HomeMy WebLinkAboutMINUTES 10-20-82Z. C_~T.T. TO OI~R III. Pti~i-'rc CON(~I~IS None · MI~A~S OF ~-N APJO~NNE~ ~G~Xa%H ~K~TING OF THE T~STIN CXT~ CO~NC/L COUNCIL CH~/~BERS 300 Centennial Way October 20, 19~2 The meeting was called to Councilpersons Present: Councilpersons Absent: Others Present: order by Mayor Edgar at 4:19 p.m. Edgar, Greinke, Hoesterey, Kennedy, Saltarelli None James G. ~urke, City ~ttorney William A. Huston, City Manager Mary E. Wynn, City Clerk Mike Brotemarkle, Comm. Dev. Director Roy Gonzales, Personnel Director Ronald Nault, Finance Director Bob Ledendecker, Director of Public Works Ro Kenneth Fleegle, Plan~ing Consultant Norwood Williams, Police!Captain Eva Solis, Deputy CityClerk Approximately 40 in the audience AT 14111 NENPO~ A~EN~E ~ PS~a~XC OFFIC~ Although Dr. Sosin was not able to stay for the length of the meeting, Mayor Edgar read the proclamation commending Dr. Sosin for the restoration of the property to a psychiatric office. V · PU~X~C C1TY OF T~Tll~ P~ICIPATIO~ ~ ~ ~ O; ;~ ~e Co~ity Dovelo~nt Director presented ~o staff and recomendation. A brief question-ana-answer ~riod fol- lowed. The Mayor opened the public hearing at 4:26 pi, m. The following person spoke in favor of the matter: Nick Ogden, 13841 Red Hill Avenue, TLC Center There being no other speakers on the matter, the public hearing was closed at 4:28 p.m. It was then moved by Kennedy, seonded by Hoesterey, to approve the amended Ninth Year. Program for Fiscal year 1983-84 as pro- posed by the Community Development Advisory Board and staff as follows: 1. Public Facilities Improvements - $150,000 2. Rehabilitation of Private Properties - $100,000 3. Senior Citizens Center (short-term project $50,000 The motion carried 5-0. for rent) 81 Councilman Frank Greinke was appointed by: Mayor Edgar as the Council liaison on this issue. The Mayor also suggested the possibility of using some of the School District Administration facilities for senior citizen activities. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 2, 10-20-82 OTHER BUSINESS 1 . FIu~WAY ~0DIFICATIOt~$ Councilman Saltarelli interjected that an open house will be held at St. Jeanne de Lestonnac School from 3:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. this date to receive citizen input and public testimony regarding freeway modifications proposed by CalTrans. The City Manager indicated a staff member would be attending subject meeting to monitor and report back on the matter. RECESS - It was moved by Greinke, seconded by Hoesterey, to recess at 4:30 p.m. The motion carried 5-0. The Council reconvened at 4:39 p.m. with all members present. ~A OI~ER VI. C~r-~DAR 6. R~IEST FOR RSSTRIu-I'~D PAP~U~G ~ "C' ~-k~x~r NORTHERLY 0W F~RST ST~T In accordance with requests from the public, this item was removed from the Consent Calendar and heard at this point on the agenda · The Director of Public Works presented an update to the staff report, indicating that an additional negative response was received, changing the total of those residents responding in favor of the parking restriction to 61.1% instead of 64.7%. The following persons spoke in favor of the parking restriction: Gordon E. Prickett, 175 North "C" Streeet Virginia F. Johannsen, 135 North "C" Street The following persons spoke in opposition to the parking restriction: Ann Law, 153 North "C" Street Shari Layne Willis, 183 North "C" Street John W. McCaw, 155 West First Street Council discussion followed. Residents provided further input on the matter. The Director of Public Works explained the method and schedule of street sweeping. It was then moved by Hoesterey, seconded by Kennedy, to authorize the installation of signing to restrict on-street parking during street sweeping hours, 6:00 a.m. to Noon on Wednesdays, along "C" Street between First Street and the northerly termin~ of "C" Street, and that warnings be issued in lieu of citations for the first 30 days after sign installation, as recou~uended by the Director of Public Works in his report dated October 8, 1982. Following further Council discussion, Councilman Greinke sug- gested continuance of the matter to allow an opportunity to meet with the neighborhood group, in the hopes of resolving the prob- lem in a spirit of cooperation. The motion by Hoesterey, seconded by Kennedy, Was withdrawn. It was moved by Hoesterey, seconded by Kennedy, to continue this item to the November 1, 1982, meeting, with Councilman Greinke to meet with area ~esidents before then. Carried 5-0. 75 RECO~FEN~D At 5:04 p.m., it was moved by Kennedy, seconded by Hoesterey, to recess to the Redevelopment Agency and thence to the 7:30 p.m. even- ing session. Carried 5-0. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 3, 10-20-82 MINUTES OF AN ~DJO~I~I~D I~jbAR ~ING OF THE T~STIN ~','x COUNCIL October 20, 19~2 T · C,~T.T. II. ~ C~,T.T. III. PUBLIC CUNCEIa~S None. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Edgar at 8:07 p.m. CouncilPersons Present: Councilpersons Absent: Others Present: Edgar, Greinke, Hoesterey, Kennedy, Saltarelli None James G. Rourke, City Attorney William A. Huston, City Manager Mary E. Wynn, City Clerk Mike Brotemarkle, Comm. Dev. Director Roy Gonzales, Personnel Director B~nald Nault, Finance Director Bob Ledendecker, Director of Public Works Norwood Williams, Police Captain Approximately 20 in the audience VI. CAT.I~'~A~ Mayor Edgar presented plaques to Dave Edgar, Terry Sorenson and Cherrill Webb for their coordination of the Tustin Tiller Days Parade and Street Fair. He also thanked the Police Department and the Marines for their help. Dave Edgar presented pen set plaques from the Jaycees to the Council for their support. Supervisor Stanton rode in the parade and Dave had a key chain from him for each Councilmember. The Jaycees also had a plaque for the Police Explorers. First Place for antique car went to Steve Ohlsen for the Fire Engine and special thanks to Hugh West, the Police Department, License & Permit Board, Sgt. Smith and City staff. He introduced the new officers of the Jaycees. 84 It was requested by Councilwoman Kennedy that Item 5 be removed from the Consent Calendar. Item 6 was removed at the afternoonlmeeting and continued to the next meeting. It was moved by Hoesterey, seconded by Kennedy, to approve the remainder of the Consent Calendar. Carried 5-0. 1. APPROVAL 0~ MI~=£~S - October 4, 1982 2. Pu%TIFICATIO~ 0~ PAYS0~-T- in the amount of $95,877.97. APP~q~ OF DEMANDS in the amount of $179,818.16. 5O HCk~ ~ ~OK PARKWAY ~ ~MOVAL (1332 OlwynDrive) Authorize that tree be removed by the City and replaced with one selected fro~ the approved tree list by Mrs. Simons as recommended by the Maintenance Superintendent. 86.1 4e CO~NT~ OF O~GE-LANDF~Z- GATE =~ Approve the requested rate increases as detailed in the report dated October 7, 1982, and authorize the City Attor- ney to amend the Solid Waste Collection Agreement to include these rate increases and 'to authorize the Finance Director to make a supplemental appropriation in the amount of $41,600 to the 1982-83 budget to cover the cost of these County gate fees as recommended by the City Engineer. lo2 D~ OF C~AII4OF J~NNIE 9X)ODH]~RD; ~ OF LOSS: 9-1-82; r,,.~n W~T~ C~T~: 9-8-82; CLAI~NO. 82-24 Deny claim of Jennie Woodward as recommended by the City Attorney. 40 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 4, 10-20-82 VII · VIII. IX. X. NE~ B~SII~SS CONSENT C~T.~IDA~ ~ 5 5. ~L)UEST FOE. ~STRI~.-r,~D PAP~,ING AT 1872, 1882, 1902, 1912, AND 1932 ~tl~TC~rrz- Councilwoman Kennedy asked if this restricted parking was near the Windsor Garden Apartments. Bob Ledendecker, City Engineer, responded that it was about 1,000 ft. easterly and would not impact the Windsor Garden Apartments. It was moved by Kennedy, seconded by Hoesterey, to authorize the installation of signing to restrict on-street parking during street sweeping hours, 6:00 AM to Noon on Mondays, on the southerly side of Mitchell Ave. between Heatherfield Dr. and the easterly lot line of 1932 Mitchell Avenue and that warnings be issued in lieu of citations for the first 30 days after the sign installation as recommended by the City Engineer. 75 OI~DII~N(~S FOE. IIF~O~JC~XO~ - None OEDINAN(~S FOR ADOP%~O~ - None ~ ~SINESS - None 1. WATER I~TE AND FZI~M/CXAL MIALYSIS WORKSHOP It was moved by Greinke, seconded by Hoesterey, to reschedule the workshop for the Water Rate and Financial Analysis Study to Tuesday, November 16, 1982. Carried 5-0. 107 2. STOP ~ w£uo~ -MAIN b-~£ AHO 'B" STREET The staff report was given by Bob Ledendecker, City Engineer, who recomended that a stop control not be installed on Main Street at "B"' Street since it does not meet the standard war- rants. Councilman Greinke expressed that according to his interpreta- tion of the warrant study, it does meet the requirements. Mr. Ledendecker suggested that he give a complete run down of the warrant procedure and the complete background on this inter- section at the next meeting. It was moved by Edgar, seconded by Greinke, to put in stop signs on Main Street at "B" Street. Councilman Hoesterey wanted to wait to make a decision until the construction in the area is completed, results received of Police enforcement of the new speed limits, and results of a new warrant study at that time. Captain Williams said that stop signs that do not meet warrants are dismissed when taken to court. Sometimes judges take a dim view on all stop signs in a City when some signs are put in that do not meet the warrants. Also people develop an attitude that they do not have to obey. A substitute motion was made by Hoesterey, seconded by Salta- relli, to wait to put in the stop signs on Main Street at "B" Street until construction is completed and another warrant study has been .done and then consider a signal or stop signs. Substi- tute motion failed 2-3, Kennedy, Edgar, and Greinke opposed. The original motion carried 3-2, Hoesterey and Saltarelli opposed. 94 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 5, 10-20-82 XI. 1. R~DEVELOPMEI~T AGENCY ANNUAL ~EPOI~T FOR FISCAL YEAR 1981-82 It was moved by Kennedy, seconded by Hoestere¥, to acknowledge receipt of the Agency's 1981-~2 Annual Report and schedule it for approval on November 15, 1982. Carried 5-0. 31 2. STATUS OF WINDSOR GArDeNS C0~DO~IINI~M ~v~I~ Council concurred to receive and file the report dated October 20, 1982, prepared by the Community Development Direc- tor. 43 B~INESS ~-~ P~0~%%~ STATISTICS Council concurred to receive and file the report dated October 20, 1982, prepared by the Community Development Depart- ment and to agendize same for the November 1, 1982 meeting. 28 1~. P~-TC HEARINGS 2. ~NGC0~ISSION ORD~I~qNCE O~INANCE NO. 874 - An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Tustin, California, AMENDING THE TUSTIN CITY CODE RELATIVE TO THE ESTABLISHMENT, COMPOSITION, JURISDICTION, DUTIES AND TERMS OF OFFICE OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN The public hearing was opened by Mayor Edgar at 8:50 p.m. There being no comments or objections, the public hearing was closed. It was moved by Kennedy~ seconded by Edgar, that Ordinance No. 874 have first reading by title only. Carried 5-0. Following the reading of the title of Ordinance No. 874 by the City Clerk, it was moved by Kennedy, seconded by Edgar, that Ordinance No. 874 be introduced with deletion on Page 3, Line 5, of the words "or any member thereof." Carried 5-0. 81 ~ESO~UTI~ NO. 82-82 - A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Tustin, California, PRESCRIBING FILING FEES FOR APPEALS ON ACTIONS OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION It was moved by Greinke, seconded by Edgar, that Resolution No. 82-82 be passed and adopted with the addition of wording to the effect that if the appeal is successful, the fees will be refunded. Councilman Saltarelli was not in favor of refunding the appeal money. He said if you go to Court, you still have to pay the attorney. Councilman Hoesterey was not in favor of imposing a fee on neighbors who might object to some action which would have an effect on their property. Motion carried 3-2, Hoesterey and Saltarelli opposed. 81 3. APPEAL OW ~SE PEP~',_TT 82--22, .,~,~'TAGE i~0OSE - 151 N. TOSTIN The staff report was given by Mike Brotemarkle, Community Devel- opment Department, as contained in his written report dated October 20, 1982. The public hearing was opened at 9:03 p.m. Michael Jacobs, 151 Tustin Avenue, owner of property to the south of Heritage House who filed the Use Permit appeal, stated that he did not feel there was enough parking for the Heritage House and the proposed parking is in such an inconvenient place, the customers will not use it but will continue to tie up his parking places. The problem is during the lunch hour. His parking places are posted but people ignore it'. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 6, 10-20-82 BUSINESS Art Johnson, 151 Tustin Ave., owner of the Heritage House, said that this was the first time that anyone had brought up this problem to him. .He said that his business had gone from the liquor business to the wine tasting business. Over the years, the area has changed and there are large buildings that have gone in within walking distance of his business. Prior to this time he has had "take out" sandwiches. With the increase in people within walking distance, he feels the need for a restau- rant with seating for 45 people. He volunteered to post Mr. Jacobs' parking spaces in a more conspicuous manner. In order to have more time to look over the site, it was moved by Saltarelli, seconded by Edgar, to continue this item to the November 1, 1982, meeting. Carried 4-0, Greinke abstained as one of the parties is a customer of his. 1. P~0CLA~%TIONS FOR .,~ ~ CO~PS Councilman Greinke requested that the Marine Corps (Tustin and E1 Toro bases) be. given proclamations for their participation in so many ways with the Tustin Tiller Days Parade and Street Fair. Council concurred. 84 VI. ADJO~I~MENT It was moved by Hoesterey, seconded by Greinke, to adjourn at 9:29 p.m. to the next regular meeting on November l, 1982. Carried 5-0. MAYOR :f/