HomeMy WebLinkAboutAGENDA 01-18-82AGE~DA OF A ~u~A~ T~STIN CIT~ ~C~ CO~CIL ~E~ 300 Centennial Way J~ 18, 1~2 3:00 P.~. IX. III. CAL~ TO O~ER ROT_~ C~T.T. P~BLIC ~0NCE~S (For City of Tustin Residents and Businesspersons on any matter, and for Water Service Customers having a concern unresolved by Administrative procedures.) IV. P~S~TATIO~ 1. P~.~E~TATI~ B~ ~m~S~TA~ES OF CO~ICO~ (FO~ SIX STA~ ~szoN ) All matters listed under Consent Calendar are considered routine and will be enacted by one motion. There will be no separate discussion of these items pri- or to the time of the voting on the motion unless members of the Council, staff or public request specific items to be discussed and/or removed from the Consent Calendar for separate action. 1. A~P~O~AL ~ ~r~S - January 4, 1982. 2. APPROVAL (~ DEMANDS in the amount of $744.894.92. RA~IFICATI(~ (~ PA~R0X~ in the amount of $95,937.05. ~ESOL~TIO~ NO. 82-6 - A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Tustin ACCEPTING WORKS OF IMPROVEMENT AND AUTHORIZING RECORDATION OF NOTICE OF COMPLETION (Red Hill Avenue Water Main from First St. to Irvine Blvd.) Adoption of Resolution No. 82-6 and if no claims or stop payment notices are filed within 30 days of the date of recordation of the Notice of Completion, authorize payment of the final 10% retention amount as recommended by the Engineering Department. 4e ~.~]~OTI~ NO. 82-7 - A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Tustin, APPROVING TENTATIVE TRACT NO. 11649 LOCATED AT 1162 SYCAMORE AVENUE Adoption of Resolution No. 82-7 as recommended by the Cc~nunity Development Department. City Council Agenda Page 1 1-18-82 I~SOLIPI'XON NO. 82-8 - A Resolution of the City council of the City of Tustin SETTING A TIME AND PLACE OF A PUBLIC REARING TO CONSIDER THE DESIGNATION AND ADOPTION OF AN UNDERGROUND UTILITY DISTRICT REQUIRING THE REMOVAL OF POLES, OVERHEAD WIRES AND ASSOCIATED OVERHEAD STRUCTURES WITHIN THE AREA OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN LOCATED ON IRVINE BOULEVARD BETWEEN YORBA STREET AND HOLT AVENUE, AND YORBA STREET IRVINE BOULEVARD TO 240+ FEET SOUTHERLY OF IRVINE BOULEVARD WHICH AREA IS MORE PARTICULAPJaY DESCRIBED IN EXHIBIT "A" ATTACHED HERETO AND ON THAT CERTAIN MAP ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK AND CITY ENGINEER OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN Adoption of Resolution No. 82-8 and authorize recommendation to the Redevelopment Agency for the transfer of funds in the amount of $220,000 from the E1 Camino Real Street Improvement project to Segment "B" of the Underground utility District No. 6 project as recommended by the City Engineer. ~SOLUTI~ NO. 82-9 - A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Tustin ACCEPTING WORKS OF IMP~DVEMENT AND AUTHORIZING RECORDATION OF NOTICE OF COMPLETION (TRAFFIC SIGNALS ALONG NEWPORT AVE.) Adoption of Resolution No. 82-9 and if no claims or stop payment notices are filed within 30 days of the date of recordation of the Notice of Completion, authorize payment of the final 10% retention amount as recommended by the City Engineer. VI. O~DINANCES FOR INT~ODUCTI(H~ ORD~I~lC~S 1. VII. O~DINANCE NO. 866 - An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Tustin, California, AMENDING TUSTIN CITY CODE SECTION 9612 PERTAINING TO ADULT BUSINESSES First Reading by Title Only and Introduction. FOR ADOPTIOH O~DINANCE NO. 864 - An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Tustin, California, PROVIDING FOR THE ADOPTION OF A FEE SCHEDULE FOR ANIMAL SHELTER AND ANIMAL CONTROL SERVICES Second Reading by Title Only and Adoption. ~SOL=~'~O~ NO. 82-5 - A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Tustin, California, ESTABLISHING A FEE SCHEDULE FOR ANIMAL SHELTER AND ANIMAL CONTROL SERVICES Adoption of Resolution No. 82-5. O~DINANCE NO. 865 - An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Tustin, California, AMENDING THE TUSTIN CITY CODE RELATIVE TO COUNCIL COMPENSATION Second Reading by Title Only and Adoption. VIII. ~D BUSINESS An oral report will be given by the subcommittee. IX. NEW B~SINESS AWARD OF BID FOR ~TERMEDIAN ~OOIFICATIOH - IRVINE ~r.~D. FROM YORBA ST. TO ~Aw ST. Award the contract for subject work to Noveco Inc., of Corona, California, in the amount of $14,438.14. City Council Agenda Page 2 1-18-82 Xo 7e 8e CITIES ~ FOR PA~AY '£M~ ~ (14862 Bridgeport Road) Authorize City removal of the tree as requested end replacement of a tree from the City approved list as chosen by Mrs. Nehls. CITIES ~EQ~EST FOR PAI~I~Y ~ I~K~'AI, (1902 Pennington Avenue) Authorize City removal of the tree as requested and replacement of a tree from the City approved list as chosen by Mrs. Wilson. CITIES ~EQ~EST FOR PA,R~a~Y ~ I~,~0VAL (14492 Oxford Avenue) Authorize City removal of the tree as requested with replacement. no CITIES ~ FOR PA~KWA~ TREE ~E~FAL (14662, 14672, 14682, 14692, 14702, 14712 Westfall Rd.). Authorize City removal of the trees as requested and replacement of trees from the City approved list suitable to the owners. COnsulTANT ~,.~-~'IO~ C(~,A~US TUSTIN PARK& M{~LTIPUI~=OSE FACILITY (PI~GRAMDEVELOPM~IT i%ND SITE PLAN) Select the firm of Recreation Systems, Incorporated, to provide the professional design services for the preparation of improvement plans for Columbus Tustin Park end Multipurpose Recreation Facility, direct staff and City Attorney to draft subject agreement with Recreation Systems, Inc., pursuant to their proposal submitted Dec. 7, 1981, and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute said agreement as recommended by the Co~nunity Services Director. ~NAME MANGE- WA~=r ST. ~ NEWPORT AVE. AND O~ANGE ST. Recommended to take no action on changing the name of Walnut Street between Newport Avenue and Orange Street. ANN~AL ~¥ORT- ~u~w~OPM~T~CY Review the audit report, work program, recommendations for needed State legislation. achievements, and FISCA~ ~EAR 1980/Sl AUDIT I~PORT Receive end file. ~SED l~'~v~ PAVemENT MA~KE~S FOR FII~ HYDPANTS Receive and file. 3. SO~ICITAT~GN Off l~Q(~EST FOR PROPOSALS FOR ~T(~ C~'£~K DI~V~ ~GI~KING DESIGN S~KvzCES Receive and file. XI. OTHER m~INESS PARKWAY/1Kv~E 1. C--zx MANAGER 2. CITY ATTOI~E~ 3. CITY C00~C,,- ADJOUI~M~T- To the next regular meeting on February 1, 1982. City Council Agenda Page 3 1-18-82