COUNCILMEN PRESENT: Jerome C. Kidd, Arthur O. Park, Frank E. Bacon, Jr.,
W.L. Tadlock and Lee A. Byrd.
COUNCILMEN ABSENT: City Clerk S. C. Penington.
CITY ATTORNEY: C. Arthur Nisson, Jr., was present and acted as
Clerk pro tem.
Mayor Kidd called the meeting to order at 7:30 P.M.
Motion was duly made, seconded and carried, that the Minutes of the
regular meeting of the City Council on April 23, 1956, be approved
as mailed out.
ORDINANCE Mayor Kidd called for public hearing on the matter of Claus Annex-
#101 Adopted ation to City of Tustin. There being no objection voiced to the
proposed annexation, Bacon moved, Byrd seconded, that Ordinance No.
101, approving Claus's annexation to the City of Tustin be read by
title only. Motion duly carried, all members voting Aye. Upon the
reading of said Ordinance No. 101, Park moved, Tadlock seconded,
that said Ordinance be passed for its first reading. Motion was
duly carried. Title of said Ordinance was "An Ordinance of the
City of Tustin, California Accepting and Approving Claus Annex-
ation to Tustin".
There were present trailer park owners and operators doing business
within the City of Tustin. Mr. Budd Hannaford and his manager,
Mr. Martin from Martin's Trailer Court, Jerry Redlein of Redlein's
Trailer Court. There was a general discussion concerning the
matter of inspection and control of trailers and trailer parks
in the City of Tustin and all trailer park owners appeared co-
- operative and stated they desired to do what was right as set forth
in the respective ordinances and regulations. Members of the
Council expressed themselves as being willing to give the trailer
park operators a reasonable time to make such corrections as were
found necessary by the State.
John Siegel was present stating that the Freeway to take the place
of Highway No. 55 should be placed underground at its crossings
of 1st and 4th Streets near the City of Tustin. Park moved, Bacon
seconded, to instruct the City Attorney to write the State Engineer
and County Board of Supervisors urging that under-crossings be
provided at said intersections of the subject Freeway.
The City Attorney was instructed to present new plumbing and
electrical codes for the City Council's consideration.
PROPERTY PUR- Tadlock moved, Bacon seconded, to purchase that excess property
CHASED AT 6TH from the State of California for the sum of $15,000.00, said prop-
AND PACIFIC erty being located Southerly of the intersection of Sixth Street
and Pacific Street. Motion also included the authorization of the
Mayor and the City Clerk to sign all necessary papers end Warrants
in connection therewith, duly correct.
RESOLUTION 388 City Engineer McBride was present and presented plans and speci-
APPROVED fications for the improvement of North "A", "B", and "C" Streets.
Bacon moved approval, Tadlock seconded, and said plans were
approved and the Clerk was authorized to advertise for bids.
Bacon moved, Tadlock seconded, that Resolution No. 388 approving
and authorizing said plans and specifications and directing that
bids be advertised for. Resolution was duly carried and on roll
call all voted aye.
Tadlock moved that McBride be authorized to figure out street
numbers on newly annexed areas. Park seconded, motion carried.
BOND FOR DEPUTY Discussion was had conceming the employment of a Deputy
CITY CLERK SET City Clerk to assist S. C. Penington, whose heath was
AT $5,000.00. quite bad and who might need a leave of absence. It was
generally concluded that a bond of $5,000.00 should be re-
quired for the Deputy City Clerk. Tadlock moved approval
of the above, Bacon seconded, moron carried.
Park moved to pay the bills presented. Bacon seconded and
the motion was duly carried.
The meeting was thereupon adjourned.
Jerome C. Kidd
S.C. Penington
City Clerk
C. Arthur Nisson, Jr.
Clerk Pro Tem
BY: Doris C. Grace
Deputy City Clerk