HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC MINUTES 1957 01 14
JANUARY 14, 1957.
COUNCILMEN PRESENT: Jerome C. Kidd, W. L. Tadlock,
Vincent L. Humeston, Frank E. Bacon, Jr.
Lee Byrd.
CITY ATTORNEY: C. Arthur Nisson, Jr. present.
Meeting was called to order at 7:30 P. M. by Mayor Kidd.
On motion by Councilman Bacon, seconded by Councilman
Byrd and duly carried, the minutes of the previous
meeting were approved as mailed out.
Mayor Kldd opened the hearing on the "Revere Annexation
to Tustin."
A letter of protest was filed by Attorney Dotbert Larsh,
PROTEST for Mr. and Mrs. D. S. Richards and Wesley Farney,
ON owners of the Revere House property. Attorney Larsh
REVERE also spoke against the proposed annexation.
There being no further protests, the hearing was closed.
Motion by Councilman Humeston and seconded by Councilman
Bacon that Ordinance No. 106 be read by title only, "An
ORDINANCE Ordinance of the City of Tusttn, California accepting
#106 and approving "Revere Annexation to Tustin," establishing
zones therein and building lines therein." Motion carried.
Motion by Councilman Byrd and seconded by Councilman Bacon,
FIRST that Ordinance No. 106 be approved for it's first reading.
READING Motion carried, all councilmen voting Aye.
ORD. #106
Mayor Kidd re-opened the hearing on the "Hillview Annexation
to Tustin."
A letter from City Engineer McBride was read stating that
HILLVIEW he had checked all the protests to the above proposed
ANNEX. annexation and that they constituted 56.79% of the total
assessed valuation.
There being no further protests or expressed desire of
any one to withdraw his protest, the hearing was declared
TERMINATION Motion by Councilman Tadlock, seconded by Councilman
OF ANNEX. Humeston that in as-much as the protests filed constituted
PROCEEDINGS 56% of the total assessed valuation of the proposed
ON HILLVIEW. Hillview Annexation to Tustin," that annexation proceedings
be terminated. Motion carried.
RE-APP. OF On motion by Councilman Bacon, seconded by Councilman
RALPH LINDSEY Tadlock, and duly carried, Ralph Lindsey was re-appointed
FIRE CHIEF. Fire Chief and Morgan Hilton, Assistant Fire Chief and
Morgan Hilton, Assistant Fire Chief as recommended by the
MORGAN HILTON Firemen at their regular meeting January 3, 1957.
i }
ORD. # 107. Motion by Councilman Byrd, seconded by Councilman Humeston,
TRANSFERRthat Ordinance No. 107 be read by title only, "An Ordinance
ING OF of the City of Tustin transferring the duties of Assessment
TAX and Tax Collection, performed by the City Assessor and Tax
COLLEC''~ Collector to the Assessor and Tax Collector of the County of
TI ON TO Orange, and repealing Ordinances Numbers 39 and 51 of the
CO. OF City of Tustin." Motion carried.
Motion by Councilman Humeston, seconded by Councilman Byrd
ORD. that Ordinance No. 107 be approved for its first reading.
#107 Motion carrie3 all councilmen voting Aye.
Mr. Ames, agent for Hancock Life Insurance Company, explained
the different benefits under a Group Insurance plan for City
Employees. No action was taken by the Council at this time.
REPRINT Motion by Councilman Tadlock, seconded by C ouncilman Humeston,
ON ORD. that the City Clerk be authorized to have 1000 reprints made
,~87. of Ordinance No. 87. Motion carried.
Motion by Councilman Bacon, seconded by Councilman Humeston,
that the following bills be paid.
Utilities ...............................617 7
Co. of Orange, Sheriff's Dept.......... ~. 0
Tustin Automotive ....................... 2.00
Console & Sisson ........................ 11.07
~lJebb~s Brake Service ..................... 31.04
3en Warner's Garage ..................... 7.21
"Rotorola ................................ 70. 3
Signal Oil Co ........................... 190 .0
S. A. V. I .............................. 10.35
League of Cities ........................ 90.00
Orange County League of Cities.......... 13.64
Earl Vinson ............................. 8.92
Sully-Miller Contracting Co ............. 412.62
Smith Printers .......................... 1.93
Tustin Fire Dept ....................... 143.50
Carson & Golding ........................ 80.99
Kenneth G. Hebard D. 0. (Sobriety Tests) 15.00
Dave L. Strying (Fire Ext. Service)..... 22.41
Tustin Paint Store ...................... 55.67
Orange Co. Blueprint Shop ............... 8.33
Director of Internal Revenue, Bal. Qtr..
rvH Tax ...................... 183.48
State Employees Retirement System...... 2 5.67
California State Fireman~s Assoc. Dues.. 6.50
Tustin News, Printing..... .............. 30.2
Les Johnson ............................. 39. 9
Motion by Councilman Bacon, seconded by Councilman Byrd,
that the meeting be adjourned until Monday, January 21, 1957
at 8:00 o+clock P. M. Motion carried.
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'~ ~, G`~C• . ~.
A. Park,~City Clerk.