COUNCILMEN PRESENT: Jerome C. Kidd, Arthur O. Park,
W. L. Tadlock & Frank E. Bacon, Jr.
CITY ATTORNEY: C. Arthur Nisson, Jr. was present.
S. C. Penington, City Clerk, being ill was absent
and C. Arthur Nisson, Jr. Cityl Attorney, was present and
acted as Clerk pro tem.
Tadlock moved, Park seconded, that the Minutes of the
regular meeting of December 12 be approved as mailed out and
corrected, and that the Minutes of the adjourned regular
meeting of December 19th as mailed out be approved. Motion
was carried;
Correspondence: A letter from George Phelps on North
"C" Street requesting removal of a walnut tree in a park-
way in front of his house was referred to City Engineer
McBride for report.
A letter from Joe Webber requesting the using of the
city numbering system on "D" Street in lieu of the county
numbering system was received and filed. It was noted that
this was not possible unless the property was annexed to the
Chief of Police reported that the gasoline pump be-
longing to the city needed repair, whereupon Park moved,
Tadlock seconded, that the Chief of Police be authorized
to have said pump repaired. Motion was carried.
Mr. John A. Prescott and his trailer park consultant,
Charles R. Peyton, were present to request preliminary ap-
proval of plans for a trailer park on the Prescott property
North of Third Street and East of Prospect Street in the
City of Tustin. After lengthy discussion and explanation
of the plans, it appeared that the plans were in accordance
with the regulations enforced in the City of Tustin. Park
moved, Bacon seconded, that George Broomell be appointed
to act as Building Inspector to act during the absence of
Dudley Kiser and authorize Mr. Broomell to approve John A.
Prescott's trailer park plans as presented. Motion was duly
Tadlock moved, Park seconded, and motion was duly carried,
that the City Attorney be requested to negotiate a contract
with the County for trailer park inspection and present it to
the City Council.
Tadlock moved, Bacon seconded, that Ordinance No. 94 be
read by title only for its second reading. All members present
voted Aye and motion was duly carried, whereupon Ordinance No.
94 entitled "An Ordinance of the City of Tustin Requiring Per-
mits and Providing Regulations Governing the Construction,
Maintenance and Operation of Trailer Parks, and providing
penalties for the Violation Thereof, and Repealing Ordinance
No. 58 and 67 of the City of Tustin and Amending Ordinance No.
87 of the City of Tustin" was read by title only and thereafter
passed by the following vote: Ayes -Kidd, Park, Bacon and Tadlock.
Noes - None. Absent - Byrd.
Discussion of Ordinance No. 95 was had and the second
reading of said Ordinance was held up and the Ordinance was
referred to the City Attorney for further study regarding
compulsory construction of cement curbs, gutters and sidewalks,
particularly with reference to improvements to existing
Tadlock moved, Bacon seconded, that Ordinance No. 96
be read in full and that a further reading of said Ordinance
before its adoption be waived. Thereupon Ordinance No. 96
entitled "An Ordinance of the City of Tustin Providing for
the Regulation, Control and Licensing of Dogs, Requiring
Vaccination to Prevent Rabies, Authorizing Sale or Disposal
of Stray Dogs, and Providing Penalties for the Violation
Thereof, and Repealing Ordinance No. 5 of the City of Tustin
entitled "An Ordinance Establishing a Public Pound, Imposing
an Annual Tax Upon Dogs in the City of Tustin and Providing
for the Impounding of Stray Animals and Defining the Duties
of the Pound Keeper" was read in full. Upon motion of Tad-
lock, seconded by Bacon, Ordinance No. 96 was passed on the
following vote: Ayes - Kidd, Tadlock, Park, Bacon. Noes -
None. Absent - Byrd, and said Ordinance No. 96 became effect-
ive immediately.
Tadlock moved, Park seconded, that Chief Johansen be
appointed Animal Control Man of the City of Tustin and that
all police officers be made Deputy Animal Control Men. Motion
was duly carried.
Tadlock moved, Bacon seconded, to authorize the City
Attorney to assist the Animal Control Man in making agree-
ments with veterinarians in the County of Orange and that
the suggested contract presented by the City Attorney be
approved and the mayor be authorized to sign such contracts
as may be entered into by duly licensed veterinarians in the
County of Orange. Motion was duly carried.
Animal Control Man was authorized to submit requirements
and prices of equipment for apprehending and hauling of dogs
in the City of'Tustin.
Tadlock moved, Park seconded, and motion duly carried,
to pay all bills and pay for tree removal on the North side
of First Street between "D" Street and Prospect if said bill
be submitted in accordance with the contract for the removal
of trees thereon.
Leslie Johnson $ 89.60
Chanslor & Lyon Co. 15.10
Calif. Physicians Service 38.85
George Dunton 10.25
Harry Holmes 11.49
Evelyn Ojeda 38.85
S. C. Penington 28.45
J. L. McBride 66.25
J. L. McBride 32.00
Ivey & Thomas 152.00
Tadlock moved, Park seconded, to increase the salary
of Evelyn Ojeda, Deputy Clerk, from $1.25 per hour to $1.75
per hour effective December 27, 1955.
Meeting was duly adjourned.
Jerome C. Kidd
Arthur Nisson, Jr. Secretary Pro Tem