HomeMy WebLinkAboutO.C.T.D. CENTER STUDY 04-19-82DATE: TO: FROM: S UBJ ECT: April 14, 1982 OLD BU$TNE~S 4-19-82 Inter-Corn WILLIAM HUSTCN, CITY MANAGER BOB ~.MDE~qDECKER, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WC~KS/CITY ENGINW-RR ORANGE ~ TRANSIT DISrKICT (O.C.T.D.) Cq~a~fER FEASIBILITY RECCI~qENDATICN: That the Tustin City Council, at their meeting of April 19, 1982, authorize the Mayor to execute the Transit Center Feasibility Study ~greement and direct staff to include the amount of $5,000.00 into the 1982-83 budget as the City's s~lare of the cost for said study. On April 5, 1982, the City Council reviewed the O.C.T.D. request for the City to participate in the LarwinSquareTransitCenter Feasibility Study on a cost shared basis between O.C.T.D. and the City with a maximum individual cost to each agency of $5,000.00. Some of the primary concerns of the Council were as follows: a. Consideration of sites other than the immediate vicinity of Larwin Square, i.e. the industrial area or outside of the City. b. Increase in the number of buses within the ¢~',uf.,nity. The attached O.C.T.D. letter and scope of work is in response to the Council's concerns. It has been indicated that there is no ma]or change in the number of routes or level of service contemplated at this time. A portion of the scope of work will be to assess the long term bus and passenger demands which will certainly dictate the future number of buses required within the comnunity. The O.C.T.D. letter did not directly answer the concern of locating any facility at a location other than the inlllediate vicinity of Larwin Square. However, staff feels that this can and should be addressed in the feasibility study and more particularly in items 1 ar~ 2 of the scope of ~rk. As indicated in the O.C.T.D. letter, the study is a joint study between both agencies and any recommendations will have to be mutually acceptable before they are adopted. A copy of the March 19, 1982 staff report ar~ agreement has been attached for your information. · BOB LEDENDECKER, - DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS/ CITY ENGINEER J April 7, 1982 ORANGE COUNTY TRANSIT DISTRICT Mr. Bob Ledendecker Director of Public Works City of Tustin Centennial at Main Tustin, CA 92680 Dear Mr. Ledendecker: RECEIVEC, TUSTINBy PUB~KS DF. PT, SUBJECT: SCOPE OF WORK - LARWIN SQUARE TRANSIT CENTER FEASIBILITY STUDY With respect to the conversation you had with Mike Haack of my staff on April 6 regarding your City Council's concerns about the study, we would like to clarify and reaffirm that the intent of the study, as agreed by both staffs, is to solve existing operational and capacity problems at Larwin Square. No major change in the number of routes or level of service is contemplated at this time. Since this study is a joint study by the City and the District, any recommendations from the study will have to be mutually acceptable before they are adopted. Furthermore, any future changes in service will be scruti- nized by the City and the District to insure that they will not adversely affect the operations in and around the City. Attached is the scope of work for the Larwin Square Transit Center Feasibility Study. As indicated, various on and off-site solutions will be explored and the consultant is expected to work with both staffs intimately throughout the course of the study. If you would have any problems with the scope of work, please let us know. We are hopeful that this information will be of use to you and your City Council in making a decision on the agreement. Please contact me or Mike Haack at 971-6405, should you have any questions. Brian Pearson Director of Development Services BP:NX 11222 ACACIA PARKWAY ,. P.O. BOX 3005 · GARDEN GROVE, CALIFORNIA 92642 · PHONE (714) 971-6200 SCOPE OF WORK Larwin Square Transportation Center Feasibility Study PURPOSES AND OB3ECTIVES The purpose of this study is to determine the need and feasibility for a transportation center in the City of Tustin~ as justified by estimated demand and funding availability. The study is intended to solve the existing and potential future bus operational problems around Larwin Square and to identify alternative solutions including the economic feasibility and the design concept for a transportation center. STUDY SCOPE The scope of the study will consist of investigation of existing conditions, development of alternative solutions, estimate of future demands, develop- ment of concepts, design cost estimates, site plans, and determination of economical feasibility. The major tasks will consist of: Study existing conditions including bus operations and passenger demands. -1- 2e Examine the existing and proposed development in the vicinity of Larwin Square and assess both near and long-term bus and passenger demands. Deve[op alternative solutions and select one or two for further detailed analyses. Determine the bus circulation patterns, passenger access, facility needs~ etc. Determine the basic space requirements and feasibility for joint development. 6. Develop alternative site plans and functional design concepts. 7. Prepare cost estimates and identify funding sources. $. Presentations of the findings and conclusions of the study. END PRODUCT A final report including an executive summary for the entire project. (20 copies). -2- DATE: t.IARC~ 19, 1982 Inter-Corn [ J J J TO: S~SJECT: ~FILLIAM HUSTON, CITY MANAGER BOB L~DENDECKER, DIRECIOR OF PUBLIC ~RKS/CITY ENGINEER O.C.T.D. TRANSIT CENTER FEASIBILITY ~'I'JDY ~TION: That the Tustin City Council, at their m~eting of April 5, 1982, authorize the Mayor to execute the Transit Center Feasibility Study Agreement and direct staff to include the amount of $5,000.00 into the 1982-83 budget as the City's share of the cost for said study. BACKGROUND: Over the past few years, the c~u~nity and staff have expressed concerns regarding the O.C.T.D. bus layover zones along First St. adjacent to Larwin Square. Initially, as the bus service u~,,,~nced, the on-street First Street location was sufficient; but, as the transit service increases, we nrast look forward to future needs and the potential of providing a transit center. This feasibility study will help address these future needs of the Transit District and the co~nunity. DISCUSSIC~: The O.C.T.D. has requested that the City enter into a joint agreement for a Transit Center Feasibility Study, wherein several sites within the immediate area of Larwin Square would be studied for such a facility. This facility could be a joint use facility where the ground level could be used for the transit center and the uuper level could be office space that could be sold or leased. The agreement states that the O.C.T.D.'s or City's individual obligation shall not exceed $5,000.00. The City's share could be funded from either general fund or revenue sharing monies during the 1982-83 fiscal year. This agreement has been forwarded to the City Attorney's office concurrently for his review and comment. His comments can be presented at the April 5th Council m~eting. BOB LEDENDECKER DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS/ CITY ENGINEER db cc: City Attorney 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 TRANSIT CENTER FEASIBILITY STUDY AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered this day of by and between the City of Tustin, hereinafter cra}led "CITY," and the Orange County Transit District, hereinafter c~]led "DISTRICT," for the purpose of conducting a feasibility study of a transit center, hereinafter called "STUDY." WITNESSETH WHEREAS, the current bus loading/layover zone at Larwin Square has exceeded its capacity and many operational problems have occurred; 'and WHEREAS, both the CITY and the DISTRICT desire to find a permanent solution in solving these problems; and WHEREAS, it is in the mutual best interest of DISTRICT and CITY to cooperate in conducting a feasibility STUDY for a transit center in CITY to insure coordinated planning and avoid duplicity of effort; NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the mutual prom- ises, covenants and conditions hereinafter set forth, the parties hereto agree as follows: I DISTRICT and CITY each hereby agrees to pay one-half of the expenses, of the amount to be paid to the CONSULTANT for prepara- tion of the study, provided, however, DISTRICT's or CITY's indi- vidual obligation shall in no event exceed Five Thousand Dollars, ($5,000). Page 1 of 4 Pages 2 5 7 10 16 17 -- 18 19 2] _ 23 -- 25 II DISTRICT shah be the lead agency /aa obta/ning the services of a CONSULTANT to perfo~'m said STUDY. DISTRICT, /n consuLation with CITY, shah select, and contract with, CONSULTANT for said services. III DISTRICT, in perfomning its obl/gations hereunder, shall: (1) Assign a Project Manager who w/ii he the lead person for aH the aspects of the STUDY including monitoring the CONSULTANT's work performance as well as coordination with CITY. (2) Provide necessary available data regarding the STUDY to CONSULTANT; (3) Not/fy CITY of aH meetings regarding said STUDY in a timely manner; (4) Provide CITY with copies of preliminary or final reports, memoranda, drawings and other documents generated by CONSULTANT regarding said STUDY as soon as possible after DISTRICT receives same from CONSULTANT. (5) Assist CITY in presentations and hearings before CITY's Council, the general public, and interested citizen groups. IV CITY, in performing its obligations hereunder, shall: (1) Appropriate sufficient funds fo,' the STUDY in the CITY's FY 1982-83 budget; (2) Reimburse DISTRICT the CITY's share of the expenses hereunder w'ithin si×fy (60) days upon receipt of DISTRICT's invoice 1 2 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 13 15 following completion of the STUDY; (3) Assign a person as the CITY's Project Coordinator to work with DISTRICT and CONSULTANT in all aspects of the STUDY. (4) Furnish such data regarding traffic, land use, demo- graphics as may be required by DISTRICT or CONSULTANT. (5) Participate in study sessions, workshops, meetings, and presentations to_public officials and private citizen groups. (6) Review and comment on the CONSULTANT's STUDY findings and reports. VI THIS AGREEMENT sb~]! be effective upon the date first above written and shall cont/nue in full force and effect until the completion of the STUDY, evidenced by consent of both parties. 16 17 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 2§ ? 9 10 11 ~3 15 17 19 2O 21 23 2~ ,:6 Agreement to be executed th/s day and year f/rst above written. CITY OF TUSTIN ORANGE COUNTY TRANSIT DISTRICT By Mayor ATTEST: By City Clerk Dated: REVIEWED AND APPROVED: By City Manager. INITIATED AND APPROVED: By APPROVED AS TO FORM: By City Attorney By Ralph B. Clark, Cha/rman Board of Directors ATTEST: Patricia B. Scanlan Clerk of the Board Dated: APPROVAL RECOMMENDED: By James P. Reichert General Manager APPROveD AS TO FORM: Kennard R. Smart, Jr. General Counsel Pi, ge '1 c,f 't