HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC MINUTES 1956 07 23
COUNCILIMEN PRESENT: Jerome C. Kidd, Arthur O. Park, W. L. Tadlock
and Lee A. Byrd.
COUNCILMEN ABSENT: Frank Bacon and City Clerk S. C. Penington
Deputy Clerk Doris Grace acted in his place.
CITY ATTORNEY: C. Arthur Ntsson, Jr. was present.
Mayor Kidd called the meeting to order at 7:45 P. M.
Minutes of the adjourned meetings of July 9th and 16th
were read by Councilman Park, and after making a minor
correction, were approved as read.
A letter from the Calif. Dept of Public Works informed
the Council that present plans called for the Santa
Ana Canyon Freeway to pass under 4th and First streets
unless further investigation proved the plans to be
A motion by Councilman Park, seconded by Councilman
EQUALIZATION Tadlock that taxes be declared and that the
OF TAXES. City Council sitting as a board of Equalization be
terminated. Motion carried.
Councilman Byrd mottoned, seconded by Councilman
Tadlock that bids on the Myrtle street improvement be
BIDS ON MYRTLE opened and that they be referred to City Engineer McBride
STREET for checking. Engineer McBride reportes all bids in
OPENED. order and as follows:
R. J. Noble~Co., $5,382.50
Sully-Miller Co. 6,345.95
Upon recommendation of Engineer McBride, the R. J. Noble
NOBLE AWARDED Co. was awarded the contract. The City Clerk was
CONTRACT. authorized to return Sully-Millers Certified check.
Councilman Tadlock moved, seconded by Councilman Byrd.
Motion carried.
Councilman Park moved, seconded by Councilman Tadlock
MOTION that the matter of a Public Hearing on the re-zoning
CARRIED. and set-back on the Gentry, Claus, Griset and Pankey's
annexation be closed and taken up for study and
presentation at the Council Meeting of August 13, 1956.
Walter Rawlings of the Tustin Water Co., was present
and gave a brief talk on present progress and future
plans of the Water Company.
Councilman Park moved, seconded by Councilman Byrd that
City IEngineer McBride be authorized to proceed with plans
for sidewalks and curbs on Prospect Avenue and authorized
to accept verbal bids on this project. Motion carried.
Motion by Councilman Tadlock, seconded by Councilman
RESOLUTION Park that Resolution #390, a Resolution accepting
#390 resignation of S. C. Penington, City Clerk and expressing
ADOPTED. appreciation on behalf of the City of Tustin be adopted
and was carried unanimously.
Park moved, Tadlock seconded that Resolution #392,
RESOLUTION recinding Resolution #391 be adopted. Motion carried.
ADOPTED A letter from Councilman Arthur O. Park, resigning from
the Tustin City Council and making application to the
Council for the position of City Clerk was read and
RESIGNATION upon motion of Councilman Byrd, seconded by Councilman
COUNCILMAN Tadlock and carried. Resignation accepted.
RESOLUTION #393 Acting on the application for City Clerk, Councilman
ADOPTED. Byrd moved, seconded by Councilman Tadlock that
APPOINTMENT Resolution #393, appointing Arthur O. Park City Clerk
A.O.PARK and authorizing the hiring of a Deputy Clerk, be
CITY CLERK adopted and was carried unanimously.
RESOLUTION Councilman Tadlock moved, Councilman Byrd seconded that
#394 ADOPTED Resolution #394, appointing Vincent L. Humeston to
APPOINTMENT fill the unexpired term of Arthur O. Park be adopted
VINCENT.L. was carried unanimously.
FILL TERM. Councilman Tadlock moved, Councilman Byrd seconded that
a Resolution vacating an alley be adopted, all
voting aye, with the exception of Mayor Kidd who
did not vote.
Tadlock moved, Byrd seconded that City Clerk A. 0.
Park be appointed Assessor at $25.00 per month and he
be appointed ex-officio clerk of the Planning
Commission at no pay. M otion carried.
Byrd motioned, seconded by Humeston that the contract
for gasoline with the Signal Oil Co. be continued, and
the motion was carried.
Humeston moved, Tadlock seconded that Orange County
Farmers Mutual Fire Ins. Co., be authorized to write a
package type policy for $35,000.00 replacing the
policy now expiring. Motion carried.
Tadlock moved, Byrd seconded that Councilman Humeston
be allowed to leave the state on his vacation. Motion
Humeston moved, Byrd seconded that bills be paid.
Motion carried.
The following bills to be paid as listed:
Refund $10.00 to Pacific Outdoor for License issued in
error $10.00
Refund to Mr. W. H. Bowman on Building Permit 6.00
Carson & Golding for Maintenance of City Trucks 9.60
The Tustin News Publication of Ordinance No.101
& Notices 90.39
Division of Highways for Traffic Signals 503.94
Signal Oil Company., Ethyl Gasoline 550 gals 123.29
Tustin Hardware Co. for wire brush .75
Utilities for May 27.32
Tustin Water Works for fire hydrants from Jan. to June 246.00
Stein's Stationery Supplies for Police Department 3.39
Graves & Howley for 230 gals. Controlol 33.49
R. J. Noble Company for paving 264.80
Kleen-Line Corp. for Janitor supplies 21.98
Solman Chevrolet Co. for Car 652 5.20
County of Orange for services rendered 7.81
County of Orange for Sheriff's Department 24.40
Max A. Hieber refund for Soc. Sec. charged .88
James S. Johnson refund for Soc. Sec (chg in error) .60
Verl Van Benthusen refund for Soc. Sec. charged in err) .42
Federal Reserve Bank for Employees withholding tax 316.14
State Employee's Retirement System 284.54
Meeting was duly adjourned.
Jerome C. Kidd