HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC MINUTES 1956 02 27 222 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, HELD ON MONDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 27, 1956, IN THE CITY HALL COUNCILMEN PRESENT: Jerome C. Kidd, Arthur O. Park, Frank E. Bacon, Jr., W. L. Tadlock and Lee A. Byrd. COUNCILMEN ABSENT: None CITY ATTORNEY: Nisson was present. Mayor Kidd ~aIled the meeting to order at 735 P- M. Upon motion of Tadlock, seconded by Park and duly carried. Minutes of the previous meeting of February 4th were approved as mailed out. RESOLUTION City Attorney Nisson presented Resolution No. 381 "A NO. 381 Resolution of Intention to Annex Certain Territory to be ADOPTED known as "Pankey's Annexation to Tustin" which was adopted upon motion of Bacon, seconded by Park and carried by voice vote. RESOLUTION Resolution No. 382 "A Resolution of intention to Annex NO. 382 Certain Territory to be known as "Griset's Annexation to ADOPTED Tustin" was presented and adopted upon motion of Park, seconded by Bacon and carried by voice vote. Ordinance No. 97 entitled "An Ordinance Fixing Compen- sation, Amount of Bond, Duties of the City Clerk, and Re- pealing Ordinances Nos. 3, 19, 43, 64 and 73 of the City of Tustin was presented and read by title only for second reading upon motion of Park, seconded by Bacon and duly carried by roll call vote. ORDINANCE Upon motion of Tadlook, seconded. by Bacon and carried NO. 97 by roll call vote Ordinance No. 97 was adopted. ADOPTED Ordinance No. 98 entitled "An Ordinance of the City of Tustin, Imposing a City Sales and Use Tax; Providing for the Performance by the State Board of Equalization of all Functions Incident to the Administration, Operation and Collection of the Sales and Use Tax Hereby Imposed, and Providing Penalties for Violations thereof" was presented and read by title only upon motion of Park, seconded by Bacon and duly carried by roll call vote. Upon motion of Tadlock, seconded by Park and duly carried, the first reading of 0rdinamce No. 98 was ap- proved. COUNTY BLDG. It was regularly moved by Councilman Tadlock, sec- DEPT TO onded by Councilman Byrd, that C. W. Donohue, County INSPECT ALL Building Inspector and his deputies, be authorized and TRAILER PARKS permitted to inspect all Trailer Parks and Trailer Park AND TRAILER Sites within the City of Tustin to determine compliance PARK SITES with Ordinance No. 9 , and to determine a basis for con- tractual arrangement between the City and the County of Orange for regular inspection regarding construction and maintenance of trailer parks within the City of Tustin by and through the County Building Department of Orange County, California. Motion duly carried. Wayne Runnells was present in regard to Mrs. Ed. Kisers desire for the City to remove a tree from the parkway in front of her residence at 175 South "A" Street. It was suggested that Mr. Runnels contact Coun- cilman Bacon for a decision at a later date. 223. City Engineer McBride submitted a list of trees to be trimmed or removed. Upon motion of Park, seconded by Tadlock and duly carried, it was agreed to leave this matter to the discretion of Mr. McBride. DIRECTIONAL Upon motion of Park, seconded by Tadlock and carried, SIGN TO BE Street Superintendent Johansen was authorized to place a PLACED AT directional sign designating TUSTIN at Main Street and MAIN ST. & Tustin Avenue. TUSTIN AVE. The following bills were ordered paid upon motion of BILLS Tadlock, seconded by Park and carried, Signal Oil Co. $ 89.60 Kleen-Line Corporation 12.36 Tustin Auto Parts 25.43 Edney & Needham Tree Service 192.00 The Tustin News 4.61 Unifomn BIdg. Code Association 62.48 California Physicians Service 38.85 Southern Calif, Edison Co. 8.10 State Employees Retirement System 9.24 First Nat'l Bk of Tustin Utilities 23.73 Ralph Van Buskirk 27.00 TOTAL $493.40 The meeting was adjourned until 7.30P. M., Wednesday, February 29th, upon motion of Tadlock, seconded by Park and duly carried. Jerome C. Kidd Mayor Samuel C. Penington City Clerk