HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC CALIFORNIAN APTS. 03-15-82PUBLIC CONCERNS No. 1 3-15-82 March 2, 1982 Ms. Mary E. Wynn, City Clerk City of Tustin 300 Centennial Way Tustin, Ca. 92680 Dear ~ls. Wynn: Regarding the condominium conversion of the Californian Apartments, Variance 881: This is a formal request for a public hearing to address the Tustin City Council. Cal State Associates, Inc.,'owners of the apartments, is in noncompliance with Tustin City Ordinance 822, and with California State law governing the conversion of apartments. I wish to update the City Council in a public hearing, and bring witnesses to testify about the many continuing deficiencies that plague the Californian Apartments. Specifically, I wish to discuss the need for: (1.) (3.) (4.) A tenant relocation/purchase plan 120-day notice of intent to convert prior to the date of conversion Written tenant assistance agreement The City of Tustin City Attorney should review rental agreements wherein tenants have been signing additions to their rental agreements, prior to Council approval, 1-18-82, that give up their conversion rights. At present, work on the much noted water system has ceased. ~ne vehdor who was working full time to replace water faucets to correct the hot/cold water problem, is no longer here. The maintenance staff is inadequate to continue to do the work, and is not presently correcting the water problem. Apartments continue to have hot, or cold water only; roofs continue to leak; water pipes continue to burst; etc. In short, it seems that any good will effort exerted prior to the Council's approval to convert, was simply a show for the Council, without follow through. Tenants at the Californian Apartments have a right to standard housing conditions. The attached photocopy shows that conversion construction is to begin sometime this month, and furthermore, discussion with the Chief Engineer for the project confirms this. Yet, the conditions set down in Tustin City Ordinance 822 are not being complied with. Page 2, continued. I wish to have the opportunity to update the City Council on these and other matters, and respectfully request a public hearing. Sincerely, Rick Horton President, The Californian Tenant's Association RH/fgm Enc: Photocopy 14916 H Newport Avenue Tustin, Ca. 92680 (714) 544-9195 14932 NEWPORT AVENUE · TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA 92680 ° TEL. (714)832-6122 February 15,1982 Dear F. Mennone, GOOD MORNING~ we must ask you to remove all of your personal belongings from your carport storage area. This is due to our condominum Conversion. The constructiOn in this area will beg1- ten days from the date of this letter, our construction engineer needs to tear out those storage cabinets to construct a sound wall between the californian Apartments and the railroad tracks. · we understand your inconvenienc% but we all appreciate your cooperation, please have your be~ longings removed by February 25,1982. Th_s-~ you, CarOl J. M~ ~~ Resident Manager DATE: March 15, 1982 PUBLIC CONCERNS No , 1 3'15"82 Inter-Corn TO: FROM: SUBJECT: Honorable Mayor & City Council Community Development Department Tenant Relocation Plan: California Apartments Applicant: Cai-State Associates Location: 14882-14942 Newport Avenue BACKGROUgD & DISCUSSION The conversion of the California Apartments was approved on January 18, 1982. The conversion ordinance (#822) states that a tenant relocation/ purchase plan must be submitted to the Planning Department. Attached for your information is the plan for the Californian with dollar amounts included as specified in the ordinance. Compliance with the code section is required as attached to the plan. MAC:ih 3-10-82 CALIFORNIA APARTMENTS TENANT RELOCATION/PURC~IASE PLAN HIGHLIGHTS TENANT ASSISTANCE PROGRAM A, NO RENT RAISES B, RELOCATION PAYMENT 1+1 :.$750 2+1-1/2 = $950 2+2: $1,050 15% BONUS FOR THOSE STAYING UNTIL 60 DAY MOVE-OUT NOTICE C, INCONVENIENCE PAYMENT $100 - MINIMUM 120 DAYS AFTER COUNCIL APPROVAL $400 - STAYING UNTIL 60 DAY FINAL MOVE-OUT NOTICE D. RELOCATION COORDINATOR AT COMPLEX E. MOVING COMPANY DISCOUNT 10-15% F. REFUND OF SECURITY & CLEANING (EXCLUDING MAJOR DAMAGES) Page 1 of 3 C~IFO~IA ~ART~NTS TENET ~LOCATION/PURC~SE P~ HIGHLIGHTS TENANT PURCHASE PROGRAM PURCHASE DISCOUNT 1. MINIMUM 10% DISCOUNT 2. WILL NOT EXCEED THE FOLLOWING: 1+1 $65,100 2+1-1/2 $80,100 2+2 $90,100 YOU ["WY PURCHASE YOUR UNIT OR ANY UNIT IN PAHSE 1 THR0 TOTAL 6 PHASES, C. INTEREST RATES & DOWN PAYMENT PLANS BUYDOWN CONCEPT - LAST 3 YEARS DOWN PAYMENT BUYDOWN 0% NONE - SHARED APPRECIATION 5% 2% 10% 3% 15% 4% 20% 5% No BUYDOWN BELOW 12% INTEREST D. REFURBISHMENT ALLOWANCE 1, $15 A SQ. YD. OR... 2, CAL STATE WILL PAINT INTERIOR, REPLACE CARPETS, DRAPES, VINYL FLOOR, E, 1 YEAR GUARANTEE ON APPLIANCES & FIXTURES F. DISCOUNTS ON PURCHASES Page 2 of 3 Section of ORDINANCE NO. 822 CALIFOP~IA APARTMENTS TENANT RELOCATION/PURCI~SE . PLAN Page 3 of 3 $ 4 ? 8 :.4' ~.? (4) Tenant relocation/purchase p~ov~s~ons: The applicant shall give ~n-~tCe. noC~ce to a11 Cenan~s Can (10) days prio~ Co ~he dace of al~ ~}fc hearings ,e14C~ to the condomfnfum ~nverston application. All ~mons ~ho e~e t~ants at ~he C~ of CtCy app~val of the conve~on shal~ be g~ven e noCtce o( fnC~C Co conve~ of one hund~ and ~w~Cy (?20) days [o ~ dace of conve~lon ~nd the ~ig~ ~o purchase exe~tsable wt~htn sixty (~) days fn acco~ance wl~h S~aCe le~. ~e a~pllcan~ shall submi~ a ~an~ rel~aClon/pu~hase plan con- ~a~ntng 4C l~sC C~ ~o]low~ng: (a) ~s~SCance [o ea~ pe~on ~ho ts a ~an~ aC ~he ~ Ct~y app~val of ~he .conve~ion and ~o r~tns a C~an~ for one hund~ ~d W~Cy (~20) days ~he~f~er or unC~l ~e s~n~ tssuance of buildtng ~t~s, a~ ~o each pe~on ~ b~ a ~enan~ after C~y approval a~ ~ho 15 ~C g~v~ wr1~ notice of the ~nCend~ conve~lon by ~e d~eloper be~a~ b~tng a ~anC, es ~o~1~s: each such p~on d~frfng Co ~?ocaCe, a cash ~nC ~o ~ice the las= ~n~S ~ paJd or a mlni~ ~un~ o~ Stx Hundr~ ~11a~ ($600.00), ~ch~er ts g~ter. R~t ~u~on or ~afv~ my be fnc]~ ~or cons~d~a~fon. no case shall r~ be rats~ ~011~1ng ap~oval of any ~en~Clve ~D or use (b) A ~K~ge or dollar dtscount to be offer~ ~enan~s d~ring ~o ~hase their unt~ and 5p~ia1 financing ~hantsm or purchase plans. (c) P~vtstons for spKtal p~K~on of longer tern ~cu~n- ct~ or g~aC~ cash ass~sCance ~o hous~olds of the elde~Tx (~ ~ of age or older), the dfsab1~ as d~ ~tn~ In Un~C~ S~a~ C~e, TItle 4~, S~on 423, or ha~tcapp~ pe~ons as deftn~ In ~e ~Zt~ornla Health ~d ~feCy. C~e, S~Cfan (d) P~vtstons for refund of cleentng a~ s~ur~Cy a~f~ona] cash ~nCs ~or ~vfng or fnconvenJence exgens~ (~t~ off of ~rk, [ranSpO~CaCton, eec.); availa- bility of a ~el~aCion c~rdtnato~, dt~KCory of available unt~s o~ other relocaCton assts~nce; and any ocher p~vtston Ia asstsC tenants tn ~elocaCton or purchase. (e) ~r~C ~haC no ~an[ shall be unreasonably dts~rb~ during bu~ld~ng, r~eltng or sal~ activity, and excep[ ~n an ~rgenc~ st~uaCton, shall be granC~ ~ (2) days noCtce prtor [o ~ui~ng acc~s ~or ~epair, t~v~nCs, lnsp~ton or s~ng ~0 p~sp~ive purchaser or ~gagee. Provtd~ fu~her [haC no ~enen~ shall refuse reasonable access for such pu~oses."