HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC MINUTES 1954 11 08
NOVEMBER 8, 1954, AT 7:30 P.M., AT
COUNCILMEN PRESENT: Jerome C. Kidd, John V. Sauers, Frank E.
Bacon, .Jr., W. L, Tadlock.and Arthur O.
CITY ATTORNEY: C. Arthur Nisson, Jr. was present.
Mayor Kidd called the meeting to order at 7:30 P. M.
Minutes of the regular meeting of October 11 and of an
adjourned meeting of October 25 were read and approved.
Mr. E. J. Morgan,. representing W. W. Wood, General
Motors Truck Dealer, and Mr. Adam Schleining, of the
S.A. Commercial Co. , were present. Mr. Schleining
addressed the Council in regard to his Company's ser-
vice relative to the pickup and disposal of garbage
and trash and stated that his Company would be glad
to make an offer to perform this service for Tustin.
Mr. Morgan addressed the Council in regard to the
City's contemplated purchase of a new truck for gar-
bage and trash collection. These matters were later
discussed by the Council.
PETITION Earl Rowenhorst, representing the Tustin Water Works,
REQUESTING was present and presented a petition signed by Walter
CLOSING Rawlings, Superintendent of Tustin Water Works, James
OF F O. Preble and Albert Robert Nieblas, adjacent property
STREET owners, requesting the City Council to take the neces-
sary action leading to the closing and abandonment of
F Street, between Third and Main Streets. City Attorney
Nisson suggested that john A. Prescott be contacted and
his position in this matter ascertained. Upon motion of
Councilman Park, seconded by Councilman Sauers and duly
carried, the matter of the closing of this street was
referred to the Planning Commission and the City Engineer
for their recommendation.
The Tustin Water Works requested and was granted per-
mission to remove a walnut tree located on F Street near
Main Street. Tree to be removed at the expense of the
Water Company.
AUTHORIZATION Upon motion of Councilman Tadlock, seconded by Council-
FOR TELEPHONE man Park and duly carried, authorization was granted to
REMOVALS have the telephones removed from the City Engineer's
office and from the former office of the Constable, in
the City Hail.
HASKELL,S The salary of John A. Haskell, Crossing Guard, was in-
SALARY creased from $146.24 per month to $160.00 per month,
INCREASED effective November lst, 1954, upon.motion of Councilman
Tadlock, seconded by Councilman Park and carried.
RESOLUTION Resolution No. 263 relating to an application for the
NO. 263 inclusion of certain Tustin City employees in an exten-
ADOPTED sion of coverage of Old Age and Survivors Insurance was
introduced by City Attorney Nisson and adopted upon
motion of Councilman Park, seconded by Councilman Bacon
and duly carried.
BILLS The following bills were presented, examined and or-
dered paid upon motion of Councilman Park, seconded by
Councilman Bacon and carried.
Santa Aria Register $29.70
Adams & Helm 11.04
James A. Musick, Sheriff 10.80
S. C. Penington (Petty Cash Fund) 22.10
Stein's Stationery Store 3.71
Seaside Oil Company 79.80
Cartwrightl& Browning 90.00
Evelyn Ojeda 8.75
The Tustin News 23.27
Director Internal 255.50
R. K. McLean, M. D. 70.00
Tiernan's 101.03
Tustin Paint Store 9.25
J, L. McBride 15.08
Orange County League of Cities 3.50
Balls Signal Service 7.50
Carson & Golding 15.57
State Compensation Insurance Fund 935.34
Electronic Supply Corporation 9.88
Walt's Garage & Service Station 142.43
Tustin Hardware Co. 8.90
Graves & Howley 19.35
First National. Bank of Tustin(Utilitities) 103.99
Dudley C, Kiser 10.00
TOTAL $1,987.75
Councilman Tadlock moved to adjourn, Councilman Park
seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Meeting Adjourned.
Jerome C. Kidd
Samuel C. Penington
City Clerk