HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC MINUTES 1956 04 23 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE TUSTIN CITY COUNCIL HELD ON MONDAY, APRIL 23, 1956, IN THE CITY HALL COUNCILMEN PRESENT: Kidd, Byrd, Tadlock, Park and Bacon. COUNCILMEN ABSENT: None CITY ATTORNEY: Nisson was present. Mayor Kidd called the meeting to order at 7:45 immediately following adjournment of a meeting of the Tustin planning Commission. Upon motion of park, seconded by Bacon and duly carried the Minutes of the meeting of April 9th were approved as mailed out after a correction in punctuation was made in Paragraph 4. Upon motion of Tadlock, seconded by Byrd and carried the Minutes of an Adjourned Regular Meeting of April 17th were approved as mailed out. Ordinance No. 99 entitled "An Ordinance of the City of Tustin, California, Accepting and Approving Pankey's Annexation to Tustin was presented and read by title only upon motion of Bacon, seconded by Park and duly Carried. ORDINANCE Ordinance No. 99 was adopted upon motion of Byrd, seconded by 99 ADOPTED Park and carried by roll call vote. Bacon moved to read Ordinance No. 100 entitled "An Ordinance of the City of Tustin, California, Accepting and Approving Griset's Annexation to the City of Tustin" by title only. Park seconded and motion carried by roll call vote. ORD.#100 Ordinance No. 100 was adopted upon motion of Park, seconded by Adopted Byrd and carried by roll call vote. Upon motion of Park, seconded by Bacon and carried, the American Legion was granted permission to sell fireworks within the City of Tustin this year with the same provisions and conditions as in pre- vious years. Sign advertisers representing the Shell Oil Company requested Council's permission to erect a 10 ftx 20 ft sign on the North side of First Street at "D" Street. After discussion permission was denied upon motion of Park, seconded by Byrd and carried, in the belief that a large sign in this location could prove to be a traffic hazard. City Engineer McBride recommended that if permission for this sign should late be granted that it be located not less than 40 feet from the center of First Street. Park moved that Engineer McBride's recommendation regarding im- provement of North "D" Street and Orangewood Lane be accepted. Tadlock seconded. Motion carried. Mr. McBride Submitted prices obtained for Street Signs. He was requested to check cost of signs with Orange County Road Dept. and to submit more information at the next Council Meeting. NEW POLICE Mayor Kidd opened and read six bids as submitted on a new Police CAR PURCHASED Car. Makes of cars offered and bids were discussed at length. Upon motion of Bacon, seconded by Park and carried, it was decided to purchase a 1956 Chevrolet 4-door Sedan from Selman Chevrolet Co. Orange, for a total price of 1,899.20. 230 POLICE Police Commissioner Tadlock brought up the matter of SALARY Police salaries and moved to set up a salary schedule INCREASE for Patrolmen as follows: Starting salary, $285.00 per month; after three (3) months, $300.00 per month; after six (6) months, $315.00 per month; after one (1) year a maximum of $330.00 per month unless changed by action of the City Council. Sergeant Sissel to re- ceive $345.00 per month. Seconded by Park motion was duly carried. Chief of Police ElmerJohansen to be raised to $435.00 per month upon motion of Park, seconded by Byrd and carried. City Attorney Nisson Read a report by the County Inspector on unsatisfactory conditions existing in Trailer Parks within Tustin. Mr. Nisson suggested that Trailer Park Owners and Operators be requested to attend the next Council meeting on May 14, 1956. Bills were presented and oredered paid upon motion of Park, seconded by Byrd and carried. Park moved to adjourn. Byrd seconded. Carried. Meeting Adjourned. Jerome C. Kidd Mayor S. C. Penington City Clerk By: Doris L. Grace Deputy City Clerk