HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC 1 MINUTES 07-19-82 COUNCIL (~IAMBEI~ 300 Centennial TO ~EK The meeting was called to order by Mayor Edgar at 3=34 p.m. CALL Councilpersons Present= Counoilpersons Absent= Others Present= Edgar, Hoesterey, Kennedy, Saltarelli ,~ James G. Rourke, City Attorney William A. Huston, City Manager Mary E. Wynn, City Clerk Mike Brot-m~wkle, Cc ..... Dev. Director Bob Ledendecker, City Engineer Alan Warren, Senior Planner ~y Gonzales, Personnel Director Ronald Nault, Finance Director Royleen White, Co~unity services Director Approxim-tely 3 in the audience None C~n~T Councilwoman Kennedy requested that Consent Calendar item No. 4 be removed from the Calendar. It was moved by Kennedy, seconded by Saltarelli, to approve the Consent Calendar except for Item 4. Carried 5-0, with Greinke abstaining on Item 2. 1. APPrOVaL ~ MINO~S- June 21, 1982. APPROVAL ~ D~A~DS in the amount of $202,141.93 ~AT~FICAT~ ~ PATRC~L in the amount of $94,260.97 ~ES~n%'X~ NO. 82-51- A Resolution of the City Council of the City of T~stin, California, COM~L~DING AND EXPRESSING A~PRECIA- TIC~ TO FRANCIS OSCAR OSTRANDER. FOR ~3TSTANDING SERVICE AND ACTI~ AS .A CROSSING GUARD Adoption of Resolution No. 82-51 as recommended by the Police Department · 84 ~F~TI~ NO. 82-54- A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Tustin, California, INFORMING THE ARTERIAL HIGHWAY FINANCING PROGRAM ADVISO~ COMMITTEE OF THE S~ATUS OF THE CITY OF %TJSTIN MASTER PLAN OF ARTERLAL HIGHWAYS Adoption of Resolution No. 82-54 as recommended by the Engi- neering Department · 54 ~TI~ NO. 82-53 - A Resolution of the City council of the City of Tustin, California, URGING ~HAT ALL ~Ar~.OTS AND BAr. nOT MATERIALS BE PRIN'~=U IN ENGLISH C~LY AND THAT SAMPLE BA~.~OTH BE PRIN%'~u IN AT r.~AST TAA~-POINT TYPE Adoption of Resolution No. 82-53 as requested by the City Council. 48 NO. 4 ~~ NO. 82-52 - A Resolution of t_he City Council of the City of Tustin, California, AUTHORIZING THE DESTRUCTION OF CER- TAIN CITY RECORDS, TO-WIT, RECORDINGS OF P~ICE TELEPH~E AND RADIO CCM~3NICATIONS AS PROVIDED BY GOVErnMenT COOE 8ECTI~ 34090.6 Adoption Of Resolution No. 82-52 as recommended by the City Attorney. Councilwoman Kennedy asked if there was anyway we could keep any tape that is significant. · he City Attorney responded that they do retain any important tapes on a cassette that is still an official record of the Police Dept. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 2, 7-6-82 It was m~ved by Kennedy, seconded by Edgar, to adopt ~solution No. 82-52. Carried 5-0. Mayor Pro Tern Kennedy asked if staff could send some kind of co~-en- da=ion to all Crossing Guards for their service to the City. The City Manager responded that staff would have a report for the next meeting. 82 O~DINAN~ NO. 872- An Ord{'knance of the City Council, City of T~stin, California, AMenDING ~HE TJSTIN CITY COOE RELATIVE TO CC~VERSIC~ ~F MULTIPLE DW~.?.ING UNITS TO CC~DOMINIUMS Mike Brot_-markle, C~muunity Develo~ent Director, reported that this Ora4nance was to clarify Council's intent that relocation benefits should be paid on a ~er unit basis rather that individual tenant basis. Mayor Pro Tem Kennedy expressed that $600 for relocation assistance is adequate now but may have to be updated in the future. Mr. Brotemarkle explained that $600 is the m~,~mum. The amount ~aid would be the greater of twice the last months rent or $600. The City Attorney said we could address that problam with a cost of living annual adjustment or we could ~o it by fixing an amount by Resolution each year. Counc~lm-n Hoesterey brought up that in Section I (a), it refers to "each person who /s a tenant" and he felt that was contradictory ~o benefits being on a per unit basis. He suggested this wor~ing should be changed to avoid any further m~sunderstandings about relocation assistance. The City Attorney said he would change the wording in the ordinance. It was moved by Edgar, seconded by Greinke, to continue to July 19, 1982. Carried 5-0. 43 VI. 0~D~ANCE~ F~ AD(H~X~- None 1. XO~A ~ ~-ST~EET PA~EING Mayor Edgar reported that some residents had requested this for the evening meeting. It was moved by Hoestersy, seconded by Keranedy, to continua this item to the 7:30 p.m. meeting. Carried 5-0. 75 The City Manager reported that this item was continued from the last meeting for consideration of residents for representative. This item has not had any formal advertising. Gloria Alm, the previous representative recommended that a m-mher of staff be appointed because of their knowledge of the Housing Authority. Mayor Pro Tem Kennedy said that she would like to recruit for a resident who is knowledgable in this field. It was moved by Hoesterey, seconded by Kennedy, to appoint a member of staff as representative and to recruit a resident who is know- ledgable in the Houaing Authority. Motion carried 5-0. 2. A~A~D ~ BID F~l~ F.X. '81--'82 It was moved by Saltarelli, seconded by Hoesterev~ to award the con- tract for subject project to Nobest Incorporated of Westminster, CA, in the amount of $7,098.00 and authorized staff to add additional work to the contract to utilize all of the funds available for handicapped ramp construction. Carried 5-0. 92 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 3, 7-6-82 It was moved b~ Saltarslli, seconded by Kennedy, to award the con- tract for subject project to Grissom & Johnson Inc. of Santa And, CA, in t_he amount of $779,839.19. The City Manager said that the =epor~ was developed on the basis of last year~s budge= and t. ha= we have included money in the ~82-~83 City and Redevelopment Agency budgets. Mayor Edgar expressed that the allocation for .Redevelopment Funds would probably be more than for Gas Tax and asked s~aff to re~ort back with an ee~imated allocation. Mr. Huston said that staff can have a report at t. he ne~Wc Budget Workshop. Motion carried 4-0, Greinke abstaining. 95 Bob Ledendecker, City Engineer, reported that this intersection aid not meet the warrants for a signal. There have only been 3 acci- dents from January, 1977 through May, 1982. Staff's reconuuendation is to ~ot put in a signal but to continue to monitor the intersec- tion · No action was taken on this matter. Bob Ledendecker, City Engineer, reported that it had been determined that d~ring the co~rse of cons~ruction, there was a high spot into the channel that caused about a half inch depth of water to back up. The developer has been contacted and w~ll be grinding down the high s~ot so there will be a continual movement of water and no ponding · Discussion followed regarding the ponding of wa=er and mosquitos. Mr. Ledendecker said t~at quite a few areas in the downtown area lack curbs and gutters or cross gutters at the intersections. He said that there are plans =o redo the streets and that would help the standing wa=er problem but ~he plans are more ~han five years in the future. Mayor Edgar suggested that curbs and gu==ers on Second Street might alleviate the problem. Mx. Ledendecker said that a few years back, the City sent out questionaires to see if the residents wan=ed curbs and gut=ers end the majority did not wan= them. Councilman Saltarelli moved, seconded by Hoesterey, that a survey be dens by letter that would basically say: "The City Council has been made aware of the fac= that there is a pxoblem wi~h casual water in your area and ~erhaps mosquito breeding and we are conducting a sux- vey as to how ~ny property owners wish =o consider having curbs, gutters and perhaps sidewalks placed in front of their houses. The issue of funding =his could be by a co~ination of City funds as Well as property owner funds and although no figures would be avail- able at this t_~me, as a prelinu~nary non-binding situation, would you prefer =o have curbs, gutters, and sidewalks or =o have no change." Motion carried 5-0. 47 Mayor Pro Tem Kennedy con~ended staff for the great fireworks on the 4th of July. Council agreed. There were approximately 8,000 in attendance, about 1,500 or 2,000 more than last year. Mayor Edgar suggested that a nice letter of conunendation be sent to the School District and the staff. Mayor Edgar cou~ended Community Services and Engineering for the excellent report on Park development. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 4, 7-6-82 &~J~T- It was moved by Saltarelli, seconded by Hoesterey, adjourn at 4:18 p.m. to ~he 7.'30 p.m. meeting. Carried 5-0. OF ~ ~ CIT~ CC]~NCTt'- CGtJ'NCIL CHAMB EP~ 300 Centennial Way Jlzl.y 6, 1982 7:30 AGENDA 0~DER III* IV. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Edgar at 8=05 p.m. Councilpersons Present= Councilpersons Absent= Others Present= Edgar, Kennedy, Hoesterey, sal~arelli Greinke None James G. P~urke, City Attorney William Ao Huston, City Manager Mary E. Wynn, City Clerk Mike Bro~m~rkle, Co~a. Dev. Director Bob Ledendecker, City Engineer Dale Wick, Assistant Engineer Norwood Williams, Police Captain Ronald Nault, Finance Director Reed Jensen, Water Services Analyst Approximately 25 in the audience Bob Ledendecker, City Engineer, gave the staff report and recom- mended that the on-street parking request be denied. The plan resulted in sub-standard lanes and staff feels that there are seri- ous liability problems if this striping plan is implemented. The following spoke in opposition to the o~-street parking= R. G. Watkins, 14242 Mimosa Lane Ralph Blower, 14241 Acacia Dr. Walter R. Sobbed, 17402 Jacaranda Ed Amormind, 17281 Norwood Park Pl. Marian Farnsworth, 17331 Norwood Park Pl. Mayor Pro Tem Kennedy said that she felt this is a matter that should be solved by the two owners of the buildings. They have not been able to work out an agreement. She supported staff's recomen- dation. It was moved by Hoestere¥, seconded by Kennedy, that request for on-s~reet parking on Yorba Street be denied because i= is a safety hazard. Counc~!m~n Saltarelli said he would suppoz~ the motion but thought staff ought ~o monitor the situation and if it gets any worse, maybe parking should be put on one side of the street. The.City Engineer said that each time he went to the site, there were between 6 to 20 vacant spaces. They were the fartherest spaces from the building. 75 Motion carried 5-0. p~m~.rC C~,~K~$- None 1. ~ESCl~TIC~ NO. 82-44 - A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Tustin, California, ADJUSTING WATER SERVICE RATES William Huston, City Manager, reported that the Council has the staff report which includes one report dated June 2, 1982, and CITY C~JNCIL MINUTES Page 5, 7-6-82 dated June 30, 1982. He pointed out that ~he only changes in the rate structure are on Page 1, Section 1.b of Resolution 82-44. It is recommended that the rate for water usage charges over 600 cubic feet be increased to $0.537 per 100 c~bic feet. The public Hearing was opened at 8:43 p.m. ~ere being no co,~ents or objections, the Public Hearing was closed. It was moved by Saltarelli, seconded by Edgar, to adopt Resolution No. 82-44 wt~h a change in Section 1.b to increase the water usage charges for over 600 cubic feet to $0.51 per 100 cubic feet. It was pointed out by Mayor Edgar that the Council would be review- lng these rates again in Janury, 1983. Motion carried 5-0. Mayor Edgar asked for a confirmed date on the water study analysis. Mr. Huston responded t/%at this would be scheduled for the next Council meeting. 10? Councilman Hoestsrey reported complaints regarding odors in =he ind~st, rial complex between 9 and 14 p.m. He asked for a list of companies that might burn off ch~nicals at ~heir plants. Mr. Huston responded that staff would check into the matter. Mayor Edgar asked about the addition of some inprovemen~s for center islands into the FAU Irvine Blvd. contract. Staff responded that the re~oz"c is 75% complete. Councilm~n Hoestsrey asked about how much time Co~unicc~ was going to provide for City programs. The City Attorney responded that his office is working on that issue. ~T - It was moved by Kennedy, seconded by Hoesterey, ~o adjourn at 8:59 p.m. to the next regular meeting on July 19, 1982. Carried 5-0. MAYOR