HomeMy WebLinkAboutRPT 1 P.C. ACT AGENDA 02-06-84llJS'FIN PLANNING CO)~IZSSIOM ACTION AGENDA FOR REGULAR'MEETING January 23, 1984 7:30 p.m. REPORTS NO. 1 2-6-84 CALL TO ORDER 7:30 P.M., CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE/INVOCATION ROLL CALL AINSLIE, PUCKETT, WEIL, WHITE, SHARP APPROVAL OF HXNUTES FOR MEETING HELD January 9, 1984 Approved as submitted. PUBLIC CONCERNS (limited to 3 minutes per person-for items not on the agenda) IF YOU WISH TO SPEAK TO THE COMMISSION ON A SUBJECT, PLEASE FILL OUT THE CARDS LOCATED ON THE SPEAKER'S TABLE. ALSO, PLEASE ~IVE YOUR FULL NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE RECORD None. CONSENT CALENDAR ALL MATTERS LISTED UNDER CONSENT CALENDAR ARE CONSIDERED ROUTINE AND WILL BE ENACTED BY ONE MOTION, THERE WILL BE NO SEPARATE DISCUSSION OF THESE ITEMS PRIOR TO THE TIME OF THE VOTING ON'THE MOTION UNLESS MEMBERS OF THE COMMISSION, STAFF OR PUBLIC REQUEST SPECIFIC ITEMS TO BE DISCUSSED AND/OR REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT CALENDAR FOR SEPARATE ACTION. 1. Resolution No. 2135 - 14662 Newport Avenue - Tustin Community Hospital Approved, 5-0. CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. ZONING ORDINANCE AMENDMENT NO. 83-4 Applicant: City of Tustin Request: Various changes to sections of the Zoning Ordinance (Tustin City Code) concerning Multiple-Family Residential Development ~ standards for new construction. Approved 4-1, White opposed. Planning Commission Actton Agenda January 23, 1984 Page 2 PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. USE PERMIT 84-1 Appplicant: Location: Request: Shelton Construction Company 14311 Newport Avenue and 17361 McFadden Avenue Authorization to construct a parking lot on an R-3 District lot and to vary from the arterial highway setback requirements and parking standards of the City to develop a 6,800 square foot retail commercial center Continued to next regular meeting on February 13, 1984. 1. AMENDMENT NO. 1 TO USE PERMIT 82-16 Applicant:. Location: Request: Communicom, Inc. 580 W. Sixth Street, Tustin Boys Club Authorization to install second receiving earth station and relocate an existing one on top of the Tustin Boy's Club building for cable television purposes. Continued to the next regular ~=ting on February 13, 1984. ADMINISll~ATIV[ MATTERS 1. Old Business A. Design Review 14772 Plaza Drive - Lewis Properties Receive and file. 2. New Business A. Design Review 15501 Red Avenue - Industrial Building Receive and file. Concern voiced regarding landscape setback on Valencia. B. Design Review Tustin Commercenter, Phase III Northwest Corner of Holt Avenue and Irvine Boulevard Receive and file. Planning Commission Action Agenda January 23, 1984 Page 3 C. Design Review 1382 Bell Avenue Receive and file. STAFF CONCERNS 1. Oepart~ental Status Repor~ Receive and file. 2. Report on Council Actions - ~anuary 16, 1983 Receive and file. COMMISSION CONCERNS ADJOURNMENT: At 9:23 p.m. to a tour of the East Tusttn Project area on February 4, lg84 at g:O0 a.m. and thence to the next regular meeting on February 13, 1984 at 7:30 p.m. TUSTIN PLANNING AGENDA FOR REGULAR MEETIk January 23~ 1984 7:30 p.m. CALL TO ORDER 7:30 P.M., CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE/INVOCATION ROLL CALL AINSLIE, PUCKETT, WEIL, WHITE, SHARP APPROVAL OF MINUTES FOR MEETING HELD January 9, 1984 PUBLIC CONCERNS (limited to 3 minutes per person for items not on the agenda) IF YOU WISH TO SPEAK TO lq~E COMMISSION ON A SUBJECT, PLEASE FILL OUT THE CARDS LOCATED ON THE SPEAKER'S TABLE. ALSO, PLEASE GIVE YOUR FULL NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE RECORD CONSENT CALENOAR ALL MATTERS LISTED UNDER CONSENT CALENDAR ARE CONSIDERED ROUTINE AND WILL BE ENACTED BY ONE MOTION. THERE WILL BE NO SEPARATE DISCUSSION OF THESE ITEMS PRIOR TO THE TIME OF THE VOTING ON THE MOTION UNLESS MEMBERS OF THE COMMISSION, STAFF OR PUBLIC REQUEST SPECIFIC ITEMS TO BE DISCUSSED AND/OR REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT CALENDAR FOR SEPARATE ACTION. 1. Resolution No. 2135 - 14662 Newport Avenue - Tustin Community Hospital CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. ZONING ORDINANCE AMENDMENT NO. 83-4 Applicant: City of Tustin Request: Various changes to sections of the Zoning Ordinance (Tustin City Code) concerning Multiple-Family Residential Development standards for new construction. Presentation: Donald D. Lamm, Director of Community Development PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. USE PERMIT 84-1 Appplicant: Location: Request: Shelton Construction Company 14311 Newport Avenue and 17361 McFadden Avenue Authorization to construct a parking lot on an R-3 District lot and to vary from the arterial highway setback requirements and parking standards of the City to develop a 6,800 square foot retail commercial center Presentation: Alan Warren, Senior Planner Planning Commiss: January 23, 1984 Page 2 Agenda 1. AMENDMENT NO. i TO USE PERMIT 82-16 Applicant: Communicom, Inc. Location: 580 W. Sixth Street, Tustin Boys Club Request: Authorization to install second receiving earth station and relocate an existing one on top of the Tustin Boy's Club building for cable television purposes. Presentation: Mary Ann Chamberlain, Associate Planner Recommendation: Continue to the next regular meeting on February 13, 1984. ADI~INIS'TRATIVE MATTERS 1. Old Business A. Design Review 14772 Plaza Drive - Lewis Properties Presentation: Jeff Davis, Assistant Planner 2. New Business A. Design Review 15501 Red Avenue - Industrial Building Presentation: Edward Knight, Associate Planner B. Design Review Tustin Commercenter, Phase III Northwest Corner of Holt Avenue and Irvine Boulevard Presentation: Alan Warren, Senior Planner C. Design Review 1382 Bell Avenue Presentation: Mary Ann Chamberlain, Associate Planner STAFF CONCERNS 1. Departmental Status Report Presentation: Alan G. Warren, Senior Planner 2. Report on Council Actions - January 16, 1983 Presentation: Donald D. Lamm, Director of Community Development COF~ISSIO# CONCERNS ADJOUR#HEIf~ To the next regular meeting on February 13, 1984. MINUTES QF A REGULAR HE£TIHG OF THE PLANNING COPllI$$ION OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA January 9, 1983 The meeting was called to order by Chairman Sharp at 7:33 p.m. fn the Counci] Chambers, 300 Centennia] Nay, Tustin, California. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Commissioner White and the Invocation was given by Commissioner Puckett. ROLL CALL Commissioners Present: Commissioners Absent: Also present: James B. Sharp, Chairman Rona]d Whfte, Chatrman-Pro Tem Mark Ainslie Charles Puckett Kathy Wet1 None Donald O. Lamm, Director of Community Development Alan Warren, Senior Planner Mary Ann Chamberlain, Associate Planner James Rourke, City Attorney Janet Hester, Recording Secretary MINUTES It was moved by Net], seconded b_y Puckett, to approve the minutes of the regular meeting held December 12, 1983 as submitted. Motion carried, 5-0. PUBLIC CONCERNS None. CONS£NTCALENDAR 1. Resolution No. 2133 - Use Permit 83-25: 1331 Garland Avenue Moved by Wetl, seconded by Atnslte, adoption of the Consent Calendar. Motion carried, 5-0. CONTINUED PUBLZC HEARINGS 1. USE PERMIT 83-22 Applicant: Location: Request: Robert Sender Sixth Street and E1Camino Real, E1Camtno Plaza Shopping Center. Authorization to develop an additional 4,000 square feet of retail building area to the E1Camino Plaza Shoppping Center After presentation of the staff report by Mary Ann Chamberlain, Chairman Sharp re-opened the public hearing at 7:38 p.m. Seeing no one wishing to speak, Chairman Sharp closed the publtc hearing at 7:39 p.m. Responding to questions from Commissioner Atnslie, Ms. Chamberlain replied that loading and unloading would most likely take place through the front doors. The back doors were required by the Fire Department. It was moved by Puckett, seconded by Wetl, approval of Use Permit 83-22 by the adoption of Resolution No. 2123. Commissioner Ainslie asked if the site plans presented at this meeting were final. Ms. Chamberlain replied they were. Motion carried, 5-0. PUBLZC I'[ARINGS 1. USE PERMIT 83-29 Applicant: Location: Request: Tustin Community Hospttal 14662 Newport Avenue Authorization to place 2,160 square feet of support office within a prefabricated modular structure at 14662 Newport Ave. Planntng Commission Minutes January 23, 1984 Page 2 'Senior Planner Alan Warren presented staff's report and recommendations. Commissioner Ainslie questioned if a precedent would be set by limiting the use of this type of building to five years. Mr. Warren replied it was common to limit the length of use to 1-3 years. This allowed time to plan for a more permanent, architectural compatible addition. Chairman Sharp expressed concern that one of the corridors was more than 30' in length yet allowed only one entrance/exit point. He felt Uniform Building Code regulations would require another exit. Ms. Chamberlain read from a letter from the Orange County Fire Marshal's office stating they had no comments on the project. Commissioner Puckett asked if the modular unit was lower than the present building. Mr. Warren replied it was. Commissioner Puckett asked if the applicant had considered adding a second story to the present building. Mr. Warren deferred to. the applicant. Chairman Sharp opened the public hearing at 7:54 p.m. The following person spoke in favor: Mr. Michael' Servais, Executive Director, Tusttn Community Hospital, stated the modular unit was lower than the building and the present land lease prohibited permanent additions to the facility unless ~the land was purchased. Responding to Commissioner Ainslie, Mr. Servais stated that the five-year limitation for use of the modular' structure would not pose a hardship. Responding to Commissioner White, Mr. Servats stated that a total of 375 parking spaces were presently provided; 275 on the hospital property and 101 at the adjoining medical complex. Chairman Sharp closed the public hearing a 8:00 p.m. It was moved by Wetl, seconded by Atnslte, approval of Use Permit 83-29 with the conditions of approval as contained in Exhibit "A" of staff's report dated January g, 1984. Chairman Sharp requested an amendment that the project be subject to approval of the State Fire Marshal. The maker of the motion and second agreed to the amendment. Motion carried, 5-0. 2. ZONING ORDINANCE AMENDMENT NO. 83-4 Appl t cant: Request: City of Tusttn Various changes to sections of the Zoning Ordinance (Tustin City Code) concerning Multiple-Family Residential Development standards for new construction Donald Lamm presented staff's report and recommendation to open the public hearing and continue to the next regular meeting on January 23, 1984. Chairman Sharp opened the public hearing at 8:05 p.m. Seeing no one wishing to speak, it was moved by Well, seconded by Atnslie, to continue the hearing to the next regular meeting on January 23, 1984. Motion carried, 5-0. AOMIN ISll)Jk?IV£ I~I')'ERS Old Business A. Review of Use Permit 82-22 Heritage House - 151N. Tustin Avenue Mary Ann Chamberlain presented staff's report. consent, the report was received and filed. By unanimous informal 2. New Business None. Planning Commission Minutes January 23, 1984 Page 3 STAFF ~O#CER#S 1. Departmental Status Report Received and filed. 2. Report on Council Actions Received and filed. 3. Bullet Train Status Report Received and filed. CO~ISSION The Comission directod staff to research re-organization of the Planning Commission with ~gard to election of a ~w Chairman and Chatr~n Pro Tem. The Comission directed s~ff to research methods of pro.ting ~re participation in Commission matters from the citizens of Tustin. Co~issioner Wetl infor~d the Co~ission of a meeting regarding the I S/SS interchange on January 12, ig84 at 7:30 p.m. at Tusttn High School. ADJOURNMENT: At 8:50 to the next regular meeting on January 23, 1984 James B. Sharp, Chairman Janet Hester Recording Secretary 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2O 21 22 113 25 26 27 28 RESOLUTION NO. 2135 CONSENT CALENDAR NO. I A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING CO~ISSION OF l~E CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING USE PERMIT NO. 83-29 AUTHORIZING ll4E INSTALLATION OF A 2,160 SQUARE FOOT MODULAR OFFICE UNIT ADDITION TO THE TUSTIN COMMUNITY HOSPITAL AT 14662 NEWPORT AVENUE The Planning Commission of the City of Tustin does hereby resolve as follows: I. The Planning Commission finds and determines as follows: A. That a proper application, (Use Permit 83-29) was filed by Michael Servais on behalf of Tustin Community Hospital requesting authorization to install a 2,160 square foot modular office unit addition to the hospital at 14662 Newport Avenue. B. That a public hearing was duly called, noticed and held on said application. C. That establishment, maintenance and operation of the use applied for will not, under the circumstances of this case, be detrimental t~ the health, safety, morals, comfort or general welfare of the persons residing or working in the neighborhood of such proposed use as evidenced by the following findings: 1. the use is in conformance with the Tusttn Area General Plan and with use and application procedures of the Zoning Code (Section 9245b). '~ 2. the installation of the unit shall conform to all regulations required by the Uniform Building Code, 1972 edition. 3. the architectural continuity of the existing building will be metntained in that the proposed addition will not be visible from public streets. D. That that establishment, maintenance and operation of the use applied for will not be injurious or detrimental to the property and improvements in the neighborhood of the subject property, nor to the general welfare of the City of Tustin as evidenced by compliance with the City's Zoning and Development standards. E. Proposed development shall be in accordance with the development policies adopted by the City Council, Uniform Building Codes as administered by the Building Official, Fire Code as administered by the Orange County Fire Marshal and street improvement requirements as administered by the City Engineer. F. A Negative Declaration of environmental impact for the subject site was previously approved in accordance with the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 25 26 27 Resolution No. 2135 Page 2 G. Final development plans shall require the review and approval of the Community Development Director. II. The Planning Commission hereby approves Use Permit 83-29 authorizing the installation of a 2,160 square foot modular office addition to the Tustin Community Hospital at 14662 Newport Avenue, subject to 'the following conditions: The use of a 2,160 square foot modular building shall be limited to five (5) years from date of approval of Use Permit 83-29. After five (5) years, the modular unit must be removed, and .if the office space is still required, a permanent structural addition to the existing facility shall be submitted to the City for approval. 2. Annexation to Orange County Lighting Maintenance District No. 6 is required. 3. Street lights as required by the City Engineer shall be installed. 4. If required pursuant to State law, the modular unit must be .reviewed and. approved by the State Fire Marshal's . office. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Tustin Planning Commission held on the day of , 1984 James B. Sharp, Chairman Janet Hester Recording Secretary 28 Report to the Planning Commission CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARING NO. 1 JANUARY 23, 1984 SUBJECT: Zoning Ordinance Amendment No. 83-4 APPLICANT: City of Tustin EMVIROMMENTAL STATUS: An application has been filed for a Negative Declaration of Environmental Impact Background The City Council, in August, 1983, appealed and considered a condominium project on Sycamore Avenue proposing a density of 32 units per acre with minimum parking provided in a subterranean garage. Resulting from this proposal, Council directed on September 6, 1983 that the Planning Commission proceed with studying multiple-family residential standards and recommend changes as necessary to the City Council. On October 24, 1983, the Planning Commission conducted its first study session at which staff presented its recommendations. Again on November 14, 1983, the subject was discussed further. Those recommendations specifically proposed an increase in requirements for off-street parking by including guest parking spaces for both apartments and condominiums, modifications to the method. of calculating requirements for open space, and reducing the R-3 multiple-residential district maximum development density. Discussion Pursuant to the Planning Commission's recommendations, attached to this transmittal is a proposed resolution specifically detailing various amendments to the R-2, R-3, R-4 and PD zone district development standards. Exhibit "A", attached, outlines the present zone development standards while Exhibit "B" outlines proposed changes. Specifically, the following proposal has been submitted: Density - reflecting Council and Commission desires, the R-3 zone density has been decreased from 34.81 units per acre to 24.89 units per acre which more realistically reflects existing development in the City. The reduction in density only applies to new construction for those few lots remaining to be developed. Stipulations have also been proposed which would permit reconstruction of units at their original density should they be destroyed due to fire or other unfortunate circumstance. This provision should satisfy Community Development Department Zoning Ordinance Amendment No. 83-4 January 23, 1984 Page 2 owners of existing apartment buildings and their lenders. The R-2, R-4 and PD density development standards appear to be reasonable and should not be amended at this time. Parking - A concern becoming more evident is the decreasing availability of on-street parking in areas of the community dominated by multiple-residential dwellings. Staff is proposing that guest parking be required in new multiple-residential developments at a minimum ratio of 1 parking space for each four.residential units. Height - Building height is also an area of concern in the Town Center Redevelopment Area. In particular, certain R-3 zoned lots, only fifty feet ($0') in width could be developed with forty-foot (40') high structures under present zoning regulations. Staff has recommended a modest reduction to a maximum of 35'. Staff will be prepared at the Commission meeting to discuss in greater detail Resolution No. 2136 implementing recommendations resulting from this five-month study. Recmmendation Approval, by adoption of Resolution No. 2136 of Zoning Ordinance Amendment No. 83-4 as submitted. Director of Community Development DDL:jh Attachments: Exhibit "A" Exhibit "B" Resolution No. 2136 ZONE P-D Condominiums/ Townhomes R-Z Duplexes/ Triplexes R-3 Apartments R-4 DENSITY No maximum (Determined by 50% open space 12.45 UPA 34.81 UPA 14.52 UPA ZONE DISTRICT COMPARISON CHART Present Oevelopeent Standards PARKING SPACES 1 covered 1 open 2 total i garage 1 your choice 2 total 2 your choice covered open 20 total EXHIBIT "A" MINIMUM OPEN SPACE 50% of lot area 50% of lot area 25% of lot area No requirement EXHIBIT "B" Proposed Development Standards Zoning Ordinance Amendment No. 83-4 ZONE P-D Condominiums/ Townhomes DENSITY (No Change) Determined by Open Space and Parking PARKING SPACES 2 assigned covered per unit 1 unassigned open guest per unit OPEN SPACE 400 sq.ft, in common recreation area or private patios on ground level R-2 Duplexes/ Triplexes (No Change) i unit per 3500 sq.ft. : 12.45 UPA 2 assigned per unit, one must be a garage i unassigned open guest per unit (No Change) 50% Open R-3 Apartments i unit per 1750 sq.ft. = 24.89 UPA 2 assigned covered per I unassigned open guest per 4 units 35% open R-4 (No Change) i unit per 3000 sq.ft. = 14.52 UPA 2 Assigned covered per unit 1 unassigned open guest per 4 units No requirement 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2O 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 RESOLUTION NO. 2136 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, RECOMMENDING TO THE CITY COUNCIL VARIOUS AMENDMENTS TO ARTICLE 9: LAND USE OF THE TUSTIN CITY CODE REGARDING MULTIPLE-FAMILY DISTRICT RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION The Planning Commission of the City of Tusttn does hereby resolve as follows: I. The Planning Commission finds and determines as follows: A. That at its meeting of September 6, 1983, the Tustin City Council reviewed a Planning Staff report regarding apartment/condominium development standards and the Ctty Council dtd direct the Planning Commission to study multiple-family zone regulations. B. That pursuant to Section 9295(f) of the Tustin City Code, when considering an amendment to the Zoning Ordinance (Article 9: Land Use of the Tustin City Code), the Planntng Commission shall conduct a public heartng, report findings thereof, and make a recommendation to the City Council. C. That a public hearing was duly noticed and held considering amendments to the PD, R-2, R-3, R-4 Districts establishing new development criteria for multiple-family projects. II. The Planning Commission hereby recommends to the City Council the following amendments to the City Code. I. Section g22496 "Maximum Lot Coverage" of the Tustin City Code is hereby amended to read as follows: 6. Open Space Requirement A minimum of 400 square feet of open space recreation area shall be provided per dwelling unit within a common designated recreation area. Private attached ground level patios may be credited toward the open space requirement if restricted to only permit covers open on three sides. In addition to the recreation area requirement, all structural setback areas, excluding driveways and walkways shall be landscaped. II. Section 922497 "Off-Street Parking" of the Tustin City Code is hereby amended to read as follows: 7. Off-Street Parking A minimum of two (2) assigned covered parking spaces shall be provided per unit. Additionally, one (1) unassigned open guest parking space shall be provided for every four (4) units. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 23 25 9,6 27 Resolution No. 2136 Page 2 III. IV. V. Section 922498 "Subdivision of Property Developed Under the District" of the Tustin City Code is hereby amended to read as follows: 8. Subdivision of Property Developed Under the District Upon co~letion of a property development in the P-D District, no portion of the property involved in said development shall be severed or sold, unless said severed parcel and the development thereon complies with all provisions set forth for the P-D District and is approved by the Director of Community Development prior to such subdivision. Section 9226al of the Tustin City Code is hereby amended to read as follows: All uses permitted in the R-2 District, subject to a use permit if required for the use in an R-2 District. (a) Maximum Height: 35 feet (b) Minimum Building Site Area: 7,000 square feet {c) Minimum Lot Width at Property Line: 70 feet (d) Maximum Lot Coverage: 65% (e) Minimum Landscape Open Space: 35% (f) Minimum Front Yard Setback: 15 feet (unless otherwise indicated on zoning maps) {g) Minimum Side Yard Setback: Corner Lot Line: 10 feet, Interior Lot Line: 5 feet (h) Minimum Rear Yard Setback: 10 feet {i) Minimum Lot Area Per Family Unit: 1,750 square feet (j) Off-street Parking: A minimum of two (2) assigned spaces shall be provided per unit; one of which shall be a garage space. Additionally, one (1) unassigned guest open space shall be provided for every four (4) units. Section g226a2 of the Tustin City Code is hereby amended to read as follows: Multiple Family Dwellings, Apartment Houses (a) Maximum Height: 35 feet (b) Minimum Building Site Area: 7,000 square feet {c) Minimum Lot Width at Property Line: 70 feet (d) Maximum Lot Coverage: 65% (e) Minimum Landscape Open Space: (f) Minimum Front Yard Setback: 15 feet (unless otherwise indicated on zoning maps) (g) Minimum Side Yard Setback: Corner Lot Line: 10 feet, Interior Lot Line: 5 feet 28 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2O 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 Resolution No. 2136 Page 3 (h) Minimum Rear Yard Setback: 10 feet (i) Minimum Lot Area Per Family Unit: 1,750 square feet (j) Off-street Parking: A minimum of two (2) assigned covered parking spaces shall be provided per unit. Additionally one (1) unassigned open guest parking space shall be provided for every four (4) units. VI. Section 9226b "Conditionally Permitted Uses and Development Standards" of the Tustin City Code is hereby amended to include the following: 6. Multiple Family Dwellings: Reconstruction/Replacement Multiple Family Dwellings damaged or destroyed due to catastrophic events may be reconstructed or replaced by new identical construction pursuant to the same development standards applied to the damaged or destroyed dwelling units. However, repair or replacement construction shall comply with all current building and fire code regulations. VII. Section 9228c7 of the Tustin City Code is hereby amended to read as follows: '7. Off-street parking: A minimum of two (2) assigned covered parking spaces shall be provided per unit. Additionally, one (1) unassigned open guest parking space shall be provided for every four (4) units. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Tustin Planning Commission held on the day of , 1984. James B. Sharp, Chairman Janet Hester, Recording Secretary 28 Report to the Planning Commission JANUARY 23, 1984 SUBJECT: APPLICANT: LOCATION: ZONE: Use Permit 84-1 Shelton Construction Company 14311 Newport Avenue and' 17361 McFadden Avenue Retail Commercial (Newport); Multiple-Family (McFadden) ENVIRONMENTAL STATUS: An application has been filed for a Negative Declaration of Environmental Impact REQUEST: Authorization to develop a parking lot on R-3 property in conjunction with a retail commercial shopping center on a C-1 Lot and to vary with the arterial highway and parking setback regulations. Background & Discussion The subject properties were originally developed as single-family residential projects under County jurisdiction. The properties were annexed into the City in 1976 and 1979. Currently there are two vacant single-family structures on the site. Discussion The applicant proposed the development of a 6,793 square foot retail commercial center at the northwest corner of Newport Avenue and McFadden Avenue. The parking accommodations are provided at a raio of 1/200 square feet for the first floor retail area and 1/300 square feet for the support office loft area. Vehicular access is by two driveways off of McFadden Avenue. The building is to be divided into six (6) tenant spaces with a total footprint area of 4,800 square feet. The application has been submitted pursuant to the following code provisions and development standards: a. Section 922364 authorizes uses of a residentially zoned property for uses as a parking lot where adjacent to a commercial district subject to use permit approval. Community Development Department Use Permit 84-1 January 23, 1984 Page 2 b. Section 9277u requires a 15' front and side yard setback from arterial highways (Newport and McFadden) Portions of four (4) parking spaces extend within the ultimate right-of-way line of McFadden Avenue. If the road were widened, these spaces would be lost and the project would be substandard in parking accommodation. The architecture is of a contemporary Spanish type with stucco walls, red tile roof, and wood trim. The parking area has been designed in accordance with the City's development standards. Development Xssues 1. The use of the adjacent R-3 lot is in keeping with the provision of the Zoning Code to allow for flexibility in the development of commercial sites. The R-3 property is adjacent to commercial properties on two (2) sides. The property should be zoned C-1 to consolidate the district regulations for the project. The properties should also be legally tied together so that one cannot be sold without the other. 2. The request to vary from the arterial setback requirements does have a precedent within the area. Variance 82-1 authorized the addition of a shopping center up to the future right-of-way line at a site on the south side of McFadden. The owner has incorporated, at staff's request, an off set in the first unit which brought it closer to the future and existing property lines. This effort was made to present a more aesthetic store front elevation on three sides of the unit. This feature has not, however, caused the need for the variance requested. Previous designs could not satisfy the setback requirement. 3. The parking spaces that extend into the future public right-of-way may never be lost. To widen McFadden would require the reconstruction of the 1-55 overcrossing which is not conceiveable in the near future. 4. The addition of the small center will add to the appearance of an important intersection and create a positive fiscal impact on the City by sales tax generation. Recomendatton Approval of Use Permit 84-1 with Conditions of Approval (Exhibit "A") and recommendation by the Commission to the City Council to initiate a zone change for the R-3 zoned parcel of the project. JAlan Warren Senior Planner Attachments: Development Review Summary Exhibit "A" Site Plan & Elevations DEVELOPMENT REVIEW SUMMARY Project: Location/District: Action: SHOPPING CENTER 14331 Newport Avenue/C-i; 17361 McFadden Avenue/R-3 USE PERMIT NO. 84-1 Building: Front Setback Side Setback Rear Setback Gross Square Footage Net Floor Square Footage Height Number of Stories Materials/Colors Lot Size Lot Coverage Parking: Number of Spaces Ratio (space/square footage) Percent of Compact Spaces Type Uses: Number of Public Notifications (Owners): Environmental Status * No Standard District Requirement Proposed 15'(Arterial Hwy) 15'(Hwy) & O' 5' (Residential) * * 35' 1 Staff and Commission Review 5,000 & 7,000 100% less parking and landscaping 24 and 6.7 1/200 Retail 1/300 Office 2O% 3' & 1/2' $, 6,795 sq.ft. 24' 1 plus · mezzanine Tile roof, Stucco, Wood lg,400 sq.ft. 24.7% Retail Commercial 31 1/219 22.7% open Retail Commercial N/A Application for Negative Declaration Conditions of Approval Use Permit 84-! 1. An automatic alarm system monitored by a UL listed central alarm station shall be provided. 2. Fire hydrants shall be provided, depending on existing locations and fire flow capabilities, as determined by the Orange County Fire Marshal. 3. A grading plan prepared by a state registered Civil Engineer shall be submitted to the Building Division for review and approval. 4. The applicant shall approve of a City initiate zone change for the parcel of land currently zoned R-3. 5. All vehicle movements to the site must be restricted to the following by use of on-site signing: a) right-turn ingress to the site; b) right-turn egress from the site. 6. A final grading plan is required and all public improvements shall be shown on the final site plan and grading plan and must be referenced with applicable City Standard Drawing Numbers. All utilities, fire hydrants, water meter, curbs, sidewalks, etc. that would affect proposed construction must be shown on the final site plan. 7. The dedication of an additional ten foot wide strip of land adjacent ~o Newport ~venue or the execution of an Irrevocable Offer of Dedication for same will be required. 8. Payment of East Orange County Water District fees will be required at the time a building permit is issued. 9. That a covenant shall be recorded prior to the issuance of a building permit which ties the two parcels together or pacels shall be joined by a recorded parcel map. 10. Continuous 6" concrete curbs shall be provided between landscape planters and parkings spaces and drive aisles. 11. All roof equipment and vents must be screened from view. 12. Landscape plans are required which shall include a planting plan and a complete irrigation plan which should indicate the following: a. point of connection b. back flow prevention device(s) c. location and types of valves d. location and sizes of piping e. sprinkler head types and locations 13. Separate permits are required for plumbing, electrical, grading, signing and any work performed within the public right-of-way. 14. All work within the public right-of-way will require a permit from the City of Tustin Engineering Department. '~BA¥ J,. Ill O d M ~ N -I NOI&VA~I~ ~,u~uJl~d~cI lu~u~dol~A~3 Xl!unuu ~uoD ~ aauu~Ld e3e[3ossv U~eLaeq~eq3 uu¥ '~86~ · S~ ~enaqej uo §u~3eea JeLnSaa ~xau eq~ 03 anu~uo3 pue 6u~aeaq 3~Lqnd aq3 uado uo~epuamo~a~ · ~sanbad Len~oe eq~ XLe~eanooe ~ou p~p s~eN u~sn£ eq~ u~ peaeedde qoLq~ uo~eo~ou LeSaL pue ~atu aq ~ou pLno~ sdeu~o X~dadodd ~o uo[~eO~J~%OU do~ euLLpeep eq% adojeaeql · e~eLdmoou~ aq m 'pe~mqns s~ 'uo~eo[Ldde aq~ peu[mde~ap ~a~^a~ uo ~ssnos ~G qnL3 sXo8 u~:~snl eq:~ :~o dot eq:~ :~o pue ~Laaq:~aou eq:~ uo saqs~p da~ (0'~) aA~ (g) om LLe~SUI ~dmex3 '~LLeO~ao6a~3 :SfllV~ qVIN3NNO~XAN3 ([~d) LeUO~n~[~suz ~ o~Lqnd :gN[NOZ ~aaa~S q~x~s '~ 089 :NOIl~Oq u~snl ~o ~3 :Al~3dO~d ~ 83~0 qnL3 s~o8 u~snl :~R~ JO ~3~0 moo ~unmo3 'ON ONIUV3H 3IqSnd uo!ss!tu u oD u!uu l l Report' to the Planning Commission OLD BUSINESS NO. I JANUARY 23, 1984 SUBJECT: Design Review, Building Elevation Modification APPLICANT: Lewis Properties, Inc. 507 E. First Street Tustin, California 92680 14772 Plaza Drive LOCATION: Background & Discussion Variance 83-9 authorizing the development of an office project at 14772 Plaza Drive was approved by the Planning Commission on November 28, 1983. Subsequently' the Redevelopment Agency approved the design of the proposed building on December 19, 1983. Action by the Redevelopment Agency is required on all projects within the area boundaries. After receiving all necessary approvals, construction documents were submitted to the Community Development Department for structural plan check. A review of the drawings indicated that the elevations submitted were slightly different from those viewed and approved by the Planning Commission and Redevelopment Agency. Therefore, the proposed modifications have been brough back to the Commission for review. Analysis The original elevations incorporated a pitched, dark gray wood shingle roof with a lighter gray stucco building. The top of the building would have been 29'6' high. The roof would have acted as a screen to obscure roof top mechanical equipment, and no additional screening devices would have been necessary. As submitted, the revised elevations call for a flat roof above the second floor, with a sloping metal roof from the second story down. The overall height of the building has been reduced to 28'10". A metal equipment screen will be utilized on top of the building to block the roof top equipment from view. The building materials to be used will still be a light gray stucco, and the metal roof will be a "Bristol Blue" with a matte finish. The applicant's architect will have a color board at the meeting for Commission review. The new design of the building departs from the residential characteristic of the original plan; however, even with the proposed alternative materials, the structure will still be a positive addition to the area and retain the general theme of the original design concept. Community Development Department Design Review, Building Elevation Modifications January 23, 1984 Page 2 Reco~mendatt on Receive and file. JSD:jh Attachments: Mylar Reductions of Original Elevations Full Size Drawing of Revised Elevations M D I ~.44,-1,i ( · ' I 0 0 ~mmZ. ,. 11"~" ~e' '--" M Report to the Planning Commission NEW BUSINESS NO. I JANUARY 23, 1984 SUBJECT: APPLICANT: LOCAT[ON: Site Plan Review - Speculative Industrial Building The Boureston Development Company 15501 Red Hill Avenue Background The subject site is a vacant parcel of approximately 2.45 acres located on the southwest corner of Valencia Avenue and Red Hill Avenue. This lot is within the 117 acre Irvine Industrial Complex (West), a planned development of light industrial and commercial uses. This development is subject to a set .of planned community district regulations that govern land uses,~setbacks, heights, landscaping and signs. Proposal The proposed development will be a two-story speculative industrial building containing 32,174 square feet on the first floor and 11,064 square feet on the second for a total of 43,238 square feet. The developer will be providing 167 parking spaces, for a ratio of one parking space for each 258 square feet of floor area. The number of spaces should be more than adequate to provide for a mix of office, research and development or warehousing. The specific zoning for the parcel is Planned Community, Industrial/Business. This zone allows a variety of light industrial uses subject to staff review, and various office uses subject to a use permit. The developer will be constructing the project as a speculative venture, with no specific tenant identified. Since no use has been identified, a use permit is not required at this time. After the structure is completed and a tenant is secured, it is possible, depending on the use, that a use permit will be submitted to the Commission. The building is approximately thirty-one {31) feet tall, constructed of concrete tilt-up walls, with some sections of the concrete having a fl'uted, sandblasted texture. The architecture is similar to other structures in the area and conforms to the requirements of the Planning Community District regulations. A thirty (30) foot wide landscape strip is included along the Red Hill Avenue frontage and this will be bermed and planted with grass, trees and shrubs to provide a pleasing streetscape. Community Development Department SUeLd :s~uatuqoe~¥ ~aUUeLd a~eLoossv · uotssLuauo3 eq~ ~q pe[~ pue pe^~eoed eq o~ me~ uo~emao~u~ ue s~ pe~uasead si ~ 'Le^oadde ~s o~ XLUO ~oe[qns s~ ~oa[oad s~q~ aou~s uo~epuamooa~ ~86T 'Cg Xaenue~ 5u~pL~n~ Le~a~snpu! e,[~eLnoeds Report to the -. Planning Commission NEW BUSINESS NO. 2 JANUARY 23, 1984 SUBJECT: APPLICANT: LOCATION: ZONING: Design Review - Commercentre, Phase III Burnett-Ehline Northwest Corner of Holt Avenue and Irvine Boulevard Professional District Planning staff has reviewed a preliminary plan submittal for an office building of 18,600 square feet for the vacant corner at Holt Avenue and Irvine Boulevard. The structure will be two stories and located near the intersection with the parking .accommodation westerly along the Irvine Boulevard frontage. Eight of the spaces, however, are within the future Irvine Boulevard public right-of-way. The building elevations will display an exterior brick facade with a standing seam metal roof. Concern over the continued privacy of the rear yards of the residential properties to the north resulted in the use of six-foot-high second story windows and skylites along the rear elevation. Also it is the intent of the developer, Burnett-Ehline Company to retain as many of the mature north propertyline Eucalyptus trees as possible. Some trees, however, may be lost during construction and in time due to the pavement at their base. The plant material proposed for the site is similar to that of the Phase I project directly across the intersection. The development proposal satisfies all provisions of the Professional District and Development standards. Recommndation Receive and file. Senior Planner AGW:jh Attachment: Plans Community Development Department DEVELOPMENT REVIEW SUMMARY Project: Location/District: Action: TUSTIN COMMERCENTER PHA~E III Northwest corner of Holt Avenue and Irvine Boulevard Design Review Building: Front Setback Side Setback Rear Setback Gross Square Footage Net Floor Square Footage Height Number of Stories Materials/Colors Lot Size Lot Coverage Parking: Number of Spaces Ratio {space/square footage) Percent of Compact Spaces Type Uses: Number of Public Notifications (Owners): Environmental Status * No Standard District Requirement Proposed 20' 20' (Holt) 10' (ultimate) 10' (Irvine) 20' (existing) 10' 10' * 18,600 35' 34'6" 2 2 Brick Facade Staff Review Metal Roof 7,200 sq.' ft 39,245 sq.ft. * 26% 62 1/300 20% * Professional Office N/A Exempt 66 1/281.8 22.7% open at grade Professional Office Report to the Planning Commission NEW BUSINESS NO. 3 JANUARY 23, 1984 SUB3ECT: APPLICANT: LOCATION: Design Review Gilbert Associates Architects on behalf of Santa Anita DeVelopment 1382 Bell Avenue Background & DiscUssion This property was formerly owned by the Orange County Board of Education and was considered as a prime site for an Orange County Waste Transfer station. The new owner, Santa Anita Development, has submitted plans for a 120,336 square foot research and development building for the property at 1382 Bell Avenue. The structure will be two stories at 30 feet in height. The building elevations will display aquamarine and gray glass on concrete panels with grid reveals. The reveals should be a minimum of two inches (2") in width. The proposed landscaped areas fronting on Bell Avenue are the same size as the landscaped areas adjacent to this project. This proposal satisfies the requirements of the district regulations for the 1trine Planned Community District and City development standards. Recomendation Receive and file. Associate Planner MAC:ih Attachment: Plans Community Development Department Departmental Status Report JANUARY 23, 1984 DEPARllqENTAL PRO,)ECT STATUS - WEEK OF JANUARY 16, 1984 STAFF CONCERNS NO. 1 This report is intended to inform the Council and Commission of Community Development Department projects and their processing or construction status. Should any member of the Council or Commission desire further information, please contactme at your convenience. 1. Preliminary site plans have been submitted for the following project: ae conversion of the mission style house at 1252 Irvine Boulevard for a medical office and development of additional office space on site. The PC District requirement will necessitate a use permit approval to authorize the project. 2. Plan check drawings are in for: a. retail store 6th and E1Camino b. retail center at corner of Newport and Walnut 3. Staff attended recent LAFCO hearing regarding City request to annex water well sites in County areas. 4. Staff has attended meetings with Irvine Co. regarding its circulation plan for East Tustin. 5. Discussions have begun with the Irvine Co., the military and the City to define the Browning Flight corridor in the East Tustin area. 6. Staff is reviewing the draft EIR for the redesign of the I-5/I-55 interchange. 7. Responses are being prepared to the Notice of Preparation for the Bullet Train draft EIR. Be Amendment to the Subdivision Ordinance has been introduced by the City Council to authorize a map for a two (2) year period with a one {1) year extension by the Planning Commission. Recruitment has begun for a full-time Building Inspectr and the department has added a part-time clerk typist, Kathy Davis, to help in the business license processing. ~n(n~' Pl mnn~r Community Development Department Report to the Planning Commission JANUARY 23, 1984 SUBJECT: Report on Council Actions - January 16, 1984 STAFF CONCERNS NO. 2 Oral presentation to be given by Donald D. Lamm, Director of Community Development. ./ih Attachments: City Council Action Agenda - January 16, 1984 Planning Commission Action Agenda - January 9, 1984 Community Development Department ACIION A~NDA OF A REGULAR WEE,-.~ OF Tile ll)STIN CITY COUNCIL January 16, 1984 7:00 P.M. 7:06 I. CALL TO ORDER/PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE/INVOCATION ALL PIISENT II. ROLL CALL EXaiPT SALTARELLI III. PUBLIC INPUT DOUGLAS CHAPRUi SUGGESTED 0RILLIBG WATER WELLS WEST OF TUSTIN TO DIITAIN BEI'EER K~TER. HE ALSO WAS CONCERNED ABOUT IBC~EA~ ZN )~,TER RATES. COU#CIL SUGGESTED llJAT HE CONTACT ENGXNEERXNG FOR t~RE IBFOI~TIOII OB ll~ WEU. S. HE REQUESI~ A COPY OF lllE BOYLE E~. STUI)Y. IV.. PROCLAMATIONS P~OCLJ~TIOIi A~PTEI) ~. 1. COMM~NDING RDB'S RESTAURANT FOR SERVING' CHRISTMAS EVE DINNER TO URI RONEN THE NEEDY AND LONELY V. CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARING ADOPTED RESOLUTION #0. 84-12 COMMUNITY CABLEVISION COMPANY R~QUEST FOR RATE INCREASE RESOLUTION NO. 84-12 - A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Tustin, California, PERTAINING TO A SUBSCRIBER RATE INCREASE BY COMMUNITY CABLEVISION C~ANY VI. CONSENT CALENDAR ~P~V~ ~P~VED' ~P~V~ RECO#I~NDA~ON ~P~VE.D~AFF 0 8 APPROVAL OF MINUTES - January 3, 1984 RATIFICATION OF PAYROLL in the amount of $211,999.76 APPROVAL OF DEMANDS in the amount of $1,287,874.90 LAMBERT SCHOOL LEASE RENEWAL Renew the lease with the Tusttn Unified School District for the use of Lambert School for a period of two yea~s at $1,425 per month as recommended by the Recreation Superintendent. REJECTION OF CLAIM OF TERRY JONES & WILLIAM KEERS; DATE OF LOSS: 10-12-83; DATE FILED: 12-9-83; CLAIM NO. 83-40 Rejection of subject claim as recommended by the City Attorney. ADOPTED RESOLUTION NO. 84-8 RESOLUTION NO. 84-8 - A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Tustin, California, AFFIRMING PLANNING COMMISSION APPROVAL OF USE PERMIT 83-25 AUTHORIZING A NINE-FOOT BLOCK WALL AT 1331 GARLAND AVENUE, WITH AMENDMENTS Adoption of Resolution No. 84-8 as approved by the City Council. ADOPTED RESOLUTION NO. 84-9 e RESOLUTION NO. 84-9 - A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Tustin, California, EXPRESSING APPRECIATION TO ROBERT G. HASKELL FOR HIS CONTRIBUTIONS AND SERVICES TO THE ORANGE COUNTY DIVISION, LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES Adoption of Resolution No. 84-9 as requested by the City Council. CITY COUNCIL ACTION AGENDA Page 1 1-16-84 APPROVE]) STAFF RECOI~NOATION APPROVED STAFF RECOW~NDATTON APPROVED STAFF RECOI~ATXON VII. I#ll~ODUCED OEDI~ NO. 904 ,,~REEMENT NO. 083-107 -MYFORD k ] AND BRYAN AVENUE INTERSEC- TION WIDENING Authorize the Mayor to' execute Agreement No. D83-107 for M~ord Road and Bryan Avenue intersection widening improve- ment, subject to final approval of the City Attorney. ACCEPTANCE OF PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS AND RELEASE OF BONDS - TRACT NO. 10281 (S. of Ist St. & N. of 2nd St. between "A" St.' and Pacific St.) Accept the public improvements within Tract No. 10281 and authorize the release of the following bonds as recommended by the Director of Public Works/City Engineer: Bond #OSM 565 286 - Faithful Performance ...... $20,500.00 Bond #OSM $55 286 - Labor and Materials ....... $10,250.00 Bond #OSM 555 ~88 - Monumentation ............. $ 1,500.00 REQUEST TO 'FILL VACANCIES IN POLICE DEPARTMENT Authorize filling the vacancies of one Police Officer and one Records Clerk as recommended by the Chief of Police. ORDINANCES FOR INTRODUCTION ORDENANCE NO. 904 - An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Tustin, California, AMENDING SECTION g361(d) PREVIOUSLY ADOPTED BY ORDINANCE NO. 847 OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN (Subdivision Map Act Amendment) M.O. - l~at Ordinance No. 904 have first reading by title only. M.O. - That Ordinance No. 904 be introduced. 7:27 RECESSED 7:42 RECONVENED VIII. ORDINANCES FOR ADOPTION ADOPTED ORDINANCE NO. ~03 1. ORDINANCE NO. 903 - AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING THE TUSTIN CITY CODE RELATIVE TO COUNCIL COMPENSATION ORDINANCE NO. 902 WAS 2. TABLED INDEFINITELY INll~OOUCED ORDINAJICE NO. 905 NI'IICH HAS THE ,~ TITLE AS ORDINANCE No. 902 BUT THERE ARE SUBSTANTIAL CHANGES IN M.O. - That Ordinance No. 903 have second reading by title only. M.O. - That Ordinance No. 903 be passed and adopted. (Roll Call Vote) ORDINANCE NO. 902 - An Ordinance of the City of Tustin, Cali- fornia, AMENDING THE FRANCHISE FOR A CABLE TELEVISION SYSTEM GRANTED TO SIX STAR CABLEVISION OF TUSTIN, INC. AND APPROVING THE TRANSFER OF OWNERSHIP FROM SIX STAR CADLEVISION OF TUSTIN, INC. TO UNITED CABLE OF' SOUll4ERN CALIFORNIA, LTD. CONTENT RESOLUTION NO. 84-13- A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Tusttn, California, EXPRESSING ITS INTENT TO APPROVE THE TRANSFER OF THE CABLE TELEVISION FRANCHISE TO UNITED CABLE OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA, LTD. SUBJECT TO CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL OF PROVISIONS OF REVISED FRANCHISE CITY COUNCIL ACTION AGENDA Page 2 1-16-84 IX. OLD BUSINESS - None X. NEW BUSINESS AOOPTEO RESOLUTION NO. 84-10 XI. REPORTS RESOLUTION NO. 8¢-10 - A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Tustin, California, APPROVING THE ORANGE COUNTY TRANS- PORTATION COMMISSION FIFTEEN-YEAR TRANSPORTATION INVESTMENT PLAN AND AUTHORIZE THE PLACEMENT OF THE TRANSPORTATION INVESTMENT PLAN ON THE JUNE 5, 1984, BALLOT Adoption of Resolution No. 84-10 as prepared by the Director of Public Works/City Engineer. RECEIVED-NIB 1. FILED PI(lIVED AND FILED PLANNING COMMISSION ACTIONS - January 9, 1984 All actions of the Planning Commission are appealed by the City Council. 2. BUCKINGHAM PLACE OIL SPILLAGE Receive and file. final unless RECIiIVED ~ 3. STATUS REPORT REGARDING WINDSOR GARDEN APARTMENTS FILED . Receive and file. ~LoPROVEI) 4. HCD REHAB LOANS II~LEMEIETING Otrect staff to implement subject measures as contained in ~URES 1, 2, 3, 4, the staff report as soon as ~ossible as recommended by the ANO 6 AS COIITAINL~ Community Development Department. IN STAFF REPORT XII. -OTHER BUSINESS 111E Cll~ MANAGER ill,ED FOR A CLOSED SESSION FOR LEGAL PRTTERS FOLLONIIIG TIlE ~EETII&. KENNEDY ASKED STAFF TO tIIMITOR AIR SPUR ~ID. ICOPTERS. KENNEOY ASKED STAFF TO PUT RI ~L~TICLE IN 'TOSTIN lOOM' RE~L~I)II~ BI~EN ~LASS FROM ACCIOEIITS. DRIVER IS RESPONSIBLE FOR CLEAMII~ LIP BROKEN GL~S UNLESS A lOW TRUOC IS USED AMD THER llIEY ARE RESPONSIBLE. EDGAR SUG&ESTED A NDRICSHOp REGAROING MID YEAR BUDGET PROdECTION BUT IT WAS DETERMINED TO LOOK AT THE REPORT FIRST AND TH~M HAVE A WORKSHOP IF NEEDED. EIIIAR ~SKED ABOUT FINAL 8t~T FOR 1983.-84. fluSTON RESPONDED THAT ~E gOULD C~ECK WITH ~ FINANCE DIRECTOR. EDGAR RESPONDED THAT IF THE DOCU~NT ISM'T READY, )E tJDULD LIKE A Lille ITEN WITHOUT DETAILED EXPAMSION FOR RAISES. flus'roN RESPONDED THRT'14[ WXLL HRVE DETAIL UN CILOITAL IMPROVEME#TS AMD THE REST WILL BE FOR $10,000 OR MORE WITHOUT Ally DEVIATIONS. EI~ ASKED ABOUT THE REVEIIIIE SI.I/UIIMG ALLOCATION. ROYLEEN gIIITE RESPONDED IT gOULD BE READY TIlE LAST P~'ETII~ Iii FEBRUARY. EDGAR ASKED ABOUT 1)lE REPORT OM W~TER DEFICIENCIES AND STAFF RESPONDED THAT THE DRAFT HAS BEEN SUBMITTED BUT HAS TO BE REVIEWED BY STAFF. GREIMKE ASKED THAT :58 87 SHOULD BE A6ENDI2ED loll llE NEXT I~ETING. COUNCIL ACTION 16~NOA Page 3 1-16-84 EDGAR RIMOUNCED THAT HE HRD F~LED PAP[RS FOR CItY COU#CILF~'MBER FOR TIlE APRIL ELECTRO# AS HAVE BOESTEREY RIO SALTARELLI. IIOESTEREY ASKEO FOR A WORKSHOP AT 5:30 P.M. BEFORE THE NEXT .I~ETING I~GARDIN~ SET UP A TOUR OF THE I-5 AlE) 55 I#TERCHAIIGES I~TH BOB LEDE#DECKER FOR SATURDAY, JA#UARY AT 9:00 A.M. XIII. AOJOURREO at 9:00 P.M. to the Redevelopment Agency, thence to a Closed Session for legal matters, thence to the tour of the interchanges .on January 21, at 9:00 a.m., thence to a workshop regarding Communtcom on February 6, 1984 at 5:30 p.m., and thence to the next regular meeting on February 6, 1984 at 7:00 p.m. ACllO# A~#OA OF A REGULAR I~ETI#G OF 1tle 1USTZN REOEVELOPf~MT AGENCY January 16, 1984 7:00 PM. 9:00 1. CALL TO ORDER ALL PRESENT 2. ROLL CALL EXCEPT SALTARELLI APPROVED APPROVED ,,,dOPTED 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - January 3, 1984 APPROVAL OF DEMANDS in the amount of $105,634.g3. RESOLUTION NO. ROA 84-1 - A Resolution of the Cm~nunity Redevelopment Agency* of the City of Tustin, California, APPROVING THE DESIGN OF A COMMERCIAL BUILDING TO BE CONSTRUCTED AT SIXTH STREET ANO EL CAMINO REAL AS APPROVED BY THE PLANNING COMMISSION PURSUANT TO USE PERMIT 83-22 (El Camino Plaza) Uphold the findings of the Planning Commission and approve the architectural and site plans for this project by the adoption of Resolution No. RDA 84-1 as recommended by the Community Development Department. AOOPTEO 6. ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW - USE PERMIT 83-27 (1042, 1052, 1062 Walnut St.) RESOLUTION NO. RDA 84-2 RESOLUTION NO. RDA 84-2 - A Resolution of the Community Redevelopment Agency of the City of Tustin, California, APPROVING THE DESIGN OF A 13-UNIT TOWN- HOUSE PROJECT TO BE CONSTRUCI~D AT 1042, 1052, 1062 WALNUT STREET AS APPROVED BY THE PLANNING COMMISSION PURSUANT TO USE PERMIT 83-17) Approval by the adoption of Resolution No. RDA 84-2. GREINKE ~RDED ~ ~ FOR HIS PROFESSIO#AL RaJJN~RS AT THE /~ETIN~S. AGENCY NOTED THE ONE YEAR RINIYERSJL~Y OF THE PLAN#lNG CI~ISSION. g:06 7. ADJOURNMENT - To the next Regular Meeting on February 6, lg84. ~ITY COUNCIL ACTION AGENDA Page 4 1-16-8¢ TUSTIN PLANNING ~J)~ISSION ACTION AGENDA FOR REGULAR MEETING January 9, 1984 7:30 p.m. CALL TO ORDER 7:33 P.M., CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE/INVOCATION ROLL CALL AINSLIE, PUCKEIT, WEIL, W~ITE, SHARP APPROVAL OF MINUll~S FOR MEETING HELD December 12, 1983 Approved as submitted PUBLIC CONCERNS (limited to 3 minutes per person for items not on the agenda) IF YOU WISH TO SPEAK TO THE COMMISSION ON A SUBJECT, PLEASE FILL OUT THE CARDS LOCATED ON ll~E SPEAKER'S TABLE. ALSO, PLEASE GIVE YOUR FULL NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE RECORD CONSENT CALENDAR None ALL MATTERS LISTED'UNDER CONSENT CALENDAR ARE CONSIDEREDROUTINE AND WILL BE ENACTED BY ONE MOTION. THERE WILL. BE NO SEPARATE DISCUSSION OF THESE'ITEMS PRIOR TO THE TIME OF THE VOTING ON THE MOTION UNLESS MEMBERS OF THE COMMISSION, STAFF OR PUBLIC REQUEST SPECIFIC ITEMS TO BE DISCUSSED AND/OR REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT CALENDAR FOR SEPARATE ACTION. 1. Resolution No. 2133 - Use Permit 83-25: 1331 Garland Avenue Approved, 5-0. CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. USE PERMIT 83-22 Applicant: Robert Bender Location: 6th Street and E1Camino Real, E1Camino Plaza Shopping Center Request: Authorization to develop an additional 4,000 square feet of retail building area to the E1Camino Plaza Shopping Center Approved, 5-0. Planning Commission Action Agenda January 9, 1984 Page 2 PUBLIC REARINGS: 1. USE PERMIT NO. 83-29 Applicant: Tustin Community Hospital Location: 14662 Newport Avenue Request: Authorization to place 2,160 square feet of support office within a prefabricated modular structure at 14662 Newport Avenue. Approved, 5-0 with the added condition that the plans be approved by the State Fire Marshal. 2. ZONING ORDINANCE AMENDMENT NO. 83-4 Applicant: City of Tustin Request: Various changes to sections of the Zoning Ordinance (Tustin City Code) concerning Multiple-Family Residential Development standards for new construction. Public hearing opened and continued to next regularly scheduled Planning Comlsston meeting on January 23, 1984. ADMINISTRATIVE HATTERS 1. Old Business A. Review of Use Permit 82-22 Heritage House - 151N. Tustin Avenue Received and filed. 2. New Business None. STAFF CONCERNS 1. Departmental Status Report Received and filed. 2. Report on Council Actions - December 19, 1983 Received and filed. 3. Bullet Train Status Report Received and filed. COF~ISSION CONCERNS None. ADJOURNMENT At 8:50 p.m. to the next regular meeting on January 23, 1984.