HomeMy WebLinkAboutNB 1 O.C. HEALTH PLNG 08-02-82DATE: July 26, 1982 NEW BUSINESS NO. 1 8-2-82 Inter-Corn TO: FROM: SUBJECT: Honorable Mayor and City Council Mary E. Wynn, City Clerk RECC~FIP44ATI~ ~ ORANGE C~JNTY HEALTH PLANNING C~JNCIL APPOINTMenTS RECOMMENDATI~; It is recommended that the City Council at their meeting of August 2, 1982, reconfirm the appointments of Phyllis T~ttle, representative, and Bonnie Gill-~n, alternate, to the Orange County Health Planning Counoil Ass-mhly of Delegates. BACKGROUND= On August 3, 1981, the City Council appointed Phyllis Turtle, representative, and Bonnie Gillman, alternate, to the Orange County Health Planning Council Ass-mbly of Delegates. Attached is a letter from the Orange County Health Planning Council requesting reconfirmation of ass~hly appointments for the coming year. Also attached is a letter dated May 10, 1982, from Phyllis Turtle, relating the activities of the Health Planning Council for the past year. She states in the last paragraph of the letter that she would be pleased to continue to serve as your representative. I called Bonnie Gillman, alternate, on July 23, 1982, to determine if she was interested in continuing as alternate for another year and she responded that she would l{ke to continue. City Clerk SAINT JOSEPH HOSPITAL No. 4 5-11-82 May 10, 1982 Mary Wynn, City Clerk City of Tustin 300 Centennial Way Tustin, Ca. 92680 RE: 01~ANGE COUNTY HEALTH PLANNING COUNCIL Dear Ms. Wynn: In August 1981 I was honored to be appointed as the representative of the City of Tustin to the Orange County HealtkPlanning Council. This letter is intended to Serve asa report to date. In October 1981 I attended the 10thAnniversary Celebration of the Orange County Healtk Planning Council at Turtle Rock Community Park:.~in-Ir~in~'. The key note speaker of ~e evening was Stan Matek, Executive Director of the Health Planning~Co~ncil. A reactor panel of former.counciI Presidents added insight when discussing "Th~ New Economic In Orange County Health CareSy~tem! The. empire strikes back?" On November 24 I attended the assembly of Delegates, which included the election of Assemblymem~ers. (Ursula Kennedy was re-elected as an "at large" Assembly member). Following election the film "Medi-$ense" was shown and a discussion followed of reasons~or rise of health carecosts. and ways to deal witkthese costs. On April 13, 1982 I attended the Assembly del~/tes meeting at the Orange Dental Society Building in Orange, Again medical~']-- care costs setting all time records were discussed. "How to cut down on HealthCosts"! was also discussed with a move toward self-insured*~companies~' higher deductibles and.limits on length and amount of care~ .' The need for continuinqh~aIthplanning in the community becomes more apparent as health care co~ts escalate. I would be happy to provide more specific 6r detailed information upon request and will be pteasedto continue to serve as your representative. PT/sv Sincerely,~ Pky~is Tuttle ~ Program Coordinator Recovery Services WHERE EXCELLENCE IS A TRADITION 1100 WEST STEWART DRIVE / P.O. BOX 6600 / ORANGE, CALIFORNIA 92667 / (714) 633-9111 ORANGE COUNTY HEALTH PLANNING COUNCIL June 28, 1982 Mary C. Winn, City Clerk City of Tustin 300 Centennial Way Tustin, California 92680 SUBJECT: Reconfirmation of Assembly Appointments Dear Ms. Winn: The Bylaws of the Orange County Health Planning Council (OCHPC) require that each year we solicit in writing the reconfirmation of all appointment~ to the Assembly of Delegates. The Bylaws do not limit the length of time for which any organi- zation may choose to have its representative serve in the Assembly. Our records show that your current representative to the Assembly is Phyllis Turtle. If you would like to have your current delegate continue, please reconfirm the appointment in writing NO LATER THAN AUGUST 16, 1982. The Bylaws also provide for an alternate delegate to attend'Assembly meetings and vote in the absence of your appointee. Our records indicate that Bonnie Gillman has been appointed as your alternate delegate. Please let us know if this is not correct. An Assembly delegate acts as the liaison between your city council and OCHPC, informing each body of the issues and concerns of the other. Delegates meet four times a year - once to elect our Board of Directors and the rest to participate in programs dealing with community health .issues. The OCHPC is the agency which oversees projected medical needs of Orange County residents, as well as the allocation of health care resources to meet those needs. As you may know, the Assembly is a body of almost 150 participants, representing every city of Orange County, the Southern California Association of Governments, the League of California Cities, the Board of Supervisors, voluntary health agencies, professional healtk associations, and community organizations such as the United Way. We are enclosing a summary of the major accomplishments and issues addressed by the Council during the past two years, a brief description of the agency, anda li~ting .. of OCHPC publications. Gina Ryan, our Director of Community Services, would be happy to meet with you to answer any questions you may have about the Council and its programs. Cordi al ly yours, . S~!~te~ Executive. Di rector SJ M: rp Encl°sure2o2 FASHION LANE - SUITE 219 · TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA 92680 - PHONE: (7147 832-1841 69/8