HomeMy WebLinkAboutOB 1 REVENUE SHARING 10-04-82BATE: TO: FROH: S UBJ ECT: September 29, 1982 OLD BUSINESS NO. 1 10-4-82 Bill Huston, Cit. y Ma.~ Ron Nault, Finance Dir~k Revenue Sharing Request from "The Villa." Orange County Alcoholic Women's Rehabilitation Center, Inc. RECOMMENDATION Approve the $2,500 contribution to "The Villa" from General Revenue Sharing Funds, as originally recon~ended by the Chief of Police. DISCUSSION My primary concern with this request was the December 1981 financial report which indicated that "The Villa" is doing quite well with $194,723 in assets, both fixed and current, and fund balances of $121,539. I was concerned that in effect the City would be contributing to the fund balance. Captain Wakefield aptly pointed out that while the balance sheet looks good the proposed budget for calendar year 1982 has a balancing factor made up from fund raisers, cities, other contributions, etc. I agree with this point and can concur with the original staff recommendation. In the future, if we continue to allocate revenue sharing funds to community groups, we may need to take a harder look at the comparative financial position of the re- questing groups to determine what the need factors are. DATE: September 14, 1982 OLD BUSINESS nter - C om TO: FROM: SUBJECT: Bill Huston, City Manager C. R. Thayer, Chief of Police "The Villa" Orange County Alcoholic Women's Rehabilitation Center, Incorporated In late August of this year, I had Officer Tom Heritage look into "The Villa" which is located on French Street in Santa Aha. Officer Heritage reported that the facility is very clean and that any participant in the program must have been without alcohol for eight to ten hours prior to registration. They have to assume responsibility for the cleanliness of their rooms and personal belongings and participate in certain household duties. The normal length of stay at the facility is thirty days, but under certain circumstances, this time may be extended to a maximum of ninety days. There are a variety of programs and activites for the residents which include one-to-one and group discussions, recovery planning, alcohol education, self-discovery, vocational training and other rehabilitation efforts. Although "The Villa" is not affiliated with Alcoholics Anonymous, residents are required to attend a minimum of four AA meetings per week. Thus far this year, "The Villa" has assisted four Tustin women and treated them for a total of 157 days, approximately 39 days per person. "The Villa" has requested $5,000 in revenue sharing money. To this date, although they are a long established rehabilitation center with an outstanding track record, their assistance to the City of Tustin has strictly been on a self-generated basis by Tustin residents who have not been referred to that location by the City or the Police Department. I would recommend that the City assist "The Villa," however the allotment be $2,500 for this fiscal year. During this year, we can assess the needs of the City towards this program and reevaluate the benefit of the program to the City in the 83/84 fiscal year. CHIEF OF POLICE CRT:dh glO N. French Street · Santa Aha, California 92701 541-2732 August 17, 1982 Members of the City Council City of Tustin 300 Centenial Way Tustin, CA. 92680 Dear City Council Members, The Villa would like to ask the City of Tustin to recons~ider our request for $5000. toward assistance with our 1982-83 operating expenses. This matter came before you at your August 2 meeting. At that time Mayor ProTem Ursula Kennedy stated that she considered ua a very worthy program. However, she felt she would like additional information regarding our involvement with Tustin residents. As the only alcohol recovery home in Orange County that serves women 18 and up without regard to race, color, creed or economic circumstances, naturally a consistent number of Tustin women have used our services. Specifically, ofthe 125 women receiving residential services in 1981, five were from Tustin. In the period January 1,1982 through July 31,1982, four of our 75 residential clients have been from Tustin and have received a total of 135 days of residential units of service, or an average of 34 days each. In relation to our current costs of $42 per day this represents $5,670 in direct services to Tustin residents so f~.r this year. In addition, we responded to more than 8200 Information and Referral calls during the fiscal year ending July 31,1982. Approximately 400 of these were calls from the families of Tustin. The Orange County Council on Alcoholi~estimates 940,000 people in Orange County have alcohol problems, of which 40B,400 are women. As you know, alcoholism is a disease which is no respector of a person's career, economic or personal status. It is a disease which seriously afflicts not only its direct victims, but the family members around them. This is particularly true for women. (1) Orange County Alcoholic Women's Rehabilitation Center, Inc. - A California Non-Profit Corporation Established 1963 j~ A United Way Member Agency August 17,1982 Tustin City Council page 2 Along with the growing economic pressures we are all experiencing, the demand for our services im increasing. In our earlier request, we outlined a description of our program and services. Included with this letter is a copy of our~'82-'83 Budget and our latest Audit. Thank you for the fairness and interest with which you heard the various requests presented at your August 2 meeting. We know that with this additional information you will certainly want to fund our important service to your community. If there is any other documentation information you may need, please let us know. Thank you. Sincerely, Doris LaMagna Adminis tra tot DLM/ssh Bud§et 1982-83', ReVenUM Clien= Fees ~eneral Relief F~od'Stamps OCAP Contract Ce~a Donations United Way Other: Fund rai~ing', Assoc. ORE., Meetings,.Companies & Corps., Cities 6500 22000 5000 65305 7800 4000 37500 .47000 Total Revenue 195105 the Villa "-----... o~ ~ ~,'~"-' FRENCH. ~T. SAi','JYA ANA, CALIF. 927.01. Tn~ . L~la Budga~ 1982-83 Expenses Salaries & Employee Benefits Salary &~Wag~s B~nefftS ' Total Salaries & Benefits 112300 15640 127940 S.~v_ice &, S_ujEplie~ Dues, Subscriptions~ Lic. Food Transpor~a~ion Office Expense Medical Supplies Telephone Util'iuz~s Ingeresc (Mortgage) Property Taxes Household Supplies Prin~ing Program Supplies Travel/Training Facility, Operation Insurance Total Services & Supplies. Con~ul=an=s/Subcon=ra¢=s Total Operating Expenses 1750 20000 3500 2000 1500 3000 5000 11000 15 5000 2000 2000 2200 2800 4~00 900 195105 OHANGE CODITI~ ALCOHoLIc ~OD~N'S ~EHABLLITATION C~T~, I~C. FINANCIAL December 31, 1981 CONT]~4TS MARY E. FOLMAR CERTIFIED I~UBLIC ACCOUNTANT 17612 ~EACH 8OULEVARO, SUITE 20 HU#TI#GTO# BEACH, CALIFORNIA, TEt. EPHONE (714) February 18, 1982 Board of Directors Orange Count7 Alcoholic Vomen's P. ebabllttacton Cancer, Inc. Santa Aha, C~l~for~u~a 1' have e~,{-,,d ;::he b=~=--.e sheet of OranSe Coun:y Alcoholic Wommnrs ZahabtlitaCton CanCer. Inc. as of December 31, 1981, and :he re/aCed sCaCe~enC of income, ~p. enses, an~ cbc-Sas in fun~ balances ~7 exam/natlon was ma~e in accordance w~=h sener-lly accepted andltin8 standards ~.a accord/n$1y included such :ests of the accounting records and such ocher audit/~:$ procedures as I considered necessary in :he c.:Lr c~',mm'Cances. In my og~n~[on, :he afor~menC±oned f~[---c4=] scacamencs pruenC f~rl7 c~ f~ci~ 9osi=~n of Orate Co--C7 ~co~c Women's ~eh-ht~CaCion Center, Inc. a= Dec--her 31, 1981, ~d the r~=s of ~s ~a~to~ for ~he y~ ~h~ ~, in ~o~ty ~t:h ~ly accepted acco~=tng precipice app~ on a b~ co.ts:an: ~h of =he prmc~ -1- 0P. ANG~ COTBT~ ~LCOROLI¢ WOM~N'$ REMA~ILI~A.TION DBA ?HE VILLA Decem~e~ 31, 1981 A~SETS Cash in banks am~ on ~='"d ~ark~=ahla sacurl=ies ~No~a 5) Eu~. P~lamc 814 $ 0 83 400 1 527 297 1 527 FIXED ~$ETS(Noces 3 amd 4) Furniture ~'-d fix:utes Laasehold ,,~mprovemancs Building T.A,d LaSS ac-,~u.l.acad depracta::Lon Toca.l. ~t~rad assacs 125 24 377 2 689 1/2 078 67 764 (1 582) (29 123) 1 232 185 096 D~osits Total assets Total $ 771 $ 4 585 83 2 927 771 7 595 800 0 0 7 329 $186 623 $ 771 r43 932 1 075 C~P~ENT LIABILITIES Payroll taxes Sales csx payable Accoun:s payable Mortgage payalbe-curr en~ portion (Notes 3 and 4) Contrac: payable-cur~an~ portion (No=es 3 and 4) Total currenC liabilities LONG-TERM LLA~ILITI~S Mot=gage payable C~otes 3 an~ 4) Contract payable (Notes 3 ad 4) Less c~en: porcio~ ToC~ long-C~ ~abl~cles Total ~abi~Cles 2 696 1 183 64 906 4 273 (1 075) 68 104 69 179 117 444 Fu~ BALANCY~M OO5 Tot~ ~abi~ties a~ f~d b~ces $ 0 771 0 005 324 329 $186 623 $ 771 24 502 2 689 122 078 67 764 (30 705) 186 328 800 $194 723 $ 2 696 1 183 143 932 5 080 $ 64 906 '4 273 <l 075) 68 104 73 184 121 539 $194 723 See accountant's let:er ud notes Co financial statements. -2- ORANG~. ~OUNTY AL~OBOLIC WOM~/'$ R~AaI~.T.TATION C]~]T]~R, DBA T~IE VI~3~ For =he 7ear ende~ Dec~mber 31, 1981 tNCO~ Suppor=, revenue, grants ($¢tmdule A) Opera:inS ~. enses (Schedule B) Deprec~a~:lon -~,pense (Note 3) INCOME (LOSS) FUND ~AT~NCT_~ - Janua=3 1, 1981 Mort~aSe paTmenCs ¢on=rac: 9a~n=s R~-d~ng cos:s Bu.:on project cosls FUI~D BALAN~ - Dec"mher 31~ 1981 P lan: Im~rovemenZ .. General Fun~ Planz Fun~ (~nr~s:=ic:~i) Fun~ (R~s:rlc:~l) Total $ 151 ~9 $ 0 $ 39 751 $ 191 200 147 209 0 0 147 209 1 582 10 026 11 608 246 !0 333 10 579 149 037 20 359 0 169 396 $ 2 412 $(20 359) $ 39 751 $ 21 804- (3 222) 101 107 1 850 99 735 (7 676) ? 676 (388) 388 12 093 27 582 (39 675) (257) 257 362 1 050 (1 412) $ , 3 324 $117 4~ $ 771 $ 121 539 ~ee accoun=an:'s la:ter and no=es =o financial -3- STATemenT 0F ~N~ IN CASH ~O$ITION For the year eu~e~ De=smber 31, 1981 $O~C~ OF Depr e~a~ou Decre~e ~ pa~able ~e~e ~ prep~d ac~ LZSH, BEGIIINING CASH, EI~ING CASH $I~ARY Pe==7 aash, general fund Checking accoun=s, sener~ f~ Sa~n~ acco~, r~r~c=ed f~ To~ ~h (Unr es:rio=ad ) Fund $ l 412 1 582 $10 026 (1 113) 152 (103) (1 526) 32 640 4 134 36 696 7 064 77 836 20 359 814 56 987 600 414 77 836 650 0 164 0 814 $ 0 (Ras =tic=ad) $ 39 751 39 751 40 830 40 830 (1 079) 1 850 $ 771 To=al 42 163 11 608 (i ~) (t 629) 32 640 40 830 1/4 651 20 359 59 801 ·-600 490 40 83O 122 C80 2 571 2014 $ 4 585. $. 250 3' 564 771 $ 4 585 -~.e accoun=an:'s le=:er and no=es =o finan~al s=a=emen=s. -4- Contrib~ioas, doa~[io~ az~ Ci:7 of ~h~ Flor Fo~ac~n ~:7 of ~s~a H~a City of H~on ~a~ ~as ~Ioye~ Give Ouce Cl~ S~o~ Co~o~a~oa C~e ~r ~,~* ~so~aCion Na=io~ ~ ~n's ~er~ce Oo~o~ for ~i~: Sho~ (Note. 6) Total con:ribu:io~, do~cio~, Spe~ ev~:s (net of $~7 ~e~) g~=ed ~a7 Nor=h/Sou=h Or~se Or~ge ~~ner ~ Food SCOa ~ee~g ~esC do~cio~ T~f= Shop S~ (Note 6) Investment lnco~ Geuaral Fun~ $ 1/ 000 250. 500. 500 500 500 020 930 24 20~ 3O 1 225 23 677 6 500. 59 444 19 500 4 281 792 5 743 6 042 To:al suppor:, =evenue, and ~ran=s $ 151 449 $ 13 000 5 250 6 800 5 250 3 600 3 150 Z 625 39. 615 42 34 $ 39 751 To:al $ L3 000 17 250 6 800 5 250 3 60O 3 150 2 6/5 2 250 1 500 500 500 50O 5 020 1 930 63 875 72 ! 225 23 677 6 500 59 444 19 500. 4.281 792 5 743 6 042 49 $191 200 See accountan:'s let:er and notes =o fi.~-cial sta:e~ents. -5- 0RA~G~. COUNT~ AACOBDLIC WOF~l{'$ R~L~II~TA~ION C33rf~, DBA T~E VITma For the 7ear ended December 31, 1981 Salaries Insurance Pa~ro 11 taxes Legal and acco~=~ Off~ce supp~ ~ Telephone Pos=a~e Occupa~on~ ~hera~ pro~ ~old Food. Co~er~c~ ~ Au:o~bile Du~ a~ C~h ov~ ~ To=al opera=ins expenses ~eneral Fund (Unr~s=r±c:ed) m:o :m Shoo ': ol:al $ 7g 720 $ 4 213 $ 83 g33 5 383 5 383 2 939 75 3 014 6 923 · 371 7 294 8 560 135 8' 695 1 025 173. 1 198 1 929 48 1 977 707 707 236 236 2 683 394. 3 077 12 642 12 64l 3 403 38h 3 787 897 897 620 620 882 208 1 090 1 376 1 376 2 880 2 880 231 231 - 859 859 608 5 100 5 708 1 360 1 360 249 10 25 9 <~4) (14) $136 112 $11 097 $14.7 209 See ac¢oun=an='s let:er and notes :o financial s=a=emen=s. -6- NOT~ 1 - HISTO~ OF OPERATIONS The Villa was founded in 1963 m-aer the la~s of C~liforzu~a as a or~za~on for :~ :r~ of ~ s~f~ fr~ =he. d~e~e of, Co~oracion ~ a :~.~-~: o:?-~za:ion ~ Sec:ion 501(c)(3) of ln:e~-I ~v~ ~de ~ Sec:ion 23701(d) of :~ C~l:4fo~a ~v~ ~.a T~on NOT~ 2 - ~ DESIGNAXIONS The Cor~oratiou u~.%lizes =he fun~ method of accounn/n& an~ pr~:ly ~:~-- 1. ~ner~ ~ - ~se:s ~e av~lable for c~:~: ,m~:r~c:md ~e ~ c~- ~ on ~ay-:o~a~ Co~ora:e opera:io~. 2. P~: F~d - ~ of :~ Co~ora:e f~ ~se:s ~ r~a:ad ~r:~ are ~o~ed ln:o :~ PI~= F~, ~c~: for :he Villa T~f: Shop t--~e~ ~:ov~n:s ~ f=~es, w~ ~e ~ the ~er~ F,,-d. - NOT/ 3 - FI~D ASSETS Purchased f/xed assets are recorded a: cos: and douaged f/xed assets are recorded at fair .~ke: value at dace of douation. Fair m-_rke: value of the French Street land and bu/l~/n$ is estqm-:ed by m--~$emen= to be $250,000 a: December 31, 1981. Deprec/ation is com~u:ad by :he s:ra~ht-line me:hod over :he ~st~=:ed useful lives of the assets, fan.nS from three to fifteen years. NOTE ~ - ~O~GAGE AND CONT~a~T PAYABLE The mort~a&e pa~able to =he Firs: Federal Sa%-ln~s and Loan Associa:lon of Santa Monica ~ served by a deed of =~t on t~ 1~ ~d b~ld~g ~ted on French Street ~ S~=a ~., C~fo~a.' ~e ~nr~ly pa~n: ~ $809. The con:rat: payable :o =he Xerox Go.oration in ~he ~ of $A,273 a: Dec~ 31,. 1981, is sec~ed by a aop~n~ ~.h4.e acq~r~ a: a cos: of '$3.:247. T~ ~n:~y pa~n: is $78. Marketable secur±:les consist, of dona:ed stock recorded a: fair market value at date of donation. Fair market value a: December 31, 1981, is $283. NOT/ 6 - As part of its recover7 pro,ram and :o :-~e funds, The. Villa opened a Thrift Shop in 1981. At December 31, 1981, no profits had been realized from The Villa ThrLft Shop. -7-