HomeMy WebLinkAboutP.C. MINUTES 06-07-82TUSTIN PLANNING AGENCY Minutes of Regular Meeting June 7, 1982 The Planning Agency held a regular meeting Monday, June 7, 1982, at 3:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the City Hall, 300 Centennial Way, Tustin, California. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Edgar at 3:01 p.m. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Mr. Greinke and the invocation was given by Chairman Edgar. ROLL CALL Present: Absent: Edgar, Saltarelli, Kennedy, Hoesterey, Greinke None Also present: William Huston, City Manager Michael Brotemarkle, Community Development Director James Rourke, City Attorney Janet Hester, Recording Secretary MINUTES The minutes of the regular m~eting held May 17, 1982, were approved as submitted. PUBLIC HEARINGS: 1. Use Permit 82-10 Applicant: Location: Request: All American Sign Service 14722 Newport Avenue Authorize 50 square foot pole sign Mr. Brotemarkle presented the staff report and informed the Agency he had received a phone call from Mr. Jori Harrison, president, Sycamore Gardens Homeowners Association, expressing opposition to approval of the request. He indicated he felt the sign was not in keeping with the residential character of the neighborhood and, that if approved, the sign should not be internally illuminated. The Public Hearing was opened at 3:04 p.m. Hearing no one, Chairman Edgar closed the Public Hearing at 3:04 p.m. Mr. Saltarelli moved approval of Use Permit 82-[0 by the adoption of Resolution 2034. Mr. Hoesterey seconded. Mrs. Kennedy requested the applicant be sensitive to the nearby residential area when lighting the sign. Motion carried: 5-0 AYES: NOES: ABSENT: EDGAR, SALTARELLI, KENNEDY, HOESTEREY GREINKE None None 2. Use Permit 82-11 Applicant: Location: Request: Toni Crist 14191 Newport Avenue Authorize 49 square foot pole sign After Mr. Brotemarkle .presented the staff report, the public hearing was opened at 3:08 p.m. Ms. Crist presented herself to the Agency for questions. The Public Hearing was closed at 3:11 p.m. Planning Agency Minutes June 7, 1982 Page 2 Mr. Greinke moved to approve Use Permit 82-11 by the adoption of Resolution No. 2036. Mr. Saltarelli seconded. Motion carried: 5-0 AYES: NOES: ABSENT: EDGAR, SALTARELLI, KENNEDY, HOESTEREY GREINKE None None PUBLIC CONCERNS: None OLD BUSINESS: None NEW BUSINESS: 1. Extension of Use Permit 81-9 Applicant: Location: Request: Dale Cexton & Associates on behalf of Beyer & Warden 15520-15582 South "B" Street To extend Variance 81-9 for a period of six (6) months by amending Resolution No. 2011 Mr. Saltarelli moved approval of the extension of Use Permit 81-9 by the amendment of Resolution No. 2011. Chairman Edgar seconded. Motion carried: 5-0 AYES: NOES: ABSENT: 2. EDGAR, SALTARELLI, KENNEDY, HOESTEREY, GREINKE None None Master Sign Plan for Fireman's Fund Planning Agency Minutes June 7, 1982 Page 4 Mr. Rourke, City Attorney, stated that the Agency was not obligated to approve the request and it would be appropriate to approve the Resolution as written, with the deed restriction and prohibition of cooking facilities. Mr. Greinke stated he felt the deed restriction was necessary, but perhaps permitting temgorary kitchen facilities would allow Mr. Ferguson to live comfortably while renovating his home, but would discourage later use of the unit as a rental. Mrs. Kennedy requested that staff set up a separate, easily accessible file, to keep track of requests such as this and make them easier to monitor. Mr. Hoesterey moved approval of Use Permit 82-8 by the adoption of amended Resolution 2030 allowing ten~orary kitchen facilities and a required one-year review period. Mr. Edgar seconded. Mr. Wright requested that the review period be extended to eighteen (18) months. He felt that it would take at least five-six months to complete the garage and because of the extensive nature of the renovation, one year would not be sufficient. OF 'm~ ~]L'~Z, OLON~i? ~-~ (~' qq:m r'T,~L' C~' '~S'.r.3.d, JGne 7, 1982 1. ~?:r. 'ZO 0~)~ The meeting was called to order by Chairman Edgar at 3:17 p.m. in the City Council Chambers, 300 Centennial Way, Tustin, California. 2 -~ ]~IT.T. AgenCy M~mhers Present: Agency M~-hers Absent: others Present: 3. AEr~c~OgXT. OF~ Edgar, Greinke, Hoesterey, Kennedy, Saltarelll None James G. Rourke, City Attorney William A. Huston, Exec. Director/City Manager Mary E. Wynn, Recording Secretary/City Clerk M~ke Brotamarkle, C~. Dev. Director Bob Ledendecker, Director of Public Works Ronald Naul=, Finance Di=ec=or Roy Gonzales, Personnel Director Royleen White, C~unity Services Director Approximately 10 in the a~%ence It was moved by Hoesterey, seconded by Kennedy, to approve the minutes of May 17, 1982. Carried 5-0. 4. ~PO~'~A~=~C ~G~L AT~XN A~D "Ba ~ Bob Ledendecker, C~ty Engineer, repoz~ced that this Intersect£on missed meeting the warrant requirements by 75% and he recommended t_hat no action be taken. Councilwc~an Kennedy repoz"ced that she had s~ent s~me time on Main Street and was ~ed a= ~e ~avel s~eds ~d she re~es~ ~forc~= by ~e Police De~r~nt. ~yor ~g~ ~in~ed ~t ~at staff has recorded in ~e ~s= ~a= ~e 25 mph l~t ~ ~g~ ~ 35 m~ ~ ~a= rad~ co~d ~ It was moved by Saltarellt, seconded by Hoesterey, that no action be taken at this t/me and that another traffic sux~ey be taken when construction at that corner is completed. Carried 5-0. 94 ~Q~U~ ~O. ~ 82-4 - A Resolution of the Tustin Redevelopment Agency of the City of Tustin, California, APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR EL CAM_TNO REAL/MAIN STREET IF~PROVEM~NTS AND DIRECTING THE CITY CLERK TO ADVERTISE FOR BIDS The City Engineer reported that the number of parking spaces are staying the s~- and that there are no areas projecting out into the street. The plans will be complete in a few days and construction should be completed in mid November. He introduced Mr. Fisher, the consultant. Mr. Fisher, consultant, explained that the landscape improvements consist of paving (brick look alike) texture that will have a slight coarseness but would not prohibit pushing strollers. There will be planting at the bus stops with benches, newspaper racks and bicycle racks. The Pine trees atthe South end of the project will be replaced with flowering trees. The Fleck'trees willbe pruned as well as-putting in a bemrier~oroot~ break- ing the sidewalk. We will put iron tree gates around the =ree~ wells. There will be general upgrading to the landscaping but not as much as in the first plans submitted. Most of the concrete paving will be replaced an~ any drainage problems will be addressed. Councilman Greinke reported t.hat the Historical Society has asked for a bench in front of their establishment to draw attention to their office. It was moved by Kennedy, seconded by Greinke, to adopt Resolution No. RDA ~EDEVELOPMENT ~ENCY MINUTES Page 2, 6-7-82 In response to Councilman Hoesterey's desire to see the final proposal, Mr. Ledendecker suggested that he could bring a set of plans that would be 98% complete to the evening meeting. Councilwoman Kennedy withdrew her motion and moved, seconded by'Greinke, to continue this ite~ to the 7:30 p.m. meeting. Carried 5-0. 95 7e Mr. Greinke asked the City Attorney to explain his position on the Redevelopment Agency. Attorney P~urke explained that Mr. Greinke did not went to be in a position where he could not acquire., property in the Redevelopment Agency areas. As long as the City Council has, by majority action, established itself as the body of the Redevelopment Agency, Mr. Greinke is automatically a member. The only o~her alternative would be for the Council to appoint residents of the City as the governing board, none of whom could be Councilpersons. In the case of Mr. schuster, when he was a Councilperson, he understood that he could not acquire any property in the Redevelopment Agency. He already owned property in the Redevelopment Agency and he chose to not participate, even though he was a m-mher. Mr. Greinke could choose to not participate. Mr. Greinke stated that he would serve on the 9~development Agency as a par~icipating m-~er. 81 ~T- It was moved by Kennedy, seconded by Hoesterey, to adjourn to the 7:30 p.m. meeting of the Redevelopment Agency. Carried 5-0. OF ~ ~ CIT~ ~ ~STIN, (~'r. TYO~IA June 7, 1982 7:30 p.m. The meeting was called to order by--Chairman Edgar at 8:06 p.m. in the City Council Chambers, 300 Centennial Way, Tustin, California. 2. ~ ~]i.T.T. Agency M-mhers Present: Agency M~ers Absent: O~hers Present: Edgar, Greinke, Hoesterey, Kennedy Saltarelli James G. Rourke, City Attorney William A. Huston, Exec. Director/City Manager Mary E. Wynn, Recording Secretary/City Clerk Mike Brotem~rkle, C~. Dev. Director Bob Ledendecker, Director of Public Works Ronald Nault, Finance Director Charles Thayer, Chief of Police Approximately 10 in the audience C0~IN~D FB0~ ~O~ ~ETING ~~ NO. ~A 82-4 - A 92solution of the Tustin Redevelopment Agency of the City of Tustin, California, APPP~VING PLANS AND S~ECIFICATIONS FOR EL CAMINO REAL/MAIN STREET IMPROVE~TS AND DIP~CTING THE CITY CLERK TO ADVERTISE FOR BIDS A Recess was declared at 8:07 p.m. to review plans. The Redevelopment Agency reconvened at 8:21 p.m. It was moved by Greinke, seconded by Hoesterey, to. ad0pt...Res~lution No. RDA 82-4. REDEVELOPMenT A~3ENCY MINUTES Page 3, 6-7-82 Mr. Hoesterey requested tha= ~he ~o=£on be amended ~ha~ ~he Redevelopment Agency review ~he ~ype Of trees that would go in at the North and Sou~h ends of E1 Camino Real. The motion was amended by Greinke, seconded by Hoesterey, to adopt Reso- lution No. RDA 82-4 and =hat ~he Redevelopment Agency would review the type of ~rees that go in at the North and South ends of E1 Camino Carried 4-0, Saltarelli absent. 95 AD~O~I~L~T- I= was moved by Hoesterey, seconded by Greinke, to adjourn to a Workshop to review status of Sou~h/Central Redevelop- ment Project Area and to the nex~ regular meeting on June 21, 1982. Carried 4-0, S&ltarelli absent. COUNCIL CHAM~ERS 300 Centennial Way J~ne 7, 1982 III · 1. Councilpersons Present: Councilpersons Absent: Others Present: Edgar,. Greinke, HoestereY, Kennedy, Saltarellt None James G. Rou~ke, City Attorney William A. Huston, City Manager Mary E. Wynn, City Clerk Mike Brote~arkle, Co~a. Dev. Director Bob Ledendecker, Director of Public Works Roy Gonzales, Personnel Director Ronald Nault, Finance Director RDyleen White, Con~aunity Services Director Approximately 10 in the audience "PARES aND ~C~ATI~ t4~'~B" Mayor Edgar read and presented to Royleen White, Director of C~unity Services for the City of Tustin, a proclamation proclaiming the month of June, 1982, as "Parks and Recreation Month o" 84 None V. C~T.~DA~ Councilman Greinke asked that Itam No. 2 be removed from the Consent to Calendar. It was moved by Kennedy, seconded by Sal~arelli, approve the Consent Calenan~ except for Item No. 2. Carried 5-0. 1. APPROVAL ~ ~- May 17, 1982 4e Se 7e Authorize the Mayor to sign and implament the subject agree- ment for unifom service and laundry as recomended by the Engineering Department. 45 V~'t.~a~: ~-11-82; A~D ~ riO. 82-8 Deny claim of Keith Murphy as recomended by the City Attorney. 4Q Dl~iTar. ~ C~ (]~ B&~ .~O frrTna~1 DA~E C~' LO6S: 1--2-82; DA~E =-,-igtt 4-9,-82; AND Cr.,AZ~ NO. 82-12 Deny claim of Barbara Jo Gilbert as reconm~ended by the City Attorney. 40 DEli'Tar. C~' Cr~J.M 0~ ~ r,. D&~"ZS; DAq~ ~ LOSS: 4-21-82; DAZE F12,ED: 4-23-82; AND Cr.,AZM NO.: 82-14 Deny claim of Arthur L. Davis as recommended by the City Attorney. 40 D~ZAL Gig' r~r.aTM GE' ADm'.r.A M. BAz, zsK; DAZE C~' LO~: 4-21-82; DAZE r.,.z='~: 4-3G--82; A~D ~ NO. 82-15 Deny claim of Adella M. Baker as reco.~-ended by the City Attorney. 40 Dm;ZAT., (~' C[~J.M C~' &~RBARA L. FRAZM; DA~ ~ LOSS: 4-14-82; DA~ FILED: 4-30-82; ~ f~'.AZM NO. 82-16 Deny claim of Barbara L. Fraim as reco~nended by ~he City Attorney. 40 CITY ~0UNCIL MINUTES Page 2, 6-7-82 9e ~SOLUTI~ NO. 82--38- A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Tustin, California, APPROVING ~HE APPLICATION FOR GRANT FUNDS UNDER THE ROBERTI-Z'BEBG URBAN OPEN-SPACE AND RECREATION PROGRAM Adoption of Resolution No. 82-38 as reco~ended by the Director of Community Services. 45 10. ~SOX~ NO. 82-39- A Resolution of the City Council of the City of T~stin APPROVING TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 10300 (14882-14942 Newport Avenue ) Adoption of Resolution No. 82-39 as recommended by the reunify Development Department. 99 11. ~-rlO~ NO. 82-40- A 9~solution of the City Council of the City of Tustin, California, A~PROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR FISCAL YEAR 1981-82 HANDICAPPED RAMP CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM Adoption of Resolution No. 82-40 as recon~nended by the Engi- neering Department. 92 12. ~E~T FOR ~T~I~ pA~nl~G - 15910 Pa~AD~A AF~mu~ Authorize the installation of signing to restrict on-street parking on the easterly side of Pasadena Avenue adjacent to 15910 Pasadena Avenue and that warnings be issued in lieu of citations for the first 30 days after the sign installation. 75 CO~S~T C~-~DA~ I~ NO. 2 2. A~NFAL (~ DEMANDS in the amount of $471,685.53 ~A~IFICA~ ~ PAXl%0~ in the amount of $93,575.13 5O Councilman Greinke's concern was about any possible conflict of interest. He is waiting for a written decision. His business services many accounts in Tustin and it is difficult to know who all of them are. Also his monthly expense allowance that is listed on Page 5 of the warrants has the name of his business which should not be listed. It was moved by Hoesterey, seconded by Kennedy, to approve Item No. 2 of the Consent Calendar. Carried 4-0, Grelnke abstained. VI. O~INANC~S FOR IN~O~CT~O~ - None FOR ~DOPTXCI~ - None VIII. ~$~mm~S 1. IX. N~ ~SINE~ ~. Following consideration of the re~ort dated June 7, 1982, pre- pared by the Co-~u~ity Development Director, it was moved by 'Kennedy, seconded by Saltarelli, that Arcades shall be subject to review and action u~der a use permit procedure by the Plan- ning Agency only and that the g~idelines be used for information for the public. Carried 5-0. 81 PI~O.~CT W~-~023 (2) RESOI~F~ NO. 82--43- A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Tustin, California, APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR IRVINE BLVD. FAU PROJECT M-M023 (2) AND DIRECTING THE CITY CLERK ~D ADVERTISE FOR BIDS In response to Councilman Saltarelli's question, the City Engi- neer responded that this total contract includes traffic signal control and the median ins~allation with minimal landscaping. The medians will be entirely paved except in the vicinity of the trees and within that vicinity there will be a square of approximately 14' by 14' low maintenance ground cover. Councilman Saltarelli suggested modifying this contract to include replacing grass with stamped concrete in the present islands from Newport Avenue to Prospect. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 3, 6-7-82 Bob Ledendecker said ~hat we were ~oing to do ~he area westerly on Irvine where we are putting in two left turn ~ockets under the bid as a special negotiated item. If Council desires to expand ~his further, he suggested that once we receive the bid, we can come back with costs on a street by st=eat basis. It wes ~oved by Saltarelli, seconded by Hoesterey, ~o reject all bids for subject project which were received on May ~0, ~982, and to ~ass and adopt Resolution No. 82-43. Motion carried 5-0. 95 ~nis item is a recap of the Stage 2 Alternatives Analysis of ~he Santa And Transportation Corridor Study. When the study was initiated, the freeway was pro~ose~ to be widened to 8 lanes to a medium standard. It would not have the 30' median between ~he two directions of travel or the full 15' of side clearance to structures but t. hey would attempt to place the 8 lanes ~s much as possible within ~he existing right of way, working on reduced side clearances to have the most ~inimal impact on the cor~unities. Since that t/me the Orange County Traffic C~ssion has suggested w~dening ~he freeway =o 10 lanes to a full standard with 5 lanes in each direction. This would have a large impact on the co~nu~ity. In reviewing this, staff has 3 major concerns: l) A Clarification should be made as to whether the Foothill and Eastern Corridor studies have been considered concurrently with the SATC Study and, if ~hey have not been, perhaps ~he ~rojeoted needs within the SATC can be down-s¢oped; 2) Widening of the I-5 Preeway to eight or ten lanes at ~l~um or full standards will greatly impact Tustin with respec~ to right of way requirements. A substantial ~mount of housing units will be =emoved from the con,unity along with many commercial and industrial buildi~gs which will have an adverse economic impact to the City; and 3 ) Any elevated rail and busway alternatives within the transit element would effect the co~nunity with respect to noise and visual/quality aesthetics · Et was moved by Kennedy, seconded by Hoesterey, to au~horize staff ~o forward the City's concerns regarding the Santa Ana Transportation Corridor Study as outlined in It~-~ No. 1, 2 and 3 of t21e staff report dated June l, ~982, ~o the Orange County Transportation Cvmission and the Orange County Transit District. Carried 5-0. In response to Mayor EdgarJs concerns abou~ lack of landscaping and beautification of the freeways that go through Tustin, Mr. Huston said that staff would ~ransmit our concerns in a letter. Mrs. Kennedy re~orted that there are many weeds at the inter- change of I-5§ and I-$. RESOLUTION NO. 82-42 - A Resolution of the City Council of the City of T~st~n, ADOPTING A HOME MORTGAGE FINANCE PP~GRAM IN COOPERATION WI~H THE COUNTY OF OP~NGE. M/ke Brot~markle., Co~m~unity Develolanent Director, reported that the Orange County Home Mortgage Finance Program presents an Opportunity to make affordable units wi~h iow-cost financing available in Tustin, with no administrative burden on the City. The project is strictly to provide mortgages for people who wish to gain entry into the housing market. Mark Ainslee has indicated an interest in obtaining the money for his project at ~082-~02 San Juan. Any project ~hat would be approved for these funds would have to obtain a Use Permit frc~ the City of Tustin and conform to our standards. Et was moved by Kennedy, seconded by Hoesterey, to adopt Resolution No. 82-42 and to authorize the ~ayor to execute a cooperative agreement between the County of Orange and the City CITY COUNCIL ~vLINUTES Page 4, 6-7-82 of Tustin, subject to City Attorney approval. Carried 5-0. 81 1. PO~A~ IMPACT Received and filed. 43 2. SETTING DA't'~t IN ~)GET ~BW ~ZOt~ A Workshop was set for June 17th at 4:00 p.m. Further workshops will be d~scussed at the evening meeting. 29 Xl. Mr. Huston reminded the Council of ~he Executive Session for labor negotiations following the afternoon meeting. Mayor Pro Tem Kennedy reported a co~plaint about the standing water at the new condc~iniums on First Street. The City Engineer sa/d he would look into it. 3. COI~I~iDA't~OB Counc~l,~n Greinke co~ended staff for resolution of a tree proble~ wi~h one of his neighbors. Mayor Edgar stated he was in agreement with extending the time for the Columbus Tustin Task Force but requested that they establish their own deadlines with periodic reports to the Council. 5. UPDAtinG SI~S Mayor Edgar asked staff to investigate updating the City's popu- lation on signs coming into the City and Councilman Hoesterey commented that the freeway signs showing the City limits should be updated. It was moved by Hoesterey, seconded by Kennedy, to adjourn at 4:23 p.m. to an Executive Session for labor negotia- tions and thence to the 7:30 p.m. meeting. Carried. ~ '~'$-.n,.d CITE COUNCIL 300 Centennial Way June 7, 1982 7:30 P.M. TO O~ER The meeting was called to order by Mayor Edgar at 8:23 p.m. Councllpers6ns Present= Councilpersons Absent: Others Present: Edgar, Greinke, Hoesterey, F~nnedy Saltarelli James G. Rourke, City Attorney William A. Huston, City Manager Mary E. Wynn, City Clerk M~ke Brotemarkle, C~. Dev. Director Bob Ledendecker, Director of Public Works Charles Thayer, Chief of Police P~n Nault, Finance Director Approximately 20 in the audience C~TY COUNCIL M-~IUES Page 5, ~-7-82 None ~ 1. ~xr.m,iT)an lQ. 3=30 G~I~u~I. PLaN At.IDleST 82-1 (A) P.~SC~,U'~C~ NO. 82-41 - A ~esol~t/.on of ~e ~y ~ci$ of ~e ~ty of ~-, ~G ~ ~D~T ~ ~E ~ USE ~T OF ~E G~ P~ ~R P~R~S AT 17311 & 173431 ~ F~D~ S~T The staff report was given by Mike Brot~markle, Cuam~un~t¥ Devel- o~_-_ent Director, ~ conceded ~ ~e s~aff re~ ~a=ed J~e 7, 1982. ~is ac~on is no= a f~ ac=ion, s~cm ~is ~o~r=y ~ stol zoned ~3. Co~c~ will have 2o desi~ate a specific ~one for ~e ~o~y a: a la, er ~=e. The public Hearing was opened at 8:26 p.m. ~here being no Cum- men~s or objec~ions, ~he Public He~ing wu closed. It was ~ved b~ ~%~nedy, seconded by Hoes=stay, ~a~ ~solu=ion NO. 82-41 be ~sed ~d ~o~ed. ~ried ~0, S~elll ~sen=. ~ ~~ ~Oo 82-39- A Resolut±on of t_he City Councll of t. he City of ~s=~ ~v~G ~~ ~T ~ 10300 (1~82-14942 Ne~r~ Av~) A~i~ of ~so~u~ion No. 82-39 as ~d~ by ~e C~ m~y D~elo~n= De~en~. Since Tentative Tract Map 10300 was not au=hot±zed to subd~vide for cov~-4~ 9~xposes unt.~l ~e 7:30 p.m. plan~g Ag~cy ~e~g ~S ~=e, it w~ ~ed by ~y, ~ ~o~ ~lu~on No. 82-39. uuu..Lma~ 7:30 3:30 ~S~E~F~I~ NO. 82-44- A Resolution of C~ty of Tust. tn, Caltforn/a, ADJUSTING ~A~ER SERVICE ~AT~S The City Manager asP, ed ~hat =his item be continued in order for staff to ~ovide ad~tional information on =he overall rates. Councilman Hoe~srey said ~hat he would like ~o have a study o~ ~he Water sys~e~ on a long ts~m basis, perhaps 3 =o 5 year plan. It was moved by Greinke, seconded by Edgar, to continue ~his ite~ as a Public Hearing to ~he July 6th meeting. Mayor Pro Tern Kennedy asked if staff was no~ already working on a study in order ~o have a 3 to 5 year plan. Mr. Huston, City Manager, responde~ in ~he affirmative and he e~phas£zed ~hat we need ~o make a d~s~J~nc~ion between t. he long =arm ~orrec~ion of ~he syste~ and a shor~ term of meeting r~nt oblig&tlons. We also need =o begin some effort towards setting up a reserVe =o cover capital costs. Mo=ion carried 4-~, Sal~arslli absent. 107 At ~he afternoon meeting, t_he Council set June 17th at 4:00 p.m. as the time for a Budget workshop. Council concurred to have a workshop on the same night as the Co%%noil meeting of June 21s~ and if another workshop is necessary, it will be on June. 22nd · 29 VII. ~D~uu~T- It was moved by Gre~nke, seconded by Hoestarey, to adjourn at 8:50 p.m. to a workshop on July 17 at 4:00 p.m. and thence to ~he next regular meeting on June 21, 1982. Carried. ~