRODUCTION FOCUSED ENVIRONMENTAL SETTING AND IMPACTS IN THE FOLLOWING AREAS RESULTING FRON RECOMMENOED ALTERNATIVE LANO USES -' COULO INCLUDE BUT IS NOT LIMITED TO: Traffic and Circulation Public Utilities Rat1 Service Access and Switching MITIGATION MEASURES CONCERNING IMPACTS OF ALTERNATIVES LAND USES RECOI~qENOEO IN THE SPECIFIC PLAN Clostng Co~en~ Concerning the Scope of ~ Community Development staff wtll process the completad specific plan through the City Planntng Commission and City Council. However, consultant will be expected to attend the following meetings: [. one with staff and owner; 2. one with Planning Commission; and · 3. one with City Council. ~. Community Development staff will prepare notices and circulate the focused environmental impact report. Consultant will be expected to address any response to comments from circulation of the' Draft EIR and submit for City review. Consultant will again be expected to attend the meetings previously described to also address the environmental impact report. Consultant is expected to work closely with Santa Fe Land Improvement Company employees to develop a plan acceptable to their company while addressing City concerns. City staff will also be available to answer questions and provide base data documents deemed necessary by the consultant. 'cO Exhibit% ''~''' of Exhibit% ''~-'' November 30, 1983 Mary Ann Chamberlain Associate Planner City of Tustin 300 Centennial, Way Tustin, CA 92680 Dear Mary Ann: We are pleased to. submit this Proposal to prepare the Specific. Plan and Focused .Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for the par- cels owned by the Santa Fa Land Improvement Compan'y and described in the "Request for Proposal" dated November 17, 1983. Utilizing the outline' identified in the "Request for Proposal",, we propose the following Scope of Work. sCOPE OF WORK' I. INTRODUCTION J.L. Webb Planning has assembled a team which, under our direction, will address the land use potential, the development criteria and performance standards which will not only serve the Specific Plan Properties but will provide the City Staff with guidelines for the associated parcels adjacent to the study area. J.L. Webb Planning will coordinate and document both the Specific Plan and the Focused E.I.R. Throughout the project, Larry Webb will coordinate the work of the traffic consultants, .Austin & Associates, and the marketing consultants, Alfred Gobar & Associates,Inc. and will provide communication to the City Staff and Landowner. II. ISSUES The project team will expand upon the issues related to the study area subsequent to the collection of back- ground information and the intial meeting with the Landowner and the City Staff. These issues will include the following. '- Exhibit "B" to Exhibit "A" of Exhibit "A" -Intensity of loc~tion of industr±al (ma'nufacturing) and warehousin8 development versus research and development and office uses. Potential for commercial retail-oriented development along Redhill Avenue and Edinger Avenue vacant frontage properties. Access problems =o vacant sites-along the Costa Mesa Freewayincludin8 proposed auto center or commercial users. III. SPECIFIC PLAN'AND FOCUSED EIR/PROJECT CONTENT The purpose of ~he Specific Plan will b~. to provide a framework for appropriate land uses, site development sta%daxds,,landscaping and street furni.shings, archi- tec~rel character, height limitations and set- back criteria and to project the necessary traffic and .cir~ culation requirements to implement the Specific Plan. This study will result in a Specific Plan (in conformance with Government Code 65&50 et. seq.) for Santa Fe Land's property. A Focused Ehvironmental Impact Report shall be prepared and submitted analyzing the alternatives and recommendations within the Spe- cific Plan· We will rely on existin$ information to be provided by the City regarding enSineeri.ng and infre- str'uctur~ items i~cluding a Hydrology Study co,pi.ted for'this a~ea. -We will also utilize the Base Maps ~ supplied by the City or-Landowner for this area. From our study the Specific Plan will address, the following: REGIONAL AND. COMMUNITY BACIGROUND The tasks necessary in this step will include the identification of the re$ioaal set=in8 and the surrounding land uses, along with Oppor.tunities · and Constraints. e Regional Setting The project team will identify the regional setting both in text and on maps at an appro- priat~ scale. Community Settiu8 We will focus our efforts on the community setting by mappin8 and describin8 the study areas current land uses and market data. We will also address the area surrounding ~he study area with regard, to its land use 'and reflect the market data provided by Alfred ~o~ar Associates, Inc. Issues, Constraints And Opportunities Of The Plan Following the regional an~ community back- sround~ tasks we will meet with the Land- owner, City Staff and Project Team to confirm the preliminary Opportunities and Constraints related to land uae compatibility, cimcula- tion, transit, and flooding. Following this step, we will complete our documentation of the Opportunities and Constraints which will be utilized in evaluating the subsequent alternative plans. B. INDUSTRIAL AREA DEVELOPMENT POTENTIAL In this step we will document the Goals and Objectives of the City and the Landowner and will utilize that information in our eva~uation of. existing zoning relative to alternative land uses. We will demonstrate and reflect upon the optimum land use alternatives utilizing both industrial and commercial land uses. .We will analyze the marketability, and impacts to the circulation system resulting from the various alternatives. These ~aSks described above will support the specific'project design and also enable the pro-. ject team to. begin developing a framework [or the items'related to the Focused E.I.R. The following ,are the specific tasks in this step: 1. Goals And Objectives Of The Landowner And City We will meet with the City and Landowner as necessary to establish and incorporate their respective goals and objectives 2. Land Use Plan Alternatives The project team will develop and evaluate alternaCiv~ land use plans, including alternatives reflecting the current zoning.. The alternatives will propose optimum commercial and/or industrial buildout predicated on the Opportunties, Constraints, Goals and Objectives. Alfred Gobar Associates,Inc. will complete a report describing their perceptions of the. marketability of absorption, potential in the site area for office space, industrial space, research and development space and will ideut'i£y the particular retail categories that appear to offer a development potentialJ Once having generated the alternatives, ~e will provide a comparison matrix. This matrix will summarize the alternatives and will reflect the final evaluation criteria derived from the preceedin$ steps. Circulation And Access As a s'pecific task of*our work, the team will identify impacts upon existing circulation and project requirements to provide access to the various parcels. Additionally, the team will establish specific policies for develop- mens related to traffic and circulation. This work will be carried out by Austin & Asso- ciates to support the preparation of the Specific Plan and focused E.I.R. and will include: Project setting -There will be a de- scription of existing and future traf- fic volumes, local and regional traffic .iseues, potential defictpmcle$. be Impact evaluation - There will be. an ev&luatton o£ tra£ftc generai~on and potential impacts on the surrounding street system of alternative land use plans. Traffic report and presentation - There will be a. preparation of appropriate text and dra£t graphic material for incorporation into the traffic report' section of the The analysts will be carried ouc for ultimate conditions as represented by general plan buildout. Data used in the analysis will be taken from the City of Tustin Traffic Study currently being carried out by Austin & Assoc. Specific Project Design The specific project design will proceed 'following a meeting with the City Staff, LandoWner and the Projec~ Team. As the pre- ferred Plan is selected, the project team will focus on the cons~raits created by the preferred Plan. An example of those areas would be public services, £1ood control, utilities, and public protection° STANDARDS AND GUIDELINES The preferred Plan and development criteria will be derived from a summary meetin$ with the City and Landowner. The preferred Plan will be refined and subsequent specific development criteria will be generated. The following describes the ap- proach and products related to this step. Projected ~and Use Types We will map, statistically summarize and describe the projected land use types. 2. Physical Development Standards, Our approach will be aimed at providing, the mos~ flexible and responsiv~ set of Specific Plan guidelines, while setting forth' the specific criteria. The development s:andarSs will address but are no: limited ko the fol- .lowing lis~. These items will be depicted in sections, plans and sketches, if 'appropriate. a. General Provisions b. Minimum Parcel Size Setback Requirements d. Landscape Requirements e. 'Parking Requiremen:s f. Rail Service Standards $., Performance Standards 3. Urban Design Urban Design will be addressed in the Specific Plan. We will specify architec~ural design character, setback cri- teria, standards for landscaping, uniform signin~ criteria, examples of structural cons:ruction ma:.rials and heigh~ limita- tions. ~e will also iden:ify open space requirements ~or individual land uses. This section will also incorporate the necessary plans, sections, and sketches :o illustrate the desired urban design concept. IV. FOCUSED E.I.R.-CONTENTS The-Focused E.I.E. will be developed in conjuction with the Specific Plan.. The purpose of this s~ep will be to derive sa objective set of criteria which will act as a measure for the suggested alternatives proposed in the Specific Plan. The Focused E.I.R. will respond to the preferred Plan and the following catergories with regard to impacts. 1. Traffic and Circulation Public Utiiities 3, Rail Service. Access and Service Additional catergories may be ~ecognized by the City. Staff following completion of the require~ "Environmental Check List". We will then work with the City to properl7 cover items identified within the Focused E.I.R. If extensive additional items are identified, it may be necessary t9 expand the Scope of Work and the contract amount to Complete th~se items. However,, we will endeavor to complete those items within the proposed budmet, if possible. : COMMENTS O~N SCOPE OF WORK The Scope of Work assumes'that the Community Development Staf. f will process the completed Specific Plan through the City Planning Commission and the City Council. We will attend the fo.llowing meetings: A. One with City Staff and Landowner B. One with Planning Commission C. One with City Council We will address and respond to comments following cirulation of the Draft E.I.R. Throughout this Project, we Will work closely with the Santa Fe Land Improvement Company and the City Staff to ensure an acceptable plan which addresses City concerns. EXPERIENCE ' With this Proposal we have attached Resumes and infor- mation which shows applicable experience and de. scrip- tions of similar projects of J.Lo Webb Planning, Austin & Associa.tes and Alfred Gobar Associates, Inc. VI. SCHEDULE AND COSTS We project that the Specifi~ Plan and the Focused E.I.R. could be completed within ten (10) working weeks from the initiation of the Project. We-propose. to complete the above described Scope of Work for a cost not to exceed $23,7§0 baaed on time, materials and expenses requiread to complete'the Project. However, there may. be cost savings in several areas swch as the ex~ent and amount of background research required. Additionally, the "Response to Comments" and the items covered in the Focused E.I.R. · could reduce the not-to-exceed cost by approximately $3000. The.above. cost includes.twenty-five (25) copies .and a reproducible-copy of the Specific Plan and Focused We assure you that we will work closely with you and'the Land- owner to be flexible in.providing concise, asable documents. We believe that our working .relationship with'the City of Tustin · on the East Tustin Specific Plan will be a benefit in our. · understanding of the concerns and issues within the City.. Our efforts will enable the City Staff to expand the Specific Plan information to cover the associated parcels' in the vicinity. Thank you for the opportunity to once again work with the City of Tuetin. yours, December 13, 1983 MR. DON LAMM Director of Communi:y ~evelopment City of Tustin 300 Centennial Way Tustin, CA 92680 Dear Don: i was pleased to meet with you and the Santa Fe Land Develop~ ment Company Representatives today to clarify our Scope of Work for the Santa Fe/Edin.$er Specific Plan No. 7. Baaed on discussions in this meetin$, it will not be necessary to specify architectural desisn character or examples of struc- tural construction materials as discussed in the "Urban Design", Section 3 on page 5, of our Proposal. In addition, it was determined that the San're Fe Land Develop- me~t Company will review preliminary pro.sram proposals for land use and will 'provide this input at the onBet of our work. which is expected after the first of the year. I asain wish to emphasize our willingness to be flexible and to incorporate savings wherever possible in the Project. In this resard, we have identified the projec~ maximum for this work to be $23,750 which will be ba~ed on a time and materials basis. Any savinss would bm refunded to the Santa Fe Land Development Company by the City of Tustin. I look forward to workin$ with you on this exciting and chal- len$ing Project. I will call you on Wednesday, December 28, 1983 regardin$ the status of this Project and to schedule meetinss to initiate the work. If you have any questions or need additional information, please call. · ~ ResX~ectfully yours, '3: w~'~jkam A. Budge