HomeMy WebLinkAboutNB 1a C ST PLAZA PROJECT 2-1-82 NEW BUSINESS ~///~.~ No. 1 2-1-82 DATE: JANUAR~ Inter-Com TO: WILLIAM HUSTCN, CITg MAN~ER FROM: BCi3 LEDENDECKER, DIRECTCR C~ PUBLIC WO~KS/CIT~ E~qGINEER SUBJECT: ACCEPTANCE CF GRANTS CF E~SEMENT "C" STREET PLAZA PROJECT REC CI~%~L~TI C~: That the Tustin City Council accept the five (5) Grants of Easement attached hereto and direct the City Clerk to forward said easements to the County Recorder's office for recordation. BACKGRCL%D: Attached are five (5) Grants of Easement from the Gfeller Development Co. to the City of Tustin. These easenents are described as follows: Vehicular Access and drainage easement through the portion of "C" Street that is to be vacated and abandoned. This is easement will provide a perpetual easement for vehicles over, through and across the vacated portion of "C" Street to provide public access through the entire length of "C" Street bet~:cn Main and Sixth Streets. Pedestrian easement through the portion of "C" Street that is to be vacated and abandoned. This easement will provide for the public to utilize the "C" Street plaza area· Two street and highway easements. These easements provide the necessary land outside of the existing "C" Street right of way to construct the de sac streets both northerly and southerly of the plaza area. e Water Main easement. This easement is independent of the vacation and abandonment proceeding and provides a perpetual easement for the public water main required to serve Tract No. 10979 (Stevens Square). These easements should not be accepted until such time the public hearing, for the vacation and abandonment of a portion of "C" Street between Main Street and Sixth Street has been completed and the City Council has passed and adopted the resolution ordering said vacation and abandonment. BCB LEDENDECKER DIRECTOR OF PU~IC WORKS/ CTT~ ENGINEER db cc: James Rourke RECORDING REQUESTED BY ~r~ & AND WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO SPACE ABOVE: THIS lINE FOR RE:CORDE:R'S USE: Documentary transfer tax $ ............................................ [] Computed on full value of property conveyed, or [] Computed on full value less liens & encumbrances remaining thereon at time of sale. Signature of declarant or agent determining tax - firm name [] Unincorporated area [] City of .................................. L-I Grant Deed FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, ~tevens Square, a California limited partnership hereby GRANT(S) to City of Tustin, A Municipal Corporation, a Perpetual Easement for Water main purposes in, on, under, over, through and across the following described rea] property in the City of Tustin county of Orange , state of California: ~nat portion of Parcel 1, in the City of ~ustin, County of Orange, State of California as per Parcel Map No. 81-1026 filed in Book 158, Paqe 11 of Parcel Maps, records of said county described as follows: PARCEL 1: A strip of land 10.00 feet in width, the centerline of which is described as follows: Beginning at a point in the East line of said Parcel 1 that is distant thereon S. 0* 10' 37" g. 148.27 feet frcm the Northeast corner of said Parcel; thence S. 89° 49' 23" W. 82.00 feet. PARCEL 2: A strip of land 10.00 feet in width, the centerline of which is described as follows: Beginning at a point in the East line of said Parcel 1 that is distant thereon S. 0* 10' 39" g. 263.96 feet frcm the Northeast corner of said Parcel; thence S. 89' 49' 123" W. 82.00 feet. STATE OF CALIFORNIA ~ behaff of said corporation, sai~ corporation ~in9 known to me to ~ ~ general ~a~ner of the limited pa~nerehip that ex~ed the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that such partner and that such pa~nership WITNE~ my hand and o~cial ISa. · before me, the undersigned,~a Nota~ Public in and for limited partnership BY: Gfeller Development Company, Inc. A California Corporation, as artner/ f ler,~presidknt SEAL. OR ~I'AMP (This area for official notarial seal) ,44,41AI VAN DELL AND ASSOCIATES. INC. WATER LINE EASEMENTS ~ '"~ . , REGORDING R£QIJESTE~D BY ~ITA'TI L ABOVE THIS tiNS FOR RECORDER'S USE Documentary transfer tax $ ............................................ [] Computed on full value of property conveyed, or [] Computed on full value less liens & encumbrances remaining-thereon at time of sale. $ignatur~ of declarant or agent determining tax - firm name [] Unincorporated area [] City of .................................. Grant Deed I az-/z FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, Stevens square, a California limited partnership hereby GRANT(S) to City of Tustin, A Municipal Corporation, a Perpetual Easement for Street and ~ighway purposes, in, on, ~a~der, over, through and across the following described real property in the City of TUStin county o£ Orange , state of California: That portion of Fifth Street (abandoned) in the City of ~ustin, County of Orange, State of California lying between Blocks 17 and 24 as shown on a map of a Part of Tustin City filed in Book 4, Pages 218 and 219 of Mis~ello_neous Re~ords of Lo~ Angeles County, California, described as follows; C~,=ncing at the ta3rthwest oorner of said Block 24; thence N. 0° 10' 37" W. 5.03 feet along the Northerly pcolongation of the West line of said Blo~ 24 to the True Point of Beginning; thence oontinuing N. 0' 10' 37" W. 47.46 feet along said prolongation to a point on a non-tangent 34.00 foot radius curve that is ¢c~%cave Westerly, a radial to said point bears N. 48' 24' 48" E.; thence S~utherly 41.96 feet along said curve through a central angle of 70' 42' 25" to the beginning of a 95.00 foot radius reverse curve that is concave Southeasterly; thence Southwesterly 9.31 feet along said curve through a central angle of 5' 36' 55" to the True Point of Dated ~'rATE oF c^uFo. N,^ COUNTY OF ,. ~.f" ? (~ ]k{:~r~: . , ss. On f~? :'~- ~ '/ / '~ ~ ~ ~for. me, the undersi~, , Not,~ Pubffc ;n end ~r known to me to be the ~ President, and ih~rporation that exe~ut~ the withln~ inst~u~en~ and known to m~to be the persona who executed the w~th~n mstrumem on ~half of said corporation, said corporation ~ing known to me to be the. general panner of ' t~ limited ~e~nersbip that eXffcuted the within inst~ment, and acknowledged ? me thai such '~amner and that such partnership WITN~ my hand and o~clal seat ~ . ~)/~., <.~ ..... "~ .f % ~"x Stevens SQuare, a California limited partnership BY: Gfeller Development Commany~ IrrcL ~ Ca]~.~n~n~n Corporation al partpe~~ (This area for official notarial seal) 'SEAL OR ~I'AMP ~.u~ ~-..~ ---- -,--: .-.:: VAN DELL AND ASSOCIATES, INC. "O" STREET EASEMENT RE:GORDING ~EQUESTED BY AND WHEN RI[CORDED MAIL TO SPACE ABOVI~ THIS L. INE FOR ~E:GORDI='R'S USI~ Documentary transfer Lax $ ............................................ [] Computed on full value of property conveyed, or [] Computed.on full value less liens & encumbrances remaining thereon at time of sale. Signature of declarant or agent determining tax - tirm name [] Unincorporated area [] City of .................................. L-i FOR grant Deed A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, ,tevens Sc?aare, a California limited partnership hereby GRANT(S) to City of Tustin, A Municipal Corporation, a Perpetual Easement for Street and Highway purposes, in, on, L~der, over, through and across the following described real property in the City of ~ti~ county of O~i~CJ~ , state of Ca]i~ornia: That portic~ of Lot 3, ~ract No. 10979, in the City of Tustin, C~unty of Orange, State of California, as per mp filed in Bock 495, Pages 32 and 33 of Miscellaneous Maps, records of said c~unty, described as follows; Beginning at a point in the East line of said Lot 3 that is distant thereon S. 0° 10' 37" E. 43.15 feet from the Southerly terminus of that certain 22.00 foot radius in the boundaz-f of said Lot, said point being the beginning of a 72.12 foot radius curv~ that is ~oncave Westerly; thence Southerly 19.77 feet along said curve through a central angle of 15° 42' 25" to the beginning of a 35.00 foot radius reverse curve that is concave Easterly; thence Southerly 26.49 feet along said curve through a central angle of 43° 22' 03" to the East line of said Lot 3; thence N. 0° 10' 37" W. 45.25 feet along said East line to the point of beginning. Dated STATE OF CAUFORNLa~,? t'l <) , COUN~ OF ~ ~' '~ /7 ..... o. / '. , _ ,:. said State, ~rsonally ap~ared ~ (.' -~ <l -- /, known to me to be th~ ~ Pre~ent, and known tO me to be.the : ~reta~ of ~hd corporation /h;~ executed the within instrument and known ~o ~e to be the persons who executed the w~thm instrument on behalf of said corporation, said corporation being known to me the limited partnership that executed the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that such partner cod that such pa~ershlp execut~ the same. WITNE~ my hand ang o~dal Signature : - Stevens Square, a California l~ited partnership BY: Gfeller Development Company Inc. A California Corporation, 1 partner. ~foreme, theun~csigned, aNota~Publlclnandf°r _rv P~r~sid~nt. S~AL OR STAMP .I I ! I 1 ! I I ! I I I 1 I VAN DELLc,,,LAND £..,..~,~^$$O¢]^TES' IN¢. #C" STREET ,,,o,:.,.,..,.o.EASENENI CITY AND WHEN RECORDED MAll. TO SPACE ABOVE THIS L. INE: FOR RE:CORDER'S USE Documentary transfer tax $ ............................................ [] Computed on full value of property conveyed, or [] Computed on full value less liens & encumbrances remaining thereon at time of sale. Signature of declarant or agent determining tax - firm name [] Unincorporated area [] City of .................................. Grant Deed I L-I FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDEIIATION, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, ~.tevens ScOt,re, a California limited partnership hereby GRANT(S) to City of ~ustin, A F~nicipal Corporation, a Perpetual Easement for Pedestrian purposes, in, on, over, through and across the following described real property in the City of ~UStin county of O~di~Je , state of California: That portion of "C" Street (abandoned) and T%"act 10979, in the City of Tustin, County of Orange, State of California as shown On a map filed in Book 495, Pages 32 and 33, Miscellaneous Maps, re~ords of said county described as follows; Beginning at a point in the East line of said "C" Street that is dis~nt there on N. 0" 10' 37" W. 48.67 feet frc~ the Southwest ~orner of Lot 12, Block 17, as shown on a Map of a Portion of Tustin City filed in Book 4, Pages 218 and 219 of Miscellaneous Records of Los Angeles County; thence S. 89° 49' 23" W. 92.50 feet; thence N. 0° 10' 37" W. 92.62 feet; thence N. 89° 49' 23" E. 31.88 feet; thence N. 44° 07' 08" E. 42.09 fcct to a point on a n~n-tangent 35.00 foot radius curve that is ooncave Northerly, a radial to said point bears S. 6° 21' 48" E.; thence Easterly 16.13 feet along said curve through a central angle of 26° 24' 38"; thence non-tangent S. 77° 30' 03" E. 12.24 feet; thence N. 89° 49' 23" E. 4.20 feet to the East line of said "C" Street; thence S. 0° 10' 37" E. 125.37 feet along said East line to the point of beginning. Dated STATE OF CALIFORIgJA O. . ;:~ ; ~ , / ~' ~ ~ before me, the undqrs gned,,. ~ot,~ Public in end for said State, ;~ersonally ap~ar~ '" ~ ~-~ ~" / ' ~" - 't~-' ' President, and known to me to be the known to me ~o be the ~retary of 'the ~orporatlon that ~e~uted the-~ithln instrument and known to me to be the persons who executed the within instrument o~ ~half of said corporation, said corporation being known to me to be the general pa~ner the I~mited pa~ner~hip that e~ecuted the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that such pa~ner and that such partnership executed the some. WITNE~ my han~ and o~ial seal ~:m~ ffvn.d~ Rrint.d~ (Tbls area for official notarial seal) Stevens Square, A California limited partnership BY: Gfeller Development Company, Inc. A California Corporation, ~1 partner Il 'SEAL OR STAMP ./~ ~ 0 CONIAd. VAN DELL AND ASSOCIATES, INC. PEDESTRIAN EASEMENT Ell'CORDING REQUEb-rED BY AND WHEN RECORDED MAll. 1'O 5PAGE ABOVE THIS LING FOR RECORDER'B USG Documentary transfer tax $ ............................................ [] Computed on full value of property conveyed, or [] Computed on full value less liens &eneumbranees remaining thereon at time of sale. Signature of declarant or agent determining tax - firm name [] Unincorporated areal-I City of .................................. L-1 6rant Deed &o/- Z/- FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, _ Stevens Square, a California limited partnership hereby GRANT(S) to City of Tustin, A Fnnicipal Corporation, a Perpetual Easement for Vehicular ingress and egress and surface drainage in, on, over, through and across the following described real property in the City of T~stin county of Oraxlge , state of California: hat portion of "C" Street (abandoned) and Tract 10979, in the City of Tus[in, County' of Orange, State of California as shc~n on a map filed in Book 495, Pages 32 and 33, Miscellaneous Maps, records of said county, described as follows: PARCEL 1: Cum,encing at a point in the East line of said "C" Street that is distant there on N. 0e 10' 37" W. 48.67 feet f-rcm the Southwest corner of Lot 12, Block 17, as shown on a Map of a Portion of Tustin City filed in Book 4, Pages 218 and 219 of Miscellaneous Records of Los Angeles County; thence S. 89° 49' 23" W. 18.00 feet to the T~3E POINT CF BEGINNING: thence S. 89" 49' 23" W. 74.50 feet; thence N. 0° 10' 37" W. 92.62 feet; thence N. 89" 49' 23" E. 31.88 feet; thence N. 44° 07' 08" E. 42.09 feet to a point on a non-tanqent 35.00 foot radius curve that is concave Northeasterly; a radial to said point bears S. 6e 21' 48" E.; thence Northwesterly 30.84 feet along said curve through a central angle of 50" 28' 56"; thence non-tangent S. 44° 07' 08" West 9.55 feet to the beginning of a 20.00 foot radius curve that is concave Northw~--sterly; thence Southwesterly 15.95 feet along said curve through a central angle of 45° 42' 15"; thence S. 89° 49' 23" W. 39.07 feet; thence S. 0e 10' 37" E. 149.95 feet; thence N. 89° 49' 23" E. 69.50 feet to the beginning of a 2.00 foot radius curve that is ooncave Southwesterly; thence Southeasterly 3.14 feet along said curve through a central angle of 90° 00' 00"; thence S. 0° 10' 37" E. 18.34 feet; thence N. 89° 49' 23" E. 22.50 feet to the beginning of a 34.00 foot radius curve that is concave Southerly; thence Easterly 7.56 feet along said curve through a central angle of 12" 44' 37"; thence non-tangent N. 0° 10' 37" W. 51.50 feet to the TI~3E POINT CF BEGINNING. PARCEL 2: Beginning at a point on the East line of said "C" Street that is distant thereon N. 0° 10' .37" W. 23.98 feet frcm the Southwest corner of Lot 9, said Block 17; thence N. 0' 10' 37" W. 26.02 feet along said East line; thence S. 89° 49' 23" W. 0.54 feet to a point on a non-tangent 35.00 foot radius curve that is concave Northwesterly, a · '~ radial to said point bears S. 80° 03' 25" E.; thence Southwesterly 28.88 feet along said curve through a central angle of 47° 16~ 59": thence non-tangent S. 77° 30' 03" E. 12.24 feet; thence N. 89° 49' 23" East 4.20 feet to the point of beginning. the limited partnergh,p that executed the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that auth"partner and that such partnership executed the same. WITNESS my hand and offh;ia[ seal _ $igaatur~e Name O'yped or Prlntedi (This area for official notarial seal)