HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC MINUTES 1956 08 13
AUGUST 13, 1956
COUNCILMEN PRESENT: Jerome C. Kidd, Frank E. Bacon, Jr.
W. L. Tadlock and Lee A. Byrd.
COUNCILMEN ABSENT: Vincent L. Humeston.
CITY ATTORNEY: C. Arthur Nisson, present.
Upon motion of Councilman Tadlock, seconded by Councilman Byrd and
duly carried, minutes of the last meeting were approved as mailed
Mayor Kidd opened the Public hearing on the re-zoning of certain
areas as described in "Planning Commission Resolution for Zoning."
There being no one present either for or against, upon motion by
Councilman Tadlock, seconded by Councilman Byrd, the heaping was
ordered continued to August 2?th, 1956 at 8:00 P. M. Motion carried.
Upon motion by Comcilman Tadlock, seconded by Councilman Byrd, that
Resolution #396", a Resolution of the City Council of the City of
Tustin, fixing and determining the amount of money necessary to be
raised by Taxation upon the taxable property within the City of
Tustin and revenue to carry on the various departments of said city
for the fiscal year 1956-57," be adopted. All Councilmen voting
Marvin Lawrence was present regarding curbs at the location for the
War Memorial building and after some discussion, it was tentatively
proposed that a 7 foot easement on First Street, and a 10 foot ease-
ment on Pros ect Avenue (North 7 feet of Lot #2, and East 10 feet
of lots, 2, 4 and 6, Block 41) be given by the Tustin War Memorial
Inc. in exchange for curb and gutter to be installed on same by
the City of Tustin, with the exception that curb on Prospect Avenue,
will be at present street width, 20 feet from center; subject to
agreement by the Board of Directors of the Tustin War Memorial, Inc.
Motion by Councilman Bacon, Seconded by Comcilman Tadlock that
Mayor Kidd be authorized to execute an agreement to carry out the
above proposal. Motion carried.
Upon motion by Counc8ilman Bacon, seconded by Councilman Tadlock,
an extension of 60 days was granted on project 22. Motion
Resolution #397, "A Resolution of intention to Annex territory
pursuant to annexation of uninhabited territory Act of 1939, des-
cribing the territory to be annexed, designating the name of the
Annexation and setting the time and place for hearing protests
thereto, was presented and adopted, upon motion of Councilman Bacon,
seconded by Councilman Byrd. All Councilmen voting Aye.
Upon motion by Councilm Bacon, seconded by Councilman Tadlock,
that Resolution #398, "A Resolution of the City Council of the
City of Tustin a proving plans ~d specifications for the improve-
ment of South "C" Street and West Sixth Street, being Project #23,
RESOLUTION Memorandum of Agreement, major city streets and authorizing and
NO. 398 directing the City Clerk to advertise for bids," be adopted.
ADOPTED Motion carried, all Comcilmen voting Aye.
Motion by Councilman Bacon, seconded byCouncilman Tadlock, that the
City Clerk and Mayor be authorized to sign a Contract with the
MYRTLE R. J. Noble Co., for Myrtle street improvement. Motion carried.
IMPROVE- Motion by Councilman Byrd, seconded by Councilman Tadlock, that
MENT. City Engineer McBride be authorized to contract on behalf of the
City of Tustin with Jesowiske & Markel for that portion of the
CONTRACT City's Contract on Prospect Avenue, 3rd Street and Main Street,
FOR not to exceed $500.00. Motion carried.
Motion by Councilman Byrd, seconded by Councilman Tadlock, that
the Frontage Road as constructed by the division of highways along
NISSON the southerly boundary of the Santa Ana Freeway from Newport
ROAD Avenue, to Redhill Avenue, be designated "Nisson Road."
Motion carried.
Motion by Councilman Byrd, seconded by Councilmm Tadlock, that
MAYOR Councilman Frank Bacon, Jr. be appointed Mayor Pro Tem. Motion
PRO carried.
Motion by Councilmm Tadlock, seconded by Councilman Byrd that bills
be paid. Motion carried.
Utilities for the month of July $74.58
Tustin Fire Department 29.00
Earl Vinson Automotive 134.65
Signal Oil Co. 89.60
J. Arthur Whitney 7.50
Bender Moss Company 3.86
Tustin News 20.55
Economy Office Equipment Co. 164.43
Mariemont Printer 21.00
S.A.V.I. 10.40
Foundation Press 6.89
Hasty Moving and Storage 10.00
Tustin Paint Store 32.32
BILLS A. N. Crain, M.D. 10.00
Carson & Golding 61.03
George Gaylord 26.00
Tustin Hardware 16.79
Les Johnson Service 35.54
Mullen Lumber Co. 89.41
Graves & Howley 65.52
Orange Co. Farmers Mutual Fire Ins. Co. 332.50
J. L. McBride 326.25
Evelyn Murphy for McBride 29.00
Ralph Van Buskirk--County 90.00
Larry O. Gibson 54.00
Billy Fred Branson 54.00
C A McCullough 81.00
Orange County Blue Print shop 30.77
Hanson & Peterson 215.00
Orange Comty Animal Shelter 1.00
Bank of Amertca--Withholding Taxes 351.46
City Clerk's Petty Cash Fund 46.31
Meeting was duly adjourned.
Jerome C. Kidd