HomeMy WebLinkAboutPH 1 FED REV SHARING 08-02-82~ATE: duly 28, 1982 PUBLIC HEARINGS 8-2-82 Inter-Corn TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: SUBJECT: BILL HUSTON, CITY MANAGER PUBLIC HEARING - PROPOSED USE OF FEDERAL REVENUE SHARING FUNDS BACKGROUND: Federal regulations require that the City Council conduct a public hearing which affords any person or organization the opportunity to request revenue sharing funds. On March 31, 1982, an administrative hearing was held (also required by federal regulations) during which five requests were submitted. The attached memorandum from the Finance Director includes the submitted requests. Subsequent to that hearing, requests were also submitted by the Boy's Club of Tustin, The Assessment and Treatment Services Center and the L.P. Repertory Company. The written requests from these groups are also attached. In addition to the above requests, the 1982-83 preliminary budget includes the following items all of which were initiated by departments of the City: a. Major Street Maintenance Program b. Police Computer equipment c. Computer disk storage d. Police communication and video equipment e. Police traffic office modification f. Traffic engineering study g. Bus benches h. Main Street easement drain i. Santa Fe/Industrial Way catch basin $ 255,000 29,800 28,500 7,440 10,000 75,000 4,500 21,000 13,000 $ 444,240 The and individuals: following is a summary of requests submitted by non-city organizations a. Nick Ogden (Senior Citizen Center) b. "The Villa" (alcoholic rehab center) c. Janet Schwartz (Senior housing) d. Boy's Club (counseling) e. ATSC (counseling) J7 ,COO -- '7/'7 0 0 5,000 3,ooo ,j, bOO 4,000'"-- ,ooo-- f. L.P. Repertory Co. (stage lights) 2,500 ~0 $ 101,50O Mrs. Margaret Karmann requested that more adequate low rent housing be provided for low income senior citizens, mrs. Lucille Ridgway requested a traffic signal at Main and 6th Street. DISCUSSION: The estimated amount of revenue sharing funds available in 1982-83 is $516,013 which consists of the 1981-82 carry-over balance of $237,013 and the $279,000 entitlement to be received in 1982-83. To date, requests for revenue sharing funds total $545,740 ($444,240 in the preliminary budget and $101,500 from non-city organizations and individuals). Although there are no specific federal guidelines regarding how a city can allocate revenue sharing funds, it is within the Council's discretion to establish its own guidelines. In considering the requests the Council might want to use the following criteria: a. Does the request create a recurring obligation which could extend beyond the current fiscal year or is it a one-time expense. b. To what extent does the community at-large versus a group of individuals benefit, from the request. c. Are other sources of funds available to the organization or individual. d. Does the request supplement or supplant a city funded program. e. Is there sufficient justification to support the request. Staff recommends approval of the items (totalling $444,240) in the preliminary budget.proposed to be funded through revenue sharing. regard to the other requests, the following are staff's comments: With Senior Citizen Center feasibility study, design and working drawings ($77,000): Without knowing the source of construction and on-going staffing and maintenance funds, it seems to be premature to expend monies for this purpose. The Park and Recreation Master Plan and Columbus-Tustin Community Center design projects will provide background information concerning senior citizen recreation'needs. The Council might want to defer consideration of this request until these projects are completed. b. "The Villa" ($5,000): The Director of "The Villa" is requesting the funds to offset what is estimated the cost of providing its services to residents of Tustin. Aside from the attached letter from "The Villa", the city has no knowledge of how many Tustin residents are served. It would be relevant to determine whether the County of Orange, State of California, United Way or any other organizations provide financial assistance or have been requested to provide assistance. c. 'Senior Housing - Non-Profit Corporation ($3,000): This request entails a policy question of whether the city should contribute financially to a venture which is intended to solicit the involvement of the private sector in constructing senior citizen housing. de Boy's Club Counseling ($4,000): The request is for funds ~o supplement those allocated by' the Club for an Intervention Specialist who counsels children. The Police Department does not refer children to this program. The Department's only interaction with this aspect of the Boy's Club services is through the Department's participation in the Tustin School District's School Attendance Review Board. The Boy's Club also has a staff member appointed to this Board which reviews truancy cases from the District. The Council recently granted the Communicom Company a use permit to erect a dish antenna on the Boy's Club roof. The Club will receive a monthly rental as a result, which is additional income for the Club. em Assessment and Treatment Services Center (ATSC) ($10,000): A memorandum from the Police Chief is attached which addresses the rel ationshp of this organization to the Police Department. Staff recommends that a minimum of $5,000 be allocated to ATSC. fe L.P. Reperto~ Company ($2,500): The City would have no particular use for the lighting equipment. Because it would benefit solely the Company, consideration should be given to raising the cost of tickets to cover the cost of the equipment. For any request granted by the Council, a reporting process should be estalbished in order to ensure that the revenue sharing funds are properly accounted for. DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: April 1, 1982 Inter - C om Bill Huston, City Managerf ~ Ron Nault, Finance Direct~ Revenue Sharing Proposed Use Hearing, 1982-83 The General Revenue Sharing Proposed Use hearing for 1982-83 was held Wednesday, March 31, 1982 at 10 a.m. in the Council Chamber. There were approximately 85 citizens in attendance. There were four (4) speakers that submitted requests. (see the attached sur~mary sheets). Briefly: Nick Ogden, California Senior Assemblyman, requested $77,000 for a feasibility study for a Senior Citizen's Center, to include architectural, engineering, and working drawings. 2. Ida Sternberg supported Mr. Ogden's request. Frances McGowan, Director of "The Villa," aka Orange County Alcoholic Women's Rehabilitation Center, Inc., requested $5,000 to offset cost of serving Tustin residents, estimated to be 5% of their clients. Janet schwartz, Senior Citizen Housing Committee of Tustin, requested $3,000 to support formation of non-profit corporation for the development of senior citizen housing. 5. Margaret R. Karmann submitted the attached request for low rent housing. 6. Lucille H. Ridgway submitted attached request for a traffic signal at E1 Camino Real and Sixth Street. There being no further requests to speak, from the audience, the meeting was ad- journed at 10:15 a.m. attachments CITY OF TUSTIN GENERAL REVENUE SHARING PROPOSED USE HEARING MARC~ 31, 1982 CITY OF TUSTIN GENF..RAL REVENUE SHARING PROPOSED USE HEARING MARCH 31, 1982 AMOUNT REQUESTED:~' ~, 0~30 , BRIEF DESCRIPTION ,F. OR USE OF FUNDS REQUEST~U: CITY OF TUSTIN GENERAL REVENUE SF. ARING PROPOSED USE ~..ARrNG MARC~ 31, 1982 ORGANIZATION P~PRESENTED: ~D~SS: ' q' I O ~q/ . F ~ -~. ,'SC'r( ST, ~' i~ '"~'* T~EPSO~ N~: .%- ~ ~ .- 1 -'f 3 2_- ~O~T ~Q~S~D: '~:~'_~. OC-~ BRIEF DESCRIPTION FOR USE OF FUNDS R~QUESTED: d 'J - , ,3 ~1 -. , " .'' CITY OF TUSTIN GENERAL REVENUE SF~%RING PROPOSED USE HEARING MARCH 31, 1982 BRIEF DESCRIPTION FOR USE OF FtrNDS REQUESTED: March 30, 1982 Ronald A. Nault, Finance Director City of Tustin 300 Centennial Way Tustin, CA 92680 SUBJECT: USE OF REVENUE SHARING FUNDS FOR SENIOR CITIZENS HOUSING BACKGROUND: In May 1981 at a meeting of the Senior Citizens Coordinating Council, Royleen A. White, Director of Community Services, appointed a Chairperson to organize a Senior Citizens Housing Committee. This Committee was directed to study and search for ways to provide private sector assistance and solutions to the housing problem. The need for such a Committee was determined after the Coordinating Council's study of the Senior Citizens Needs Assessment Survey. The number one priority as far as problems facing seniors was housing and this was indicated also as the number two priority as far as their needs were concerned. The following individuals, knowledgeable in this subject, have served on this Committee: Dr. Ernest Ainslie Mark Ainslie Tom Cunningham Tony Coco Walt Fredriksen Nick Ogden Isabelle McClements Janet Schwartz - Chairperson FINDINGS: The Committee in its deliberations found that there was interest and several possible solutions residing in the private sector. These findings have led to the attached proposal. We recommend your serious consideration of the proposal; we feel it will meet an urgent unmet need of Tustin's Senior population. Thank you for your consideration. ' Resp~ectful ly Suni tte~d, c~net'Schwartz, Chairperson Senior Citizens Housing Committee Attachment: Proposal PROPOSAL FOR REVENUE SHARING FUNDS PURPOSE: To provide affordable housing for Tustin Senior Citizens on fixed incomes. Furthering this Purpose we submit the following Proposal: 1, To form a Non-Profit Corporation to enable the private sector to provide affordable housing. 2. To invite knowledgeable professionals of the community to serve on this corporation. 3. To seriously and consciously pursue to fruition the goals and purpose as stated. Therefore we request: 1. Revenue Sharing Funds in the amount of $3,000. for use in formation of a non-profit Corporation. 2. Clerical support from the City of Tustin for setting up this Corporation. 3, The assistance of the City Attorney in forming this non-profit Corporation. CITY OF TUSTIN GA~NERAL REVENUE S~%RING PROPOSED USE H~ARING MARCH 31, 1982 AMOUNT REQUESTED: CITY OF TUSTIN GENERAL REVENUE SHARING PROPOSED USE HEARING MARCH 31, 1982 AMOUNT REQUESTED': BRIEF DESCRIPTION FOR USE OF FUNDS REQUESTED: ' 910 N. F;®nch S~re®t · Santa Aha, California 92701 541-2732 March 2, 1982 Mayor James Sharp City of Tustin 300 Cencenial Way Tustin, CA 92680 Dear Mayor Sharp: .The Villa would lika to appeal to the .City of Tustin for a~sistance with their 1982-83 operating expenses. The Villa, orange County Alcoholic Women's Rehabilitation Center, Inc., is a co~aunity based social ~del recovery home, information/referral center for alcoholic ~men. This story residential facility, licensed for 15 beds, is located in the County Seat at 910 N. French Street, Santa Aha. A charitable, non-profit organization, it has been continuously providin~ emergency shelter, social rehabilitation services and assistance to the residents of Orange County for 19 years. Residential services are provided to adult women who have a driving problem and are 18 and older without regard to race, color, ~reed, or economic circumstances. No ~oman is aver turned away for lack of funds. As the only recovery' home of its'nature in Orange County, "the Villa" Responds to the needs'of all'women in the comau- nity, including Tustin, ~ho seek help for ~heir alcohol problem. Nineteen years of experience has sho~ us tha~ the majority of women who meed'help have ruptured family relation- ships and minimum Job skills or experience. They, as well as their family members and neighbors, lack an understanding of the disease of alcoholism, its effects on the f~mily and the recovery process. Recognizing this, the program at Uthe Villa" includes alcohol education, recovery planning, vocational rehabilitation and other individual and group sessions intend- ed to encourage the development of life patterns conducive to good health and sobriety. It also provides ongoing support to its residents after they leave "the Villa." Orange County Alcoholic Women's Rehabilitation Car~ter, .Ino.- A California Non. Profit Oorporation Eatat~lished 1963 O A United Way Member Agency City of Tustin Page 2 There. is a U~able lack of alcohol recovery home and rehabilitation services for women in Orange County and none in the. City of TusCin. App=ox/mataly 5% of the women we assist with emergency shelter and alcohol recovery services are residents of. the Ci=y of Tustin. Our estim-ted 1982-83 operating expenses are $195,105. The Vll'la would like to request $$',000 from =he City of Tustin. As 5% of our ~82-~83 expenses wuuld be subs=an- tially more than this~ we f~el that 95,000 is a modest fair share request. We would appreciate info,maClan from you on how ~o sub- mit this request appropria~ely and wha~ documen~ation ma~er~al you might need. Thank you very much for your help. Sincerely, DLM:mjw 910 N. French Street Santa Ann, California 92701 ANNUAL ACTIVITY REPORT 1981 541-2732 Orange County Estimated persons needing help with alcohol problems Women 408~400 Men 40Q:,O00 14% of total under age 18 131,600 "the Villa" TOTAL ADMISSIONS TOTAL P~SIDENT DAYS INFORMAT£ON/P~FERRAL CALLS SERVICES OFFERED IN-}DUSE PROGRAM AA. meetings 12 & 12; BUg Book S=udy :%'~Al¢ohol EdUce=ion Recovery Planning Spiritual Arts, Crafts, Relaxation Resident Council Group Sessions One-to-One Recreation COMMUNITY PARTICIPATION & SOCIAL SERVICES 125 5039 7841 2914. 1071 721 695 3801 881 482 1189 948 1393 Social Services 142 Medical 348 Vocational & Training 438 Other 248 AL~ ,.VOLUNTEER HOURS 746 1311' 940,000 Orange County Alcoholic Women's Rehabilitation Center, Inc.- A California Non-P~'oflt Corporation Established 1963 ~ A United Way Member Agency