APRIL 12, 1954 AT 7:30 P. M., AT
COUNCILMEN PRESENT: Vincent L. Humeston, W. L. Tadlock,
Arthur O. Park, Frank E. Bacon, Jr.
CITY ATTORNEY: C. Arthur Nisson, Jr., was present.
City Clerk penington Was absent and C. Arthur Nisson, Jr.,
City Attorney, acted as temporary clerk at the request of
the Mayor.
Minutes of the meeting of March 22, 1954 were read and
approved as corrected.
Bacon seconded that the City Treasurer be
authorized to transfer $544.94 from the Traffic Safety
Fund to the Special Gas Tax Fund for the purpose of ad-
justing said funds. This to be done pursuant to letter
dated April 7, 1954 from the City Auditor, and also in
accordance with a letter from Robert C. Kirkwood dated
March 17, 1954. Motion Carried.
Correspondence was presented including a letter from
City of Yuba City read concerning location of Air Force
Academy at Beale Air Force Base. Matter was deferred
and ordered filed.
Letter received and filed from the Orange Chamber of
Commerce inviting the City of Tustin to participate
in the May Festival.
Letter from National Baseball Conference referred to
Recreational Director Bacon.
Estimates for the cost of heating facilities in the City
Hall were received and filed and the City Clerk was asked
to get two more bids, plans and suggestions concerning re-
vamping the heating system in the City Hall.
A letter from the Division of Highways concerning cancel-
lation of taxes was received, whereupon it was moved by
Park, seconded by Tadlock, that the second half of 1953-54
taxes and property taxes for all subsequent years on real
property deeded from Elanor to the State of California des-
cribed as: That portion of Block B of the S. Tustin Tract
as shown on map recorded in Book l, page 99, of Miscellan-
eous Maps in the office of the County Recorder of said
County, lying Southwesterly of the following described line:
Beginning at a point in the center line of D Street (80 feet
wide) distant thereon N. 0 12' 50" W., 302.69 feet from the
intersection of said center line with the center line of Co.
Road now Newport Ave. (60 feet wide) as said street and read
are shown on said map; thence S. 67 32' 34" E., 204.33 feet
to a point in said center line of Newport .Ave., distant there-
on N. 39 52' 58" E., 292-74 feet from said intersection.
All right, title and interest, in and to said D Street and
Newport Ave. abutting the above described parcel of land,
Which deed is dated October 13, 1953, be cancelled. Motion
Mayor Humeston reported on a conversation from Bill Nelson,
Superintendant of the Elementary School in Tustin, concern-
ing the fact of purchase of certain property from Mr. Chase
at 320 South "C" Street in Tustin. Mayor Humeston reported
that the Tustin Elementary School Board had requested a can-
cellation of the second half of property taxes in the sum of
$4.50, that being a cancellation from April 1, 1954 through
June 30, 1954. After discussion Park moved, Tadlock seconded,
and it was duly carried that $450 be cancelled from the second
half of the 1953-54 property taxes and that all future property
taxation be waived on that certain property purchased by the
Tustin Elementary School District from Mr. B. Chase at 320 South
"C" Street in Tustin, more particularly described as follows:
Lot 12, Block 15, Tustin City Tract.
It was moved by Tadlock, seconded by Bacon, that Mr. Bud
Hanaford be employed as Deputy Assessor for the year 1954-55
at the rate of $2.00 per hour. Motion was carried.
Sanitation District Bond Election proposal was discussed.
Park moved, Bacon seconded, and it was duly carried that City
Engineer McBride be authorized to employ county road crew men
on off-days and be authorized to sign for equipment and material
needed to repair city streets.
The matter of the need for increased police salaries was dis-
cussed and deferred until Commissioner Kidd could be present
at the next meeting.
Park moved, Tadlock seconded, and it was duly carried, that
bills be paid. The following bills were ordered paid:
Hanson & Peterson $ 85.00
Orange Co. League of Cities 3.50
Seaside Oil Co. 122.89
Carson & Golding 68.66
Duane W. Wheeler and Co. 308.31
Graves & Howley 17.47
James A. Muslck, Sheriff 6.60
County of Orange 1.00
Tustin Fire Department 165.50
Calif. State Firemen's Asso 34.50
Walt's Garage 258.12
F. Morton Pitt Co. 10.04
Tustin Hardware Co. 10.85
J. L. McBride 40.20
First National Bank of Tustin 74.79
Director Internal Revenue 249.10
State Dept. of Employment 180.30
Dudley C. Kiser 30.00
Bacon moved, Tadlock seconded that the meeting be adjourned
to April 20, 1954, at the hour of 7:30 o'clock P.M., where-
upon said meeting was adjourned to said day, time and place.
Vincent L. Humeston
Samuel C. Penington
City Clerk