HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD FOR INTRODUCTION 01-04-82DATE: Dec. 28, 1981 ORDINANCES FOR INTRODUCTION' No. 1 1-4-82 Inter-Corn HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL BZLL HUSTON, CITY MANAGER ANIMAL CONTROL FEES RECOF~ENDATION: It is recom.~aded that the City Council adopt theattachedordinance and resolution. The ordinance provides that the City' Council may ~stablish a fee schedule for a~4~l shelter and animal control ser- vices by resolution. The resolution establishes the fee schedule based upon the one developed by the County of Orange. DISCUSSION: The City's agreement with the County for animal control services provides that the City shall adopt an ani~; control ordinance and fee schedule consistent with those regulations adopted by the County. As per the attached letter, the Boardof Supervisors has adopted a new fee schedule for animal shelter and animal control services effective November 1, 1981. The fee schedule set forth in the City resolution is the same as that adopted by the Board of Supervisors. Ail fees are collected by the County and applied toward the cost of providing animal control services to the City. BILL HUSTON, City Manager DATE: TO: FROH: S UBJ ECT: December 14, 1981 / MARY E. WYNN, CITY CLERK~/ Inter-Corn JAMES G. ROURKE, CITY ATTORNEY ROBERT L. LAVOIE, DEPUT~ CITY ATTORNEY ANIMAL CONTROL FEES Pursuant to your Inter-Com of October 11, 1981, please find enclosed a draft Ordinance providing that the City Council may establish a fee schedule for animal shelter and animal control services by resolution. Please also find enclosed a Resolution of the-City Council establishing that fee schedule. The fee schedule which is attached to the Resolution is the same schedule submitted by the County of Orange-. When the Ordinance and the Resolution have been adopted by- the City Councilr please transmit a copy thereof to the Public Health and Medical Services Department for the County of Orange, Attention: Marta I. Rebella. RLL:lw:D:12/14/81 Encl. cc: W.H. 1 4 5 ? 8 9 10 11 15 t5 16 17 18 19 ORDINANCE NO. ~ ~ AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, PRO- VIDING FOR TEE ADOPTION OF A FEE SCHEDULE FOR ANIMAL S~ELTER AND ANIMAL CONTROL SERVICES The City Council of the City of Tustin, California, does ordain that Chapter 2 of Article 4 of the Tustin City Code is amended by adding thereto Section 4217 to read as follows: "4217 FEE SCHEDULE FOR ANIMAL SHELTER AND ANIMAL CONTROL SERVICES Th~ fee schedule for animal shelter and a~imal control services shall be established by resolution of the City Council as adopted from time to time." PASSED AND ADOPTED, at a regular meeting of the City Council of~ the City of Tustin, California, held on the day of , 198 . ATTEST: MAYOR CITY CLERK RLL:lw~D:12/10/81 1 £ 5 ? 8 9 10 11 15 16 19 £0 21 23 £5 £6 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, ESTABLISHING A FEE SCHEDULE FOR ANIMAL SHELTER AND ~NIMALCONTROL SERVICES The City Council of the City of TUstin, California, resolves as follows: Pursuant to Tustin City Code Section 4217 the City Council hereby establishes as the fee schedule for animal shelter and animal control services the schedule set forth in Attachment "A", which is attached hereto and incorporated herein as though fully set forth. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regula~ meetinq of the City Council of the City of Tustin, California, held this __ day of , 198 MAYOR ATTEST:: CITY CLERK RLL:lW:D:12/10/81 Attachment A Proposed Fee Schedule Eot Animal Shelter and Animal Control Services For An/~als Impounded at the Shelter 1. Impound Fees: Large an/mai (hors~, c~, ac=ual cos= or b. Medi,--an/mal (piS, sheep, etc.) ac=ual cost or ;;.-wf~ ................ ; ............. c. Dos, ca=, or others mall a~4m=l acEua! c~s= o= ................. ..o ..... o.. ....... .. (F~ccept that an/mal~ =ha= are /mpounde~more =hen once wi=h- in a =welve [1l] month pertod will be char~ed above fees plus lift7 percent [50Z] of prior impounding charges. 2. Ci=yShel=er Se~ice Fee: ~in:Lmu~ $ 40.00 30.00 25.00 Charged to contract cities for~-tmals not redeemed olv'l'ter$o --J ' '"". $:11.50 3. Placement Fees b. Ca= .................................................. c. Other an~=l subject ~o placemen~ ............... -- - $ i~.00 8.00 ~arkec value Daily Care and Feed: (star=wi~h ~irs~ '~a~, Sundays and holi- days include&except no charge i~ redeemed s~-~day, i.e. ~ay of ~u~ound) , : a. Large aninml (horse, cow; etc.) ....................... , $ b. Medium an/mA1 (pig, sheep, etc.)' . .......... ' ........ : c. Dog or ca~ ...................... . .................. d. Other =mall ~nimal ................................. 6.50 &.O0 3 5. Veterinary Services: a. Vaccination against rabies $ 5.00 b. Relative Value Unit (for Medical Services) 6.00 per RVU c. Other procedures (X-rays~ shoUs~ lab) at cos= d. Medical or surgical care, per treatment, performed by priv veterinarian fl ' 20 00 ate , an rate ,..... ............ No~: The Director may charge the o'.met or custodian for veterinary care rendered ~o impounded animals and such charges shall constitute a lien on said animals. He/she may approve from County funds =o practic/n~ Propos, ed Fee Schedule Shelter a~d A~{-~i Control Services Individual Animal Licenses: Note 1. Note 2. Note Note 4. A dog license can be sold only for the perio~ covered by a valid rabies vaccination certificate creep:able =o :he- Cai/romic Deparcmen: of Health (Ca. ARm~-. Code 2606.4). ,' The reduced fee for a neutered an/ma.L ~rl!i be ~llowed only upon presencacio~ of a cer:ifi-- cate of spaying, cas:ration, or of the dog's inab/ll~y to reproduce signed bT a v~cerinar/an. Any person who fa/-Is Co purchase or renew a license ~rlthin fifteen (15) days after It has become due or ex~ired shall be deemed delinquent and may be required =o pay a la~e fee of five dollars ($5.00) in addition co =he prescribed fee. Once purchased, =here w~l 1 be no refun~ o~ license fees unless i= is demons=rated ~ha=, a= =h~ the license became effective, the --~1 was sublet= to licensin$. Ney Licenses i Do~ license ' (6) months 2. Dog license, ~elve (//) months ......................... Renewal Licenses 1. Dog license,, s/x (6) months ............................ 2. Dog' license, :welv~ (12) month~' , ............. 1. Ca= license (optional) for the period of valid rabies vaccina~ion ............ ~ .............................. 2. Reissue of lost dog license or ccc license tag ........ 3. Transfer of dog license or cat license ................ 4. Dog license, approved Eutde dog ....................... 5. License for privately owned~-lld, exotic, dangerous, or nondomestlc .an/mal, each .............................. 6. Orange County residents who are 65 years of age or older may at 50Z of ~he regular fee obtain one dog license or one ca~ registration. Animal Facility Licenses: Note. A nonrefundable application fee of $25 shall be char~ed for processing an application ~or any of the follo~in~ faoili~y licenses. The application fee shall be credited Co the license fee if the license is issued: $ 4.oo 8.00 3.00 5.00 2.00 2.00 '2.00 Fre~ Other $ 8.oo 15.00 6:.00 10.00 4.00 2.00 2.00. Free ~ 25. O0 ~posed Fee Schedule Animal Shel:er and An/mal Control Services Page 3 Ds 1. Kennel, per year a. &-9 an/reals ...... 10 Z9 an/mal~ c 30-59 an/mals . . . d. 60 or over animal& ................................ 2. Per shoF per 7ear ...................................... 3. Groom/nE parlor~ per.. year ............................. 4. An/mal rental establis~ent, per year ...... ~ .......... 5. Permanent a~4m~l exh/bi=/~n (inclu~/ng public aquartum~ zoo domestic and wild an4-~ park, and ~-~-~1 aa=) per yea= o.o....o.o.o, .... 6. Commercfa~ stable, per yea= -. a. 1-9 horses .......................................... b. 10-29 horses ....................................... ¢. 30-~9 horses ...................................... d. 60 or over horses ........................... ~ ...... 10. Circus, per day ................................. . . . . . . . . , Rodeo per daT . An/real Exhthi=ion (~emporary) Ftrs~ Day .............................................. Additional Day .............. , .......................... Not ~o Exceed Per Year . ~enalTyFee ........................................... Any o~ne~,"operator, or person who fails to purchase or renew an Animal Fac/lity License w~thin thirty (30) days after it has become due or expired shall be deemed delinquent and may be required =o pay a late fee of 25~ of ~he license t~ addition to the.prescribed fee. Dead Animal Pickup (Dog and cat owner release) $ 50.00 80.00 110.00 145.00 60.00 30.00 125.00 120.00 50.00 80.00 110.00 145.00. 150.00 300.00 10.00 : 150.00 25Z of Licensing Fee 33.00 PW081481 ~TE: October 11, 1981 Inter-Corn $1.18J ECl-: James Rourke ~y E. Wynn, C~ty Clerk Am.i',,~l ContrOl Fee~ Enclosed is a letter from the County of Orange H,~-~n Services Agency with a=~ache~ "Eee Schedule for An~ Shelte= and Ap~[ Con~ro[ Services, effective 11-1-81. Also enclosed is our present Ordinance No. 826 w~ich regulates Licensing and A~c%~Llating of A~'im.~l_~ W~th ~ City Of T~S~. The City Manager requested that I send this to you for preparation of an to comply' with the fourth paragraph of the letter. He would like it to go on the Novembe= 2, 1981 Council. meeting. If you have any questions, please call City Clerk October 5, 1981 City.AJm4niscrator City of Tustin Centennial AC ~n Tustin, CA 9Z680 Dear City AdminisCracor: AC the time of the con=race renewals for Complete A~=; ~oncrol Services, your city was informe~ thac the County Auditor-Con=roller was performin$ a cost study of an~m-l control fees. Durtns the July BudEet Hearinss, the Cou~C~ Board o~ Supervisors. dire=ced the H,m-- Services Asency to study th~ feasibillt7 o~ increasin~ fees and Co report back. The Auditor-Con=roller completed, his study determinin~ act,1mI costs fO= each secvice and th~ appropriate fees to recover those cos=s, based on prior fiscal year costs and servic~ volume. On August 14, ~mee=in~was held with stail fro~ ,t~ =±ties in atcendanc~where thoee cities requested more tSme to review.the fees. A secon~ mee=in~was hel~ on August 28, aCtende~ by Staff from elshC cities where de=ails of the cost study were discussed. Subsequent to the. above, the A~enc7 reported.back to th~ Boar~with a . recc~-.~udation to revis~ ~he A.~m-I Con=ro~ fees. The Board, at its regular meeCin~ on September 29, adopted the-ac=ached "fee schedule for Animal Shelter and Animal Con=roi Services" eifective November 1, 1981. The purpose of chis letter is co inform your city officially of the new schedule and to reques~ your legal conformance %ri;h a portion of your contract relative ~o fee increases. Your con;ract with the County sta=es: This con=race shall be sooner terminated ac any tim~ chat CITY fails to enact and to maintain in full forde and effect, including the amount of fees provided,.an ordinance similar to =he provisions of Articles 1 =brough 10, Division 1, Title 4, and Division 1, Z, and 3, T~=le 5, of the Codified Ordinances of the County of Orange, and other re~ulations which may be adopted by the Orange County Board of Supervisors. This contract shall also be sooner terminated if CITY does not enact the same amendments co their municpal code as ~hose adopted by COUNTY's Board of Supervisors within one hundred and ~wenty (120) days after request to do so by COUNTY. Complete An/mai Control October 5, 1981 Pa~e 2 Therefore, it would be ~reatly appreciated if your city would adopt the attache~ fee schedule. Please provide us with a copy of your city's action approvin~ =he schedule. If you hav~ any questions, please do hoc .hesitate to call me a= 634-7106. Very truly yours, Maria I. ~ebella Di=ector, Au~m. 1 Control