HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC 13 CONSULTANT AG 04-05-82DATE: ~ 25, 1982 4-5-82 Inter-Corn CONSENT CALENDAR No. 13 FROM: SUBJECT: WILLIAM HUSTON, CITY MAN~I3ER BOB r.k~mEI~DECKER, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WOlqKS/CITY 51~GINEER CONSULTANT /~3~ MDULTON PAI~WAY/I~ C~TER DRIVE REALIGb~I~ (FILE 92305A) ~TION: That the Tustin City Council, at their meeting of April 5, 1982, authorize the Mayor to execute the consultant agreement for the engineering design services on the Moulton Parkway/Irvine Center Drive Realigr~ent and Widening project and select the firm of Van Dell and Associates, Inc. of Irvine to perform said engineering design services in the amount of $104,866.65 subject to the following: 1. Receipt ofwrittenconfirmation of the E.P.A. waiver frcmthe Envirorm~ntal Protection Agency. 2. Final approval of consultants agreement by CalTrans and execution by Van Dell and Associates. BACKGROUbD: The City of Tustin is acting as the lead agency for both the City of Irvine and Tustin on the subject project. Staff frc~ both of these cities have completed the consultant selection process for the engineering design services on the Moulton Parkway/Irvine Center Drive Realigrm~nt project. Proposals were solicited from eleven firms in the County. The consultant services will consist of the preparation of plans, specifications and estimate for the subject projectwhich includes roadway realignment and widening along Moulton Parkway/Irvine Center Drive between Culver Drive and 1350'i easterly of ~d Hill Avenue; and Myford Road between Moulton Parkway and the A.T. & S.F. Railroad. This project is a Federal Aid Urban (FAU) funded project wherein 86% of the cost is funded by FAU and 14% by the local agencies. DISCUSSION: The eleven consultant proposals were reviewed and four finalists were selected for additional interviews by both City staffs and a CalTrans Bridge Engineer. The firm selected by the selection (~mmittee was Van Dell and Associates, Inc. of irvine for a net fee not to exceed the sum of $104,866.65. The selection of this firm was based upon several factors: t. Relevant F.A.U experience 2. Specialized experience of firm and subconsultants for type of work required. CON~3LTANT ;~W.F~gT MOULTON PA~CWAY/IRVINE Cf:gTER DRIVE REALIGNT~gT MARCH 25, 1982 PAGE TWO 3. Capability of firm to accomplish work in required time frame (August, 1982) 4. Comprehension of project scope 5. Fee structure One of the most important factors at the present time is the accelerated c~,~letion schedule of August, 1982. It is anticipated that the next dispersement of F.A.U. funds in October, 1982 may be the last funds available in the F.A.U. program. Van Dell and Associates was the only firm that could c~t,l~t to this accelerated schedule. The funding breakdown for these design services is as follows: TOTAL CONSULTANT LOCAL AGENCY F.A.U. COST SHARE SHARE (14%) (86%) IRVINE $17,369.95 $ 2,431.79 $14,938.16 TUSTIN 87,496.70 12,249.54 75,247.16 $104,866.65 $14,681.33 $90,185.32 The City currently has $67,000.00 budgeted in the gas tax account for preliminary engineering on this project. The Consultant's Agreement is a standard form CalTrans/F.A.U. agreement, which will require final approval by CalTrans prior to execution by the City and the consultant. The City is also awaiting a written confirmation from the Enviror~ental Protection Agency on the recent waiver to the EPA sanction that was granted to the project. BOB LRnESDECKER DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC ~ORKS/ CITY R~]GINEER db AGREEM~-NT FOR pROFESSIONi~J~ ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR ~IOULTON P&RKWA~/IRVINE CENTER DRIVE BETWEEN curvER O~ ~D 1350'~ E~TE~Y OF ~D HILL A~EI ~ ~ ~ THIS AGREEN~NT is ~ada and en=e=ad into =his day of , 1982, by and between =ha CITY OF TUSTIN, a fi~ of , a C~lifo=nia Co~=a~ion, he=einaf~e= =eloped ~o as "~GINEER'. I~ne and TuB=in ~n=ends =o p=epare P=el~ina~ Plans and of Red Hill A~nue; and MyfoFd ~ad i~rove~n~s ~rom Moul~on Parkway ~o ~he A.T. & S.F. Rail=o~., he=einef~e= =efe~ed to as 'P~I~NA~ P~Su; and ~E~, ~GINEER ~as s~mit=~ a p=~sal Feb~a~ ~2, ~982 ~o CI~ ~o pe=fo~ ~he pcofessional enginee=~ng seduces in conJunc=ion w~h =he p=epara=ion of said PRELIMIN~ P~S; and ~, CI~ desk=es =o accep= said N~ ~E~RB, in conside=a~ion of these premises, ~he par=ies he=eCo agree as A. CI~ engages ENGINEER =o pe=fo~ ~he se~ces he=einafter described in E~ibit 'A" ~= co~ensation he=ein s=a~ed. S. ~GINEER agrees ~o ~=fo~ sa~d se=vices -, ~he =e~s and;condi=ions hereinaf~e= set C. ENGINEER represents that it employs, or will employ, at its own expense, all personnel required in performing the services required under ~b£s Agreement. D. ENGINEER agrees ~ha~ all se~-~ices required hereunder will be perfo~d under his direct supe~ision, and all personnel engaged in the ~rk shall be f~ly qualified and shall au~orize~ or pe~i~ed under Sta~e and locs~ law ~o perfo~ such services. The ~I~ER o=he~ise pwovided herein. E.~GINEER shall c~ly ~i~h all Federal, and local laws and ordinances applicable II. Se~ices ~ be Per~o~d by ~GINEER 'ENGINEER here~ agrees ~o perfo~ all the ~his reference ~de a pa=2 hereoS. ~II. Du=ies of CI~ here~ ag=ess ~o su~Iy ~GINEER ali infor~=ion, ~=erials, data, re~rts, re~rds and ~ps as are existing and available fr~ ~he CI~, and necess*~ fo= car~ing out ~he ~=k outlined E~ibi~ 'A' hereof, withou= charge by CI~ and CI~ shall co,state in e~ way reasonable in our ~he ~k wi=bout delay. ~. ~ership of ~cuments Original dryings, re~r=s, no,es, maps, and o~he= do~nts =elating 2o 2he P~LI~NARY P~S shall reproduced as deemd necessa~ ~ =he P~lic Works Director o= his designated representative. V. ~gineer in Charge shall =he Engineer in Charge o~ the P~LIMINARY P~ -2- VI. preparation. In the event of termination of the Engineer in Charge, the designated shall he a licensed Civil Engineer in the Stats of California and s~jeu~ ~o =ev~ and R~gh~ of Ts=mina=ion A. CI~ ~7 ~e~ina~e ~his Ag=e~en= a~ any ~e ~or its ~ ~nvenience ~ giving ~itten notice to ENGINEER of such temination and ~ifteen (~) days before =he ef~eu~ive dace of such re.ina=ion. In =ha= even=, all finished o= unfinish~ do~n=s and ocher CI~ as provided herein, ~GINEER will be paid a =oral ~oun~ ~ual =o his actual costs as of A~=ual costs shall imclu~e la~= costs, ~nd pT~=a~e ~oun= of ~ee shall be as se~ Sec=ion IX, foll~in~. B. CI~ ~y, ~ ~i=Cen ~o~ice to ~erminaCe ~he whole or any 9ar~ of ~hereof~ or 2. I~ ENGiNEeR flails ~o perfo~ 2he se~ices make progress as ~o endanger perfo~amce of this Agree~fl~ in accordance with i~s te~s, and in either of these -3- circumstances does not correct such failure w£~hin a period of ten (10) days (or such longer period as CITY my authorize £n w~iting) after receipt of no,ice from CI~ specifying such failure. In the even= CI~ ~e~ina=es ~his in whole o= in pa=~ as p=ovided a~ve, CI~ ~y pTo~re, u~n such ~e~s and in such se~ices 's~ilar =o ~hose Fu=~he~=e, if this Ag=e~en= is ~e~na~ed as provided a~ve, CI~ My =~ut=e ~INEER to p=ovtde ~11 f~flish~ unfinished do~n=s, da~, s=udies, =e~rCs, etc., prepared ~ ENGINEER. =e~ina=ion as p=ov~ded 'a~v%, ~GINEER shall be paid a =o~al ~oun= ~al =o the value of =he ~=k ~e=fo~ed. In asue=~aining ~he ~lue of ~he ~=k up conside=a=ion shall be given ~o ~h c~le~ ~rk and ~=k in profess, complete and ~n~mple=e d=awings, and o=her do~n~s whe=he= delive=ed ~o CI~ o= in ~ssesiom of ~INEER and to au=ho=ized =e~bursable e~enses. ~'~, af~e= no, ice of ~e~ina=ion of =his Ag=ee~n= unde= ~he p=ovisions ou=lined he=elm a~ve i= is de=e~ined ~o~ any =eason ~ha~ ~INE~ was moC in default unde= =he p=ovisions of =his Sec=ion o= ~ha~ =he defaul~ was ex.sable unde= =he provis~ons of Su~sec=ion ~I-S, =hen rights and obliga=ions of the par=les shall be ~he s~e as if =he no, ice of ~e~ina=ion -4- VII. has been issued pursuant to Subsection VI-A. Coordination ENGINEER shall work closely and ~ooperate fully with Public Works Director or his designated representative, Caltrans, and FHWA. The PuDlic Works Director or his designated representative shall be =he principal officer of CITY for liaison and shall constantly review and give his approval of the details of the work aa it progresses, subject to overall review ~y Cal=rans and FHWA. made by CIT~, Caltrana and FHWA. Time of Completion The execution of the Agreement by the parties hereto constitutes an authorization to proceed. The work required aa set forth in Exhibit uA' shall commence within ten (10) calendar days of the CITY's written notif~cation to proceed and shall he completed in accordance with the Milestone Schedule attached hereto as Ex/libit 'C" within ninety-two (92) calendar days contingent upon actual review and approval time requirements. If the work is delayed at any time by reason of a suspension ordered by CITY or because of any other act of CITY, or if the work should be delayed at any time by reason of strikes, acts of God, the public enemy, fire, floods, eDidemics, quarantine restrictions, freight embargoes, abnormal force, violence of the elements, or for any other unforeseeable cause beyond, the control and without the fault or negligence of ENGINEER, or for any other reason which, in the opinion of CITY is proper justification ~or such delay, then ENGINEER · shall be entitled to an extension of time equivalent to the time actually lost by such delay. -5- ENGINEER shall file a writ=eh re~ues= with CITY for an extension of time within ten (10) days following the beginning of such delay and failure to do so shall constitute a waiver thereof~ provided, that in case of a continuing cause of delay only one claim will be necessary. CIT~ shall decide whether and ts what extent an~ extension of time shall be allowed. A request for an extension of t/me or granting of an ex~:ension of time shall not constitute s basis for any claim against CITY for additional co~ensation. ENGINEER shall be deemd to have waived any claim for additional compensation and does hereby so waive any such claim unless he shall, at the time of filing a request for an extension of time, likewise file a claim for additional compensation on account of such delay. Fee Schedule end Payment The basis of payl~nt for the se=vices provided under this AgWsement shall be cost-plus-s-net-fee. A. The CITY shall reimburse the ENGINEER for actual costs(including labor costs, employee benefits, overhead and other direct costs) incurred by the ENGINEER in performance of the work, in an amount no= to exceed $ exciusive of any net fee. Actual costs shall not exceed the estimated maximum wage rates and other costs as set forth in Exhibit E. In addition to the costs referred to in Section IX-A above, the CITY shall pay the ENGINEER a net fee of $ Said net fee shall not be.altered unless there is significant alteration in the scope, complexity or character of the work to be performed. C. The ENGINEER shall be reimbursed ~or actual travel expenses incurred in the performance -6- ~hia work, includin~ the use o~ privats tara at the rate of per mile, while which ia he~sby designated as - in addition ENGINEER'S ~e=sonnel shall be reimbursed fo= per diem expenses at a ra~e not to exceed that currently au=horized for State employees under State Board of Con=rol rules and regulations. D. To~al e~endi~u=es ~de under =his con,rat= including =he ne~ fee shall not exceed ~he s~ E. ~GINSER's a~ual costs, 4i=ec= and indi~ec~, eligible for Feds=al pa==iuipa~ion in ~mt-plus-a-ne~ fee contemns shall be all.able under ~he ~ovisionm of 1-]5.2, F~e=al P=o~=~en= R~ula=~ons, P=in~iples, and Procedures fo= Use in Co8~ Re~=s~n~ ~pe Supply and Research =ends=ed under ~his agree~n~ in acc=dance ~. ~GINEER shall s~mit ~o CI~ durinq each month of the ~e~ of =his Agreemen=, a ce=~ified ~nvoice fo= allowable cos=s as desc=ib~ in Section IX-A above in,=red ~n ~he ~=fo~nce of =h~s Ag=ee~n= plus a p=~=a~a ~r~ion of ~he aec fee as des~ibed in Se~ion IX-8 above. 2. P=~=ly af~e= =he receipt of each invoice, bur in ,~ evea~ la=e= ~han ~hi=~y (30) days af~e= ~Als re~ipt and approval, CI~ shall ~ke a par=ial paint based on the invoice amoun~ of all.able costs. P=oJee= Scope ~visions No change in the character, extent, o= dura=~on of -7- the work to be performed by ENGINEER shall be made excep~ ~ a supplemen=al agreement in w~iting he,ween CITY and ENGNEER and approved by The supplemental agreement shall set forth the changes of work, the extensions of time and the adjustments of the fee to he paid by CIT~ ENGINEER, if any. In special cases where performed im~ediately, execution of =he supplemental authority covering such change shall be accomplished as soon as practicable. Hold Ha~ees ENGINEER shall ind~nify and save harmless CITY' the State of California and the federal ~overnment and their officers and employees, from any damage or liability arising from any errors, omissions, or Agreement, or in the engineering work or services herein provided. Subcontracts ENGINEER shall not subcontrac= any portion of the work required ~ =he Agreement, except as ezpresaly stated in Exhibit 'B~ without prior approval of CITY and Cai=rahs. Cost Accounting and Audits ENGINEER and his subconeul~ants shall main=aim comple=e and accurate records with respect to costs incurred under =his Agreement to include =he records supporting cost proposals used to enter into a contract with CITY. All such records shall he main=ained on a generally accepted accounting basis and shall be clearly identifiable. ENGINEER and his subconsul=ants shall make available to the representative of CITY, =al=rahs, and FHWA, or =heir appointees, during normal business .hours, all such bonds and records, and =he righ= to examine and audit =he same, and ~o make transcripts ~he~efrom as aecessa=y, and She ~-HGIH~-ER and his subconsul~an~s shall allow inspection of all da=a, do~n=s, proueedings, and ac=ivOries rela=ed ~o the Ag=ee~nt fo= a period of fou= (4) yea=s ~r~ =he ~a=e of ~inal pa~en~ unde= ~his Agreeing. ~GINEB~ and ~s s~consul~an~s s~a~l maintain =eco=ds ~o sh~ a~ual =~e and all,able cos~s wi~h =e~pec~ bo each ~ask se~ ~o=~h in s~b~ 'A' as r~ui=~ ~ Cal=rans and F~A. ~GINEER shall pe~ ~he authorized representative of CI~, ~he U.S. Depa=~en= of Trans~c=a~ion and and a~i= all da=a and =e~=ds of ENGINESR to his pe=~o~nce unde= ~is contrac=. ~de ~ CI~, ~l==ans, and F~. ~GINEER warr=an=s =ha~ he has no~ empl~ed or =e=ain~ a~ ~any o= ps=son, o=he= =hah a ~na f~de e~l~ee ~=k~ng ~lely ~o= =he ~nsultan=, soLici= o= se~=e ~h~s Ag=~en=, and =ha= he has no= paid o= ag=ced =o pay any co.any or ps=son, othe= ~h~n a ~naf~de e~l~ee ~=k~ng soleiy fo= =he consul=an~, any fee, ~ommission, pe=cen=age, b=okerage ~ee~ gifts, o= a~ o~her conside=a~ion. COnCiagen~ U~n o= =eSul~inq from ~he awa=d o= m~ing of =his Ag=e~en~. Foc ~=each o= v~ola=ioa of =his warran=y, CI~ shall have ~he =~gh~ to annul ~his Ag=e~en~ withou= liabili=y o= ~n discretion ~o deduct ~rom =he ~on=rac~ p=ice o= of such ~ee, ~mmission, ps=cch=age, b=oke=age fee, gift, o= con=ingen= fee. Confl~a~ of Prohibi~ed in~e=es~s a=e as No office=, me. er o= employee of CI~ during ~is ~enure o= one year =he=salter shall have any -9- Iv'r. interest, direct or indirect, in =his Agreement or officer or employee of CITY ~as any whether contractual, non-~ontractual, financial or otherwise, in =his transaction, or in business of party at any time, a full and complete disclosure of all such info=marion will he ~ade in ~iting ~uld hoc ~e considered a conflic~ of under applicable l~s. ~GI~ER ~ere~ ~nanCs Agree~nc, no interest, and ~haC he shall no~ a~uire a~ interest in =he future, di=e~ indi=ec~, which ~d ~nfliu= ~n any ~nne= of d~ree wi~h ~he pe=fo~nce of se~ices be ~r~o~d pursuant =o this Agree~n=. further covenants ~haC In =he pe=fo~nce of =his .~rk, no person having any such inheres= shall be e~l~ed. Congressional Conflic~ of Inheres= Interest of member of o= del~a=es to Congress shall ~e res~ri~ed as foll~s: No ~mbe= of o= del~a=e ~o ~he Congress of =he Uni=ed States nor any Residen~ Commissioner shall be admi==~ to a~ share o= part of ~his or to any benefi~ arising Civil Rights Ac= connec=ion with =he exertion ol =his ~GINEER shall no~ discrimina~e against any e~l~ee or applican= for empl~men~ because race, religion, color, sex or ma~ional origin. ENGINEER shall ~ake affima~ive ac=ions Ce ~..~ure that applicants are ~..~lo~ed and =hat employees are 2rested during their employment, without regard to their race, religion, sex or national origin. Such ac=iOnS shall include, but not be l~mited to, the ~ollowing= employment, upgrading, ~e~=ion o= ~ransfe=~ The. applicable p=ovXsions of Exes=ire Order 11246 rela=ing =o ~ual E~l~n~ ~ =his =efecence are ln~ca=~ herein and shatl ~an ~INEER. Non~s~ina=~on Civil Rights Ac2 of 1964. ~Z~ER, v~h regard ~o ~he ~rk ~erfor~ of =he Depar~n= of Trans~r~ation relative to non~scri~nation ~n ~ede=ally-assisted pr~r~ of ~he Depar~en= of Trans~r~a=~on (49CF~). · Solicits=ions for Subcontracts, including Procure~n~s o~ Ma~erials and In all solici=a~ion, either ~ bidding or nego=ia~ion, ~de ~ ENGINEER including p=o~re~n2 of ~erials or leases of equi~en=, each ~=en=ial subcon=rac~or, supplle~, or lessor shall be notified by BNGINEER of ENGINEER's obliga2ions unde~ this con=tact and the regula=ions rela=ive ~o non~lscr~ination on ~he grounds of race, religion, ~1o=, sex or national origin. -11- D. Information and Reports. ENGINEER will provide all information and =ego=ts required by the Caltrans or F~WA regulations or orders and instructions issued pursuant thereto and will permit access to its ~ooksr =eeo=ds, accounts, and other sources of information, and its facilities as may be de=arm/ned by CITY, Caltrans, or FHWA to be pertinent =o ascertain comt~liance with such regulations, orders, and instructions. Where any information required of an ENGINEER is in =he exclusive possession of another who fails or refuses =o furnish this info~mation ENGINEER shall so certify to CITY, Caltrans or ~HWA aa appropriate and shall set forth what efforts i= has made to obtain the information. E. Sanctions for Non-~pliance. In the event of ENGINEER's non-compliance with =he non-discrimination provisions of this contract, CITY shall impose such contract sanc~iona aa CITY, Caltrans or FSWAma¥ dare.ne to be &prop=ia=e, including, but not limited to= 1. Withholding of payments to ENGINEER under this contract until ENGINEER complieel and/or 2. Cancellation, te~mination, or suspension of =he contract, in whole' or in part. In =he event that legal action is commenced to enforce o= declare =he tights created under this Agreement, =he pcevailing party shall be entitled to an awacd of costs and reasonable atto=ney's fees in an amount =o be determined by the court. Assignment This Agreement shall be binding on =he successors and assigned of the parties, but it shall not be assigned by ENGINEER w~thout the pciOc wcitten consent of CITY. XIX. Con~racCual ~elaCio~ship ~INEE~ shall be an independent conC=aqCoc, no~ an e~l~ee of CI~. IN ~SS ~E~OF, sai~ ~ac=ies have exe~e~ ~his Agre~en= as of the dace and year ~icsC a~ve A~BST~ CI~ OF TUSTIN a municipal ~o~ca=ion A~P~O%~D AS TO ~0~: Mayoc -?3- CERTIFICATION OF CITY OF TUSTIN I he=e~ certify that I am the Mayor of the City of Tus=in and that the consulting firm of or its representative has not been required, directly or indirectly, as an expressed or implied condition in connec~ion with obtaining or carrying out this (a) Emplo~ or retain, or agree to employ or retain, any firm or person, Or (h) Pay, or agree to pay, to any firm, person, or organization, any fee, contribution, donation, or consideration of any kind~ excep~ as hera expressly stated (if any)= None I acknowledge ~at ~his certificate is to be furnished to the State of Califo=n~a, the ~ede=al H~ghway Adm/n~strat~on and U.S. Department of Transportation in connection with this agreement involving participation of Federal-aid highway funds, and is subJec~ to applicable Stats and Feds=al laws, both criminal and civil. Dater city of Tustin CERTIFICATION OF ENGINEER I HEREBY CERTIF~ that I am the and duly authorized representative of the firs of , whose address is , and that neither ~ nor the a~ove firm I herein represent has= Employed or retained for a commission, percentage, brokerage, contingent fee, or other consderation, any firm or person (other ~hafl a bona fide employee working solely for me or the above consultant) to solicit or secure this Agrse~ent~ Agreed, as an expressed or L~plisd condition for obtaining this cuntraot, to employ or retain the service of any rim or person in connection with (c) Paid, or agreed to pay, to any firs, organization or ~erlon (other than a bona fide employee working solely for me or the above consultant) any fee, contribution, donation, o= consideration of any kind for, or in conne~cion with, pro~uring or carrying out the Agraemen~ except as herein expressly stated (if any)= None ~ acknowledge that this Certificate is to he furnished to the State Depar~men~ of Transportation in connection with this Agreement ~nvolving participation of federal-aid highway ~unds criminal and civil. (Signature) P~ineipal in C~ 18 $27.00 Se~i~ ~a~ie & ~. ~. 16 ~.00 352.00 ~j~ ~ ~ 22.00 616.00 ~i~ ~i~ ~. 16 20.00 320,00 ~~i~ 80 19.00 1,520.00 ~~~ 1~6 ~4.00 1,624.00 ~ 16 9.00 144.00 3~ ~ C~ 4 ~.00 ~0.00 2~ S~ ~ ~ 45.00 '~f~ $~, 272. O0 ~ ~ $1,260,67 A. Re~icn Job L~ap Sm~ $240.00 8. Travel 720/mi. 0.25/mi. 180,00 C. ~ ~ ~ ~ip. 26/~ 10.00/~ 260,00 D. ~ l~r. 10. ~ 120.00 E. Plot~ 1 .~. 120.00~r .144..00 f~ $9~.00 ~ $1,9~. 25 A. Dir~t r.~:-~. $ 6,272.00 B. Benefits @ 20.1% 1,260.67 C. Overhead @ 79.2% 4,967,42 D. Di~ C~ 944.00 E. S~ $13,4~.09 F. ~t F~ ~ 15% 2,016.~1 G. S~t~ 1,909.25 H. lu~'~ ~ ~ ~ ~ $17,369.95 A.T. & S.F. ~ ~j~ ~ 60 $27.00 $ 1,620.00 ~ ~fic ~ T~.~. ~. 24 ~.00 528.00 ~ ~ 80 ~.00 ; ,760.00 ~i~ ~=~ S~. 94 ~.00 1,880.00 ~=~i~ ~ 19.00 4,864.00 ~~~ 4~2 14.00 6,328.00 ~ 52 9.00 468.00 3~ S~ ~ 16 55.00 ~0.00 ~ ~ ~ 62 45.00 · 2,7~.~ ~ ~ $4,244.72 S. ~1 ~ 0.~/~. ~85.00 C. S~ ~ & ~p. 78 10.00/~ 780.00 E. P1~ ~0 120.00~ 276.00 VAN D~ AHD A~SOCIAT~S, INC. ~R~ C0LV~R DRTv~ TO 1350'* F. ASTEi~ OF ~ 9A.T~ 'lO~ 12 $27.00 $ 324.00 20 22.00 440.00 56 22.00 1,232.00 100 20.00 2,000.00 88 19.00 1,672.00 284 14.00 3',976.00 12 9.00 108.00 20 45.00 900.00 Job r~apSua 540/~. 0.25/mi. 20/~ay lO.OO/day 1s/hr lO.O0/hour 1.5/h~. 120.O0/hou: $10,652.00 $2,141.05 $180.00 135.00 200.00 150.00 180.00 $845.00 $4,135.12 $10,652.00 2,141.05 8,436.38 845.0O $22,074.43 3,311.16 4,135.12 $29,520.71 VAN DELL AND ASSOCIATES, INC. APPENDIX "H" OVERHEAD ANALYSIS FISCAL YEAR ENDING MARCH 31, 1981 DIRECT ~,ABOR Indirect SalaTies (Supervision, Clerical, Adm/nistrs2ion, Training, Vacation, Sick Pay, Holidays) Payroll Rela=ed Costs (FICA, Workers Compensation, Esal=h Insurance, ~nem~lc~ment) Profi~ Sharing Pension Plan Orifice Supplies Au~o~eive ~rofessional Services Oc~pan~ Business Insurance Communica=ions Personnel Expenses Taxes aad Licenses Miscellaneous PERCENT 100.0 2.3.0 8.0 4.4 7.5 4.8 0.4 17.6 4.5 2.1 3.0 0.5 3.4 99.3 c:l.v:L! ~9Jneet' (Pzr:in~pe.l.) 3.0 $25.00 $ 75.00 Engineering C. eo~gtst (~'~Ln.) 0.5 25.00 12.50 c.t~.l. ~ng/nee~ (~.;o~. I~f_.neet) 9.5 2o.oa 19o.oo S~f~ ~ 11.0 15.375 169.13 ~ ~1~ 1.0 15.375 15.38 Find ~i~ 2.5 12.00 30.00 ~ ~ 14.0 12.00 168.00 ~~ 2.5 6.75 16.88 '~u~ $676.89 ~ ~ 5114.39 A. ~~ S35.00 B. ~i~e 15.00 II. III. IV. S~MC~t~O~N~ Dcill R/g & Badd'~e $400.00 V. ~ A. D~L'eC: r"~hnC $676.89 B. Beneftts@ 16.9% 114.39 C; Over, head @ 66.6% 450.81 D. Oi~ C~ 70.00 E. S~ ~1,312.00 F. ~t ~ ~ 15% 196.86 G. S~~ 400. ~ ~- ~ ~ ~ ~':~ ~ $1,909.15 Civil E~inee= (Principal) 10.0 $25.00 $ ~0.00 ~~ C~t (~.) 2.0 2~.00 50.00 ~ ~i~ (~. ~) 31.0 20.00 620.~ S~f ~ 36.0 15.375 553.50 S~f ~i~ 9.0 15.375 61.50 F~eld ~ 9.0 12.00 108.00 r~ ~c~ 56.0 12.00 ~2.00 ~=~ 8.0 6.75 ~.~ '~uz~ $2,369.00 ~I. ~ ~=r~ ~400.36 III. ~ ~ A. ~.~.oduetion $40.00 B. ~a~e 1/V~icle 40.00 C. Nue. lear ~tin~ ~ 65. ~ ~lv~ $145.00 $1,360.00 $2,369.00 400.36 1,577.75 145.00 $4,492.11 673.82 1,360.00 $6,525.93 EXHIBIT pACIFIC SOILS ~IGI~;, INC. SEG~I~T FSCM Q~L%~R D~U~E TO 1350t4: FA~-~ OF A.T. & S.F. P~ON) II. ~ ~ III. DI;ECT CC~TS 7.0 25.00 $ 175.00 1.5 25.00 37.50 21.5 20.00 430.00 25.0 15.375 384.38 3.0 15.375 46.13 6.5 12.00 78.00 22.0 12.00 264.00 5.5 6.75 37.13 $1,452.14 $245.41 B. Travel/Vehicle C. Nuclear Te~cinq Gauge $35.00 30.00 40.00 $105.00 $950.00 $1,452.14 245.41 967.12 '105.00 $2,769.67 415.45 950.00 $4,135.12 PACIFIC SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. APPENDIX "B# OVEP~EAD ANALYSIS FISCAL YEAR ENOING JULY 3T, T981 SUBCONSULTANT DIRECT LABOR OVEREEAD Indirect Salaries (Supervision, Clerical, Administration, Training, Vacation, Sick Pay, Holidays) Payroll Related Costs (FICA, Workers Compensation, Health Insurance, Unemployment) O~fice Supplies Depreciation Automotive Professional Se=vices Occupancy Business Insurance Communiuationa ~xternal Relations (ASCE, AEG) Proposal Coats Taxes Licenses Miscellaneous OV]~ RH FAD TOTAl, PERCENT 100.0 37.2 16.9 1.2 6.1 9.9 3.1 3.3 0.4 0.9 0.4 0.2 0.4 0.2 3.3 83.5