HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC MINUTES 1956 10 01 MINUTES OF THE ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, October 1, 1956. PRESENT: Humeston, Bacon and Kidd. The meeting was duly convened at 7:30 P. M. in the Council Chambers by Mayor Kidd and the reading of the Minutes of the preceding meeting were dispensed with and carried forward to the next regular meeting. Absent were Councilman Byrd who arrived at 7:55 and Councilman Tadlock who arrived aT 8:00 o'clock P. M. City Clerk, A. O. Park was absent and C. Arthur Nisson, Jr. City Attorney, being present, acted as Clerk, Pro Tem. City Engineer McBride was present and reported concern- ing a dangerous and defective pepper tree at the southwest corner of "C" and Main Streets, and upon motion duly made by Councilman Humeston, seconded by Bacon, and carried the City Engineer was authorized to get a bid on the removal of that tree and submit it to Commissioner Bacon for approval. MCBRIDE Engineer McBride reported on the curbs and sidewalk work GIVEN AUTHOR going on in the City, and upon motion made by Bacon, IZATION TO seconded by Humeaton, and duly carried, City Engineer COLLECT $1.00 (McBride was authorized to collect a dollar per front PER FRONT foot from certain property owners named in his letter FOOT, FOR addressed to the City Council for the installation of CURB & SIDE- cement curbs. Names and amounts are as follows: WALK AGREE- Horace Stevens $300.00 MENT. E.W. Crawford 116.00 Leonard Coffman 50.00 Louis Comisaroff 100.00 B. T. Gothard 200.00 C. T. Gilbreath 250.00 Ernest Cady 66.00 M/Sgt. J. H. Bergschneider 150.00 E. E. Jacobson 524.00 Victor Griset 160.00 M/Sgt. J. H. Bergschneider 50.00 Victor L. Slauson 50.00 Rienhardt Arndt 50.00 Councilman Bacon moved, and Byrd seconded, that Ordinance SECOND No. 103 be read for the second time by title only. All READING OF members present voted Aye. Ordinance No. 103 was then ORRINANCE read by title and Humeston moved for its adoption, Byrd NO. 103 seconded, and it was duly carried. All members present at that time voted Aye, Tadlock at that time being absent. Messrs, Anderson, Motley and Butz of the Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company were present to discuss the possi- bility of obtaining a Tustin prefix for the telephones in the local area and other problems concerning development and growth in the telephone service in the area. After discussion by the telephone men, Ordinance No. 104 ORDINANCE was moved by Tadlock, seconded by Humeston, to be read by # 104 READ title only. Motion was carried. all members voting Aye. BY TITLE Ordinance No. 104 entitled "An Ordinance of the City of ONLY. Tustin Creating a Planning Commission in and for the City of Tustin and Repealing Ordinance No. 49 of the City of Tustin" was read by title only, whereupon Tadlock moved that the first reading of said Ordinamce No. 104 be approved, Bacon seconded, and all members present voted Aye. 254 Councilman Byrd moved for adjournment, Humeston seconded, and the Motion was duly carried. C. Arthur Nisson, Jr. Clerk, Pro Tem. Jerome C. Kidd Mayor