HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC 11 AIR POLLUTION FDS 04-5-8210 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 , CONSENT CALENDAR NO · 11 4-5-82 RESOLUTICN NO. 82-29 WHEREAS, the South Coast Air Quality Mmlage~ent District has jurisdictic~ for air pollutic~ control in the four Souther~ California counties of Los Angeles, Orange, San Bernardino and Riverside; and WF~REAS, the District is facing a major cut of $2.6 million in state subventiicn funds for the next fiscal year, that mc~ey being reallocated to the State Air Resources Board budget; and WHEREAS, the ~uven way to control air pollution in this basin is through a program ~m/~'nistered by locally elected officials w~o are ~irectly accountable for their acti~s; and WII~a~AS, the District's funds should not be used by a state agency which has already grown far be~ its statutory requirements; and Wf~2%S, faced with this major cut the District will have to raise fees it receives from industry to ca~£y out its statutory respc~sibility, with ~ost of these fees ultimately being passed ct7 to local cons~aers; ar~ ~%F~S, this recomaended acticn of reallocating the subvention funds frc~ the District to the Air Resources Board will not result in better air quality, but rather in duplicative and unproductive work; NOS, THEREFORE, ~ IT RESC~VED, that the City Council of the City of Tustin expresses its deep concern to members of the Legislature regarding the air pollution problems of this area, and requests the Legislature to disapprove the reallocation of local assistance funds to the Air Resources Board ' s budget. PASSfD A~D ~ at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Tustin, California, held on the 5th day of April, 1982. JA~F~ B. ~ARP, City Clerk 28 South Coast AIR QUALITY MANAGEMENT DISTRICT HEADQUARTERS, 01B0 E. FI,AIR OR., EL. MON'I'E, CA g, 1731 ANAHEIM OFF'ICE, 1610 E. BAL.L RD., ANAHEIM, CA 02806 . (714) 001-7200 COLTON OFFICE. 2ZlS0 CooL.KY DH., COt. TON, CA 02324 . (714l 824-Z660 March 1, 1982 Honorable James Sharp Mayor of Tustin City Hall ~ain at Centennial Tustin, CA 92680 Dear ~ayor Sharp & Members of the Council: The State of California Air Resources Board (CARE) is expanding at the expense of local government. We need your vigorous protest to correct this shocking situation. The enclosed budget shows that the CARB has arbitrarily decided to absorb the funds trad±tionally earmarked by the legislature for local and regional air quality districts. CARE will use this money to expand its staff and its functions at a time when all other government agencies are cutting back. The enclosed chart demonstrates the extent to which CARB has expande~ its staffing in the last eight years. Faced with the CARB decision, the District will be forced to raise the fees it receives from industry to carry out its statutory responsibility. These'fees are, of course, passed on to local consumers who will be paying more money to expand a state agency which has already grown far beyond its statutory requirements. Knowing of your Council's desire in maintaining home rule and your concern for the economic interest of your constituents, I urge you to adopt a resolution requesting state legislators to disapprove the absorption of local assistance funds in the CARB's budget. I have enclosed a draft resolution which may be helpful. Sincerely, ~- / /-"~ ~ .~ '~ ~: ThOmas F. Heinsheimer Chairman South Coast District Board TFH:js Enclosures 6')O 1975 COMPARATIVE STAFFING OF CARB AND SCAQMD 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 ~00 4oo_ JO0 7 9 I0 12 13 15 16 17 I$ 19 20 21 22 23 25 2~ 27 2S 29 3! 32 37 38 39 40 43 4.7 4~ 4.9 ~0 ~2 53 ~4 ~5 :$6 5~ 6{) 61 62 6~ 6~ 6~ 66 67 63 69 71 73 7J 76 '7?, 78 79 ~7 RESOURCES 3,30 AIR RESOURCES BOARD Thc Air R~ource:. Board h.:, p~m.~ry tc~i~.:l'~dadtl? for pentel:eS a~r q~lily m C~ifomia. Th~* r~n~tbd~[y tnclud~ ~bli~hmcnt of amb~t~ ~r ~u~htv s~ e~, .- .... , 4 .~,~ by the U S En~ ronmen ~ Prt~ ~l on Agency ~d development ~plemenmuon of I~¢ $~¢ In,pl~=,,t~t,o,, Pt~n fur the ~z~nmen~ ~nd the mare/chance of th~ ~ndard~. The plan m~lu~ em ~on h;{;.i for vc~c~ ~d i~l ~arc~ ~bh~h~ by thc ~d ~d lcfii a~r ~llution control duincl~. Program Requirements 10 C~tinu~g pro~ ~t .......... 5502 ~492 ~9.2 S52.612 Wot~ ~dj~m~ ......................... 19 6 21.5 - C~t~f-~vmg ~j~m~t (l~l ..... ~ce) - - To~ Air Pollu~ ~ntrol ........................ 5~0 2 50S 8 570.7 S52.612 R~mb~ ........................................................................................... - 4~'1 NET T~A~ PR~M .................................................................................... ' Motor g~'Me Auto~ti~ R~ F~ ...................................................................................... 1.41~ ~o~ ~~ ~ Plata Fuad ......................................................... L22~ ~ ~olJu~ F~ T~t F~ ........................................................................ ~ ............................... ZI21 F~d ................................................................................................................... 1.19 Authority Health and Safm'y C',,.,4~ S~tiOna 39(K10-39299. SIGNIFICA.N-I' PROGRAbl CHANGES S$5,590 5~2,696 816 3,625 73 S56,406 556,394 - 7t~O -655 S$5,706 $$5,711 $,_S65 $,$~0 24.$02 L$25 I,$g2 1. 445 2. I01 1,657 LOIS 1£070 17,$04 2.822 2.J21 14.:1 1,14 19~2-~°$ 10.10 ]F. atahli(hm,n,~ of lo,al ~"'~"'eut to Support 10.10, 10.40 & 10.60 Coot,roi of Toxic Su~.q~a¢~ ............................................................................................ 7 10.20 Comp!~w'~ of l:,~i~.~io~ ~ Mam~gement 10.30 Im~.io~ l~ana for T~ap~a'm8 of ln-U~ ¥¢hic. l~ .......................................................................... IO.60, 10.70, & 10.80 Study of ~.~J ~aln in ~'alifoJm~ .................................................................................. 10.60 F~ cramtu~l Rmm.'ch ......................................... : ..................................................................................... - 1,865 10.70 Reto..-~fm, of Mamte'~'~'' :,nc} T~u'in$ Facility .................................................................................... - 210 10 AIR POLLUTION CONTROL PROGRAM Progxam Objectives and Description Ah' poUution I~axma the health of Cahfornia's ciUXnr~ it impairs procluctivity; it damasee crops and reduc~a their yi~d~; it b-,~.na cur enjoy, mgm cf our su. tTouad.~ngm; and, it lowers property valuta. Control of mar pollution, while ensucing that growth a.nd needed de ,elopment ma) occur, u the objective of the Ah' Reaou~cta B~axd. In ordex to meet that o~,3~:u~e, tl~e Boat~ develops ~nd.implernen~ a variety of ~ont~i strategies.. -Uae Re'~onal ~ruS~'~ma. element ,~,orks cloaeJy with I(x:al go~,emm~,mtaJ and private a~enmm m d~velopmg ~:atn?ehe:ut~ve aa' qu~ht) mamteaan~.. a.ad air ¢on.n~'vauou pl:,,,,,,,,$ program.m and revte~s envu'onmen,.aJ tmpact repor~ for anuctpated efta:ts on :ur q'.,.~ty o, 1: rop,,,,~ privet .-, commemx'm and induatrial Toe $~ationaty S~utc~ Contro{ element focuam on develoPtU8 an~ evaluating procasdua'm and strateg~ee to monitor and control emiaaionm from nonve{xt¢~ax aix poilutlc~ source, aud works with local a~r pollution control dis~'icta to prumote the a~pdon aa, d impleruenta6on of eff~tive conuuk Tile Mobile ~ C.~nt~l element d~-velopa, implements, ~ etffot-v.e~ law~ a~n~ reltula~ions con.t{rollin$ e~,!,~iona frum ne~ a~.d ia-u~. The Eafore~muemM eJmmaent inv~ti~t~ cocnp{ainta a{aia.mt poUuu.-r~, a,~,,ua loc, a{ d~$tncla m enforcing emmamn requffnmemat.n agau~ major c~' po{]ucion aad p~panm doc'u,u~mmtlon on ¢lu'oui¢ and flagr:uat violation.m for referral to local or Stat~ proaeeutors. PLEASE 'NOTE: 1. ARB added positions 2. ARB added dollars 3. Support for local Districts was reduced $6,141,000 while~other components of the ARB budget were increased by a similar amount For the li~t of sta.ncLard (lettered) foomot~ s<~ the ~d of t~e Go-..-mor's Budg~c.