HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC MINUTES 1954 01 11 MINUTES OF A MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, HELD ON MONDAY EVENING, JANUARY 11, 1954, AT 7:30 P. M., AT THE CITY HALL COUNCILMEN PRESENT: Humeston, Bacon, Kidd, Park and Tadlock. COUNCILMEN ABSENT: None CITY ATTORNEY: C. Arthur Nisson, Jr., was present and acted as clerk to the Council in the absence of Mr. Pen- ington. Minutes of the meeting of December 28, 1953, were read and approved. V.F.W. It was moved by Kidd, seconded by Tadlock to deny the DENIED request of the V. F. W. to rent the Council Chambers on RENTAL OF the basis that no rentals to private organizations should COUNCIL be allowed. Motion carried. CHAMBERS Discussion was held as to the advisability of two patrol- men on duty at night and the availability of marines from El Toro for night duty with the Police Department. Police Chief and Police Commissioner agreed to go to El Toro Marine Base and see the Commanding Officer regarding the City's request. RESERVES Question regarding guns for police reserves. Commissioner TO FURNISH Kidd recommended that reserves have their own guns and OWN GUNS not at the City's expense. Recommendation accepted. Question regarding purchase by City of one 870 R repeat- ing 12 gauge shotgun and two gunlocks. Referred to Com- missioner Kidd for report at the next meeting. It was moved by Kidd, seconded by Tadlock, that the Chief of Police be authorized to send two officers to the local F. B. I. School in March, 1954, the City to pay the costs of ammunition and targets. Motion carried. The question of Workmen's Compensation coverage for police reserves was deferred until the next meeting. It was moved by Parks, seconded by Tadlock, that the Cham- ber of Commerce Sign South of town be removed in accordance with the request by the State and that Penington order the Edison Company to disconnect it and that the Street Super- intendent then have it removed to the City Yard. Motion carried. Street Superintendent Johansen reported that the weeds had been sprayed. Mayor Humeston reported that Civil Defense Commander Wood- ill had Arm Bands and that a local siren test was to be held. Plans for a meeting are being formed. The Sanitation Sewer situation was discussed at length. City Engineer McBride was present after 8:30 P. M. McBride reported lowered grade of frontage road connecting "B" and "D" Street approved by State. Discussion was held concern- ing other minor modifications. Commissioner Park was authorized to have Dump Truck modi- fied to improve dumping facilities. BILLS It was moved by Tadlock, seconded by Park, that the bills t29 presented be paid. Motion carried. Dave L. Styring $24.00 Auto Club of Southern California 13.16 Seaside Oil Co 91.20 Orange County League of Cities 12.50 Orange County League of Cities 3.50 Tustin Lumber Co 1.14 Director Internal Revenue 305.40 Department of Employment 109.53 Tustin Fire Dept. 97.00 A. N. Train, M. D. 10.00 MiIler Iron Works 20.49 Elmer Johansen 17.24 McMahan Furniture Stores 91.24 James A. Musick, Sheriff 2.40 Gilbert & Stearns 261.72 Cabson & Golding 25.10 Walt's Garitge 88.19 Tustin Hardware Co 19 23 Utilities (Fire Hall and City Hall) 108.04 Dudley C. Kiser 14.00 TOTAL $1,318.26 Upon motion of Tadlock, duly seconded by Park, the meet- ing was adjourned. Vincent L. Humeston Mayor Samuel C. Penington City Clerk