HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC MINUTES 1953 12 28 MINUTES OF A MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, HELD ON MONDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 28, 1953, AT 7:30 P. M., AT THE CITY HALL COUNCILMEN PRESENT: Vincent L. Humeston, Arthur O. Park, and W. L. Tadlock. COUNCILMEN ABSENT: Jerome C. Kidd and Frank E. Bacon, Jr. CITY ATTORNEY: C. Arthur Nisson, Jr., was present. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Humeston at 7:30 P. M. Minutes of the previous meeting of December 14th were read and approved. A Memo signed by David S. Ascher, M. D., was presented and read in regard to injuries received by Policeman Glenn V. Sissel while on duty on December 24th which stated that he should not resume work for from seven to ten days from the date. Mayor Humeston brought up the subject of the possible advisability of having two patrolmen on duty in the Police Car at night. The matter was discussed by the Council. A Memorandum signed by Police Chief Johansen was pre- sented requesting permission to purchase two Model 870 R Repeating 12 gauge Shotguns and Gun Holder Locks for the Police Department also one S & W 38 Special Revolver to be used as required by the Police Reserves. Council decided to delay action until Police Commis- sioner Kidd is present. A letter from the U. S. Department of Justice was pre- sented in regard to a proposed training program begin- ning March 1, 1954, under direction of the F. B. I. for Orange County Peace Officers. Each department par- ticipating to furnish its own ammunition. Action in this matter was also delayed due to the absence of Po- lice Commissioner Kidd. Eugene H. Martin and Ambrosio Galban, representing the Veterans of Foreign Wars, were present and requested the use of the Council Chambers on the First and Third Thursday evenings of each month as a meeting place for the V. F. W., offering to pay the City up to $20 per month for the privilege. Council discussed the matter and proposed to think over the request and announce a decision at the next meeting. The proposed Sewer System was brought up and discussed at length by the Council. NEW POLICY Councilman Park inquired of City Attorney Nisson as to REGARDING the City's liability in regard to teen age boys being BOY RIDERS allowed to ride as guests in the Police Cars. Police IN POLICE Chief Johansen stated that he would inagurate a policy CARS of "No Boy Riders" in the future. The matter of Insurance Coverage for Reserve Police Of- ficers was discussed. City Attorney Nisscn was instructed to inquire into the matter, also as to the advisability of paying such Reserve Officers at the rate of One Dol- lar per year. City Engineer McBride was present and presented a "First Supplemental Memorandum of Agreement with the State Di- vision of Highways setting up $1572.00 for maintenance of City Streets to June 30, 1954. An additional unappro- priated amount of $500.00 is available for construction only. RESOLUTION Resolution No. 351 entitled "A ResoIution of the City NO. 351 Council of the City of Tustin Adopting Budget and Approv- ADOPTED ing First Supplemental Memorandum of Agreement for Expen- diture of Gas Tax Allocation for Major City Streets" was presented, read by title only and adopted upon motion of Councilman Park, seconded by CouncilmanTadlock and duly carried. Mr. McBride called attention to the need for notifying all hauling contractors concerned with the construction of the SantaAna Freeway Extension that no heavy hauling will be permitted on any Tustin City Street excepting First Street, Main Street and Prospect Avenue. Street Superintendent Johansen agreed to contact Graves & Howley in regard to spraying weeds on Prospect Avenue in the near future. BLLS The following bills were presented, approved and or- dored paid upon motion of Councilman Tadlock, seconded by Councilman Park and duly carried. Seaside Oil Company $91.20 Munselle Supply Co. 8.49 League of California Cities 99.00 Harold Veeh 4.00 John C. Helton, M. D. 10.00 J. L. McBride 112.50 J. L. McBride 67.00 Petty Cash Fund 25.37 TOTAL $408.56 Councilman Park moved to adjourn. Councilman Tadlock seconded the motion. Motion carried· Meeting Adjourned. Vincent L. Humeston Mayor Samuel C. Penington City Clerk